Sri Caitanya Bhagavata - Sastra Reading
Creado por juancas del 29 de Mayo del 2012

Sastra Reading
Sri Caitanya Bhagavata
"First I offer dandavat obeisances to the dear devotees of Lord Chaitanya.
I offer respectful obeisances to my worshipable Deity, Lord Nityananda Raya, by whose mercy the glory of Lord Chaitanya is manifest in this world.
With a thousand mouths I offer respectful obeisances to Lord Balarama, whose thousand mouths are the home of Lord Krishna's glories."
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata by Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura (Chapter 1 texts 6-11-12)--
"By His glance the Supreme Personality of Godhead enables the modes of material nature to act as the causes of universal creation, maintenance, and destruction. The Supreme Soul is unlimited and beginningless, and although He is one, he has manifested Himself in many forms. How can human society understand the ways of the Supreme?
"The manifestation of subtle and gross matter exists within the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Out of causeless mercy toward His devotees, He exhibits various forms, which are all transcendental. The Supreme Lord is most liberal, and He possesses all mystiC powers. To conquer the minds of His devotees and give pleasure to their hearts, He appears in different incarnations and manifests many pastimes.
"Even if He be distressed or degraded, any person who chants the holy name of the Lord, having heard it from a bona-fide spiritual master, is immediately purified. Even if he chants the Lord's name jokingly or by chance, he and anyone who hears him are freed from all sins. Therefore how can anyone seeking disentanglement from the material clutches avoid chanting the name of Lord Sesha? Of whom else should one take shelter?
"Because the Lord is unlimited, no one can estimate His power. This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees, and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?
"There is no end to the great and glorious qualities of that powerful Lord Anantadeva. Indeed, His prowess is unlimited. Though He is self-sufficient, He Himself is the support of everything. He resides beneath the lower planetary systems and easily sustains the entire universe.
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (1.53-58)—
— con Sattie Persaud.
"Glory to the Supreme Lord who is all-powerful and pure, who is splendid like gold, whose eyes are blossoming lotus flowers, whose arms reach to His knees, and who, flooded by the nectar of devotional service, dances in many ways.
Glory, glory to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna Chaitanyacandra! Glory, glory to His eternal pure fame! Glory, glory to the servant of Him, the master of the worlds! Glory, glory to the dancing of His dear devotees!"
--SCB (1.4-5)--
— con Ohene Djan.
"I offer my respectful obeisances to the two fathers of the sankirtana movement, whose long arms reach to Their knees, who are splendid like gold, whose large eyes are lotus flowers, who are the maintainers of the worlds, the best of the brahmanas, and the protectors of the yuga-dharma (the religion of the age), who bring happiness to the people of the world, and who have come to this place because They are very merciful."
--SCB (1.1.)--
— con Ohene Djan y Amina Rawlings.
"As a great jewel is kept in a favorite place, so the jewel of Lord Krishna's glories is kept in the jewelry case of Lord Ananta's mouth.
A person that offers prayers to Lord Balarama will find the glories of Lord Chaitanya appear in his mouth.
Lord Balarama is thousand-headed Lord Ananta. There may be many masters in this world, but He is independent of all of them.
In His form of Nityananda He enjoys pastimes with Lord Chaitanya eternally. No one is more dear to Lord Chaitanya.
Lord Chaitanya becomes a friend and a help to one who hears or sings Lord Nityananda's glories.
--SCB (1.13-15-18)--
— con Ohene Djan.
"In all His incarnations the Supreme Lord manifests in two forms: one as master and the other as servant.
As a servant the Lord appears as His own friend, brother, bed, fan, invitation, house, parasol, garments, ornaments, and sitting place.
Manifesting Himself in all these forms, the Lord serves Himself. One who has received the Lord's mercy can understand all this."
This is described in the following words (of Shri Ananta-samhita):
"O Lord, to serve You Ananta assumes many shapes to become Your residence, bed, throne, sandals, garments, pillow, umbrella, parasol, and many other objects. In this way the people know Him as Your `sesha' (paraphernalia)."
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (43-46)--
— con Ohene Djan y Lav Kush Tiwari.
"Powerful Garuda, who delights in carrying Lord Krishna in His pastimes, is an amsa incarnation of Lord Ananta."
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (47)--
Anyone who desires to cross to the farther shore of the ocean of birth and death, and then dive into the ocean of devotional service, should worship Lord Nityananda Candra.
Before the feet of the Vaishnavas I place my heart's desire: May I worship Lord Balarama birth after birth.
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (1.77-78)--
Lord Sesha's tongue is the resting place of Lord Chaitanya's glories. It is only by Lord Sesha's mercy that Lord Chaitanya's pastimes are revealed to us.
The heart is purified by hearing Lord Chaitanya's pastimes, which are revealed to us only by the devotees' mercy. Please know this for certain.
As far as He is able, Lord Nityananda describes the glories of Lord Chaitanya. The great bliss that Lord Nityananda finds there has no end.
Lord Nityananda's feet are the kings worshiped by Lord Ananta Sesha. O Lord Chaitanya, please give to me the gift of service to Lord Nityananda's feet.
The two moons Shri Krishna Chaitanya and Shri Nityananda are my life and soul. I, Vrindavana dasa, sing the glories of Their feet.
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (chapter one)--
"Glory, glory to Lord Gaurasundara Mahaprabhu! Glory to the great Supreme Personality of Godhead, the son of Jagannatrha Misra!
Glory to He who is the life and soul of Nityananda and Gadadhara! Glory, glory to He who is the shelter of Advaita and the devotees!
Glory, glory to Lord Gauranga and His personal associates! He attains devotional service who hears these topics of Lord Chaitanya.
Again I bow down before the feet of the Lord and His devotees. In this way I hope that Lord Chaitanya's descent to this world may appear on my tongue.
Glory, glory to Lord Gaurachandra, who is an ocean of mercy! Glory, glory to Lord Nityananda, who is devotional service personified!"
--Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (2.1-5)
When in ancient times he was born from the Lord's lotus navel, Brahma did not have the power to see anything.
However, when Brahma completely surrendered to Him, the Supreme Lord mercifully appeared before him.
Only by Lord Krishna's mercy was Brahma able to understand the Supreme Lord, the origin of all incarnations.
Lord Krishnacandra's descent to this material world is very difficult to understand. Without first attaining the Lord's mercy, who has the power to understand it?
Lord Krishna's descent to the material world and His pastimes are inconceivable and unapproachable.
Who has the power to know the reason why Lord Krishnacandra descends to this world?
Still, the reason for the Lord's descent is given in Bhagavad-gita 4.7-8
"Whenever and wherever these is a decline in religious practice, O descendent of Bharata, and a predominant rise in irreligion-at that time I descend Myself.*
"In order to deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium."*
When religious practice declines, then, day by day, irreligion becomes stronger and stronger.
When this occurs, Brahma and the demigods approach the Supreme Lord and pray that the devotees be protected and the demons vanquished.
At that time, in order to firmly establish the yuga-dharma (religion of the age), the Supreme Lord, accompanied by His expansions and associates, descends to the earth.
--Caitanya Bhagavata (2.9-21)--
At the time where Lord Chaitanya appeared in Navadvipa all the scholars there were arrogant. Even boys would aggressively debate their learned elders.
People from different provinces would come to Navadvipa. There they would develop a taste for learning.
Favored by Goddess Lakshmi's glance, everyone was happy. Still, interested only in the taste of material things, they wasted their lives.
No one was interested in devotional service to Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. From the beginning of Kali-yuga, this disinterest had grown more and more.
Even the Bhattacaryas, Cakravartis, and Misras did not know the true meaning of the scriptures.
Although they taught the scriptures, they were materialistic. Yama's noose already rested around the necks of both them and their students.
No one would discuss Krishna-kirtana, which is the true yuga-dharma (religion of the age).
If they could not mock the faults of others, no one was interested to speak. No one wanted to praise others.
The holy names of Lord Hari could not be found in the mouths of persons proud to be renounced and asutere.
The most deeply pious persons would perhaps say the name "Govinda" or "Pundarikaksha" as they bathed.
Descriptions of devotional service did not appear on tongues explaining Bhagavad-gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam.
Seeing the whole world bewildered by Lord Vishnu's maya potency, the devotees felt a suffering that had no end.
They said, "How will these souls be delivered? They are all trapped in the spell of Maya's happiness.
"They do not chant the holy name of Lord Krishna. Their discussion of material knowledge never ends."
The true devotees of the Lord performed their devotional duties. They worshiped Lord Krishna, bathed in the Ganga, and discussed topics of Lord Krishna.
The devotees would meet and bless everyone in the world. They would pray, "O Lord Krishnacandra, please quickly give Your mercy to everyone."
The religion of Kali-yuga is Hari-sankirtana (chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna). To firmly establish this religion, the Lord descended as the son of Saci.
"In this age of Kali, those who are intelligent perform the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears in this age always describing the glories of Krishna. That incarnation is yellowish in hue and is always associated with His plenary expansions (such as Shri Nityananda Prabhu), and personal expansions (such as Gadadhara), as well as devotees and associates (such as Svarupa Damodara)." Texts 22-77
--Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata (excerpt from Adi-khanda 2nd chapter)--
— con Sreepad Biswas y Sukhendra Bahadur.
The leader of the Navadvipa Vaishnavas was named Advaita Acarya. He was the most glorious person in the world.
Offering Tulasi-manjaris and Ganga water, again and again He happily worshiped Lord Krishna.
Pushed by love for Lord Krishna, He would loudly chant Lord Krishna's names. The names He called broke through the boundaries of the material world and entered the world of Vaikuntha.
Advaita was the first of the Vaishnavas. He was the most glorious follower of bhakti-yoga in the entire world.
In this way Advaita stayed in Navadvipa. Seeing that the people had no devotion to the Lord, He became very unhappy.
Everyone was mad after the taste of material happiness. No one was eager to worship and serve Lord Krishna.
The demigods are not pleased by worship not directed to Lord Krishna. Seeing that the people would not worship Lord Krishna, Advaita became very unhappy at heart.
Advaita was naturally very merciful at heart. In His heart He tried to plan how to deliver the people.
He thought, "If My Lord descends to this world, then everyone will be delivered.
Again and again thinking in this way, with great determination He served Lord Krishna's feet.
Later on when the Lord appeared, again and again Lord Chaitanya declared, "It is because of Advaita that Chaitanya descended to this world."
--Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata (Adi Khanda, Second Chapter 78-95)--
Walking here and there in the town of Navadvipa, the devotees never heard any talk of devotional service.
Seeing that the whole world was interested only in material things, they became very unhappy. No longer did they like to place food in their mouths.
The devotees wished to leave their bodies. Calling out "Krishna!", they sighed and wept.
At night the four brothers (Srivasa, Srirama, Sripati, and Srinidhi, would meet in Srivasa's house and loudly sing Lord Hari's holy names.
Hearing this, the impious neighbors would declare, "That mad brahmana will ruin our village.
"When he hears this chanting, the ferocious Muslim king will become wildly angry at the people of Nadiya."
Someone said, "This brahmana should be driven out of our village. We should tear his house into pieces and send the pieces floating down the river.
"If this brahmana is chased away, then our village will be peaceful and prosperous. If he is not chased away, Muslim soldiers will occupy our village."
Hearing these words of the impious people, the devotees prayed to Lord Krishna and wept.
Hearing these words, Advaita burned with anger. Wearing only the four directions for garments, He said to the Vaishnavas:
"Srinivasa, Gangadasa, Suklambara, please hear Me. I will force Lord Krishna to appear before everyone's eyes.
Krishna will come here and deliver everyone. He will accept you all as His associates. He will teach the people Krishna-bhakti (devotional service).
If I fail to bring Him, I will manifest a four-armed form. In my hand I will hold a cakra.
In this way I will prove that Lord Krishna is My master, and I am His servant."
Again and again Advaita spoke in this way. Fixed in His decision, He began to worship Lord Krishna's feet.
Weeping, and their determination fixed, all the devotees also worshiped Lord Krishna's lotus feet.
--Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata (Adi-khanda second chapter 112-126)--


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