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- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
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- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: HOW DO WE SPEND OUR TIME?
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Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site sdgonline.org:
| | 4:45 A.M. Poem for January 9
“Southeast of there is Nrsimha-puri. When will I see the pure transcendental sweetness of this place, also called Devapalli? I will roll about on the ground in ecstatic love |
One of Krsna’s new cows, Gomata Anjali Soma, whom you may have read about in a recent article on the New Vrindaban website, gave birth to her first calf early Sunday morning, Jan. 8, 2012. Little Gandharvika is the first calf born in New Vrindaban in 2012. The last calf that was born in New Vrindaban was in 2009. Both mata and calf are doing well and are resting at the Goshalla across from the temple.
Sri Sri Radha Vrindabanchandra will very soon be enjoying some wonderful milk sweets as a result of this new event. Srila Prabhupada has called milk “liquid religion”, so the birth of a new calf in Krsna’s own herd of cows is a particularly auspicious birth.
As their photos were being taken, Anjali Soma Mata was looking around protectively, just like the good mother that she has become. But she seemed to also be very trusting as she knows that both she and her baby will have some pleasant days ahead under the protection of Lord Krsna Himself. Krsna is known as the best cowherd boy in Vrindaban, and Vrindabanchandra is that same cowherd boy.
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site sdgonline.org:
| | From My Autobiography The autobiography is a work-in-progress. I have written of my pre-Krishna conscious memories and my career in ISKCON, and I will continue to do so. Now I am writing on the books I have written over the thirty-five years.… Continue reading â |

oḿ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idaḿ pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate (Sri Īśopaniṣad, Invocation)
"The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance." Here is His perfect and complete darsana: Sri Gaurangadeva, the Personality of Godhead.
The Bhagavad-gita (16.8) describes that the ungodly consider the material to be everything and the immaterial (or non-material) to be non-existent. The next verse (16.9) outlines the consequences of such an imbalanced and short-sighted worldview: it impels them to a live-for-the-moment materialistic lifestyle that not only keeps them spiritually bankrupt but also removes all safety valves from their materialism. Soon this materialism assumes unwholesome, unhealthy proportions that not only misfires to harm the very earth that is its indispensable arena, but also backfires to hurt those very materialists who triggered it. Thus the Gita indirectly foresees specters like climate change and weapons of mass destruction that are haunting our world, foreboding global decimation if not annihilation. The message from the Gita’s sixteenth chapter is that even if we consider our material lives to be of primary importance, the immaterial (the non-material or spiritual realm) is not immaterial (unimportant). Only when we give our spiritual side its due time, thought and tribute will we have the inner defense mechanism to protect ourselves from our madcap material side. Of course, spiritual nourishment offers much more than this fringe benefit; it offers a lasting inner peace that shelters us from the materialistic mania of this world and ultimately catapults us back to the eternal abode that is forever free from all material desires and fears.
Sent By His Grace Ramkinkara Dasa Yesterday, Monday evening 10 January 2012, His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja addressed over 200 Kwa Zulu Natal ISKCON Youth-Students at the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding in Durban, South Africa! An exciting interactive class between Guru Maharaja and the youth took place. Guru Maharaja also requested [...]
Sent By Nitin Bala (Nectar drops from your Gurudeva !) & His Grace Rajashekar Dasa Question by a Devotee: When we talk of love, we need a person who we can see, touch, talk and get responses but we cannot see Krishna, cannot touch Him or get any reciprocation, so how to love Krishna? HH [...]
1969 January 9: "I am very much anxious for getting my books published. But I do not know how I will get them published. I do not mind for the profit concerned. But I want to see them published."
1970 January 9: "Simply we have to see that in our books there is no spelling or grammatical mistake. We do not mind for any good style, our style is Hare Krishna, and such literatures are welcomed, read and respected by bona fide devotees."
1973 January 9: "These boys and girls have understood what is austerity and what is the difference between matter and spirit. Though they may be dressed in rags, still they are more exalted than kings."
1973 January 9 : "That is the secret of my success, those who are helping me are sincere, they have done the work. A little sincerity is very difficult thing in this age of hypocrisy and bluff."
1974 January 9: "If you take the royalty it will be personal interest in money and trade, and this will deviate your principle of sannyasa. Sannyasi lives by begging alms for the bare necessities of life."
1975 January 9: "Everyone should adore our members as honest. These dishonest methods must be stopped. It is hampering our reputation all over the world."
1975 January 9: "Money collected for feeding people in India should be collected under ISKCON Food Relief. Not any other name. Every farthing collected for that purpose must be used for that purpose."
1975 January 9: "Everyone must be full-time engaged and the best engagement is to sell books. All should attend classes 2 or 3 times daily, chant 16 rounds, and go out for street sankirtana."
Are you acting on the important, and not only reacting to the urgent?
Are you going for the extraordinary, or you settle for the ordinary?
Are you scheduling "big rocks" (activities that bring extraordinary results, activities that are important but not urgent), instead of sorting gravel (activities that are unimportant or a waste of time)?
Are you sacrificing great for the sake of "good"?
Are you using your gadgets to your best advantage or they are spending you?
Are you fueling your fire or burning out?

VICARU DAS BHAKTIVEDANTA MANOR UK Lord Brahma is coming at this point to meet the Lord in Dwarka and after the gatekeeper bring back the message from Krishna as Krsna had enquired that please ask brahmaji which brahma is he? Brahma explained to the gatekeeper that tell Krsna that I am the chatur mukh brahma, the father of the four kumaras, ‘chatur sanah,.sanat, sanandan sanatkumar’ When Krsna got the message and letting brahma in this Brahma the creator of shrishti, goes inside and he asked krishna: “one thing I cannot understand that for time being for whatever reason I came here and leave that aside; now there is a doubt in my mind that as soon as I arrived at the gate you asked that which brahma am I?” Krishna answered “Oh, yes brahmaji there are many many more Brahma’s not only you?” Brahma bewilder said “I thought only I am one brahma that’s it is there any more than me?”. Than Krishna begin to call all the brahmas from different universes and one by one millions of brahma’s arrived there. In one universe there is one Brahma so billions of universes billions of Brahmas the different is that there are Brahmas from other universes they have huge forms with so many heads, some have ten heads, some have hundred heads, some with thousand heads, [All this brahmas landed before Krishna and our four headed brahma]. And in comparison to all this huge Brahmas with so many heads our little Brahma looks like the size of a mosquito. Brahma was thinking that I am only one creator; instead so many Brahmas came down from their destination to bow down to Krishna and they ask Krishna “my Lord is there some reason you invited all of us here today?”; not only that but Krsna invited many more demigods as well there. 
Brahma said to Krishna “My Lord I am lost I have no idea I’ll never can measure your potencies and your opulence its beyond my understanding it is inconceivable and I am bewildered, totally bewildered please forgive me”. Than Krishna explained to Brahma “do not worry all these Brahma’s which you see there universe is much much bigger than yours this universe which is your in charge is only four billion miles diameter, and there universes is much much more bigger diameter than yours they are gigantic” Krsna said to Brahma “and all of them they are working under my direction so just to show you my opulence I invited them here”. Krsna continued not only this, this is nothing there are unlimited spiritual universes beyond this which is three times more than material creation where my different forms are residing in those spiritual universes. Imagine Krishna the son of Mother Yashoda he is the proprietor of unlimited material and spiritual creation. And now the [gjana] the knowledge of Krishna the most knowledgeable this is another great opulence; the Lord came in many incarnation many times, and all the time he left behind different teachings amongst us and they performed some lilas but Sri Krishna when he came he gave us the most prominent knowledge of Bhagavat Gita and Bhagavat Puran and explained about himself and his pure devotees in these books and how to achieve the ultimate destination. And this knowledge of Gita the saints and scholars they try to understand till there death and Krishna himself explains in the Gita that what is the essence of all knowledge and [bahunam janma nam ante gyanvan mam prapadyate vasudeva savam iti sa mahatma su durlabha after many many births some rare mahatma understands that only vasudevam is the saar the conclusion of all knowledge.than [sarvasya caham hrdi sannvistho mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo =vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham] I am seated in everyone’s heart and from me come remembrance, knowledge, and forgetfulness. By all the vedas, I am to be known indeed, I am the compiler of vedanta, and I am the knower of the vedas. And in the beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam Krishna said [tena brahma hridae adi kavwe ]that I imparted this knowledge to brahma through my [murli] the sound of murli entered in brahmas ears and gayitri mantra came out from his mouth. Not only that but kama gayitri, gopal gayitri, all these different knowledge of the lord was contained in the mantras he is the source of all the knowledge. and the knowledge of Bhagavat Gita was given million years ago by supreme Krsna. Now the next opulence is [Tyag] renunciation how Krishna showed the quality of renunciation we”ll read in next page coming soon Again with Many Thanks yours humbly Vicaru Das UK.
Time Pressured
Brampton, Ontario
It's a blessing to keep busy in service. It's a curse to be under engaged. It's a mixed blessing/curse to have too much. Even a devotional life requires prioritizing and working within timelines. Being human means that anyone can 'snap' due to overload, regardless of how strong your fever for service.
In monastic life such as mine, which takes on a mentor's role and added to that, administrative duties plus the artistic output, much happy time is consumed. If it wasn't for the daily reflective walking, life would be overwhelming. The walk permits a much needed 'time to myself' period as time for people, congregants, gets very demanding.
People need attention as life in modern times arouses too many complexities. There appears to be a lacking of 'outlet' or 'chill out time' for the average person in the so called developed world.
It's as a Nepalese woman, the clerk at a grocery store counter, told me today, "In this country there is not time to go to the temple. You have to always work to pay the bills."
This woman detected my 'devotioness', my 'ISKCON-ness', while incognitoed in winter wear, upon seeing my neck beads, faded forehead tilak markings and saffron coloured kurta top.
"Hare Krishna?" she asked as I came to the counter for a small yogurt purchase. "Yes!" From there we talked.
It had been a day of 'go-go' - delivering a class in our Brampton centre, then two more class presentations in Toronto with people needing in between. Of course, on Sundays, demands intensify. All the more reason for 'the walk that chills'. It makes the difference between make or break. We must plan wisely in order for balance to prevail.
8 Km
Leadership Lesson
Toronto, Ontario
It was a glorious day for me to participate in two events. The first one was an appreciation dinner for the cast of, “Dhroova”, the story of a great prince who learned many lessons from his austerity in the forest. The actors in this production worked hard. Secondly, I attended another dinner, much later on in the day, to honour the weekend warriors of BBT book distribution. I sat to hear the stories of devotees who relished in the spiritual activity of approaching people at different venues – the street, homes, shops – about the value of taking the spiritual path. It was a delight to digest, not only the food but the stories of human interaction. To better digest it all, I took to an evening walk, trekking Yonge Street, up to the point where break dancers were whipping up incredible moves, including fast spins on their heads.
Upon my return from the walk I opened to a page of “Tales of Ancient India” based on the text Hitopadesh, which our guru, Srila Prabhupada, would quote from. A dear friend, Guy Tetreault, from Quebec, wrote/translated it. Here’s a story about heavy responsibility in leadership.
“A prince was sent to a school of a guru to pursue his studies. Once they were completed, their master informed the king that he could come and pick up his son. When the prince demonstrated his achievements, the king was very appreciative. Desiring to teach one final lesson to the prince, the guru asked the king to go on horseback to a distant tree and then to return.
As the king galloped away, the guru told the prince to try to catch the horse. Meanwhile, the king had reached the tree. It was on his way back when he saw his son running breathlessly toward him. Furiously, he asked the guru, why he had obliged the prince to run in this way.
The guru replied, ‘now his education is complete. With this last experience he will not show indifference to the suffering of his subjects, especially of those who must labour hard in the service of others.’”
The moral: Leaders who have not received an education based on the principles of wisdom, will inevitably be blinded by power, fame, and wealth. They may certainly make decisions that benefit their own wallets, but they’re likely to be disastrous for the people they are supposed to serve.
7 Km
Dear Brijabasis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I would like to inform you that Mandali devi dasi has been appointed Assistant Head Pujari. Mandali’s duties include, but are not limited to, the following: - Organizing regular pujari meetings
- Instituting systems for maintenance and cleanliness of the Pujari room and Krsna’s paraphernalia
- Implementing the updated (2011) Deity Worship Manual which has been authorized by the ISKCON Minister for Deity Worship
- Making proposals for overall improvements of the Deity worship
- Ordering supplies
- Other related tasks
Please approach Mandali regarding any issue related to the Pujari Room and/or Deity worship.
Your servant, Jaya Krsna das
“According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one’s mother, human society takes cow’s milk. “Similarly, the bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother.” Srimad Bhagvatam 3.2.29
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life- John 3:16
According to Wikipedia, this verse is the most widely quoted verse from the Christian Bible and considered the most famous verse. It is also called the “Gospel in a nutshell” because apparently it summarizes the essence of modern day Christianity. This verse talks about the relationship between the Son Jesus and the Father in Heaven.
When we do a comparative analysis, we find this verse in the Bhagavad Gita that touches on the subject of Father and Son.
sarva-yonishu kaunteyamurtayah sambhavanti yah tasam brahma mahad yoniraham bija-pradah pita
It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father. – BG 14.4
In one letter to his disciple (unfortunately I cannot remember the exact reference), I remember Srila Prabhupada stating that if God is unlimited, then how come He can have only one son? If God is actually unlimited, then His creation is also unlimited and that includes His unlimited sons and daughters in all species of life. The Bhagavad Gita verse copied above validates at the omnipotency of the Lord. Therefore, it is our duty to respect all living beings and not just humans. At the end of the day, we do not define son or daughter based on the physical body. God is not made of physical matter/elements. God is completely spirit (consciousness) and we who are created by Him are also completely spirit (consciousness). However, because we want to live independent of God, the spirit (consciousness) is encased in matter and is allowed to live in this material realm under strict rules.
Anyways, Christians although believe that God is unlimited (omnipotent) seem to limit Him to only one son. This limitation, in my opinion, contradicts God’s unlimited position. If God is unlimited, then all of His creation (moving and non moving) is also unlimited. Christianity and Krishna Consciousness differ in this fundamental point. While there are many similarities, I think this is a big difference and I want to acknowledge the difference, hence the post.
Full surrender to the Almighty God is the only way one can earn His favor. Full surrender should be based on detailed deliberation based on current day-to-day life situation, study and analysis of the scripture and its representative (a saintly person). Otherwise one cannot fully surrender.
Hare Krishna
I was entering Kensington market and saw a young couple walk out with smiles on their face. I started a conversation with them and they were really open to the idea of meditation. We discussed how the body changes but something non-material about us remains the same. They told me they had recently moved downtown and I requested them to stay in touch and join us for our programs. We continued to talk and the discussion drifted into the realm of Karma and then Vegan food and I learnt that they were both Vegan. Then as I started to show them the Bhagavad Gita the girl told me that three years ago when she was in Windsor, she had met someone on University campus who gave her a Bhagavad Gita. I asked if she had read it and she said off and on over the years but not cover to cover. I asked her to come for our Gita discussions and perhaps re-take up the study of these books. For me it was an inspiring moment to know Krishna’s plans to get us back home never stops!

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 29 december 2011, Munich, Germany) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that a person with good qualities should never be proud. A person with good qualities should be like a tree, which is laden with many fruits- the branches naturally bow down.
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Check out this video on YouTube:
Mucukunda das
Check out this video on YouTube:
Mucukunda das

Want to win this Bhajan CD Set ? We all have an artistic side to us, and now is the time to show it! We are giving away a set of Kadamba Kanana Swami CDs for free. These CDs are very nourishing for the soul and the sound vibration will echo into your brain and mind! In order to claim for the prize, you will need to design a logo for the KKS blog and upload your logo design in the link for the contest page. The most outstanding logo will be displayed on the blog and the lucky winner will be totally ecstatic after having listened to these earth trembling tunes! So please don’t delay and make the decision of a lifetime by applying for this logo contest. All logo’s designs will be published as part of the contest. Join the Logo Contest
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By Kesava Krsna DasaHere is a fictional conversation between a ‘heavy’ preacher - used to calling people mudhas, canines and other low descriptions, and is badly in need of reform - with a reformer preacher trying to strike a balance. Let us see how the ‘heavy’ and negative can remain without turning people off
By Vrajendranandan DasISKCON Delhi got another opportunity to conduct a kirtan, bhajan, discourse and Gita distribution program in Tihar Jail (New Delhi) No. 3. A small alter was set up and the program inaugurated with Kirtan, which relaxed the inmates
By Bhakti Vikasa SwamiA unique feature and strength of ISKCON is having many devotees awarding initiation. But this can also engender problems. One problem that negatively affects the development of preaching is that of “guru groupism.” In some places there is no such competition, either due to enlightened leadership or more commonly because something resembling the old zonal acarya
By Prabhavisnu dasIt is with deep regret that I wish to inform you that I have resigned from all positions of leadership within ISKCON, including GBC member, sannyas, and initiating guru. This is because in recent times I have not been able to maintain the required spiritual standards for those who hold such positions
There is a rumor going around that the ToVP is going to be finished by 2014, but in actuality it is going to be done closer to 2016. I, Mandakini Dasi, sat down with the managing director, Sadbhuja Das, to clear the air and get the facts on the real timeline. Mandakini Dasi: "What are your thoughts on these rumors and what words do you have for the public waiting for the project to be finished?" Sadbhuja Das: "A few years ago when we were in the designing process we were hoping that the ToVP would open in 2014, but that wasn't set in stone. As the design became more intricate and subtle the time line was set back about 2 more years. For the record our goal is to have the deities installed and the inner temple completed for 2016 - IKSCONS 50th anniversary!"
The Song of God – A poetic rendition of Bhagavd Gita
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Monday 9 January 2012 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Attain God's Kingdom During Your Present Life uploaded from Santiago, Chile One does not have to wait for death to enter into the kingdom of God. If one becomes a pure chanter of the holy names of God, he can actually enter into the kingdom of God even within his present body. This is described as follows by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 2nd Canto, Chapter 2, Text 30: The first stage is the offensive chanting of the holy name, and the second is the reflective stage of chanting the holy name. The third stage is the offenseless chanting of the holy name of the Lord. In the second stage only, the stage of reflection, between the offensive and offenseless stages, one automatically attains the stage of emancipation. And in the offenseless stage, one actually enters into the kingdom of God, although physically he may apparently be within the material world. So we don't have to wait for death to enter into the kingdom of God. We simply have to master the art of chanting the holy names of God without any offense. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Enter the Spiritual Sky Now by Pure Chanting http://www.backtohome.com/images/Krishna/Krishna_w_Cowherds.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Fix the Mind While Chanting? I cannot chant Hare Krishna mahamantra properly. I chant mechanically 16 rounds daily but while chanting my mind goes here and there, sometimes to household things or sometimes somewhere else. I want to know while chanting where one should focus his/her mind. I am wondering how to do the chanting properly, Renu Answer: Deeply, Lovingly Meditate on the Mantra Simply fix your mind in deep loving mediation on each syllable of the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Such meditation means that you are directly associating with Krishna because the Hare Krishna mantra is directly Krishna Himself. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles |