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"Planet ISKCON" - 39 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 21 September 2011--A Skeptic Dropped Out of Our E-Course--and--Is Chanting Four Rounds Purely Enough?
- Prema-Rupa dd, USA: Kartik.
- Japa Group: Even If There May Be Some Problems
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhaktisara Prabhu
- Australian News: Byron Bay – enChanted are here – Live this Saturday
- Australian News: The Mayapuris are coming – The Mayapuris are coming – I SAID THE MAYAPURIS ARE COMING!!!
- Australian News: Diwali Festival of Lights with Sri Prahlada
- Australian News: An Evening with Mukunda Goswami at Bhakti Centre Gold Coast
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, September 19th, 2011
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Windows to the Spiritual World
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: wipe out Mayavada
- Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: TEXAS FAITH 49: Is monotheism superior?
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: Autumn Flower Nrsimhadeva Darshans
- Book distribution seminar: Traveling Book Distribution in Canada
- Book Distribution News: Traveling Book Distribution in Canada
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Floating stones at Rama Kund in Rameswaram temple, Tamilnadu
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Yard Sale Finds : Herman Miller Eames Chairs
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: All In All, A Good Weekend
- Australian News: The Sacred Rhythm Retreat with The Mayapuris and Sri Prahlada is just around the corner, don’t be the one who missed it
- New Vrndavan, USA: Vaisnavi Retreat Presenter’s Schedule
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Mayapur Online: HH Bhakti Charu Swami's Vyasa Puja Photos
- Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Amol Chidrawar asks questions about Lord Caitanya
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, September 16th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, September 15th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, September 17th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, September 18th, 2011
- Gouranga TV: Lokanath Swami and Aindra Prabhu – Hare Krishna Kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2006
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 21 September 2011--A Skeptic Dropped Out of Our E-Course--and--Is Chanting Four Rounds Purely Enough?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Wednesday 21 September 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: Today's Thought: A Skeptic Dropped Out of Our E-Course Uploaded from Sofia, Bulgaria Recently a subscriber who had been enrolled in our course for almost two years dropped out. When asked the reason for cancelling his subscription he said, I am a skeptic. Not wanting to let him miss the opportunity of achieving life's goal of realizing the highest truth, I wrote him as follows in response to his cancellation: We thank you very much for checking out our e-course and have noted that you are dropping out because you are a skeptic. Kindly note that if one takes skepticism to its logical conclusion, one has to be ultimately be skeptical about everything including even skepticism itself. In other words after one has expanded his skepticism to its final conclusion, he ultimately has to reject skepticism in order to be true to the principle of skepticism. And then it is at that point that he is ready to be shown the inner meaning of reality. So kindly take your skepticism to its ultimate conclusion. Do not remain a half-baked skeptic. When you have reached the logical conclusion of your skepticism, kindly come back and we will teach you how to personally experience the secrets of the universe and even the amazing reality that lies beyond the universe. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Chanting Four Rounds Purely Enough? What is the importance of following Srila Prabhupada's order to chant at least 16 rounds daily of the Hare Krishna mahamantra on japa mala beads? If a person is so busy that he can only chant four rounds daily but does it with purity, is this right or not? Shailendra Answer: Pure Chanting Naturally Increases If the doctor prescribes that you need a certain amount of medicine in order to recover your health and you decide independently that you know better than the doctor and you will cut the dosage to one half or to one quarter, what will happen? You will remain sick. Similarly, when the spiritual master prescribes that you need to chant at least 16 rounds daily in order to recover from the disease known as the cycle of birth and death, what will be the result? You will remain in the cycle of birth and death. Purity means to obey the spiritual master. If we disobey the spiritual master that is impurity. There is no question of purity when we disobey the spiritual master. Are you too busy to eat? No. You will somehow or other find time to eat, even if you are super busy. Eating is feeding the body, which is a mere covering of the self. Chanting 16 rounds is the basic diet for feeding the soul, the actual self within. Therefore, if there is purity, your taste for japa will automatically increase and you will naturally find the time to increase the number of your rounds to at least 16, just as you always find time to eat. Pure chanting is not stagnant. It is dynamic, ecstatic, and ever-increasing. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. 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Prema-Rupa dd, USA: Kartik.
So Kartik is coming up. I wanted to write about that but alas, I have no pictures from my Kartik in Mayapur last year. It’s not that I didnt take pictures. Its that I took pictures, felt that they were too dark, erased the pictures and decided to try again later which never happened. So I’m pictureless. :/
But we can use our imaginations. All the lights are off in the temple, and the altar is dimly lit by candles.
Ooohhh! I found a video from last year!
God, I miss those days. It was nice going to the temple in the evenings, getting my little ghee lamp and making my rounds to offer my little lamp to all the Deities amongst the hundreds of other devotees. And every night there is an amazing singer leading Damodarastakam and everyone dances and dances when he sings the mahamantra. Its like this for about a month and when its over, you feel like something is missing in the evenings. Dressing up and seeing all your friends. I used to sit near the stairs in Panchatattva’s hall, the stairs that lead up the extension hall, this is before they made that wooden cover thingy so that they have a place to put stuff for class, and then people started using it to keep their purses or backpacks.
Anyway, I used to sit there, and just people watch. I like doing that sometimes. Actually, I did that every night. I really liked that area in Panchatattva’s temple room. Probably because its the least crowded and I could meditate on Panchatattva while I chant and watch people come in and out. Lots of different kinds of people, from every part of India and many parts of the world. New devotees, old devotees, walk through those doors in Panchatattva’s temple room. Fabulous devotees, simple devotees, everyone comes to offer their little ghee lamp hearts to Damodara.
I dont know how I’ll adapt to Damodara Masa here in the states. Regardless, this is one of my favorite times of the year. Maybe I should observe some kind of vrata.
I should give up sweets. Or maybe not.

Japa Group: Even If There May Be Some Problems
"...even if there may be some problems, always try to remain in Krsna consciousness. Do not give up chanting the Hare Krsna mantra simply due to some external difficulties. Under all circumstances you should always chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This will protect you from all danger of being influenced by maya or the material energy."
Letter to Sudhindra Kisora Raya
10th June, 1975

ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhaktisara Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.28-29 - Vasudeva is the supreme goal of life.

Australian News: Byron Bay – enChanted are here – Live this Saturday
This Saturday at 7pm Live at Purna, the Byron Yoga ashram enChanted will sweep away your stress and float you home on a cloud of bliss.
Dont miss it. Get down to 50 Skinner’s Shoot road, Byron Bay, follow the signs to the Arts Factory and then go past it, and it’s 500m down the road on the right.
Here the facebook page where you can order the CD:

Australian News: The Mayapuris are coming – The Mayapuris are coming – I SAID THE MAYAPURIS ARE COMING!!!
The Mayapuris are coming to Sydney!
7th-9th of October 2011- Sacred Rhythm Retreat
with The Mayapuris & Sri Prahlada at Mangrove Yoga Ashram
15th of October 2011- The Chant Fest
with The Mayapuris & Sri Prahlada at Manly Youth Centre
(the only concert in Sydney)
Details and bookings:
Manly concert:
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Australian News: Diwali Festival of Lights with Sri Prahlada
Where: 1/40 Hall Street Bondi Beach NSW 2026; Jois Yoga Bondi
» View map
early bird
at the door
Contact/ Bookings: (02)8094 9231
Click here to go to
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Australian News: An Evening with Mukunda Goswami at Bhakti Centre Gold Coast
Where: The Bhakti Center, Surfers Paradise, Trust House, !st floor
» View map
Click here to visit the Bhakti Centre Gold Coast web site

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, September 19th, 2011
To Another Province
To Nova Scotia
There were quite a few empty seats on Air Canada, Flight 655 to Halifax. Providence had it that I would have a nice passenger next to me, a sweet little senior citizen and native of Newfoundland, off to visit her daughter in Nova Scotia. She was frail with hair blonde to snow coloured. From our conversation she learned I was a vegetarian, aside from being of a monastic order. She blushed and said, “Well, you know, I’m 95% vegetarian, my two daughters are complete vegetarians. We’re 7th Day Adventists, you see, and many of us don’t eat meat.” “I understand that the Old Testament has many statements supporting the veg. culture”., I remarked.
Diet has been a topic of the last few days with walking partners. I have been encouraging the meatless diet and going so far as to say that you can enjoy a delicious meal, ethically friendly, and with mantras you can make your preps karma free. My flying partner, whose name I forgot, so we’ll call her Hazel, was admiring the green landscape below as we took off into the air. “That’s the predominant colour we should be eating as humans, don’t you think? It’s so obvious to some of us,” I said. The colour green then became hazed with clouds and a mist seemed to govern the Maritime skies, right up to our landing. We parted with mutual blessings from Jesus and Krishna. I felt my day enriched having met this gentle soul.
After parting took place, and anxious greeting followed by three glowing monks, Jeff, who preceded me with an earlier flight, Yogendra, Matt, and then Heidi and Theresa. From there, us single males drove a three hour distance to Auld’s Cove, Nova Scotia, for an overnight lodging in what’s said to be Canada’s first built Hindu temple. Beginning the trek on the mainland starts tomorrow.
7 Km Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Windows to the Spiritual World
One of ISKCON's best contributions is its artwork. One way to promote Krsna consciousness is to distribute prints of that artwork that are available from BBT.
I request that as far as possible, at least at programs that I attend, the devotees make these pictures available for sale. No demigod pictures! And best is to have Radha Krsna pictures that were painted during Srila Prabhupada's presence. I consider not very suitable the two pictures of Radha Krsna that are most popular nowadays. One is what the public call the "filmy picture" in which Radha and Krsna look like a mundane lusty couple. Another is a very intimate picture of Radha and Krsna sitting on a long seat. These are both post-1977.
A free book could be given with each postere. Posters of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya should be made available as even many of our devotees do not have such pictures in their home. Bhakti Vikasa Swami: wipe out Mayavada
I am just trying to wipe out this Mayavada philosophy... Mayavada Philosophy is very dangerous for ordinary person... Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Rayarama - San Francisco 7 March, 1967

Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: TEXAS FAITH 49: Is monotheism superior?
Dallas Morning News,
Each week we will post a question to a panel of about two dozen clergy, laity and theologians, all of whom are based in Texas or are from Texas. They will chime in with their responses to the question of the week. And you, readers, will be able to respond to their answers through the comment box.
The three Abrahamic faiths are known for being monotheistic religions. They worship one Deity, even though they may leave room for several concepts of the Divine. For example, Christians believe in the Trinity.
But other faiths aren't monotheistic. They allow for more than one god. As Texas Faith panelist Amy Martin wrote in an email:
"If you ask a Hindu if they are monotheistic, they will acknowledge the all-encompassing nature of the Brahma and say that all their gods and goddesses are simply aspects of that godhead. Even pagans say the same thing. The spiritual-not-religious, like Buddhists, posit an all-is-one divine energy, but do not define it as God."
Over time, these concepts have shaped traditions, cultures and even nations. So, for this week I'd like to hear your answer to this question:
Do you think monotheism is a superior form of religious belief?
If so, why? If not, why not?
Of all religions of Hinduism, Vaishnavism is the most prominent. It is over 70% of the Hindu population.
If the term Hindu has any value, it would be to indicate a geographic designation rather than a theological one. The Vaishnava tradition is not monolantry, nor pantheistic. It is monotheistic.
The scriptures of most traditions all emphasize monotheism. For example in the Bhagavad Gita, God states that he is not only the father all beings on this Earth but also the father of the angels (devas), who some call the gods (BG 14.4).
The Vedas also state, Eko nārāyana asit, "that only God exist in this material world at the time of creation." The devas are all His creation. Therefore. according to scripture, polytheism is not supported.
Logically and also according to the scripture, absolute monism, Advaita, is not supported. It is true that every soul shares a qualitative feature of God since we are all spiritual, without creation and without destruction.
However, there is a quantitative difference. Our consciousness is limited. Others are not aware that I have to go to the bathroom unless I inform them. Our consciousness is primarily limited to our own bodies. We are not conscious of all bodies, where God is conscious of all bodies (BG 13.23)
A simple analogy can be given. If you take a drop of water out of the ocean, that drop will have the same qualities of the ocean. It shares the qualitative oneness of the same percentage of salt and minerals.
However, if you were to examine it quantitatively, you will see that there is a gulf of difference between the drop and the ocean. So, in this way, there is a difference and oneness between the soul and God. (BG 15.16-19)
I would also like to add that impersonal monotheism is also incomplete. The idea that God is faceless, formless, and without personal attributes goes against the very nature of monotheistic philosophy.
In monotheistic traditions God is understood to be the source of everything. If I were to possess qualities and attributes that are not found in God, then that would indicate that God is incomplete.
Therefore, it is suitable to accept that God has a form, the perfection of form. Not an old man as speculatively imagined by some artists but rather nava-yavanam, an ever youthful beauty, Krishna.
- Regarding Mr. Ghouse post. It is our humility, or inferiority, that is realized when we realize the superiority of God. To claim God supreme is not arrogance but rather a humble recognition of the truth of our position in relation to God.
Yes pride and stupidity grow on the same tree and therefore the Brhat Bhagavatamrta equates the terms, Love of God (Bhakti) and utter humility (Dhainya) to be practically the same thing.
One who has a mature relationship with God knows that those who approach the Father approach the same Father whether known by the name of Allah, Jehovah, or Krishna. The point about uniqueness people also can been in favor of Monotheism as many proclaim a desire for universal brotherhood and sisterhood, yet all are different. Such universal brotherhood and sisterhood cannot be realized without understanding we have a universal Father.
- Both Zachary Moore and Cynthia Rigby bring up the problem of evil. This issue is easier understood with the understanding that the soul is not born with the body but is actually eternal. We experience karmas from our previous lives and thus suffer from our own doing rather than from neglect from God.
- Dear Ric Dexter, you have mentioned "Nichiren discussed inferior and superior religious beliefs, and held that beliefs which sought redemption through external intervention were not superior to the ultimate law of life and death."
a. Not all monotheistic traditions desire redemption,
"na dhanam na janam na sundarīm
kavitām vā jagadīśa kāmaye
mama janmani jamanīśvare
bhavatād bhaktir ahaitukī tvayi
O Lord of the universe, I do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers, a beautiful wife or results of good karma. All I want, life after life, is unmotivated devotional service unto You. Śrī Śiksāstaka - 4" Specifically the phrase 'life after life' is used to illustrate that the uttama bhakta does not even desire mukti, liberation. He is ready to go to hell, if there is an opportunity to serve God there.
b. What is the logic behind the idea that spiritual inner work is superior to divine intervention? Some things are beyond our ability. Another point about this is that Love is not a one party relationship, to experience love, the highest experience, another party is necessary.

Kripamoya dasa, UK: Autumn Flower Nrsimhadeva Darshans
Sweet pea, purple Cyclamen and Blueberry leaves
Fuschia, Petunia and Valerian
Potentilla Book distribution seminar: Traveling Book Distribution in Canada
Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Recently, by the mercy of many devotees, our brahmacarya ashram in Eastern Canada was able to purchase a bus. We converted it into a sankirtan vehicle, and we’ve been traveling around Canada since 1 July 2011. There are eight of us, and our program is to visit a new town, chant and distribute books, and also find people to help us facilitate an evening program. Based on the relationships that we are cultivating and with the people we are meeting, we are often able to stay at their homes and teach them about Krishna conscious living. It is a very absorbing program, and to keep our list of interested people connected to us and to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, we just developed a website ( We would like devotees to visit and give their feedback and blessings so we can improve our attempt to serve Srila Prabhupada and all the devotees in this little way we are trying to do.
The website has a short documentary that we made, as well as a number of blog entries from our travels in Canada.
Your Servants,
Yogendra dasa and Tirtha Pavana dasa

Book Distribution News: Traveling Book Distribution in Canada
Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Recently, by the mercy of many devotees, our brahmacarya ashram in Eastern Canada was able to purchase a bus. We converted it into a sankirtan vehicle, and we’ve been traveling around Canada since 1 July 2011. There are eight of us, and our program is to visit a new town, chant and distribute books, and also find people to help us facilitate an evening program. Based on the relationships that we are cultivating and with the people we are meeting, we are often able to stay at their homes and teach them about Krishna conscious living. It is a very absorbing program, and to keep our list of interested people connected to us and to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, we just developed a website ( We would like devotees to visit and give their feedback and blessings so we can improve our attempt to serve Srila Prabhupada and all the devotees in this little way we are trying to do.
The website has a short documentary that we made, as well as a number of blog entries from our travels in Canada.
Your Servants,
Yogendra dasa and Tirtha Pavana dasa

Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Floating stones at Rama Kund in Rameswaram temple, Tamilnadu

Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Yard Sale Finds : Herman Miller Eames Chairs
First off, Hi.
Here I am.
On the blog.
Truth be told, I couldn’t even remember my login credentials, it’s been that long.
Summer’s over, although it’s still reaching the 90′s here in North Florida so, I’m not quite ready to say it’s autumn.
But still, summer is no more and I know, there were things I was supposed to do. But, well, more on that later.
This post is about chairs.
Saturday (oh, I could milk that Saturday for a few posts actually), we visited a yard sale and scored this very cute, very miniature Eames chair for Bindu all for five dollahs.
At the yard sale I took a pic of Bindu Bear sitting in the tiny chair. I posted the pic to my personal FB account. In the background were 2 black Herman Miller Eames chairs. Molded fiberglass + vinyl. My friend made me feel bad for not getting them. Because they were super cheap. Like, unbelievably so. Apparently, she vomited all over herself just thinking about how I did not snag them for $25 a seat.
I then lamented not buying them. We don’t really have spare cash for unplanned purchases, but I did miss out on a deal. A great deal. On chairs. That I could use. But I didn’t even know that at the time.
Sunday morning the Babu and I came up with an idea to rectify the sadness also known as I wish I planned for island seating when we remodeled the kitchen.
We moved a small marble table to the end of the island, and it looks great while making everyone happy.
Except me. Because now we needed 2 chairs. Two black chairs. At a good price.
I wanted those Eames chairs.
I would have vomited all over myself if I didn’t have a gut feeling. Not the nauseated kind. But the b’shert kind.
Those chairs would be mine.
Monday night I looked on Craigslist. And there they were. Listed 4 hours earlier. The chairs.
I emailed the man. And then I waited a few heart-thumping minutes for a response.
And got none.
So I rang the number. A bold move at 9:30 pm but honestly, I think that my husband and I are the only ones in bed at that early hour. Us and the nursing home residents.
This morning I picked up the chairs!
I handed over my fifty dollars. The previous owner helped me load them in my Subaru.
And then he confessed that after I called him, he went online and saw how much the vintage Eames chairs sell for. He confessed to some seller’s remorse.
For a few moments, I felt bad.
And then he told me that he pulled them out of his neighbors junk pile.
Here are the chairs in their new home, tucked under the marble table at the end of my island.
So there it is. The chair story. And a blog post. All in one! Not as difficult as I thought typing with a 9 month old would be. Hopefully I will be able to get Bindu’s smooshed Smart Puffs out of my corduroy skirt with as little trouble…

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 September 20: "You have very frankly inquired about sex relationship. A sannyasi is not supposed to be asked anything sexual. But still, because you are so much dependent, I must give you information as far as possible."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 September 20: "It is not necessary that because one has got wife, therefore you must have sex life. The whole scheme is to avoid sex life. And if one can avoid it completely then it is a great victory for him."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 September 20: "Just like a flock of birds - although very intimately related, everyone of them has to fly in the sky by individual strength. If one is less strong, the other cannot keep him in the sky. That is the law of nature."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 September 20: "So long everyone of us is strong in Krishna Consciousness, there is no doubt, you can fly in the spiritual sky and meet together without failure. But if somebody lags behind, one may not meet the other at our destination."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 September 20: "You should not imitate great personalities like Bhaktivinoda Thakura but you must follow in Their footprints. In all circumstances try to follow - but never try to imitate."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 September 20: "The festival success is very encouraging. So go on with your festivals. You have captured the essence, and therefore you are successful in being able to distribute it. I am very glad that I have got such good disciples as you."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 September 20: "This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, whether they are big or they are small. Actually there is no such thing as big or small. Everyone is devotee. So everyone is expected to follow the devotional practices."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 September 20: "Do not be paramahamsa that now I haven't got to hear Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad gita. Don't be a better paramahamsa than your Guru Maharaja. So as I am doing, you must also do."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: All In All, A Good Weekend
I partially went to a retreat called Sacred Space about how to find the sanctuary within, made a cameo appearance at the Wheeling Farmer’s Market, sat in an impromptu blue grass style kirtan, all good and uplifting things, and both the local sports teams I root for won, so even my lower self got to enjoy vicariously.
It started Friday night at the opening session of the retreat. I won’t give a comprehensive account, just bits of what I got out of it. The story that stuck in my mind that evening was a variation of this Zen koan:
In some regions of Japan it was the tradition that a traveler could request lodgings overnight at a Buddhist temple. The only condition was that the traveler should have a debate with one of the monk and show skill at the art of debate.
It so happens that at one small temple there were two monks. One was fast-witted, the other, who only has one eye, was much slower than his brother.
Late one evening they hear a knock at the door. The quick-witted monk was feeling tired and so asked the other to deal with the stranger. The one eyed monk said, “But brother, I cannot defeat the traveler as you could. Tell me what I should say”. “That is easy, if you do not know what to say, tell the traveler that he must debate in silence and that he must start the debate. That way, whatever happens, the traveler will have to think hard and almost certainly will lose”.
The newcomer is admitted and goes off to a private area with the one-eyed monk. A short while later, he is at the door, ready to depart. As he is leaving the other monk stops him and asks, “Why are you leaving?”.
The reply comes, “I was asked to debate in silence, so I thought for a while and held up one finger, to represent the oneness of Buddha. The monk frowned as he thought hard and held up two fingers, representing the division between Buddha and the material world. I considered for a moment before holding up three fingers, to show that between Buddha and the material world stands the third of humanity that can bridge the gap. Instantly, the monk grasped the concept and held up no fingers, showing that all these differences are of no significance. Defeated, I leave”.
The bright monk was impressed until his brother reappeared, asking where the visitor might be. The obvious question was asked to which the debating monk replied, “First the traveler tried to provoke me by holding up on finger, to indicate that he felt I was inferior because I only have one eye. I responded by holding up two fingers to compliment him on still having both of his. His response was to hold up three fingers to say that we still only have three eyes between us. I am afraid I lost my temper and raised my fist to hit him, but he ran away. Where is he? He has defeated me in debate and I must apologize to him for my loss of control.”
I didn’t go to any of the Saturday sessions because I went out to the Wheeling Farmer’s Market to sell Vidya’s crafted gourds. I did the market for many years until end stage liver disease pinned me to the couch and this was the first time since my liver transplant that I had asked if I could come to the market. I was assured I was a lifetime member so I went out.
I set benchmarks of sales and did hit the “it’s worth it to go again” one. As in general I only have half the energy I used to have I don’t really have a surplus of veggies to sell, but Vidya was kind enough to let me take her stuff, a lot of which was discontinued items I was able to sell cheap.
Besides the money, it was fun to be back doing what I used to be able to do routinely. I am friends with all the older vendors so it was almost like going to a reunion. I go to the market all the time anyway but being a customer isn’t the same as being set up.
After I got home I hoped to attend the later sessions of the retreat but was too exhausted and spent the rest of the day lying on the couch, a not unfamiliar routine for me.
Sunday between retreat sessions naturally I was drawn to the yajnashalla between the Temple and the lodge because Tapahpunjah was selling his garden produce there. Devananda Pandit had his guitar and a visiting devotee had a homemade string instrument and they were jamming bluegrass style kirtans. Soon a ukelele player appeared and joined in.
The yajnashalla has a bit of an elevated platform so there are slight ramps going up into it. Remember when you would lean back in a chair and your mother and/or wife would chastise you for being hard on the chair? I sat on the ramp so I had the comfort zone of being leaned back and no guilt. :-) The ambient temperature was a little cool but the black knit cap I was wearing was absorbing the rays of the unclouded sun so I was feeling literally warm and fuzzy physically plus the retreat buzz was still in hand.
Kirtan with physical and mental comfort as side dishes, what more could you want?
The last session the swami reiterated his three key points with more lecture and exercises.
1. I am not this body
2. Practice the role of being an observer
3. Practice (Krishna consciousness) with taste.
Another random bit from the retreat is that at one time he was talking about if your mind is agitated or disturbed, spend time with people who are serene. He then suggested that if you were in such a state, go spend some time with cows as cows are extremely serene.
The the last question was how to maintain the space we had entered during the retreat as we return to our daily lives. He acknowledged that this is a great challenge as we tend to revert to our habits.
He suggested that we consciously decide to develop one new habit that will help us retain that inner peace. We will see how that works out.
Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever

Australian News: The Sacred Rhythm Retreat with The Mayapuris and Sri Prahlada is just around the corner, don’t be the one who missed it
Dear Friends,
The Sacred Rhythm Retreat with The Mayapuris and Sri Prahlada is just around the corner. Undoubtedly it’s going to be one of the most exciting Australian Kirtan events of 2011.
Mayapuris are taking the international Kirtan scene by storm, and they’re being listed at the main events all over the world.
Sri Prahlada’s Kirtans are very well known and close to our hearts.
I just returned from Bhakti Fest in California where Mayapuris drew one of the biggest crowds of the festival through a journey of dance, spoken word and an amazing Kirtan. Through the festival they were invited to accompany on stage many headliners like Jai Uttal, MC Yogi, Gaura Vani and others.
The Sacred Rhythm Retreat will take place at Mangrove Yoga Ashram between 7th-9th of October. This is going to be a very personal and intimate experience of Kirtan with leading artists of this genre.
Sri Prahlada is going to do Kirtan, and will lead the Power of Sound- an innovative workshop on mantra meditation. Japa, or mantra meditation has been his personal practice for 30 years. His understanding of modern psychology, and extensive personal experience of meditation create an unique combination, and life enhancing workshop.
Mayapuris are multitalented artist. Their workshops on dance, sacred rhythm, harmonium, mridanga to mention few, provide great transformational and educational value.
Go to the Facebook event page to find out how to book

By Sri Prahlada Kirtan Community | View on Facebook
Where: Mangrove Yoga Ashram
300 Mangrove Creek Rd, Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales, Australia
» View map
Sessions start from Friday 6pm. Finish at 3pm on Sunday.
Open your heart to the sacred rhythm and immerse yourself in the Kirtan experience. TheMayapuris and Sri Prahlada have dedicated their hearts to Kirtan, and they’re here to share their talents and love for sacred music.
Learn to dance, sing and play instruments in the beautiful surroundings of Mangrove Mountain, all at various workshops with world famous Kirtan performers.
This is going to be an unforgettable experience!
-Melody & Rhythm –Discover the simple way of playing instruments, and empower your voice with Kirtan. Kirtan is all about participation-here you can gain that skill and confidence to join your next local Kirtan. Beginners and seasoned musicians are welcomed.
-Kirtan Dance with Vrinda- Want to shine on the Kirtan dance floor? This is for you, in this fusion of traditional & modern dance workshop. And yes, guys are welcomed to!
-Mantra Meditation- Unleash the power of sound with Chant Master Sri Prahlada.
-Discussions- pick the brains of leading Kirtan artists and learn from their years of experience as musos and performers.
- Kirtan Live - indulge in hours of rejuvenating Kirtan.
Mangrove Yoga Ashram
300 Mangrove Creek Rd
Mangrove Creek NSW
Australia 2250
Limited places. Hurry!
Friday check in: 5
Saturday check in 5
Friday check in 5
Saturday check in: 5
*Contact us for family room options
Start at 9:30am on Saturday. Finish at 3pm on Sunday. Food and accommodation included.
Please consider car-pooling to help Green the Retreat.
Details and online bookings at:
... See full description
here are couple of The Mayapuris videos from Bhakti Fest:
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New Vrndavan, USA: Vaisnavi Retreat Presenter’s Schedule
Dear Vaishnavi’s:
The completed schedule, with presenter’s names and times, is now posted on
The titles of each presentation will be added as soon as each one of our presenter’s gets back to me with their information.
The menu plan will also be posted shortly. In addition to the particular items mentioned, breakfast will include each day incredible granola, fresh fruit, homemade yoghurt, and hot teas of your choice. By the same token, lunch will include brown rice, steamies and salad, along with the menu de jour. Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings will feature hot soup, bread rolls, teas and Caffix w/ fresh NV organic ahimsa cow’s milk.
We hope you are all making plans to arrive in time for the opening session at 11:30 Friday, Sept. 30th!
Hari bol!
malati dd

H.H. Sivarama Swami
Ill habits gather by unseen degrees- As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.
- John Dryden

Mayapur Online: HH Bhakti Charu Swami's Vyasa Puja Photos
The devotees had an amazing experience, listening to HH Bhakti Charu Swami give three days of beautiful Krishna katha, culminating in a festival celebrating Srila Prabhuada's sacrifice coming to the west, and last but not least and honoring of Maharaj's Vyasapuja. The following day many devotees received first and second initiations in the Pancha-Tattva hall.

Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction email and I will be happy to make you a member:
Rasa Rasika dasa

H.H. Sivarama Swami: Amol Chidrawar asks questions about Lord Caitanya
Is He really in the Madhva sampradaya, what scriptures say He is Krsna, did other acaryas speak of Him, and how do we know his biographies are scripture.

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, September 16th, 2010
Through Rain and Wind
St. Johns Newfoundland
“Someday I will take you to India, and I will show you India on foot.”
These were the words of our guru, Srila Prabhupada, to his student Yamuna. She recalls, “From that moment, I was waiting for that day, and three years later, on October 4th, 1970, Srila Prabhupada’s party of American and European devotees landed in Bombay. Our party had arrived in Calcutta via Tokyo just a few days earlier, from October 4th to the time Srila Prabhupada left India, in the spring of ’71 he showed us many places on foot, literally, walking through the streets with us.”
The above personal details remembered by Yamuna is another strong endorsement for pilgrimage. Someone may argue that the walking done was in India, where you have temples galore, and where holy men have for centuries, touched the ground with their pilgrim feet. So what about outside of India? Can we say sacred grounds are everywhere? Where sadhus (saints) have contacted places leaving behind a spiritual power? And what can we say about places where miracles have been seen? Or where, due to intense prayer and meditation enacted by someone, a sacred space has been created. I have the good fortune to have Ted Warren walk with me for a short distance through a drizzle and wind, which were supposed to turn into a hurricane. He relayed to me, how the year we met, 2003, he was cycling across the country to promote awareness for Multiple Sclerosis. I had wondered about him after our brief encounter, and now, by providence, he was here to tell me, he completed the ride and that his journey was successful, and for the most part, was spiritual. We both concurred that the long travel across the country is humbling and warms the heart. God is very much alive. Ted mentioned he hopes to cycle again, because his health recently has stabilized and improved. Who knows, I might meet up with him again. Ted shared some time with me, and there were honks from motorists, a response to the photo in the local paper, no doubt. Some people stopped. Darren stopped and said, “You don’t see too many Buddhist monks around here, eh?” I clarified that this is the Hare Krishna order. Four fellows in a pick-up pulled over as curious as hell. I addressed the purpose, “pilgrimage – to get closer to the spiritual side of life.” And to another person, Joe, who does photography for a hobby, he kept clicking away and also went away taking a mantra card as my gift.
Endearing also was a young mother and child, who offered a ride considering the dismal weather, as is used in the local, she said, “Oh, love, would you like a ride?” I told her I really appreciated it, but I’m doing a pilgrimage across the country. With folded palms I offered her a “Hare Krishna.”
27 Km

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, September 15th, 2011
Walking on the Rock (Nfld.)
Cape Spear, Newfoundland
It feels just great being out on the road again. Such freedom! Here I was chanting japa with two good devotional people, Rikin and Jeff. Marg also came to see me, I was flabbergasted to see her. I met her on the Trans Canada Hwy in 2003 with her partner, Ted, who was cycling the country to create awareness for Multiple Sclerosis, as he is an MS patient. Marg was a support driver, and he was cycling, when they met me trekking the highway. It is indeed a small world. It was like warriors of the road reunite.
Jan Peters, a friend for years, also came out for a short trek which began from Cape Spear, North America’s eastern most tip, and wound along Saint Johns’ Water Street, Quidi Vidi Road, Topsail Road, and to the precincts of Mount Pearl. At Quidi Vidi Gut, a unique ocean’s cove, Jan, Marg, Jeff and I, reminisced about India and Thailand. Tourists from all parts of Canada came to that little nook where we took a break admiring magnificent scenery, and then conversed about pilgrimage. The day was unseasonably warm at about 20 degrees Celsius. Jeff, the monk from Halifax, is my newly trained support person, and he’s doing a great job.
NTV, CBC TV, and the Telegram Newspaper, all came out to greet me, to cover the story of the monk who is trying to promote pilgrimage, parikrama or padayatra are the traditional terms in India.
I have been walking with these nasty blisters on my feet. It reminds me of when a dear godsister, Yamuna, described her walking with our guru, Srila Prabhupada: “The morning walks were japa walks, and he walked briskly like a young man of 25. The first day I went I was wearing wooden yogi shoes and my feet bled because Prabhupada was walking on and on very fast.”
There’s always some austerity involved in walking.
29 Km

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, September 17th, 2011
Coasting Along
East Coast Trail, Newfoundland
From Brigus south to La Manche, we did trek. It was a mere 11.5 km, but felt like 45km. A rugged coast line trail tackled by Jeff, Rikin, myself, and hiking organizer, Louis Hustins, with her regular hiking friends, Karen and Bev. Louise believes in meditation in motion. Every weekend she conducts hikes which is commendable because in Newfoundland you are going to find some of the most rugged terrain in the world as we found out. Many muscles were activated during the 5 hour trek.
Louise has been to Rishikesha, India, and recently acquired a copy of the Bhagavad-gita.
The Gita was our main topic of conversation with 3 young guys from India the night before. I call them the Bharat Boys. They were so curious to learn. They admitted to becoming fairly analytical on the subject of God. One of them was struggling with the concept of God as a person. He was sold on the idea of God as formless. “God is Purnam,” I explained, “Purnam means to be perfect and complete. In the Vedas it is said that the complete constitution of the Absolute is accepted as formless and formed simultaneously. Otherwise, there is little meaning to the word complete.”
“What scientific proof do we have of God?” asked one of the boys.
“The concept of God is practically inconceivable, but those who insert the God factor into their lives find out that it works.”
The Bharat Boys posed many questions and went away with a Gita to read.
Back to the hikers. One of them posed the idea that nature is God. As we were stepping along the gorgeous trail near a rock face called ‘Grumpy Man’. I agreed that nature can be perceived as an aspect of God, as a powerful energy, but I suggested that we look of the source of this nature. That is what is referred to as God.
After the rigorous hike, a potluck dinner was served at Rikins home. People came proudly with their humble contributions of the tastiest preps which were all results of attentiveness to cooking demos by Jaya Keshava, a Liberian monk who had visited here last month. This was top notch prasadam (sanctified food), which included delectable avocado ice cream. The real desert however was kirtan (chanting), followed by a Q&A session.
11.5 Km

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, September 18th, 2011
Where the Train Was
The Trailway, Newfoundland
I had invited 5 young men, skateboarders, to try out life as a monk, for a week, a month or more. They didn’t decline my offer, but they didn’t commit either. They were surprised by the offer and likely never gave a thought to such a proposal. I wanted to put it out there to plant a seed of spiritual desire in their hearts. Being young teens, I could appreciate that their life’s mission was not yet formed, and that they have a lot of thinking to do before full responsibility will kick in. The real good footing in life includes the spiritual component and that’s why I shared what I could in the few moments with them. I could have ignored them, and let them go about in a likely careless way. Having struggled through the pangs of adolescence myself, as I look back on my spiritual upbringing, without that I probably wouldn’t have survived the harshness of the world.
Those boys were respectful. When I tell teens that I’m on the long trek across Canada, they immediately become attentive. Otherwise they regard me as a kook. The other thing that may grab their attention is the fact that in their eyes, I might be some kind of kung-fu master. In general the exposure is good. Feeding the idea to youth that spirituality is an option is one reason for my being out here. And where is ‘here’, anyways, at least today? Here is the Trailway, the old railway line running through Newfoundland. Beginning from Manuel’s river onto the trail ending at the city’s museum at mile 0 of the Trans Canada Trail was today’s route. For the hike a dozen walking enthusiasts took us to the trail at various periods, including Miranda’s mom, Gail, who raised her family, at least for a period, in a Lighthouse. At segments we chanted as a group, and that’s also the way our day completed at the Lotus Centre, with more mantras, after a great meal at Neil and Cathy’s who are school teacher by profession. Progressive they were with their cooking. Try cold mango soup for a change.
I’m just going to finish with a quote from Jeff, who is enjoying the out of doors.
“If nature smells like this, then what must Krishna smell like?”
24 Km

Gouranga TV: Lokanath Swami and Aindra Prabhu – Hare Krishna Kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2006
Lokanath Swami and Aindra Prabhu – Hare Krishna Kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2006

ISKCON Malaysia: Srila Prabhupada Arrives in America
(1) My dear Lord Krishna, You are so kind upon this useless soul, but I do not know why You have brought me here. Now You can do whatever You like with me.
(2) But I guess You have some business here, otherwise why would You bring me to this terrible place?
(3) Most of the population here is covered by the material modes of ignorance and passion. Absorbed in material life, they think themselves very happy and satisfied, and therefore they have no taste for the transcendental message of Vasudeva. I do not know how they will be able to understand it.
(4) But I know Your causeless mercy can make everything possible because You are the most expert mystic.
(5) How will they understand the mellows of devotional service? O Lord, I am simply praying for Your mercy so that I will be able to convince them about Your message.
(6) All living entities have come under the control of the illusory energy by Your will, and therefore, if You like, by Your will they can also be released from the clutches of illusion.
(7) I wish that You may deliver them. Therefore if You so desire their deliverance, then only will they be able to understand Your message.
(8) The words of Srimad-Bhagavatam are Your incarnation, and if a sober person repeatedly receives it with submissive aural reception, then he will be able to understand Your message.
(9) It is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.17-21):
"Sri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma [Supersoul] in everyone’s heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted. By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact. As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature’s modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness, and he becomes completely happy. Thus established in the mode of unalloyed goodness, the man whose mind has been enlivened by contact with devotional service to the Lord gains positive scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead in the stage of liberation from all material association. Thus the knot in the heart is pierced, and all misgivings are cut to pieces. The chain of fruitive actions is terminated when one sees the self as master."
(10) He will become liberated from the influence of the modes of ignorance and passion and thus all inauspicious things accumulated in the core of the heart will disappear.
(11) How will I make them understand this message of Krishna consciousness? I am very unfortunate, unqualified and the most fallen. Therefore I am seeking Your benediction so that I can convince them, for I am powerless to do so on my own.
(12) Somehow or other, O Lord, You have brought me here to speak about You. Now, my Lord, it is up to You to make me a success or failure as You like.
(13) O spiritual master of all the worlds! I can simply repeat Your message, so if You like You can make my power of speaking suitable for their understanding.
(14) Only by Your causeless mercy will my words become pure. I am sure that when this transcendental message penetrates their hearts they will certainly feel engladdened and thus become liberated from all unhappy conditions of life.
(15) O Lord, I am just like a puppet in Your hands. So if You have brought me here to dance, then make me dance, make me dance, O Lord, make me dance as You like.
(16) I have no devotion, nor do I have any knowledge, but I have strong faith in the holy name of Krsna. I have been designated as Bhaktivedanta, and now, if You like, You can fulfill the real purport of Bhaktivedanta.

ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Kesava Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.27 - Mode of goodness (sattva) is very conducive for devotional service & it acts like a springboard to reach pure goodness (visuddha sattva). Therefore, one should cultivate the qualities in mode of goodness such as peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, etc. (samo damas tapah saucam...).

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