"Planet ISKCON" - 32 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
"O Lord, I simply wish that this form of Yours as Bala Gopala in Vrndavana may ever be manifest in my heart, for what is the use to me of any other boon besides this?" (Sri Damodarastakam) O Lord, besides your life-giving darsana, what other boon is there to be had? • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Always Increase
We should not stop at 16 rounds though, we should chant extra rounds....there is no limit to chanting and the more we relish the chanting, the more we want to continue - so the secret is to chant in a way that we relish the Holy names, then we will always want to increase with out limit. • Email to a friend • ![]() Australian News: Mayapuris make the next move- find out where and when hereFriday 21 October 2011 – Harinama Saturday 22 October 2011 Sunday 23 October 2011 Monday 24 October 2011 Wednesday 26 October 2011 Thursday 27 October 2011 Friday 28 October 2011 Sunday 30 October 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, October 16, 2011• Email to a friend • ![]() 16 Rounds to Samadhi Magazine, LA, USA: "What is your religion?" – God, how I hate this question!
• Email to a friend • ![]() Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Praying to realize the pure words of Srila Narottama Dasa ThakurToday is the disappearance day of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur, the embodiment of Krishna Prema. Part of the process of learning Krishna Consciousness is to repeat, repeat, repeat, like we repeatedly sing the glories as bhajans penned by Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura. I would like to repeat a posting from February including a purport and bhajan sung by Srila Prabhupada. In this way we can hopefully understand the "sum and substance" of Srila Narattama Dasa Thakur's message of making advancement in Krishna Consciousness through association and mercy of the acaryas. Every day in hundreds of temples around the world Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur's nectar filled prayers are sung to the presciding dieties and the assembled Vaisnavas. These songs express great love for Krishna and Gauranga and provide devotional inspiration. What is very unique is that Srila Prabhupada not only made many of Narottama Dasa Thakur's song and part of our siddhanta but also reffered to the wording and meaning of these bhajans in many talks and lectures. So in this way we can understand the importance of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur's wirtings and how they tugged at Srila Prabhupada's heart and perhaps drops of this nectar can pass on to today's assembled Vaisnavas reading this blog post. Today we were reading through the "Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas" and in reading Savarana-sri-gaura-pada-padme Prarthana, there is a purport by Srila Prabhupada. In the last paragraph Srila Prabhupada states, After the six Gosvamis, the next acarya was Srinivasa Acarya. Actually, Narottama Dasa Thakurawas in the disciplic succession after Srinivasa Acarya and was almost his contemporary, andNarottama Dasa's personal friend was Ramacandra Cakravarti. Therefore he prays, "I always desire the company of Ramacandra." He desires a devotee's company. The whole process is that we should always pray for the mercy of the superior acaryas and keep company with pure devotees. Then it will be easier for us to advance in Krsna consciousness and receive the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna. This is the sum and substance of this song sung by Narottama Dasa Thakura. • Email to a friend • ![]() Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Honoring Jagjit Singh...a great supporter of ISKCON.Last week Jagjit Singh passed away. Many devotees in North America may not know who he is or that he was a great support of ISKCON. Below is a video of him performing at ISKCON Mumbai (Bombay) at the Juhu temple including chanting the maha mantra. In the 80s we had some interactions with Jagjit and Chitra Singh and their support for ISKCON was unconditional. In fact for a New Vrindavan fund raising and promotion video they lent their faces and voices in directly appealing to the Indian community to support this ISKCON project. So despite many personal challenges Jagjit Singh did use his talent, energy and time to propagate the sankirtan movement and for that we are honored to be able to honor him in one of his finest moments performing at the home of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Poem for October 174:39 A.M. Poem for October 17 Ramananda Raya praised the glories of Srimati Radharani. When She left the rasa dance, Krishna left too and went out to search for Her. Lord Caitanya asked for more nectar, but Ramananda Raya said he was just a puppet and could only speak what Lord Caitanya allowed him to [...] Poem for October 17 is a post from: EVERY DAY • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Selected WritingsFrom Memory in the Service of Krishna "Since the summer of 1966, has my life completely transformed? Do I constantly and carefully recite the pastimes of the Lord with devotion in the morning and evening, and have I attained relief from all miseries? I wish I could honestly say, 'Yes.' True, there has been a [...] Selected Writings is a post from: EVERY DAY • Email to a friend • ![]() Kurma dasa, AU: GyozaIt's said that gyoza originated in China and were introduced to Japan. Yaki-gyoza wrappers are slightly thicker than wonton wrappers, and can be purchased in Japanese grocers.
I made some last night that were filled with cabbage, finely diced carrot and minced and fried gluten, sesame oil, and seasonings. I placed them on an oil-drizzled pan and fried them till golden on one side, splashed in a little water and covered them with a lid.
Next to them in the pan was a small bundle of fresh Chinese greens - choy-sum I think. Both items steamed simultaneously. When the tiny amount of water was evaporated, the greens wilted and the gyoza crispy on one side, I served them with a mound of fresh jasmine rice and sweet chili tofu. • Email to a friend • ![]() Agnideva das (Adam Helfer), Washington, USA: Dr. Cornel West and 16 others Arrested at U.S. Supreme Court
• Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1967 October 17 : "One who reads Brahma Samhita very scrutinizingly can understand everything of Krishna without any fault. I recommend all my students read Brahma Samhita very carefully." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 17: "He deliberately disobeyed me and instead of opening new centers he delivers his nonsense sermons amongst his God-brothers which are all against our principles. He is undoubtedly a good soul, but he has been attacked by maya; he thinks too much of himself - even at the risk of disobeying his Spiritual Master." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1971 October 17 : "I am very pleased that Indira Gandhi is now personally well known to you. For your presence only she has given special order for our devotees stay in Delhi. Certainly this is a good achievement." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 17: "If you can make the MPs and government officials members of our society it will be a great service. Our movement is so important. Without taking to it, no other method, political, social, religious, or cultural, can give any relief to the present chaotic condition of the world." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1972 October 17 : "Yesterday evening the Chief Minister of Assam came to see me and I have requested him to write a letter to the Chief Minister of Maharastra. I hope this will be advantageous for your purpose." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 October 17: "This is the deficiency of our movement. Only mediocre men are joining and not the very intelligent class. I do not wish to increase more centers. The more we distribute books, the more we get solid ground of preaching work." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1973 October 17 : "It was our temple, so how can they sell? This is illegal. Let it go on for the time being, and we shall see later on. They cannot go outside the clutches of Krsna consciousness. Yes, do not attempt to open any more centers." • Email to a friend • ![]() Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: India’s ‘green and clean’ villageIndia’s ‘green and clean’ village![]() The village has set a standard of cleanliness much admired throughout India A small village in the north-eastern Indian state of Meghalaya has become the envy of its neighbours. Large crowds of visitors have been thronging to the village curious to find out why Mawlynnong has earned the reputation for being arguably the cleanest and best educated in India – all its residents can read and write and each house has a toilet. That is no mean achievement in a country that is still struggling to educate its population and address basic water and sanitation issues. About 90km (55 miles) from the state capital Shillong and barely 4km (2.4 miles) from the Bangladeshi border, Mawlynnong is much loved by its inhabitants who work hard to keep it clean. Bamboo dustbins It is five in the morning and pouring with rain. But that does not deter a group of volunteers in the village from rising early to sweep the roads. It is a process that is repeated several times a day.
“Some cleaners have been hired by the village council to sweep the roads – but many villagers take turns to make sure they are swept several times a day because it is not possible to pay so many people,” says young volunteer Henry Khyrrum. The streets are all dotted with dustbins made of bamboo. Every piece of litter and almost every leaf that has fallen from a tree is immediately discarded. Plastic bags are completely banned and all waste disposal is environmentally friendly. Rubbish is thrown into a pit dug in a forest near the village where it is left to turn into compost. The villagers here say that lessons in hygiene start in school so that children can be taught from an early age how to keep their surroundings clean and green. Mawlynnong is one of the wettest parts of the country – and while many parts of India are suffering under drought-like conditions this year, the south-western monsoon has not disappointed the north-east. While the supply of clean water and sanitation is a huge problem in India’s teeming cities, it is an even bigger challenge for the authorities in the country’s villages where these facilities are almost non-existent. Keeping it clean now comes naturally to most people here. The village headman says the village council – or Darbar – maintains very strict discipline. ‘Global warming’ “There is a fine imposed by the village council for anybody found to be throwing litter around or cutting trees. You see, the fine is just $1 for each such offence committed. But due to the humiliation and embarrassment that our self-respecting people feel at being fined, they make sure to follow the rules,” says village headman Thomlin Khongthohrem.
Children are taught to collect litter at an early age “Besides, the council carries out strict inspections of the sanitation facilities in each house. “Workshops are also being organised to make people aware of the dangers from global warming.” Experts say Mawlynnong, like the rest of the state, has a very effective local governance system. The society is matrilineal – meaning that land is passed down through the female side of families – making women economically more powerful. Mawlynnong’s reputation for being clean and green has been well documented, and its Khasi tribal inhabitants are known to be worshippers of nature. Their reverence for nature is seen by some as an effective way of preserving the forest cover. Thambor Lyngdoh, in charge of a sacred community forest in a neighbouring village, says the while it is true that many Khasi people are “nature worshippers” the drive for cleanliness and education is not about faith only. “Even today we are very strict about how the forest can be used,” he says. “People are allowed to take whatever they need from the forest for their own use. But they cannot take anything more than that for any kind of commercial use. They are punished for any violation.” Local initiative Mawlynnong’s reputation for cleanliness has even earned it a place on the state’s tourism map.
For the villagers, cleanliness is next to Godliness Hundreds of visitors from all over India now visit the village throughout the year. Most of those visitors are impressed with what they see. “This is the first time I have come to this place. I really want to congratulate the villagers who have made the place so beautiful and the cleanest in the continent. There is something special about the place. We just came to see why it has become so famous. It really is clean and you have to give them 10 out of 10 for that,” says Sanjay Saraogi, a tourist from Shillong. Another tourist, Euginea, says the rest of country should learn from Mawlynnong’s experience. “I have come to this village to see its cleanliness and I think everybody should follow the example of the villagers,” she says Mawlynnong’s success is entirely driven by local initiative. It has been so successful that the state government has been prompted to promote eco-tourism in the area but the locals are resisting this. “There is a fierce sense of self-determination among these people. There are certain rules they have followed traditionally. They do not want government to borrow ideas from outside and impose it on them,” says Deepak Laloo, a member of the Meghalaya Tourism Development forum.” The villagers are treading a path that the rest of India should be keen to follow. Filed under: Cows and Environment ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: Sweet Surrender, Mirandy, Perfect Moment, and Knock-outby Krsna Bhava dd Sweet Surrender, Mirandy, Perfect Moment, and Knock-out series have you heard these names before? If you have, you must know Betty Hickey the master rosarian at the Palace of Gold, these are her favorite roses. Betty Hickey will retire this fall from her position as the manager of the Palace Rose Garden. For the past 26 years Betty has cultivated a garden that attracted tourists, qualifies for AARS (All American Rose Selections) accreditation and pleased the devotees. In 1985 Betty started working on the Palace Rose Garden. In the 20,000 square foot rose garden, Betty and a team of 10 gardeners established 850 plants. There are 100 different varieties of roses which include hybrid teas, grandifloras, floribundas, shrubs, miniatures, and climbers. Half of the roses are AARS winners. Betty said that in the fall of 1985 Aravinda das, the garden manager, looked at the blossoming garden, realized its value and then applied for AARS accreditation. AARS accreditation is very prestigious and given only to rose gardens that plant the societies selection of roses and meticulously maintain them. Accredited gardens are awarded free AARS winner rose plants every year. In 1987, she became the sole rosarian. Her roses bloom 3x a year, most roses bloom only 2x a year. Her meticulous care has kept the Palace Gardens accreditation with AARS until the program was discontinued, coincidently it was this year. Her standard of excellence over the past 26 years has not only been visible in the rose gardens but in all the gardens at the Palace. When Betty saw the garden crew was down to only 5 part time gardeners, instead of planting the labor intensive annuals as done in previous years, she decided to establish permanent beds with perennials, hedges and shrubs which were easier to maintain. In the winter, permanent plants prevented the beds from being bare. Although Betty was raised on a farm and grew vegetables she had no previous experience with roses. She learned on the job, through extension services and the Master Gardener program. Now Betty is a member of the Marshal County Master Gardener Association and is considered an authority on roses. She is frequently invited to speak publicly on caring for roses. Last year , 40 members of the Ohio Valley Master Gardeners Association came to the Palace to attend her lectures on rose cultivation. After retiring she is looking forward to quilting, working with her pumpkin business, and spending more time with her family. Betty has 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Betty is a member of the Sand Hill Methodist Church. Reflecting on the roses that she grew Betty said, " Seeing the plants develop and bloom I feel in touch with God and his creation and I love and will miss my work at the Palace. We love and will miss her. • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: MY BEST QUESTION FOR TODAYHow can I add most value to the lives of devotees who will visit me today? • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: UNLEASHING THE IDEAVIRUSOne of the top world marketing experts Seth Godin, glorifes devotees marketing wit: The Hare Krishnas have grown their sect by inviting people to eat avegetarian dinner with them. Intrigued or just hungry, people give them momentary attention and thenpermission to talk to them about this new way of life. Sometimes people leave, having done nothing but eaten dinner. Sometimes,people listen to what's being said and decide to embrace the ideals beingdiscussed. And sometimes, they become converted and turn into sneezers,volunteering to go out and invite other people over for dinner the next night. Note that they didn't start by walking up to a stranger and proselytizingabout their religion. Instead, they used a gradual technique to sell their ideaeffectively and turn it into a virus. Make as many supporting manifestos available as possible, in whateverforms necessary, to turn consumers from skeptics into converts. This caninclude endorsements, press reviews, even criticisms and commonly madeobjections. Think of the Hare Krishnas at dinner. The more they can expose youto during that hour, the better the odds of spreading the virus. From the book "Spreading The Ideavirus" by Seth Godin • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Bn Georgina asks why devotees showed her a wrong attitude upon her temple visit and about chanting the Nrsimha kavaca
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Remembering Narottama dasa Thakura on his disappearance day
• Email to a friend • ![]() Spiritual Scientist: Why does God demand faith?Question: If God exists, why does he not reveal himself to us? Why does he first demand faith before we can know and see him? Answer: When we ask a question like this, we often forget that acquiring even worldly knowledge requires faith and training. Let's consider a few examples: Yet to the question, "Do you believe in the existence of God?" almost all people in the same group will express some opinion; the atheists will be assertive, even aggressive, despite the fact that this question is far beyond their jurisdiction. Worse, they will condemn deference to spiritual authority as blind faith. Such blatant double standards beg the question: Is no training, no qualification needed to pass judgment on spiritual matters? ISKCON founder-acharya Srila Prabhupada, during his talk at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), famously asked, "In MIT, why is there no department to study the almighty?" It required years, decades and centuries of sustained training and effort for us to begin comprehending God's creation through science. God is the profoundest and loftiest of all things and beings and is far greater than his creation. Then why should we object to the little training and effort that is necessary to comprehend God through spirituality? When we understand God's exalted position, we will recognize that his demand for faith is not at all unreasonable; rather it is our demand to see him without reposing any faith or taking any training that is unreasonable. • Email to a friend • ![]() Bhakti Lounge, NZ: Labour DayBhakti Lounge will be closed on Monday 24 October • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Nectar Of The Holy Name
"My dear Lord, my consciousness is thoroughly mundane. Though I mouth the names of the Lord, I am too unfortunate to experience their transcendental touchstone qualities. O Lord! I beg You to please appear as the holy name and dance on my tongue. I fall at Your lotus feet and pray: if You like, You can keep me in this material world or place me in the spiritual sky. Whatever desire is Yours, You are free to fulfill, but please let me taste the divine nectar of Krsna's holy name. You have descended amongst the conditioned souls to distribute the holy name, so kindly also consider me, an insignificant jiva. I am a fallen soul and You are the savior of the fallen. Let this be our eternal relationship. O Savior! On the strength of this relationship, I am begging from You the nectar of the holy name." I wish you have a great week of chanting and realisations. your servant, Aruna devi • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Kadamba Kanana Swami Harinam Part 1 ISKCON Melbourne 2011Kadamba Kanana Swami Harinam Part 1 ISKCON Melbourne 2011 • Email to a friend • ![]() Australian News: Bridging the tolerance gapCROWS NEST: No religion knows the whole truth and should learn from each other, a Crows Nest minister says. For the third year in a row, Crows Nest Uniting Church has invited people from other religions to speak about their tradition and practice at their multi-faith services. "Not one of us has the whole truth, we need each other," minister Michael Barnes told the Daily. The idea for the services came up six years ago after Professor Dennis Foley offered to take a group of people from the church to a Sydney national park to show them sacred Aboriginal sites. He took them to a rock platform and poured water on it, revealing some rock carvings. "It was an amazing experience," Mr Barnes said. This year, the church will have people from the Jewish community, Hare Krishna, a North Sydney Catholic church and Prof Foley, who will speak about Aboriginal spirituality.
Click here to see the rest of the story in the Mosman Daily Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() Sita-pati dasa, AU: Mayapuris at Atma Yoga, Brisbane![]() ![]() The Mayapuris in Brisbane, at Atma Yoga - Monday 24 October 6pm. Tickets $20 pre / $30 on the night. Dinner included! • Email to a friend • ![]() H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 17 October 2011--Which Place Do You Like the Best?--and--Is the Guru Parampara Still Alive?A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Monday 17 October 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Which Place Do You Like the Best? Uploaded from Kaliningrad, Russia Here in Kaliningrad at one my lectures I was asked, You are traveling all over the world and experiencing many different places. So which place do you like the best? My immediate reply was that since Krishna consciousness is a process of ever-expanding bliss every place I go to is experienced as the best of all places. Especially after I remain in a place for a few days it becomes so sweet that I wonder why I would ever want to leave such a place. How can every place be so relishable here in this miserable material world? This is because anyone who is engaged 24 hours daily in Krishna's service is not living in this material world. They are constantly living in the ever-blissful association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his wondrous transcendental abode, the spiritual sky. Anyone in any part of the world can easily personally connect with God simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Wisdom that Opens the Door to the Spiritual World 15 October 2011--Kaliningrad, Russia http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Kaliningrad_Lecture1.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is the Guru Parampara Still Alive? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would like to ask humbly the following question: The tradition of the teacher disciple relationship continuity is known as guru-sisya parampara. The one who gives the spiritual knowledge is called teacher and one who receives that knowledge with proper attitude is called disciple. Thus the knowledge flows from teacher to disciple in succession spontaneously. This implies that in such successive transmission of knowledge there is no change either in content of knowledge or traditional method of communicating that knowledge. What is the present position in India and elsewhere? Yours in yoga, Janardan Mali Answer: It's Almost Dead, But Is Being Revived. The original spiritual master is Krishna. Therefore for a guru parampara to be bona fide it must be transmitting in a pure, unmodified form the original teachings of Lord Sri Krishna as He speaks them in the Bhagavad-gita. Sadly, in India and all over the world, the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna have been distorted so much that the genuine guru parampara is practically non-existent. For example in the Bhagavad-gita Krishna says, Surrender unto me, but the so-called gurus say, Do not surrender to Krishna. Surrender to the unborn within Krishna and within everything. The good news is that the guru parampara has not been totally lost. It has been kept alive in an unbroken disciplic succession coming down from Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This guru parampara, known as the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya, is as follows: 1. Lord Sri Krishna 2. Lord Brahma 3. Srila Narada Muni 4. Srila Vyasadeva 5. Srila Madhvacarya 6. Padmanabha 7. Nrihari 8. Madhava 9. Aksobhya 10. Jaya Trtha 11. Jñanasindhu 12. Dayanidhi 13. Vidyanidhi 14. Rajendra 15. Jayadharma 16. Purusottama 17. Brahmanya Trtha 18. Vyasa Trtha 19. Laksmpati 20. Madhavendra Puri 21. Isvara Puri, (Nityananda, Advaita) 22. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu 23. Rupa, (Svarupa, Sanatana) 24. Raghunatha das Goswami, Jiva Goswami 25. Krishnadas Kaviraja 26. Narottama das Thakur 27. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur 28. (Baladeva) Jagannatha das Babaji 29. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur 30. Gaurakisora dasa Babaji 31. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvat Thakur 32. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 33. Disciples of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Anyone who takes advantage of the above disciplic succession by becoming a submissive student of one of its present representatives will become spiritually perfect and attain the supreme destination of going back to home, back to Godhead. The influence of this sampradaya is being felt all over the world as it gradually brings about a global spiritual revolution. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: • Email to a friend • ![]() Australian News: BYRON BAY THE MAYAPURIS ARE COMING – Do not miss out – See the Videos and link to tickets here!It’s confirmed. Due to popular demand, based on their brief visit earlier this year, The Mayapuris are giving a show at the Byron Community Centre on Friday 28th of October. Doors open at 7pm for an 8pm start. Friday 28 October 2011 Tickets are on sale now from http://www.byroncentre.com.au/whats-on/current-events/details/143?xref=239
Don't miss this explosion of spiritual dance and music. Tickets are on sale now from the Byron Community Centre website here. You can also drop by the ticket booth at the Community Centre (69 Jonson Street) and buy them in person. $25 Pre-sale or $30 on the door. Click here to visit Kirtan Byron This is a video from last night’s Chant Fest with Mayapuris in Manly. At the end people didn’t want them to go, and it seemed as if time stood still as they delivered their last, explosive and joyful kirtan. Off the stage, unplugged, raw and euphoric. That’s what Mayapuris are. Vara Nayaka Dasa.
More video video from last night’s Chant Fest with Mayapuris: More video: Get to the concert in Byron, do anything it takes to get there, you will not regret it – life will never be the same again. Here are some photos of recent events to encourage you: Mayapuris Rock Mangrove Mountain Part Two ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() More Recent Articles

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Planet ISKCON - 2010 · Planet ISKCON - 2011