| Denver Temple Weekly Bulletin Vol 2: Issue 51 December 17, 2009 New Year's Day Kunda Nama Kirtan at The Temple Help protect cows in India from abuse New Community News Briefs Section | 
Lord Vishnu standing in the Causal Ocean
| Pleaseforward this newsletter to a friend. To subscribe to this weekly email, please click here Update Profile/Email Address Please do not reply directly to this newsletter, please reply to this email address: | Upcoming Holy Days and Temple Events and Notices for the week of December 18 to December 24: December 19, Saturday-disappearance day of Sri Jiva Goswami, one of the Six Goswamis of Vrndavana; one of greatest Vaisnava philosophers and writer. Disappearance day of Sri Jagadisa Pandita, brother of Mahesh Pandita and great devotee of Lord Caitanya who helped spread the sankirtana movement Special month-long event: December 1-31: ISKCON worldwide Srila Prabhupada book distribution marathon; you can sponsor books to be dsitributed; see Tusta Krsna Prabhu. Read about the history of the Prabhupada "Christmas" Marathon here .
Upcomming Special Events: New Year's Eve Harinama on 16th Street Mall, Denver- December 31; meet us at temple at 9pm or at the mall; bring your car so that we can drive everyone down to the mall. New Year's Day Celebration at The Temple: Please Join us for New Years Day Kunda Nama Kirtan, January 01, 2010. Starting at 10:30am and ending at 8:00pm There wil be various devotees leading kirtan through out the day. You, your friends and your family can join in on this most auspicous event. We are extending invitaions to all singers who are interested in participitating. Please call ahead to sign up for a time slot. If interested, please contact the following devotees: Tusta Krsna Das - 720-941-2763 Chaitanya Chandra Das 303-355-5222 | HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE | Bhagavadgita Verse of the Week: Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gita As It Is 2.65 prasāde sarva-duḥkhānāḿ hānir asyopajāyate prasanna-cetaso hy āśu buddhiḥ paryavatiṣṭhate SYNONYMS prasāde - on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord; sarva - of all; duḥkhānām - material miseries; hāniḥ - destruction; asya - his; upajāyate - takes place; prasanna-cetasaḥ - of the happy-minded; hi - certainly; āśu - very soon; buddhiḥ - intelligence; pari - sufficiently; avatiṣṭhate - becomes established. TRANSLATION For one thus satisfied [in Kṛṣṇa consciousness], the threefold miseries of material existence exist no longer; in such satisfied consciousness, one's intelligence is soon well established.
| HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE |  Srila Prabhupada - listening to a question while taking prashadam
Srila Prabhupada - "When these books arrive to your Montreal Temple, it will be great service if you can help your god-brothers in arranging for widespread sales of these books. We are writing so many literatures and this is very good, but also we must make arrangement for distribution to the public at large." Letter to Jayapataka, 1 December 1968 This week the Denver Devotees distributed over 375 of Srila Prabhupada's books to the public.
| OM AJNANA-TIMIRANDHASYA JNANANAJANA-SALAKAYA CAKSUR UNMILITAM YENA TASMAI SRI-GURAVE NAMAH "I was born in the darkest of ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances to him. " | You are invited......: We would like to invite you, your family and your friends to attend this coming Sunday Feast at the Denver Hare Krsna Temple. Starting at 5:00 pm, be prepared for an ecstatic Krishna Kirtan, Transcendental Srimad Bhagavadgita lecture and free sumptuous vegetarian feast. We are located at 1400 Cherry Street in Denver, CO 80220. Map to the Temple Temple Daily Schedule | JAI-SRI-KRSNA-CAITANYA PRABHU-NITYANANDA SRI-ADVAITA GADDHARA SRIVASADI-GAUR-BHAKTA-VRINDA | Thanks to our Sponsors: Thanks for our Sunday Feast Sponsors for December 13:
1. Krishna dasa and family
2. Kusum and Narinder Mohan in memory of mother Srimati Rampa Mohan
3. Adarsh Mohan and Sadhna Mohan and family in memory of mother Srimati Rampa Wati Mohan
If you would like to become a Sunday Feast Sponsor click here for more information.
Community News Briefs: We are sad to announce the passing away of Jayo Das. He joined the Denver community several years ago and will be greatly missed. To read more about Jayo click here. Krsna Arjuna Das, a local Denver Devotee, had a bad stroke several weeks ago. The news is that he is doing fine. He is at Rose Medical Center under his devotee name. John Reynolds a dear friend to all of the Denver devotees passed away December 07, at 7:00pm. He performed great amounts of devotional service for the Denver Temple and wil be sincerley missed. Sign a petition to help protect cows in India - click here for more information. If you have any announcements that you would like to post to this newsletter, such as marriages, births, deaths, graduations, etc. please send them to pcavana123@gmail.com. Please include pictures if you like. | HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE | 10 signs that vegetarianism is catching on - click here NEW: What's happening with Krsna Consciousness around the world - click here | | | | | | | |