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The sixth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita states that the greatest yogis on retreating deep within the innermost recesses of their hearts experience: - The highest happiness that comes by re-establishing their personal devotional connection with Krishna, the supreme reservoir of all happiness (6.28)
- The equal spiritual potential of all living beings as integral parts of the supreme (6.32).
These dual dimensions of their experience convince them that everyone has the capacity and deserves the opportunity to relish the sublime joy that they have relished. But they see that most of us tend to postpone our inner search till we have created a stable situation externally. However, these seers know that external stability is difficult to sustain without internal serenity. That's why they urge us to retreat within to treat without. When we have stabilized and strengthened ourselves internally by relishing our personal connection with the divine, then we don't let our minds blow external problems out of proportion. When our sense of perspective is thus restored, we gain the vision and the vigor to minimize external volatility and thereby facilitate realistic external stability. More importantly, this experience of inner rejuvenation helps us see the truth of what they have been telling us: we can improve the external world only when we mine our spiritual potential and mint the sublime enrichment thereof - and help others do the same.
This reading of the later part of Srimad Bhagvatam’s second chapter is very interesting! It clearly describes how a transcendental God can operate within the material world, and also raises a fascinating point about the soul’s eternal nature. Here it is: Spiritual Godhead in the Material World.

ei rūpe brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja [Cc. Madhya 19.151] "Among all the living entities wandering throughout the universe, one who is very fortunate receives, by the mercy of the spiritual master and the mercy of Kṛṣṇa, the seed of devotional service." By the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Ballabha and Their competent pujaris we get Their gorgeous darsana everyday."
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site sdgonline.org:
| | 4:28 A.M. Poem for January 8 
“Why should the fallen rascal souls of Kali-yuga, bound up tightly by material illusion, have the privilege of seeing all these eternal, fully spiritual, limitless treasures of the divine realm? Maya has therefore hidden the dhama by means of the erosive, ever-changing nature of the three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati.… Continue reading â |
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2nd Jan 2012, Simhachalan, Germany) Caitanya-caritāmṛta talk
 The material side of our life is not at all supporting and that is very difficult. Ajamila was a qualified brahmana who due to seeing an inappropriate situation – a low class man and a low class woman engaged in illicit activity, and it captures his mind and pulled him down! And Prabhupada is talking about this topic in a lecture that: “If Ajamila who was very qualified…and he fell down, then what is our chance in this age?” It is a fact that we are living in a time where it’s a crazy world, and there are lots of people who are very degraded and doing all kinds of crazy things and we see it all the time! It’s in your face…constantly! Everyday there are so many pictures and so many things we see about illicit activities!
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2nd Jan 2012, Simhachalan, Germany) Caitanya-caritāmṛta talk 
Going on a pilgrimage is what we recently did, and something which by reading the Caitanya-caritāmṛta had inspired me to do that. Sometimes you read about past times in places and gradually you develop a picture of an area just like a map. When we are reading a map begins to form. The history takes shape; things that took place at certain points in time, such as the environment of which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement had appeared in. So we went on a pilgrimage to Bangladesh where there were many places that are related to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! For example, there is the birthplace of Advaita Acarya, which is in a remote northeastern corner where you have to cross two rivers, and then you get there to the remote place. When going to such places then naturally one is receiving blessings within these places. But because of the austerities one performs by going there, it intensifies one’s meditation, which again brings about a deeper relationship!
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Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site sdgonline.org:
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“Conclusion: All things fail without Krishna.” “Srimad-Bhagavatam praises those who inquire into self-realization and transcendental life. Those who have actual spiritual interests are called sat, devotees. Sat means ‘that which eternally exists,’ and asat means ‘that which is not eternal.’ Srila Prabhpada explains: ‘As spirit soul, everyone exists eternally, but the asat has accepted the material world as his shelter, and therefore he is full of anxiety.’ (Bhag.… Continue reading â |
1970 January 8: "Krishna is never approached directly. Krishna is approached through His bona fide servitors. Try your best to serve Krishna under the direction of your Spiritual Master and Krishna will surely help you in all respects."
1970 January 8: "My ambition is to open centers as many as possible. By this work not only you will be blessed by Krishna but your name will be recorded in the history of the Krishna Consciousness Movement which is to grow to the largest volume of expansion."
1970 January 8: "When I was in London, I was wearing on your cloak daily because there it was severe cold. But this side is very nice. It is not cold at all. So when I get back the coat surely I shall utilize it properly."
1971 January 8: "I am not after recruiting some disciples. My main purpose is to propagate the teachings of Krishna Consciousness. But for preaching work we want some assistants and if somebody offers voluntarily his service it is welcome."
1971 January 8: "If they are sincere it is not objectionable that your followers want to accept you as guide in spiritual matters. So the best thing will be that you become a regular disciple of me and you can teach your followers in the same principles."
1971 January 8: "Please establish this new center firmly just according to our highest principles of devotional service to Krsna. You may immediately arrange an alter for worship of Guru-Gauranga. Later you can increase the Deity worship."
1974 January 8: "Our program is perfect, now you simply have to implement it without any changes. Now our five centers in Canada are going nicely. As GBC, please correspond and occasionally visit the centers to see how they are doing."
1975 January 8: "Please continue your service nicely as one of my elder women disciples always setting good example for others to follow. He is giving stress to selling using all tricks by any means. It must be stopped immediately."

On his blog Kurma Dasa has been reminding us of Yamuna Devi Dasi and her wonderful recipes. Whilst doing some filing recently Kurma came across this long hidden recipe from Yamuna which she got from the kitchens of Jagannatha Temple in Puri, India. It’s one hundred years old. Click here to read what Kurma said about it Here are Yamuna’s notes on the recipe: “Of all the world’s exceptional kitchens, perhaps none are as grand as the kitchen compound of the Jagannatha Temple in Puri, Orissa, that basks on India’s eastern seaboard adjoining the Bay of Bengal. The present temple of Jagannatha was constructed by King Ananga Bhima. Historians say this temple was constructed at least two thousand years ago. Awesome and gigantic, the Jagannatha Temple kitchen reflects centuries, if not millenia, of culinary tradition. Without electricity or machines, a legion of skilled chefs work under oil lamps over open wood fires. Every day since the temple was inaugurated over twenty centuries ago, the temple chefs have prepared more than one hundred different vegetarian dishes in enormous quantities to be offered to the temple Deities, and then distributed as prasadam, sanctified food. The kitchen runs so efficiently that given only one day’s notice, the chefs can prepare a full meal for ten thousand guests at a sitting. The kitchen compound is located several feet above and to the left of the temple’s main gate, called the Simha-dvara, or Lion Gate, and covers roughly one acre. The kitchen is divided into nine sections, two of them a little more than 2,500 square feet each, the other seven slightly smaller. The kitchen houses an astounding 752 wood-burning clay stoves, called chulas, each about three feet square and four feet high. To accomodate various sizes of pots, small clay knobs are judiciously placed at intervals on the stove’s surface for support. A circle of five jug-shaped earthen pots rest directly on the stove’s surface, kept in place with the clay knobs. Three more pots go in the open spaces above the pots to form a second layer, and one more pot goes in the centre on top, forming a nine-pot pyramid. In this way, all nine pots receive lickings of heat and smoke from the wood fires below. Some cooking pots, also made of unfired clay, are shallow and wide, resembling Spanish Paella pans or French saute pans. As the food cooks in the pots, their walls become very hot. The pots provide amazing heat retention – food stored in them stays piping hot for up to four or five hours – and tastes exceptionally delicious. One thousand men are employed in the kitchen every day. Five hundred executive chefs, called swaras, are the only ones actually allowed to cook on the stoves. Three hundred kitchen assistants, called jogunias, assist the swaras by lighting the fires, fetching water from temple wells, washing and cleaning the new earthen cooking pots before use, and finally filling the pots with ingredients. The other two hundred assistants , called tunias, wash the cart-loads of locally grown vegetables, such as the many varieties of leafy greens, tubers, squashes, melons, green chilies, ginger and fresh coconuts. The tunias also cut the vegetables, grate the fresh coconuts into powder, and stone-grind the herbs, chilies, ginger, and dozens of spice blends. All members of the kitchen staff begin training at age twelve. They serve for life, or until they become too old to perform their duties. The one hundred different dishes prepared daily fall into two categories, called pakka and sukka. Pakka foods are those which are boiled, such as dals, soups, stews, rice, kiccharis, and all vegetable dishes. Sukka, or dry foods, include cookies, biscuits, sweetmeats, pastries, and confections. As with the fruits and vegetables selected for use in the Jagannatha kitchens, the standard for spices has also remained constant for two thousand years. Only locally grown spices are used, and these include mace, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, mustard seed, and black cumin. Although non-Hindus are strictly forbidden from entering the Jagannatha Temple or it’s kitchens, visitors to Jagannatha Puri’s bustling markets can purchase a huge variety of temple kitchen prasadam for a small price, some still hot and in it’s original clay cooking pots.” Not long after rediscovering the recipe, I cooked the rice pudding, and I must say it was delicious. Here then is the original recipe for bhat payasa, the rich rice pudding cooked daily at the Jagannatha Temple kitchen. This recipe has not changed in two thousand years. 2 tablespoons ghee or unsalted butter 3/4 cup long grained rice, washed and dried 1/2 bay leaf 2 litres milk 1/2 cup ground rock sugar, or raw sugar 1/4 cup currants 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom seeds one pin-head quantity of pure cooking camphor (optional) 1 tablespoon toasted nuts for garnish Heat the ghee or butter in a heavy pot over medium heat, and toast the rice for a minute. Add the bay leaf and milk. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced to half it’s original volume. Add the sweetener, currants, and cardamom, and simmer the mixture until it reaches one fourth of it’s original volume, and is thick and creamy. Stir in the optional camphor, and cool to room temperature, or refrigerate until chilled. Serve garnished with the toasted nuts. Alternatively, for an untraditional touch, top with a spoonful of pureed sweetened raspberies, strawberries, or red currants. Click here to find more recipes from Kurma Dasa
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.40 - Maya will attack us when we become slack in spiritual practice.
Whatever our situation - whatever the material energy conjures up in our lives, we need to keep on chanting regardless. It's something I was meditating on today after I finished my last 2 rounds - Maya may make so many disturbances in our lives, and it can become a very big distraction in our minds.
Regardless of these disturbances, we need to keep on chanting the best way we can and keep connected with Krsna.
THE FOLLOWING LECTURE ON SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM, CANTO 3, CHAPTER 1, QUESTIONS BY VIDURA, TEXT 21, WAS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ON 3 APRIL 2008 IN ISKCON UJJAIN, INDIA. Transcription : Her Grace Ranga Radhika Dasi Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa Audio reference: click here Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om [...]
(Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada)

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VICARU DAS BHAKTIVEDANTA MANOR UK. Krishna by his mystic power, he transferred the residents of Mathura to Dwarka just in one night and if you study the description of that Dwarka city how it was built was beyond any human abilities. There were big gardens and parks full of various flowers of different colours and also orchards overloaded with variety of fruits; beautiful birds were chirping, and peacocks crowed delightfully. There were ponds full of blue and red lotus flowers and some of these ponds were filled with varieties of lilies. The lakes were full of nice swans and cranes,and the voices of these birds resounded everywhere. In the city there were as many as 900,000 great palaces built of first- class marble with gates and doors made of silver; the pillars of the houses and palaces were bedecked with jewels such as touchstone, sapphire and emerald whilst the floors gave off a beautiful lustre. The highways, lanes, streets, crossings and marketplaces were all beautifully decorated; and the whole city was full of residential homes, assembly houses and temples, all of different architectural beauty. All of this made Dwarka a glowing city, the big avenues, crossings, lanes and streets, and also the thresholds of every residential house were very clean and at both sides of every path there were bushes, and at regular intervals there were large trees that shaded the avenues so that the sunshine would not bother the passers-by. There were more than 16,000 residential quarters,Great Kings and Princes of the world used to visit these palaces just to worship Dwarkadheesh Krishna. The palaces were very tall and the top part of the palace were decorated with diamonds, crystals ,and gold and in the compound there were huge golden pots. The palace of Queen Satyabhama; the floor of her palace was decorated with jewels, that in hot season kept you feeling very cool like air condition. King Indra gave Krishna the sudharma sabha hall for meetings and he gave parijata tree and the demigod Varun gave blue horse which runs the speed of mind and the demigod Kuvera gave all wealth. In this way all the demigods they gave different gifts to Sri Krishna for his city. Krishna was married with sixteen thousand one hundred eight wives, and he lived in those sixteen thousand one hundred eight different palaces with each different queens. And when Krishna has to attend the meeting that same 16,0108 Krishna becomes one Krsna to enter in the meeting hall. Many many great sages and kings from different planets visits Krishna in Dwarka. One time while Krishna was living in Dwarka, Lord Brahma came to meet lord Krsna in the city so Drahma arrived to the gate and he told the gatekeeper that could you please go and inform Krishna that Lord Brahma comes to visit you. The gate-man went to inform Krishna and Krishna ask that gate-man that could you ask Brahma which Brahma are you? The gate-man comes back to Brahma and informed Lord Brahma that Krishna is asking that which Brahma are you? After hearing from the gatekeeper Brahma became bewildered which brahma am I? I thought only I am the only Brahma are there more Brahmas than me? More Pastimes to follow Many Thanks for Reading Yours Humbly Vicaru Dasa
Toronto, Ontario
I rarely receive snail mail these days. One person who constantly sends letters as an update on his life is Dave. He's in a situation where he doesn't have the freedom to walk. Dave is a prisoner in the US and I"m sure he doesn't mind me sharing his letter which arrived today:
"Dear Maharaj,
Hare Krsna Guru-deva. I have a new celly named Chris Cherry and he likes to eat all my food. I found him stealing my oatmeal this morning. Just a token reaction for my sins.
But he likes to chant Hare Krsna, just out of the blue, so I will fan that fire. He is not really serious about Krsna but I will be humble and tolerant.
Now I know how you and mother feel when I sin.
Bhakta David"
From this letter we can sense Dave's realizations about karma and about being tolerant and being humbled.
One thing I would add to Dave's message is that we are all souls imprisoned in these bodies. We are all 'cellies' even though we might regard ourselves as free civilians. We are in this prison, this durga and we are locked in behind the bars of our strong desires. While here, our good conduct can make a difference. The 'key' to releasing ourselves from jail is bhakti (devotion), love - deep love for the Divine.
10 Km
Ice Under You
Toronto, Ontario
Along Moore Park Ravine it has become a virtual skating rink but with pedestrians sliding about. Over the years I've taken to slipping trials and even learned how to fall although there's no guarantee that its a one hundred percent smooth landing once hitting the ice. For the most part Krishna has protected me.
I recall, as a kid being an ice slider talking to trekking of a different kind over frozen ponds, rivers and lakes. Dad used to take us kids for a Sunday drive (spin is more like it) with our 50's Dodge on Lake Erie. Fortunately we never went under with the car. There was no casualty.
The saying 'treading on thin ice' could be analogous to our spiritual life when our sadhana practice is not strong and the deepening of our devotion has a hard time to manifest. Some practitioners depart from the spiritual path altogether after meeting a dark hour. We sometimes refer to that drop of faith as a 'fall down'.
After yesterday's episode with the lady and the wedding gown, I stopped suddenly on my tracks to see a former avid follower standing on the sidewalk chatting with someone. I stood there trying to get his attention to make a cordial greeting, a 'Hare Krishna', a 'Happy New Year". I hadn't seen for some time this young person whose past participation illustrated so much enthusiasm. Once I got his attention he walked away and expressed a type of denial with a hell of a snarl. "What happened?" I wondered. "A loss of faith?"
It hurt to see the negative response, the rejection. To me it registered as a walking away from God. I turned and moved on completing the day's walking obligation feeling that even if a person spiritually slips and falls, he/she can make their way back up again. There's always another chance, another opportunity. Any endeavour made, devotionally makes a permanent mark. It's not that if you don't make the grade this time around that you get thrown into a furnace where ice can't survive.
What I learned is that some people chose thin ice to tread, some chose thick. It's always good to be safe than sorry. You want ice under you, not on top of you.
9 Km

By His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami: Actually, if one neglects dharma of if one doesn't know about varnasrama dharma, and there are sastric injunctions to that effect as well, if one is not a part of the varnasrama dharma system, one is not even considered a human being. That's a pretty strong statement. One is not considered civilized if one does not know about dharma...both varnasrama and bhagavata dharma. 
urban yoga level 1, 123 swanston St Melbourne, VIC, 3004 Ph: Mob: 0433 147 745
Email: nanda.mandir@gmail.com
Mucukunda das

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Mucukunda das

We just can't get enough of Lord Jagannatha's smile. Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Mayi have been away for so long that Their come-back brings so much joy to our hearts... and eyes. Here is the darsana of the Lord Of The Universe in all His splendour.

Just returned from a beautiful January Christmas party hosted at the house of the much loved HG Bhakta Prabhu and his wife Bhakti Mataji. This was the first time we were going and we arrived fashionably late. As we walked into the front courtyard, we could hear the laughters amongst the guests. People were clearly having fun. On entrance into the house, we received the wonderful hugs from Prabhu and Mataji, which immediately puts you at ease and makes you feel like kids again. Very therapeutic indeed. As we all sat under the Krishna Tree and staring at the beautiful altar of Their Lordships – Sri Radha Karuna Sindhu and ready to receive our surprise gifts from Bhakta Santa, prabhuji explained the importance of love when dealing with one and all. He said that irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity, relations etc, we must express our friendship to one and all. As devotees of the Supreme friend, we have so much to give to people. And that was what Christmas was all about. He said that it didn’t matter what the historians & conspiracy theorists have to say about the dates, but what’s important is the spirit with which people, family & friends come together to express their love for one another, exchange gifts and remember the ever-loving God. Yes, I like the Christmas spirit.
This is a shot taken from the level of the eastern staircase in the temple. On the left, you can see that the casting is commencing on Sri Nrsimhadeva's floor. On the right, you can see the Conch building and the entrance to the existing temple. This picture clearly gives you a marvelous perspective of the hype of the temple room floor. Many that come on site are just overwhelmed with its magnitude.
(Click on the picture for enlarged view) Posted On Facebook Today By Her Grace Aishvarya Radhika Dasi
Expressing Love and Care by Real Gestures – HH Radhanath Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty 2011 12 31
Ugrasrava Das first lived in the mud floor huts along the boundary wall and eventually moved into conch building in 1973, the same year as Srila Prabhupada. He has been here since the very beginning and has had cherished darshan with His Divine Grace while Mayapur Dham grew up to become what it is today. One sunny afternoon, while sitting outside on couch, Srila Prabhupada exclaimed "Why is it that no Bengalis are coming, because this is such a beautiful temple." Now he would be so proud to see all of the pilgrims that come every day to see Lord Caitanya's birthplace".
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Sunday 8 January 2012 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Remembering Srila Prabhupada in Santiago uploaded from Santiago, Chile There is truly nothing sweeter than remembering Srila Prabhupada. And there is truly no place sweeter to do that than at Prabhupada Night, a weekly nectarean event held every Friday evening at ISKCON's temple in Santiago, Chile. On 6 January 2012 I was blessed with the opportunity to be the speaker at Prabhupada Night. I decided to focus on that quality of Srila Prabhupada's which is the most sublime, namely his compassion. It is his compassion on the fallen souls that brought him to the West to start this movement. And it is his amazing compassion which attracted us to totally give our lives to him in a feeble attempt reciprocate with his compassion. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Diving into an Ocean of Nectar on Prabhupada Night 6 January 2012--Santiago, Chile http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Santiago_SP_Night.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why is Regulated Chanting Required? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet Why do devotees say, regulated chanting the holy names instead of just, chanting the holy names? Can you please explain what they mean? Also, I would like to know if my chanting is regulated. Your humble servant Shyam Answer: To Insure that You Become Pure Regulated means that one should chant a minimum of 16 rounds daily of the Hare Krishna mahamantra on japa mala beads. This is the minimum amount of japa chanting required for remaining fully in Krishna 24 hours a day. Regulated chanting is required for the neophyte devotee to insure that he will do enough chanting on a regular daily to insure that the material contamination that has accumulated in his heart over millions of lifetimes is gradually washed away. So, are you chanting at least 16 rounds every day? Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles |