The Bhagavad-gita (5.29) states that knowing Krishna to be our greatest well wisher is essential for attaining lasting peace. When things go wrong, disrupting our material lives and sometimes even our spiritual lives, a doubt may cross our mind: is Krishna really my well wisher? While dealing with such doubts, careful thought will help us understand the difference between the pleasant – that whichfeels good – and the benevolent – that which breeds good, i.e., produces a good result. A surgery doesn’t feel good, but it breeds good. Similarly, Krishna being the supreme doctor may act in ways that are not always pleasant, but are always benevolent. When we are being surgically operated through the upheavals of the world, intelligence and patience are indispensable assets for us to maintain our faith in Krishna. Intelligence ensures that we don’t mistake the unpleasant to be the malevolent, and lose our faith in Krishna. Patience ensures that we wait till the smokescreen of the unpleasant dissipates and the reality of the benevolent manifests, thereby vindicating and strengthening our faith. When we have thus realized Krishna to be our well wisher, then no worldly disturbance can steal away our peace. (this actually applies to all swans) 
Hare Krishna: The following information is being provided for those who are interested or concerned about the swans well fare. Our swans have three lakes to feed from in addition to fields and a daily supplant of cracked corn and whole wheat. Contrary to a popular current myth, they are not “starving.” If you are interested to feed the swans, please note the following! Use extreme precaution when attempting to feed them. Best to bring a stick with you. They are very aggressive, they do bite, and their wings are very strong. They can break an arm or a leg with their wings if provoked. When stretching up on their legs and extending their necks, they become quite “tall,” able to attack the necks and faces of anyone 5’6″ and under. If they suspect you have food for them, they will come at you altogether. If this happens, back off and leave the area. (After reading this, I suspect not so many will remain interested to feed the swans!) I plan to post WARNING signs along the lake. Jaya Devi is the main caretaker along with myself when I am present, should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! Feeding Swans – the correct way Please note that their natural diet is best for them and that filling them up with food that is not part of their natural diet should be avoided, as it will prevent them from getting the nutrition they need as well as being potentially harmful. HOWEVER, when winter conditions set in and little food is available – our help in providing food is likely to be very appreciated and may be even life-saving. What NOT to feed swans: Anything that is NOT healthy for us: sugary, starchy, fatty foods, junk food, fast food NO Bread, chips, cakes, cookies, and cereal, etc – as these foods can cause digestive and serious other health problems NO Cooked and processed foods. NO Raw Beans of any kind. However, cooked beans are alright. What to feed swans: Note: Any food fed to them should be in manageable size for swallowing. Foods should be as natural as possible, unprocessed without harmful additives. Please refer to the natural diet as described above or on the relevant species pages … If possible, feed items that are close to their natural diet. Particularly in the winter months when grasses or other plant vegetation is scarce, greens such as dark green lettuce, spinach, chopped/shredded carrots, celery and alfalfa sprouts and other vegetables and greens make a great supplement. Note that lettuce may be an acquired taste and the swans may take a while to get used to it. Any vegetables need to be cut up into small pieces. Remember, birds don’t have teeth! Other foods to feed: Healthy popcorn (without artificial coloring and flavorings); corn / cracked corn; whole wheat GRAIN (not processed, not bread – natural state grain); whole oats; brown rice, lentils, split peas and smallish seeds Equally loved and cherished are peelings from our own food preparations for dinner, such as broccoli, potatoes, green beans, cabbage — GENTLY steamed (only enough to warm up – NEVER cook and NEVER use the microwave to warm up) and feed warm (not hot) to swans who will especially appreciate that when it’s cold outside
TKG Academy (Dallas Gurukula) hosted a festival for Gaura Purnima. This included bhajans, presentations from the students and a short lecture by Giriraj Swami. Dallas, TX 2011-03-13

Vaiyasaki Das and the Kirtan Explosion Band will be playing at Kirtan fest at Govinda Valley Click here to find out more on Facebook
Make your reservation now click here to book online See more below Some spiritual truths cannot be conveyed in words—but are carried instantly to the soul when experienced directly through music. Vaiyasaki Das, a tenor and international kirtaniya, travels the world transformig hearts by the chanting of the Divine Names of the Supreme. His kirtan music features inspirational sacred music gathered from many Kirtan traditions from India and Bangladesh. Vaiyasaki, an initiated disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, spent many years in India and Bangladesh since the 1970′s learning the ragas inherent to the various kirtan styles from master kirtan musicians, saints, and singers who inspire whole villages in Bangladesh to join in the ecstatic chanting of the spiritual celebration of kirtan. Since the 70′s he has toured introducing raga kirtan and devotional Bengali music in 5 continents, recorded 12 CDs, and written two books how the kirtan/yoga culture was transplanted to the West. His considerable knowledge of the vast repertoire of Indian bhajans has provided the foundation for a new generation of artists, in the flourishing genre of kirtan yoga and mantra meditation. Each of his musical recordings is intended as a heartfelt offering from the heart. His CDs include: The Way of Love, Charana Kamal, Kirtan Rasa, Hari-Nam-Ananda, Transcendence, Vrindavan Chandra, Chaitanya Chandra, Ratha-Yatra USA, Bhakti-ratna Mala, Best of Vaiyasaki, Sri Krishna Divya Nam -the beautiful divine name, & Kirtan Explosion -high energy kirtans. “Vaiyasaki Das’s kirtan music is imported from the spiritual world. His voice is a gift from the gods. When one hears his otherworldly vocals, the heart opens and the mind becomes soothed. He transports listeners to a divine realm, wherein every word is a song and every step is a dance. Making use of prodigious recording skills and his innate musical talents, his CDs reflect this spiritual phenomenon, enabling listeners to experience sonic bliss.” -Steven J. Rosen, author, Yoga of Kirtan Kirtan Music Festival Retreat Fri 20th – Sun 22nd January Cost: 3 day retreat – $290 per person (Shared accommodation with 4 beds per room & includes six meals) 3 day retreat camping – $240 per person (includes six meals) Day pass: $70 Join us for a transcendental weekend of sacred music with some of the worlds leading kirtan artists including International recording artist Vaiyasaki, Sri Prahlada, Camella Baynie, Dwaipayana, Vraja Kumari Vamsi Dhari and Clayton Frick Enquiries/bookings: Tony 0425 333 086. Make your reservation now click here to book online As accommodation is limited book early to avoid dissappointment Festival schedule (Subject to change) Friday: 4 pm onwards Check-in 6–7:30 pm Dinner and Welcome 7-8 pm Kirtan – Tribhi/Vamsi/Vraja 8-10 pm Kirtan – Vaiyasaki Das 10pm on kirtan – Sri Prahlad / Gitanjali Saturday: 5:30-6:30 am Sunrise meditation @ Bald Hill 7-8:30 am Yoga / or Mantra Chill with Tribhi 8:30-9:30 am Breakfast 10am-12pm Singing Workshop (Gitanjali) or Meditation session 12:00-1pm Lunch 1:00-2:30pm Nature walk 1:30-3 pm Kirtan – Tribhi 3:00-5:00 Kirtan Workshop 3-4:30 pm Kirtan – Dwaipayana 4:30-6 pm Kirtan – Vraja/Vamsi 5:00-6pm Yoga 6-7 pm Dinner 6-7 pm Kirtan – Tribhi 7-8:30 pm Kirtan – Gitanjali 8:30-10pm Kirtan – Sri Prahlad 10pm on Kirtan – (All together now) Sunday: 5:30-6:30 am Sunrise meditation 7-8:30 am Yoga / or Mantra Chill with Tribhi 8:30-9:30am Breakfast 10am-12pm Singing Workshop (Gitanjali) 10am-12pm Nature walk 12pm-1pm Lunch 1-3 pm Kirtan Workshop 1:30-3 pm Kirtan – Gitanjali 3-4:30 pm Kirtan – Tribhi 4:30-6 pm Kirtan – Sri Prahlad 6pm on Kirtan – (All together now)
1. When NASA began launching astronauts into space, they found out that the astronauts’ pens wouldn’t work at zero gravity (ink wouldn’t flow down to the writing surface). It took them one decade and $12 million to solve this problem. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on practically any surface including crystal, and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 degrees C. And what did the Russians do? The Russians used a pencil. 2. One of the most memorable case studies on Japanese management techniques was the case of the empty soap box, which occurred in one of Japan’s biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint that a consumer had bought a soap box that was empty. Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line empty. Management asked its engineers to solve the problem. Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the line, to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and they worked fast but they spent whoopee amount of time and money to do so. But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the same problem, he did not get into the complications of X-rays, etc but instead came out with another solution.. He bought a strong industrial electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line. 3. A 50 feet long trailer having 48″ wheels got stuck while entering a midtown tunnel in New York because it was approximately 0.2 feet taller than the height of the tunnel. The fire department and the state department of transportation spent the whole day searching for a solution, to no avail. Then a child, aged about 9 years, asked his father, “Why can’t they take out the air from the tyre tubes? The height will automatically come down.” Moral: Always look for simple solutions. And learn to focus on solutions, not on problems.

"O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee." (Sri Iso Upanisad. Verse 15) Kindly also remove the illusion that covers our material eyes and exhibit Your darsana to us, aspiring devotees.

In the Srimad Bhagavatam, in geh Ramayana, the Mahabharata and other vedic texts there are descriptions of flying vehilces, vimana, that are described as having the propertie sof modern aircraft/. Altough written tousands of years ago the decriptions match and are consontent wth thise given by people who clain to have observed UFO visiting the earth. It’s like teh wildest science fiction you will fnd today. People flying around in vehivles, blasting each oter and gaving areil flights, detroying whole cites grom the air. This video from the History channel provides the detail 
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site
| | 4:26 A.M. Poem for January 3 Late-night Pastimes, 10:48 P.M.-3:36 A.M. Meeting the Gopis The lotus-eyed gopis are Krishna’s eternal consorts. Their connection with other cowherd men is only apparent. Actually Yogamaya makes duplicate bodies of the gopis, and covers their relatives with delusion so that the gopis can freely meet Krishna during [...] |
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site
| | “Vrndavana in all seasons” I. “You are in Vrndavana in all seasons. In April-June, the hot season, when the only noise is from doves and peacocks, when everything else is scorched and the smell of white baila flowers permeates the breezeless night, when no rain falls but the fragrant falling tamal flowers patter twice daily [...] |
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Dec 2011, Sasolburg, Johannesburg, South Africa)

When industrialisation began, the world changed for the first time – drastically in big ways! When we started to get big factories and so on, that was the beginning and an end of an era in the world all over. Gradually we saw a society that became based on industry. Instead of taking food from the land, we are bringing it in vehicles to central markets, where everyone is buying. Slowly we rely more and more on all these artificial arrangements…that’s of course is modernity…and now we are living like that…. and it has gone so far that it is practically impossible for many people in the world to go back to living more naturally! Sometimes it has been said that: ‘Nature’s arrangement was God’s arrangement. Technology – that’s mans’ arrangement.’
Or sometimes it is said: ‘The village is God’s arrangement. The city – that was mans’ arrangement.’
Well there is some truth in thoughts like that – it is true! It is not impossible to have spirituality in a modern lifestyle…. it is very possible, if we recognise the same thing. Like even if you are involved in a big chemical plant, then where do the chemicals come from? Okay then we are back to a perennial question: ‘What is the origin of this universe?’ The western culture offers ‘the big bang’ as the solution, which is basically suggesting, that the whole matter was very dense and not together….then it exploded………but obviously the fundamental question remains: ‘Where did that matter come from? What was the origin of that dense matter?’ That doesn’t really speak of the origin of the universe, since it speaks of the interim stage of there was a matter. All right but: ‘Where did that come from?’ That was our question. So far modern science has never given a satisfactory answer to the origin of the universe. Therefore, we prefer to keep it on a divine origin!
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 7, No. 23 By Krishna-kripa das (December 2011, part one) Tallahassee, Gainesville, Alachua (Sent from Uruapan, Mexico, on January 3, 2012)
Where I Went and What I Did?
I spent a week in Tallahassee during the end of November and the beginning of December. The highpoint of that was when enthusiastic Krishna House devotees came to assist our outreach at First Friday. Also wonderful was that the next day at Lake Ella, a lady liked Pritha’s chanting so much, she wanted Pritha to call her the next time she sang so she could come hear. After Tallahassee, it was chanting at Krishna Lunch in Gainesville as usual and the Farmers’ Market on Wednesday, or this time, across the street from the market due to competition. We had an extra late night Friday night end-of-the-semester street chanting program attended by a few enthusiastic devotees and appreciated by some local party-goers. Purusarta Prabhu and Madhava Prabhu (our local Madhava) have been doing kirtana on Saturday nights at the Gainesville Krishna House, and there is great response in terms of local devotee attendance. Here is some video of these end-of-the-year kirtana events:
 The UF Campus Ministry Cooperative (an interfaith group) had a progressive dinner, visiting four places of worship and sharing food. Krishna House supplied their famous spaghetti, which was served at St. Augustine Catholic Church, as Krishna House was off of University Avenue. I connected with lots of students in different ways, the most rewarding being seeing that students who sang in the choir agreed that singing for the Lord was the most powerful spiritual experience for them. The entertainment for the event was Ekendra Prabhu playing guitar with Kalakantha Prabhu and Gopala Prabhu assisting him on bass and drums, respectively. One student was happy to find in me another person not too shy to dance to the music.
The Alachua community chanted at two Christmas parades at that second Saturday in December. The devotees were spirited, and their joy was appreciated by the locals, through glances, smiles, waves, and moving with the music. Devotees distributed one thousand of pieces of spiritual food and lots of literature. I was surprised that Alachua parade was mostly faithful old-timers and a bunch of kids with just a few young adults attending, and our attendance seemed smaller than in the past. Of my Gainesville friends, I recall seeing only one. The High Spring parade attendance, with just twelve devotees, although very enthusiastic ones who made it a success, was more disheartening. Chanting in these parades during this holiday season is such a simple way for us to share with hundreds of our friendly neighbors the joy of connecting with the Lord through his chanting the holy name, and that joy is what Christmas and what life itself is all about! Come out next year, Alachua County devotees, and increase the ecstasy!
I share wise words from Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Prabhupada, and lots of contemporary devotees, notably Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami and Chaturatma, Malati, Kalakantha and Sesa Prabhus, in particular, as well as some Krishna House devotees and friends, like Ekendra Prabhu, who made some valuable observations.
First Friday with Boost from Krishna House
About twelve devotees from Krishna House joined our kirtana program at Tallahassee’s First Friday where Daru Brahma Prabhu serves Krishna dinner to about two hundred people. I was surprised to see their enthusiasm to explain to those walking by and waiting in line for food about Krishna and His teachings. At one point, there were at least three devotees talking to the people, including some who did not usually do that kind of thing. One high school girl remembered seeing us chanting at Lake Ella and was happy to see us again. Mother Amrita Keli talked to one guy for over an hour. Estefania even sold someone a set of chanting beads, in addition to the many books the devotees distributed. When the Tallahassee devotees joined us, we had so many people that we could chant at the prasadam serve out and also have a chanting party walk throughout the whole area. Our serve-out place is too dim to take video with my camera, which is meant for still shots, but I did take a clip of the walking chanting party, when a local dancer took pleasure dancing with us:

Seeing the enthusiasm of the Krishna House devotees made me think that groups of three or four of them could go to other cities and settle there and create new Krishna centers by their youthful enthusiasm and by their faith.
Insights from Devotees
Srila Prabhupada:
from Siksamrita on rural living:
Better to produce ghee rather than cheese.
Try to avoid purchasing food from outside for the cows.
Send some cows from New Vrndavana to our goshalas in Vrindavan and Mayapur.
The Western civilization will be finished as a result of this sinful activity of killing the cows.
Comment by Mother Citraratha: I was a new devotee and twenty years old in 1975, I received a little inheritance and knew I should offer it to Krishna. My temple president asked how I wanted to spend it, and I said I wanted to buy a cow for New Mayapur farm in France, and so we did.
Comment by Dr. Dina Bandhu Prabhu: When I was Ekacakra [in West Bengal], all the prasadam we had was grown in that place.
In your country, the dog is protected and the cow is killed.
In New Vrindavan, the mountains can be renamed New Govardhana, and if there are lakes they can be renamed Shyama Kunda and Radha Kunda.
Do not make it too much luxurious but have the basic necessities of life.
The problem in your country is that people want to maintain attachments to sense gratification and also advance transcendentally.
The defect of this modern civilization is people make volumes of money but do not know how to use it. They waste it on illicit sex and intoxication.
All these properties are of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Comment by Mother Citraratha: Radhanatha Swami tells a great story how Srila Prabhupada wanted Hayagriva Prabhu to become New Vrindavan temple president. Hayagriya Prabhu felt he was not advanced enough, and he did not like the idea. He came up with many arguments to support his case. When he went to meet Prabhupada, Prabhupada told him he wanted to expand his service by having him take sannyasa, the renounced order of life. He explained elaborately why he thought that would be good for Hayagriva and humanity as well. That was a most horrible idea to Hayagriva, who considered he was much to attached to practically be a sannyasi, and he rebelled against the idea. Then Srila Prabhupada suggested that Hayagriva become the temple president of New Vrindavan. That was such a relief from the idea of sannyasa that Hayagriva accepted it. The foolish idea that plants or animals have no life is the cause of all sinful activities.
from Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.10–13, purport: “When one desires the benefit of the soul and nothing else, he is said to be desireless.”
from a Prabhupada DVD:
Lady: Can you see God? Srila Prabhupada: Yes. You cannot see? God is everywhere. You do not see? Do you want to see? Lady: No. Srila Prabhupada: Because you do not want to see, you cannot see.
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura:
Our main disease is to collect objects that have no relation with Krishna.
Only if our body falls chanting the name of Lord Hari will our life be successful. Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:
from his Vyasa Puja 2012 lecture:
“I had a job in the welfare office, and at first I wanted to quit so that I could be with Swamiji all day long like the other boys, who were all unemployed. So I resigned, handed in my official resignation, and went and told Swamiji. To my surprise he was disappointed, and he told me a story. He said there was a man, very nasty man, and he was married to his wife, but he wasn’t faithful to his wife. He was always hankering to visit and go enjoy himself with a very expensive prostitute, but he didn’t have the money. So when his wife learned of this, she went to the prostitute and said, ‘My husband would like to enjoy with you.’ And the prostitute laughed and said, ‘You don’t know how much I cost. I cost a thousand dollars a night.’ So the wife said, ‘Please accept me as your servant and I’ll serve you to earn money so that my husband can come to you.’ So she worked for her for a year, and the prostitute finally said, ‘All right. You can bring your husband.’ And the wife told the husband, and he so ruthlessly went to the prostitute and enjoyed himself. “So I didn’t know why Prabhupada was telling me this story (or I did know). He said, ‘Whatever you may say about that wife, about her morality, we would have to admit that she was a very chaste wife to her husband and just tried to please him. So you may think the association in that office is not very spiritual, that it’s a dirty place to be. But by being there and contributing to our society you are doing the best service, better than if you stayed here.’ So I immediately went back to the office and retracted my resignation.”
“Prabhupada told me to write. He encouraged me very much in writing for Back to Godhead magazine.”
“Then with the Library Party we decided that there should be a book that we could circulate in the academic circles, an academic book about Krishna consciousness which would be acceptable in their Hinduism courses. So I wrote a book entitledReadings in Vedic Literature and Prabhupada approved of it.”
“Prabhupada said I wasn’t a good manager, but he kept me on the GBC because I did what he said. But he encouraged me in writing and thought of me as a writer.”
And then at the end of Prabhupada’s life, some members of the BBT wrote to his secretary Tamala Krishna Maharaja and asked if they could write a biography of Prabhupada as he was about to disappear. They wanted to get approval. And he said ‘Yes, and Satsvarupa Maharaja should write the book.’ So then at the GBC meeting after his disappearance, they commissioned me to write the Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta. So that was another order from Srila Prabhupada.”
“I wrote a book called Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Diary in Vrndavana. I had been going to see Narayana Maharaja, and then at a certain point I felt I should not continue to see him because it compromised my chastity in going to see Srila Prabhupada as my only guru. So I expressed my feelings of wanting to come back by visiting the Prabhupada Samadhi and Prabhupada rooms at different times in the day. And I wrote to him intimately.”
I would write timed writing sessions in different locations.
“I’m a writer, and this is my preaching field to readers, casting Lord Caitanyta’s net further–now and in the future.”
75% of my books are out of print, and I want to put them back into print, and I want you, my disciples, to help me do this.
I want to approve all these books before I pass away.
Mother Malati:
Christ earned the glorification of the Christians by tolerating a few nails in his body, but Bhismadeva spoke on religious principles with hundreds of arrows in his body.
As Bhimsadeva transcended the pain of arrows in his body to speak on religious principles, Srila Prabhupada transcended the pain of disease and old age to speak his Bhaktivedanta purports in his final days, whispering into a microphone a devotee held near his mouth.
If you want to talk about someone in a negative way you should not mention his name. This is explained by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura who said to illustrate this that rather than say ‘cow’ say the big animal with horns that gives milk.
To separate a person from Krishna is violent.
One governor was called a coward by the very man whose sentence he reduced from the death penalty to life in prison. The governor did not pardon him because he was innocent but because he did not want anyone to be executed during his time in office.
Sometimes devotees stress vegetarianism when in fact eating vegetables not offered to God is also sinful, and sometimes Srila Prabhupada would say, “If Krishna ate meat, we would also eat meat.”
We may not immediately instruct people about the details of varnasrama but the dharma is the chanting of the holy name, and as the people become purified by chanting, we can tell them more.
Once a devotee was chanting during Srimad-Bhagavatam class when Srila Prabhupada was speaking, and Srila Prabhupada said, “What is this noise?”
Gopal: The arrows were just two fingers apart all over his Bhisma’s body.
Olivia: I had an idea of purifying myself from bad qualities. Now as a devotee, I see more clearly exactly what those bad qualities are and which I should first try to give up.
Mother Citraratha: So many extremists have their ideals which they violently advocate, but Prabhupada peacefully described how people should act for their betterment.
The scientists give different symptoms of death: no breathing no pulse loss of color livor mortis—blood settling in the lower part of the body rigor mortis—stiffening of the body decomposition
I saw the body of one godsister who had died many hours before but she did not lose the color in her face.
There is one type of body building in which you work out in a gym, but we advocate another kind of body building.
One devotee mother was shocked when her child died untimely at age seven. She was shocked and was almost completely dysfunctional. It was decided they would take the body of the daughter to offer to the holy river Yamuna by carrying the body in a harinama party.
One devotee seamstress took darsana of the Lord for whom she had made outfits for years, having been away for quite some time because of Alzhiemer’s disease. I was surprised to see her absorption in the Deities. She saw me looking at her, and turned to me, saying “You may try to forget Krishna, but Krishna will not forget you.”
One Indian industrialist in his nineties, whose son became a fulltime devotee, was in Vrndavana area for Karttika, and while there he left his body. He folded his hands, and said, “Jaya Prabhupada! Jaya Gurudeva! Jaya Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Jaya Sri Rama!” And left His body.
One devotee wondered what would happen in the case of sudden death. Prabhupada replied, “Do you think Krishna is ungrateful?” Then explained that Krishna would certainly take care of his devotee.
Chaturatma Prabhu:
The First Canto gives us everything the Bhagavatam will give us. The remaining cantos just expand it out.
Sometimes Srila Prabhupada says household life is a license for sense enjoyment and sometimes a license for sex enjoyment. If one is not careful they become one and the same.
In India they offer Ganges water back to the Ganges. What is the point of that? By doing that we are acknowledging the source. In the same way, we offer Krishna’s property back to Krishna, for what else can we offer him?
Here the dharma of the king or ruler is such that in the present day, a dharmic leader would close the slaughterhouses and the liquor shops and promote religious principles in society, not merely promote one religion as opposed to another. We do not see any political candidates addressing these issues.
Because people have no sense control, parents abuse their children, political leaders abuse the citizens, and teachers abuse their students.
Kings would keep base desires in check by associating with saintly persons.
Unfortunately in modern society equality for women often means to have the opportunity to attain the same bad qualities that men have. Real equality is to have an equal opportunity to serve the Lord.
The tendency of the householder is to think this is my house, this is my property, this is my game room. In reality all these are the property the Personality of Godhead, and they should be used in His service.
There is a Govardhan-sila that formerly belonged to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which presently resides in the Radha-Gokulananda temple. It has the thumb print of Lord Caitanya in it which you can see if you give the pujari a donation. The history of this sila is that Lord Caitanya gave it to Raghunatha Dasa Goswami who served it in great ecstasy. Next Krishna Dasa Kaviraja took up that worship and then Mukunda. Mukunda gave it to Krishna Priya Thakurani, who then took up the worship and then passed it on to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, who ultimately turned over the sila and his other deities to the Radha-Gokulananda temple.
Sesa Prabhu:
This pastime of Bhismadeva leaving his body is a culmination of all the emotions of the Mahabharata.
The ultimate goal of Krishna consciousness is not just to learn philosophy but to experience transcendence emotions in relationship with the Lord and His devotees.
We can get to the stage of transcendental emotions by engaging as Bhismadeva did in Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.9.32: “Let me now invest my thinking, feeling and willing, which were so long engaged in different subjects and occupational duties, in the all-powerful Lord Sri Krishna.” The result of doing this is described ten verses later, “Now I can meditate with full concentration upon that one Lord, Sri Krishna, now present before me because now I have transcended the misconceptions of duality in regard to His presence in everyone's heart, even in the hearts of the mental speculators.”
Seeing anything separate from Krishna is the cause of all the suffering in this world. By engaging everything in Krishna’s service, one become frees from this duality.
Srila Prabhupada was questioned about his naming the deities of New Delhi as Radha Parthasarati as that seems to be an incompatible mixture of different moods, but he knew what he was doing. He wanted to make it clear to everyone that the Krishna of Vrindavan and the Krishna of Dvaraka are in fact the same person.
We do not accept “seeing is believing.” For us “hearing is believing.”
Hearing some Bengali bhajana singers playing in a competition, Srila Prabhupada said, “Stop this. There are just singing for money.”
Becoming Krishna consciousness is like waking up from your waking state.
Krishna is aware of our hearing about Him and our meditating on Him.
Tolerance means we go on hearing despite our imperfections due to impurity.
Comment by Mother Madhumati: Although hearing is sufficient, sometimes we experience if we see Bhagavatam acted out it more powerfully awakens our transcendental emotions.
Yes. That is true. Hearing can be aided as by acting in theater.
Comments by Mother Malati:
We are careful to read the label before we put something into our body but we do not restrict what we put in our ears.
One devotee asked about hearing in the toilet room, and Srila Prabhupada replied, “There is no prohibition.”
from a Sunday feast lecture:
At Christmastime there is an awareness of being good is valuable, whether we are children being good in order to get gifts or we are adults considering giving in charity.
In the “Divine and Demoniac Nature” chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Krishna talks about the good qualities of our original spiritual nature.
Aversion to fault-finding (apaisunam) is a key divine quality.
One Vaishava teacher says that to describe the bad qualities of another, whether or not they are true, is very bad quality.
Krishna was not interested in efficient administration by a king with bad qualities. Duryodhana was not a bad king but a bad person.
Although he looked everywhere, Yudhisthira could not find one more fallen than himself. How many of us could honestly say that?
The consciousness of “me first” or “you have to look out for number one” does not help society.
If we see no one greater that ourselves that means we are finding fault with everyone else.
Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakura advised, “Amend yourself rather prying into the frailties of others.” He also said, “In this world, only ‘patience, humility, and respect for others’ are friends of hari-bhajana.”
If we are going to change the world, we have to change ourselves.
Why do we find fault? To make ourselves look better. Because others criticize us. Insecurity. Because I have bad qualities, I think others have the same bad qualities. As a matter of gossip. To correct problems in society, we criticize supposed causes. When we are disturbed or in pain, we lash out. We fail to look within.
If our first instinct is look within, then we go down a different path than if our first instinct is to criticize others.
The truth about our situation in this world is very humbling. Krishna says humility is the first item of knowledge.
We must respect all living beings, not just human beings. We cannot talk about peace on earth and good will to men, as we enjoy our Christmas turkey dinner.
If fault-finding happens in the association of devotees, we lose our original nature.
Jagai and Madhai changed their hearts and became humble.
If I could ask one gift from all of you this holiday season, it would be to remove the tendency for fault-finding.
Comment by Yamaraja BTS: When we feel like finding fault, Bhakti Tirtha Swami recommends in Spiritual Warrior 3, breathe in the bad quality and breathe out love.
If your humility does not result in increased hari-bhajana [glorification of the Lord] then perhaps it is a destructive low self-esteem.
We do not need to fear. The Lord will protect us. We have to have that faith in the Lord’s protection to act with these spiritual quality.
Comment by Chaturatma Prabhu: If we serve others, that will neutralize the fault-finding tendency. After all, we do not want to serve someone who has bad qualities.
Kalakantha Prabhu:
I heard this Mahabharata story in a lecture by Gauranga Prabhu. Four people ask Bhima about inconceivable events they experienced. Bhima cannot offer an explanation and so he refers each to King Yudhisthira, his eldest brother.
The first says that overnight his fence moved a few feet out onto his neighbor’s property.
The second says that he distributed the contents of a full waterpot to several smaller pots, but when he returned the water to the original pot, it was only half full.
The third says that he saw an entire elephant pass through the eye of a needle but then its tail got stuck.
The fourth says that a huge boulder was blocking the road and that no one could move it by any means until a sadhu came, waved his chadar, and the boulder immediately moved.
Yudhisthira explained that all of these events were symptoms of Kali-yuga, the present age of quarrel and hypocrisy, which was just then beginning.
The first event showed that in this age, no matter what one has, one is envious of what others have.
The second showed that one gives full love to his family members but only receives half in return.
The third showed that a rich person will give any amount of money for sense gratification, social functions, etc., but when asked by a saintly person for a small donation he will say he has no money.
The fourth showed that the obstacles of Kali-yuga cannot be moved by any means except by the blessings of a saintly person.
Ekendra Prabhu:
Why don’t we know Krishna? Because we do not love Krishna. If we do not love someone, why bother getting to know them?
There are so many, many things that we are very interested in. Practically we are interesting in anything but Krishna.
If we do not know Krishna then we are incoherent. If someone has an head injury, to see how serious it is they ask the person questions to determine their coherence. What is your name? Where do you live? Who is the president? In the same way, there are questions one could ask to determine one’s spiritual coherence.
Even in high graduate classes in the university, people do not take philosophy seriously. One professor at Temple University asked his students, “What is philosophy?” Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu, who was a student, replied “To understand who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going.” The professor replied, “Oh, one of those. That is easy to answer. I am Mr. Smith. I have come from the library, and I am going to the administration building.”
To get beyond the influence of the material energy is simple in principle, to surrender to Lord, but it can be difficult in the application.
If you are addicted to Krishna, you will not be addicted to all the things that other people are addicted to.
If you are humble, it is easy to find someone greater than yourself that you can learn from.
Gopala Prabhu:
That this age of Kali is degraded we can see from the news reports:
A ten-year-old boy shot himself and six others because a girl would not go out with him.
They did an experiment by putting several men and women in a room and saying they could do anything they wanted. They started out talking and hitting each other with pillows, but then they ended up having sex, and later on they become violent. [This reminds me of the progression given in Bhagavad-gita 2.62: “While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.”
Comment by Nimai Pandit Prabhu: Mother Narayani said, “Every saint has had a past, and every sinner has a future.”
When I was in my twenties, I started chanting sixteen rounds and following the four rules, but later I ran into difficulty. I felt like the person who had immense wealth and lost it and thus was always thinking about it. Braja Hari Prabhu:
Krishna is completely under the control of His devotees because of the purity of their devotion.
Candrasekhara Prabhu:
There is a conception that dhotis and saris are devotional dress, but most men in India who wear dhotis are not devotees, and most woman in India who wear saris are not devotees.
kṛpālu, akṛta-droha, satya-sāra sama nidoṣa, vadānya, mṛdu, śuci, akiñcana sarvopakāraka, śānta, kṛṣṇaika-śaraṇa akāma, anīha, sthira, vijita-ṣaḍ-guṇa mita-bhuk, apramatta, mānada, amānī gambhīra, karuṇa, maitra, kavi, dakṣa, maunī
Devotees are always merciful, humble, truthful, equal to all, faultless, magnanimous, mild and clean. They are without material possessions, and they perform welfare work for everyone. They are peaceful, surrendered to Kṛṣṇa and desireless. They are indifferent to material acquisitions and are fixed in devotional service. They completely control the six bad qualities—lust, anger, greed and so forth. They eat only as much as required, and they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave, compassionate and without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic, expert and silent. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 22.78–80)
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Dec 2011, Sasolburg, Johannesburg, South Africa) 
All traditional cultures of the world were very God centred societies. The old architectures in the European churches, with a small town around it, as well as a figure of another church. Basically it is a congregation with a church. In India it is temples, temples…temples everywhere! Even in the fields (where the farmer grow grains)there are little temples, and people go to worship in there to ask for blessings on whatever they grow….they don’t just hope that it is going to rain, since they ask for blessings for that to occur. When this proprietorship of the Supreme Lord is recognised and when His values which are revealed in various scriptures are recognised, then we can see that the world is not only becoming peaceful, but also nature becomes favourable…..then everything becomes prosperous….then the earth will produce ample amount of food grains. 
Ultimately the basis for life in this world is grain. Without grain there is no life, because even if one is eating animals – still the animals eat grains, and even those who maintain eating flesh, they also need grains. Grains are essential…so this is a fact!
1972 January 3: "I am the only one in India who is openly criticizing, not only demigod worship and impersonalism, but everything that falls short of complete surrender to Krishna."
1972 January 3: "This we must declare boldly to the whole world. My Guru Maharaja never compromised in His preaching, nor shall I - nor should any of my students."
1972 January 3: "So with full faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master, push on this work with full force. We have got a great mission to fulfill, and these books and magazines are the torchbearers of Truth which can save the world."
1973 January 3: "Let any man see our devotees working so hard for Krishna, then let anyone say that they are not better than many millions of so-called yogis and transcendentalists, that is my challenge."
1973 January 3 : "Just go on preaching His message. Remain always without anxiety for destination and comfortable situations, always relying only on the mercy of Krishna for your plan."
1974 January 3 : "You are trying your best especially even though the weather is cold you are emphasizing Sankirtana book distribution. So that is very important and that is why we are opening Centers."
1974 January 3 : "Keep strong by following the spiritual practices as I have taught them and do not unnecessarily add anything; otherwise, everything will automatically degrade."
1975 January 3 : "Swami has left our camp. He has his own plans. He has violated our rules and regulations and thus fallen down from the spiritual platform. Under these circumstances, please do not act under his advice."
"One reason why our japa goes through a ritualistic phase is the deep rooted tendency in our hearts of wanting to be in control of things. This is merely a reflection of our propensity to be the enjoyer, the root cause of suffering in this material world."
Radhanatha Swami
Chanting nicely and trying to catch up. Get twelve rounds done before your walk. Keep troubles off your mind and just chant and hear. Nothing should disturb you in the early morning hours. Whatever it is, it can be put aside while you favor Harer Nama. No troubles or plans for travel or writing worries should usurp the sacred mind-space of chanting and hearing. Yes sir, I will obey.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
The Toronto Hare Krishna Book Club is starting the new year with a great book called 'Teachings of Lord Caitanya'. It consists of 360 pages so if you read just 12 pages a day, you can complete the book in a month.
Here is a nice synopsis of the book:
"Lord Caitanya chanted, danced, wept in ecstacy and flooded the world with waves of prema-bhakti. Lord Caitanya is famous for His contribution of love, but His excellence as a philosopher is less well-known. However Lord Caitanya's teachings not only had a profound effect on Indian society 500 years ago, but are even now rapidly spreading throughout the world.
Srila Prabhupada, a great acarya in the disciplic succession from Lord Caitanya, herein reveals the philosophical truths behind the chanting of God's names, the essential conclusions on which Lord Caitanya's ecstasy of Krsna Consciousness is based. Read how Lord Caitanya debated with and defeated the most erudite religious thinkers of his time, established His own philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tatva (simultaneous oneness and difference), gloried the opulence and sweetness of Krsna, and revelade the ultimate pinnacle of spiritual exchange, the loving affairs of Radha and Krsna."
The objective of the book club is to facilitate and encourage readings from the wonderful philosophy of Krishna consciousness. We encourage you to participate! We will be sending out daily quotes from the book to those who register. To register for the book club, email
What is the definition of “material” and “spiritual”? When you put yourself in the centre, then that is material. When you put Krishna in the centre that is spiritual. -His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja ————————- Sent by Her Grace Chitralekha Dasi
So that is the real preaching, selling books. Who can speak better than the books? At least whoever buys, he will look over. If you have to sell books, do it by hook or by crook. The real preaching is selling books. You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned. We don't want to irritate anyone, however. If he goes away by your agressive tactics, then you are nonsense and it is your failure. Neither you could sell a book, neither he would remain. But if he buys a book that is the real successful preaching.
“…selling books they are doing the greatest service. What your one hour of preaching will do, they will hear and go away, but if they have one book at home, they will read, their friends will read, and something solid work is done. So the art is to sell many many books and not to irritate the public…” ~ Srila Prabhupada . Excerpt of Letter written in Los Angeles September 30th, 1972 Sharing books on Christmas Eve at Union Station, Canada's largest and historic train station We are sharing the above powerful quote from Srila Prabhupada to emphasize the "sharing" of Srila Prabhupada's books. Book distribution is a humbling service and it is all about compassion.
It is not about lecturing or somehow thinking that we are superior since we do 16 rounds or have this treasure trove of knowledge but rather compassion and humility so it is pleasant and people want to interact with us. Sharing is the key and Srila Prabhupada's words say it all.
It is our prayer that this sharing and compassionate nature comes out first amongst ourselves within the temples, to the souls that visit the temple in a mood of interest and discovery and finally out on the streets and venues where we do sankirtan...
By Vrajendranandan DasI am pleased to inform you that I am in Visakhapatnam (South India) now and we ushered this New Year in a very beautiful way by dancing and singing the Hare Krishna Mahamantra with 900 inmates of Visakhapatnam Central Prison
Yadunath das: I’m writing to publicly thank the many devotees who stepped forward to get 26 2nd Avenue on near-solid financial ground, and to update the rest of you with the status of the tirtha. Many of those who donated are not well off to say the least but they were willing to make this sacrifice in order to support the center
Navadvipstreet: Prasadam Monster only likes to eat Prasadam. He feels very lucky to have prasadam. Maybe he turned blue because he likes Krishna Prasadam too much! lol
Many people romanticize the world, fancying it to be the arena where they will fulfill their fantasies. When the world dashes and smashes their dreams, they sometimes oscillate to the other extreme and demonize the world, picturing it as an intrinsically evil place meant to be shunned at all costs. The Gita advocates a balanced middle approach between these two poles of romanticization and demonization. The Bhagavad-gita (5.29) declares that the world belongs to God, Krishna, and so should be utilized for his service. When we lovingly offer the resources of the world to the Lord of the world, this devotional contact with the all-pure Lord purifies us. This purification peels away the layers of ignorance and forgetfulness that have obscured our spiritual identity for eons. Once we realize our spiritual identity, then we discover that all the peace that we were constantly searching for externally was present all along in our own hearts in the form of Krishna, the source of all peace. Then do we fathom the true value of the world as a bridge to cross the deep valley that separated us from Krishna.

The materialistic wife and family members induce a man to work like an ass and meanwhile deride him for not fulfilling all of their demands. Yet, while the family may legitimately plunder a man and denounce him bitterly for his shortcomings, the acquiescent victim is not in the least able to tolerate words which might awaken him to the reality of his situation. 
Kadamba Kanana Swami (Srimad Bhagavatam 7.14.1, 20 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa) 
Question: In the purport (SB 7.14.1), Prabhupada first explained the bramachari, vanaprasta and sannyasa ashrams and then at last he said, grhasta ashram for those who are so attached to sex life. So it sounds like the only reason to go to grhasta ashram is lust. Is that what it is? Answer: Well, generally speaking it is. But sometimes, even self-realised souls came to the grhasta ahram to fulfil a purpose of the Lord, that also happens. Srinivasa Archarya, for example, had two wives but he was fully self-realised; he was seeing the spiritual world. That was an arrangement of the Supreme Lord. But for most of us, well you know… The thing is this, you are perfectly happy all by yourself and then suddenly some sex desire begins to arise and then one comes to desire to have a relationship with someone. But some people may say that’s not all there is to it, there is also companionship. Alright, I agree with that – companionship is important. We cannot just be alone in this world, we need to have other people but I think marriage, and I say that after 24 years of having tried it, that marriage is an unnatural arrangement! 
I’ll explain why. I think that to give someone else so much right to just infringe on your privacy is too much. See, if you are not married to someone, you can nicely and politely say: Thank you very much. I need a little time for myself. But you can’t say that to your wife… I mean, you can say it but my God, see what’s coming next! You never spend any time with me… you have no interest in me whatsoever… you completely cold and uninterested… always pre-occupied with other things! And you are thinking: I just want to finish my rounds. So it doesn’t allow you this privacy that you naturally need. It’s very intense. So it’s an unnatural arrangement, this infringement on privacy. As far as companionship is concerned, I think there is a need for that but I wouldn’t recommend marriage as the solution for that.
Analysis of the evolution of the revelation of the Absolute Truth in the Srimad Bhagavatam To hear, please click here
To hear the answer, please click here Answer Summary: 1. The purpose of Vedic culture was to connect everyone with God. 2. When the Vedic culture was prevalent all over the world, the earlier tradition - the wife getting delivered by serving the husband and the husband alone taking initiation - was conducive for fulfilling the ultimate spiritual purpose of the culture. That is not the case in the contemporary culture with its aggressively non-Vedic and even anti-Vedic values. 3. For serving the purpose of the tradition, adjusting the tradition according to time-place-circumstances is itself a part of the tradition.
To hear the answer, please click here Answer Summary: 1. Aghasura was a giant dinosaur-like reptile 2. The idea that dinosaurs ruled the planet is primarily science fiction; it is not supported either by strong empirical evidence nor by the Vedic understanding. 3. The body is like a dress. So the extinction of the dinosaurs is like a particular kind of dress being withdrawn by the clothes manufacturing company.
To hear the answer, please click here Answer Summary: 1. The mind is a constituent of the subtle material body, whereas the soul is spiritual. 2. The heart can refer to the biological heart or the emotional heart: the seat of emotions. The emotional heart can refer either to the soul which is the source of emotions or the conceptual entity where one conceives the beloved to be present.
To hear the answer, please click here
Answer Summary: 1. Consciousness being energy of the soul is spiritual, whereas mind is material, being one of the constituents of the subtle material body. 2. The mind is like the screen of the TV whereas the soul is the person watching the TV and consciousness is like the vision of the person that is focused on the TV.
Last Saturday about 6 car loads of us went Downtown with the Holy Names to join the many souls who were wandering about. This was an especially warm New Year’s Eve so there were literally thousands of people milling around, heading to a big festival. Everyone with great cheer appreciated the kirtan and our group more than doubled for almost the entire time we were down there. Even as our party was leaving the event many others also followed with us to join in with the sankirtan. Nagar Sankirtan Ki Jaya!
I write this in a mountain town of Mexico called Uruapan. As the Winter Bus Tour draws to a close, I reflect upon the journey that 28 of us have embarked upon throughout this magnificent country.
I am quieted.
I thought that when I boarded our bus on that now-faraway December night, I would be adventuring out into familiar pyramids, waterfalls, and beaches, then exploring far-flung villages to buy gifts and lots of earrings.And of course, throw in some kirtan for spiritual fun! As in previous years, I assumed a great outward explosion or curiosity and wonder.
Instead, the journey has turned inward. The wonders I thought I would be reeling in have lost their luster to me. It´s strange.
The true jewel has become the holy name. We sing kirtan every night for sometimes hours, and I teach sometimes hundreds of people to dance. I have witnessed miracles blossom before my very eyes - people weep in kirtan and smiles of the soul blossom on faces young and old. I have spoken with several people in my limited Spanish, and the words that come from their mouths are, "I am at peace. My heart is free! This is food for my soul."
I am humbled. This is my fourth Winter Bus Tour, but I realize that I´ve never dived into this country the way I have for the past several weeks. Some days I have almost felt disppointed to realize that Mexico is not about the pyramids or the waterfalls or beaches. And actually, I have not bought a single pair of earrings (oh my!).
Mexico is about the people; people who move my heart in a way no other people on earth have - people who have never heard of Krishna but as soon as they see His picture and chant His name, they instantly fall in love. Even the woman who collects highway tolls asked our bus driver today who Krishna is (since our bus is painted with the words Krishna Culture Festival Tour). We gave her a mantra card.
I am surrounded by people who simply love God and want to know Him and joyously chant His holy name.
Maybe because the holy name is so profound, I have found myself questioning the very foundations of Krishna Consciousness. The externals of my life seem to have been stripped away. I wonder at the purpose of service, and I question every direction in life I thought I was heading into. Some days I have retreated deep inside my heart, grasping and sometimes weeping for answers.
It´s a strange life I live - a day filled with questions while the night filled with answers.
I have found that each morning that I wake up on my swaying bunk, I wonder what the day and evening shall bring. What adventure shall the holy name usher into hundreds of lives... and into my own?
Today I got fried working on prema zina realized microsoft words normal template just is not designed for picture heavy docs, i saw arun the anime artist of the movement and it was krsnas arrangement cos he volunteered to fix it so thats why im glad we have a few devotees on the prema zine team.. Today I really felt my heart having a burning sensation due to anxious desire. I felt it go down when taking blessed food, attentively selflessly listening to devotees and my chanting. Also when I was presented with an opportunity to sell four books to a guest and talk with her, that was defs the high light of the day. Arya had some nice realizations I was convinced from what she was saying that she was a devotee in her past life. I also Learnt the names of the salagrams in the temple. Mkd

Recently I’ve been captivated and pondering the phrase “the arrows of time” first used by a British astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddingerton in 1927. 
There is as in all aspects of science many levels with in this arrows of time and the more I research in to the more I realize one truth, the Srimad Bhagavatam explains it all not only more fully but also in a much more universally understood manor. Most interesting is the thermodynamic arrow of time because it also relates to the fact that everything degrades from order to disorder; it is under the arrows of time almost improbable for there to e a reversal from disorder to order, life has to move in a single direction; hence even this earth planet to which we invest so much is moving slowly to a point of decay. It will warm up and eventually be consumed in fire; remind us of anything? Isn’t this the same fate the Srimad Bhagavatam gives us in the 12 canto? There is however one interesting and quiet poignant realization I’ve had, science’s omission of God or a creative force means that what is presented is dry and although it comes over with great gusto as we have seen in the large Hadron Colider when looking at particle physics that things are never quiet what they seem and new discoveries are being made that brings questions in a particular field of science. But still the arrows of time means that we move in a single direction, and that we move from order to disorder and eventually all things come to an end. So why bother if our fait is sealed? Why struggle if I’m going to degrade and die? I deed if this is all there is then well it sucks. Again science with out God gives us a depressing insight in to a bleak future, resolves that I am here for a short while and eventually any contribution I make will cease; whilst with God even in death there is beginning birth; Yes the arrows of time hold true time travels in a single direction, the Gita explains this nicely we cannot claim a moment back nor when we are moved into another form of life can we claim our previous life back. It remains ever different ever changing moving in one direction whilst we remain in under the modes of material nature. But then we have spiritual arrows of time, something science will never grasp or understand; who’s concept defies human logic – time moves on but in the spiritual world never disorder for Krishna and the devotees this is not bewildering and is the ultimate scientific Knowledge. 
So as in this material world we are under the spell of the arrows of time, the question thus we should be asking ourselves is this, what are we doing? And how do we make sure we progress from the material nature and it’s arrows of time to that of spiritual nature and it’s faultless arrows of time. For each moment we waste we can never ever claim it back.
Tenor Voice Has a Place
Toronto, Ontario
Darren is a tenor opera singer who's fairly young and at 23 has already run for a political position in a recent campaign. Good for him! Better still, he's getting his spiritual life together.
"It's been 10 months that I've been chanting and been with Krishna devotees," he told me. "And it's been wonderful."
Darren and I were strutting along in the Rosedale residential area after the annual "Prabhupada Festival" at night when he was reflecting on his good fortune. Of course, I couldn't contain myself, I just had to tell him how great walking is for a singer's set of lungs in addition to the spiritual benefits. Also, being of political mind, Darren was curious about the social and administrative structure of ISKCON. So I responded. In brief, our founder, Srila Prabhupada took a strong stand for autonomy and not centralization while at the same time all projects were accountable to a Governing Body Commission.
This was but a tiny portion of our dialogue. Before you know it, we had 8 kilometres under our feet, something he admitted to not being used to. And to a momentary chagrin I had not chanted one full mantra on this stroll, something that I'm not used to.
It just so happens that Darren is enthused now to take a pilgrimage to India with me in February. There I will engage him in using his tenor voice at a very special place in Mayapura, West Bengal at the site of the Puspa Samadhi building which receives vocals so well and less so, musical instruments due to the structure's acoustical dynamic.
I'm really looking forward to the pilgrimage and being in a position to answer his questions plus hear him chant in operatic style, the maha mantra.
8 Km
Year Finishing
Vaughan, Ontario
The real trekking for today was the round trip (on foot) from the ashram to Toronto's old city hall and back. Purpose? I went to take part in what proves to be one of the most exciting chanting sessions of the year - the New Year's countdown. Unique about this kirtan is that dozens of people take the 3.5 km trek back to the ashram after chanting with the rest of us. We arrived after a 3 hour chanting, in other words, 3 AM in the morning. An unforgettable party!
Three outreach New Year's Eve programs preceded the countdown and all were sweet.
I can't resist taking an exerpt from the book, "Surprises Around the Bend" and sharing it. On Mother Theresa: "In 1948 she arrived in the slums of Calcutta, but she was still not sure she had made the right decision. Could she really identify with these people? After praying for God's ugidance, she formulated a plan to walk through the slums and see what would happen. She quoted: 'I walked and walked all the time, until I couldn't walk anymore. Then I understood better the exhaustion of the really poor, always in search of a little food, of medicines, of everything.'
"That specific walk proved to be pivotal in resolving whether or not to accept the promptings of her heart. Yes, she could live like the people she sought to help. Though she had no shelter, no money, no employment, no security, somehow she believed God would provide."
8 Km
Toronto, Ontario
What a grand day of surprises - mostly good! Firstly, another accident destined vehicle going down the Dupont/Avenue Road area, spun out of control and this time it hit our temple/ashram building. It totalled our north barriered fence while the driver did survive. Thank God!
Next surprise! I received a call from Dr. Vikram Jal in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. He told me of the good news that the deal is done; that a property not far from his home has been purchased, a building on one acre for monk-training purposes.
Our head brahmachari (monk) in Canada, Nitai Ram, originating by this purchase of a space that will provide facility for men who want to have that monk experience. Students will come there to have the full on Krishna Conscious training for taking to a time of learning, discipline and fun all wrapped up in one. We are ever so grateful to Vikram for being so progressive and so generous, I can't thank him enough.
Shortly after Vikram's call I received a notice slip from the local Post Office. Post Office? Who uses those places these days in the time of electronic dispatches? My good friend Akilananda from Ohio had sent me a cast mold of the footprints of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the historic world leader of mantra disemination. Chaitanya was a great walker and a great guru of bhakti. This imprint will adorn a space on our second floor where we have a pictorial display of Chaitanya. Thanks, Akilananda! You are a good friend.
Finally, without expectation, I received a gift in the form of a book, "Surprises Around the Bend" by Richard A. Hasler. Talk about surprises! Here's a great publication about 50 adventurous walks among them Francis of Assisi, John Bunyan, Mother Theresa and the Peace Pilgrim. I am indebted to Ananda Vrindavan for the thoughtful gift. I recall walking through her town in Ireland in 2008. How thougtful of her. My obeisance! This is one of the best days of my life.
5 Km
From: Trivikrama Swami Political Science for Dummies DEMOCRAT You have two cows.Your neighbor has none.You feel guilty for being successful. You push for higher taxes so the government can provide cows for everyone. REPUBLICAN You have two cows.Your neighbor has none.So? SOCIALIST You have two cows.The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow. COMMUNIST You have two cows.The government seizes both and provides you with milk.You wait in line for hours to get it.It is expensive and sour. CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE You have two cows.You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows. BUREAUCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE You have two cows.Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one, milk theother, and then pours the milk down the drain. AMERICAN CORPORATION You have two cows.You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one.You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprisedwhen one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts statingyou have downsized and are reducing expenses.Your stock goes up. FRENCH CORPORATION You have two cows.You go on strike because you want three cows.You go to lunch and drink wine.Life is good. JAPANESE CORPORATION You have two cows.You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow andproduce twenty times the milk.They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains.Most are at the top of their class at cow school. GERMAN CORPORATION You have two cows.You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellentquality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour.Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year. ITALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows but you don’t know where they are.You break for lunch.Life is good. RUSSIAN CORPORATION You have two cows.You have some vodka.You count them and learn you have five cows.You have some more vodka.You count them againand learn you have 42 cows.The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have. TALIBAN CORPORATION You have all the cows in Afghanistan , which are two.You don’t milk them because you cannot touch any creature’s private parts.You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives tomilk production but use the money to buy weapons. IRAQI CORPORATION You have two cows.They go into hiding.They send radio tapes of their mooing. POLISH CORPORATION You have two bulls.Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them. BELGIAN CORPORATION You have one cow.The cow is schizophrenic.Sometimes the cow thinks he’s French, other times he’s Flemish.The Flemish cow won’t share with the French cow.The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow’s milk.The cow asks permission to be cut in half.The cow dies happy. FLORIDA CORPORATION You have a black cow and a brown cow.Everyone votes for the best looking one.Some of the people who actually like the brown one best accidentally votefor the black one.Some people vote for both.Some people vote for neither.Some people can’t figure out how to vote at all.Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which one you think isthe best-looking cow. CALIFORNIA CORPORATION You have millions of cows.They make real California cheese.Only five speak English.Most are illegal.Arnold likes the ones with the big udders.Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody
This is a story about four people named Everbody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
13. Let not a single day pass without your learning a verse, half a verse, or a fourth of it, or even one letter of it; nor without attending to charity, study and other pious activity. Chanakya pandit
From Back to Godhead magazine May 1991 by Bhakta Vic Shelter Last year I joined the Hare Krishna’s. And as if that wasn’t enough to drive any respectable American mother to tears, these weren’t just any Hare Krishna’s: they were punk rockers. Yes, I joined a punk rock Hare Krishna band. I’d better backtrack and let you in on the full story. It all starts about two or three years ago. I was in a punk band called Beyond. If you want to get accurate about it, “punk” isn’t exactly the right term. Nowadays it’s called hardcore, specifically, straightedge hardcore. Straightedge is a youth movement whose adherents pretty much follow the four regs* (well, at least three of them). All around the world there are hundreds of thousands of straightedge kids who don’t take intoxicants, and most of them don’t eat meat or gamble. They all look down on casual sex, and some of them are even strictly celibate. No lie. Before I drift too far from the plot, let’s get back to my old band, Beyond. We’d play concerts all over and sing about being straightedge and all this other socially conscious stuff. One day in Connecticut it so happened that we played a few shows with probably the most popular straightedge band in the world, Youth of Today. I had heard that the lead singer, Ray, was into some far-out Krishna thing, and I guess I was pretty interested in the whole idea. I fancied myself a pretty darn spiritual guy. Hey, I even had dreadlocks and read the Old Testament. Besides that, one of my favorite bands was the Cro-Mags. They were the first Krishna influence on the hardcore music scene. Everyone considered them cool guys, so naturally Krishna had a good connotation in my mind, since I too, after all, wanted to be a “cool guy.” My questionable motives notwithstanding, when we played those shows with Youth of Today I found the singer, Ray, and eavesdropped my way into an interview he was doing with some kids who publish their own underground straightedge magazine. Ray was using words like transcendental and cosmic, which really piqued my interest. I asked a bunch of questions about the title of the first Cro-Mags album, “The Age of Quarrel.” As questions followed answers, I got more and more into it, sitting on the lawn before that concert in Connecticut. As a result of this meeting, I decided to check out Srila Prabhupada’s books. From there on in, it’s pretty much history. Shortly afterwards I moved out to San Diego and joined a new band, Inside Out. In this band I tried to incorporate the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The result was an overtly spiritual, if still a little (or a lot) hodgepodge, band who rapidly became real popular. As I mentioned before, in the hardcore scene the kids publish their own magazines, and around this time I also started doing one. I called it The Enquirer, and it was through and through about Krishna consciousness. I made and personally sold about 350 copies of the first issue. By now Ray from Youth of Today was also in a new band, Shelter, which, like my magazine, was completely dedicated to Krishna consciousness. This was creating quite a stir in the hardcore scene, and Krishna would frequently pop up in any conversation you’d lend an ear to. Once again my band and Ray’s toured together. Picture eight punk “musicians,” a bus full of saffron-clad teenage Hare Krishna’s, and two goswamis, masters of the senses: Gunagrahi Goswami and Dhanurdara Swami. (The goswamis both showed the highest tolerance by putting up with us all for that two-week tour). As we traveled around the country, it became obvious that Krishna consciousness had become a major force in hardcore. Imagine four hundred teenagers, most wearing tulasi on their necks, paying like five or ten dollars apiece to come listen to a bunch of Hare Krishna’s. It’s a far cry from getting ignored on the street corner. Nor is it sheer numbers alone that’s impressive. Have you ever been approached in a parking lot by five enthusiastic kids who spontaneously want to know how to offer their food to Lord Krishna and where they can get japa beads? It happened more than once. By the time the tour was over, I had joined Shelter, and shortly afterwards I became a brahmacari, a student, under the care of Gunagrahi Goswami. That was last year. Today I’m sitting behind a computer at ISKCON Philadelphia. On my right there’s a desk that has a constant supply of at least fifteen letters from unbelievably intelligent and sincere people all over the world. I spend at least an hour and a half every day writing replies to their inquiries about Krishna consciousness. Upstairs is the office of the record label we run, Equal Vision Records, which is a showcase for the growing number of Krishna conscious hardcore bands. Through Equal Vision we sell Srila Prabhupada’s books and other Krishna conscious music and literature. Locally, young people are showing up at our Sunday and Wednesday feasts. Four or five over the past four weeks have taken up sadhana-bhakti, the practice of devotional service, with sincerity and vigor. Ray has been initiated as Raghunatha Dasa. The Enquirer has reached its fourth issue, and more than three thousand have been sold and studied. There are new Krishna conscious magazines emerging, and it’s seldom you see any zine (to use the lingo) that doesn’t at least mention Krishna once or twice. Shelter has released an album, plus a single that has sold well into the thousands. The record sleeves are packed with information about Krishna. All of this has fallen upon earnest eyes and minds starving for something more than modern materialistic society can offer them. To try to meet this ever-increasing demand for hardcore Krishna consciousness, we’ll be releasing another LP soon, along with a single from a new Krishna conscious band out of Texas called Refuse to Fall. By the time you read this, we’ll be on the road again, touring the U.S. Besides our musical attack on maya, we’ll have new booklets, pamphlets, and magazines printed and more in the works. Boredom is definitely not a factor when you’re in Shelter. This hardcore arm of Srila Prabhupada’s movement has expanded beyond my ability to describe it. And it’s continuing to expand exponentially. I only hope that more and more devotees will come forward to lend a hand in this wonderful opportunity to give real shelter to souls wandering homeless and aimless through the life-threatening Age of Quarrel. The best part about the whole thing is that I’ve been blessed with the constant association of the members of Shelter and Equal Vision, who are such sincere and fired-up devotees. By their mercy, I’m managing to stay in Prabhupada’s revolutionary movement for spreading Krishna consciousness. I pray that they’ll continue to treat me so kindly, despite my constant flow of offenses. Mucukunda das
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By Euro RGBGoloka Dasi: For the last fifteen years she’s managed the Govinda’s restaurants in Dublin. Although that is challenging, she does it with an infectious smile. Devotees and guests call her Mrs. Govinda’s. Her other nickname is Mrs. All-nighter, because she does marathons in the kitchen when there are festivals; afterwards, she never takes rest but just keeps going all day
Monica Almeida/The New York Times Ellsworth Wareham, 97, in Loma Linda, Calif. Mr. Wareham was a heart surgeon who stopped working only two years ago. He is a vegan, but says choice is part of the “great American system.”
When researchers descended on this affluent city east of Los Angeles several years ago to determine why, the theories piled up: Perhaps it was the vegetarian diet kept by many Adventists? Maybe it was their close communal ties? Or the frequent use of sprawling trails in the parks here?
But one thing seemed certain to researchers: residents were not living into the next century by eating fast food.
So last week, when the City Council approved Loma Linda’s first McDonald’s restaurant, many residents bemoaned the decision, worrying that the officials were jeopardizing the city’s reputation as a paragon of healthy lifestyles.
Wayne Dysinger, a physician and public health professor in the preventive medicine department at Loma Linda University’s School of Medicine, grew up in the city and remembers a time when there were no such restaurants. A generation ago, it was nearly impossible to even find meat within city limits. Now, he worries about his children.
“We know from research that if a school is near a fast-food restaurant, the kids there are more likely to be obese,” he said. “We will never eliminate unhealthy choices, and pretty much everyone has an unhealthy treat once in a while. I am going to drive by that intersection every day and it’s fairly likely that they will say ‘Oh Daddy, can we stop there’ more often. Why do we need to encourage that?”
The new McDonald’s restaurant would hardly be the first fast-food joint around — there are already a handful of places offering assembly-line burgers and fries within the eight square miles of the city.
And the area has deep roots to the icon that so many residents detest: the site of the original McDonald’s restaurant is less than five miles away, in San Bernardino.
Still, in one sign of Loma Linda’s historical distaste for fast food, restaurants are required to go through a special approval process for drive-through windows. Once, when business proved slightly sluggish, a local chain crafted a special vegetarian menu dubbed “Loma Linda specials.”
A generation ago, nearly 80 percent of the city was Seventh-day Adventist; by most estimates, Adventists now make up about half of the city’s population of 23,000. But the influence of the religion on the town remains clear. Many businesses shut down early on Friday, in observance of Saturday as the Sabbath. One of the largest supermarkets in town is owned by the church-run university, and there are no meat products to be found. (Canned soy alternatives are available in abundance, including some under a Loma Linda brand.) Only large businesses and restaurants are authorized to sell alcohol, and there is a total ban on smoking.
“You have to realize how easy it is to be healthy there, you don’t even have to think about it and it’s the default choice,” said Dan Buettner, an author and healthy living advocate who identified Loma Linda as one of four places in the world with a high concentration of people living healthy lives past the age of 100. “Your social network is all concerned about the same thing. They are really trying to preserve the culture that has been established for a really long time.”
It is not just Mr. Buettner’s book that feeds the sense of civic pride in health here. Nearly every resident has a connection with the sprawling Loma Linda University Medical Center, which serves as both the physical and cultural center of town.
About 10 years ago, when the city denied plans for another fast-food restaurant, the developer responded with a lawsuit and the city eventually capitulated, said Mayor Rhodes Rigsby, who is also the assistant dean of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
“I don’t think we should be getting into the business of legislating vegetarianism,” Dr. Rigsby said, adding that he would support having a citywide vote on whether fast-food outlets should be banned entirely from the city. “If this is something that people are really opposed to, that’s how we should deal with it.”
What would happen during such a vote is anyone’s guess. Ellsworth Wareham, who stopped working as a heart surgeon only two years ago, at 95, is often used as an example of someone with more energy than someone half his age. Dr. Wareham attributes his health at least partly to the fact that he has been a vegan for the last 30 or 40 years (he does not remember precisely).
Eating at home, he said, is the best way to ensure that one is eating healthy food. He is certainly not about to let the impending arrival of McDonald’s raise his blood pressure.
“I don’t subscribe to the menu that these dear people put out, but let’s face it, the average eating place serves food that is, let us say, a little bit of a higher quality, but the end result is the same — it’s unhealthy,” he said.
“They can put it right next to the church as far as I am concerned,” Dr. Wareham added. “If they choose to eat that way, I’m not going to stop them. That’s the great American system.”

Here are a few photos of the program conducted by some of our devotees at the Murugan Temple in Rockbank on the 1st January; Jagannathan Rama Prabhu gave a lecture and lead kirtan after which the devotees did some books distribution.
Sent by His Grace Ramkinkara Dasa For all pictures click here A Happy New Year – You & Your family are invited to A Transcendental Krishna Katha Night with His Holiness JANANANDA GOSWAMI MAHARAJ on the occasion of Abhay Charan’s 2nd Birthday Celebration Your Vaisnava Attendance & Blessing would be most appreciated. 11 Mallard Place, [...]
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Tuesday 3 January 2012 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: The Recipe for Ultimate Success uploaded from Melbourne, Australia The key to reviving your lost loving relationship with Krishna or God is simply to follow the instructions that He gives in the Bhagavad-gita. Just as to bake some banana bread you must carefully follow the recipe given in the cookbook in order to get proper banana bread, in a similar way if you will simply do exactly what Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, you will experience the most amazing transformation of entering in the spiritual world within your heart even while you externally act dutifully and successfully in the material world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Teaching the Recipe for Ultimate Success Melbourne, Australia--1 January 2012 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Think of Krishna Always? Dear Sri Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My question is about my mind. I find it very difficult to control it. When I sing kirtan at the temple with other devotees or see Krishna photos I literally start crying and unable to control. I think to myself as to why I am not becoming a 100% devotee of Krishna (thinking about Him always). But in the next hour when I come back home from the temple I start thinking about my mundane activities. Please guide me in controlling my mind and thinking about Krishna always. Your student Answer: For Now Focus on Attaining the Nistha Stage It is natural for a neophyte devotee to have a wavering mind that is sometimes absorbed in Krishna consciousness and sometimes in mundane nonsense. What you need to focus on for now is how to come to the nistha stage of bhakti in which your meditation on Krishna is hardly interrupted. To get to the nistha stage you need to chant 16 rounds daily of the Hare Krishna mantra and strictly avoid illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling. Then you need to take initiation from the bona fide spiritual master and under his guidance become free from all material contamination. In this way you will come to stage of firm faith or nistha in which your mind is free from the from the influence of the modes of passion and ignorance and is almost always fixed nicely in Krishna consciousness. Of course from that point there are even higher stages. But the attainment of nistha is what you need do focus on for now. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Thought for the Day on Facebook: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles |