"Planet ISKCON" - 55 new articles
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WriteI turned at random to Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 11, verse 21: “Lord Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, approached them and offered due honor and respect to each and every one of the friends, relatives, citizens and all others who came to receive and welcome Him.” Krishna is neither impersonal or unable to reciprocate the feelings of His devotees. InBhagavad-gita He says, “As they approach Me, I respond accordingly.” He reciprocates with different devotees just as it behooves their mood in approach to Him. When He arrived in Dvaraka, he was met by dramatists, artists, singers, historians, genealogists and learned speakers, and they each gave Him their respective contributions. The Lord responded with the specific admirers according to His specific relationship with them. But the pure devotees were of one type only because they have no other object of service but the Lord. To some He bowed His head, to some He exchanged greetings, to some He shook hands, looked and smiled and gave assurances even to the lowest in rank. Only to the impersonalists, who do not recognize Him, does the Lord not reciprocate. Elderlybrahmanas chanted His glories and became glorified themselves. The ladies from the respectable houses of Dvaraka went up to the roofs of the houses just to have a look at the Lord. Within the five mellows or rasas the Lord responds differently with His devotees. One can have an eternal relationship with the Lord as a servant, friend, parent or conjugal lover, and the Lord reciprocates with each differently. But each one is absolute in their complete devotion to the Lord, and He deals with them in affection accordingly. We are having three guests for lunch: Krishna-krpa’s sister, and her boyfriend, And Krishna-krpa’s 86-year-old mother. They’ll serve me at 12:30 and then serve them at 1:30 P.M., but I’ll probably go and socialize with them while they are eating. Krishna-krpa’s mother is a Quaker peace activist and stands at vigils at the state capital several times a week protesting some action of the government. In her youth, Krishna-krpa’s sister spent 100 days in prison for civil disobedience in connecgtion with the peace movement, and Krishna-krpa travels around the world going out onharinama with devotees in different countries. It has been raining for the past few days, and the farmers are glad to finally get some. Now I have finished writing poems based on Under Dark Stars poetry, and I will have to return to straight poems without the aid of that built-in construction. It will take a more “free writing” spirit to come up with some verses. As I write this, I hear the dog next door barking outside. We had an arrangement that they would keep the dog inside if we delivered them two dozen cookies a week. What’s happening? Did Baladeva fail to deliver this week’s cookies? Baladeva says he delivers them on Sundays, but maybe they had to let the dog out to allow him to pass stool. Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Prahladananda Swami - SB 9.13.6 - Don't criticize those in difficultyLecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 9, Chapter 13, Text 6 titled "Don't criticize those in difficulty" by Prahladananda Swami. Dallas, TX TRANSLATION After saying this, Maharaja Nimi, who was expert in the science of spiritual knowledge, gave up his body. Vasishtha, the great-grandfather, gave up his body also, but through the semen discharged by Mitra and Varuna when they saw Urvasi, he was born again. PURPORT Mitra and Varuna chanced to meet Urvasi, the most beautiful prostitute of the heavenly kingdom, and they became lusty. Because they were great saints, they tried to control their lust, but they could not do so, and thus they discharged semen. This semen was kept carefully in a waterpot, and Vasishtha was born from it. Download: 2010-07-13 - Lecture - Prahladananda Swami - SB 9.13.6 - Don't criticize those in difficulty.mp3
Australian News: G’day Mate: Welcome to Kulimela Down UnderBy Antony Brennan for ISKCON News Kulimela—a meeting of ISKCON youth and second generation devotees that has taken off around the world—is coming to Australia. Starting December 27th, Kulimela Australia will be held at the Hare Krishna farm community of New Govardhana in northern New South Wales, on Australia’s east coast. New Govardhana is surrounded by farms in a luscious and picturesque countryside which is embedded with mountains held sacred by Australia’s indigenous Aboriginal population. The farm lies between the Gold Coast and of Byron Bay, two of Australia’s popular tourist destinations. Starting on the 27th of December 2010 the Kulimela will party on until January 9th, 2011. Split into two distinct parts, the first week will allow participants to recover from the jetlag of their journey. This week will include sight-seeing, organised tours, sports, exploring, adventures, and activities designed to help everyone get to know each other. Beginning the second week is the formal Kulimela festival with a schedule of workshops, seminars, bhajans and Harinam, Japa walks, and old-school games. There will also be Australian sports, arts and entertainment. The Australian Kulimela has four key areas of focus which are: arts and entertainment, health and medicine, spiritual and community development, and business and management. The Mela organizers are looking for participants to conduct workshops and seminars, organise travel, accommodation, and transport, and artists to perform music, drama, and dance. A special guest of the Kulimela down under is Kurma Dasa, world renowned Hare Krishna chef. Kurma will be conducting cooking classes for three days from the 7th to the 9th of January, 2011. On the last day of the festival Kurma will be organising a wonderful feast. Australian Kulis are developing the Kulimela event as a spiritual gathering of Kulis from all over the world. The focus is on bringing everyone together to make connections and friends and to inspire one another and help to bring Krishna into each other’s lives. The entire event will be drug and alcohol free. Each day will be crammed with seminars focusing on health, spirituality and community development. There will be discussions, bhajans, temple programs and other activities. Many senior devotees and Srila Prabhupada disciples are backing the event. Open to devotees and Kulis from all over the world, the event has been planned to coincide with the New Govardhana Farm Festival which runs from the 27th of December 2010 to the 9th of January 2011. Australian devotes aim to show visitors their incredible country and to provide a firsthand experience of Aussie culture. There will be excursions to local attractions such as beaches and national parks, as well as bush walking. Organizers are planning to host a number of local and international artists and special guests. Already confirmed is Gauravani and the Ghost Brothers; devotees are also close to locking in MC Yogi. Originally the term ‘Kuli’ referred to those who attended a school called ‘Gurukula,’ as part of a traditional Vaishnava upbringing. Even Krishna and Balarama attended Gurukula. The term has grown to cover the second and third generations of Srila Prabhupada’s movement. In the west the term is somewhat ambiguous. It can be said that most of the traditional Gurukula schools have disappeared, so younger Kulis don’t have the Gurukula background, whilst many of the original Kulis are no longer youth. The first Kulimela event was held in New Vrindavan, in the USA. The original idea was to unify the Kulis, and to cross political and sectarian divisions in order to promote diversity within unity. The Kulimela is based on the principles of love, service and the search for inner spiritual understanding. Click here to visit the web site: http://www.kulimela.com.au/ Click here to visit ISKCON News for more Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Japa Group: What Happens When We Listen
On the other hand, when I was listening and hearing properly, I definitely felt a sense of satisfaction and felt like there was a whole ocean of nectar to dive into, and that I was just treading water on the surface. There is unlimited nectar and bliss to be had if we just make this one simple effort to hear properly the Holy Names of Krsna. Japa Group: What Happens When We Listen
On the other hand, when I was listening and hearing properly, I definitely felt a sense of satisfaction and felt like there was a whole ocean of nectar to dive into, and that I was just treading water on the surface. There is unlimited nectar and bliss to be had if we just make this one simple effort to hear properly the Holy Names of Krsna. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Initiation Class by Janananda GoswamiInitiation of Navadvipa-Isvari Devi Dasi (Nalayani Mataji) and Sadhu-Seva Das (Simon Prabhu) Australian News: To Facebook, or not to Facebook, that is the question.By Antony Brennan for ISKCON News There are now more than 500 million active users of the Facebook social networking service. A social networking service is an online website that focuses on building social relations among people who share interests and activities. Internet based social network services make it possible to connect people across political, economic, and geographic borders. Discussing social networking in an article on Dandavats.com, Dushyanta Dasa said, “There is a high number of individuals aggressively seeking spirituality and genuinely seeking answers to unanswered spiritual queries.” With so many people around the world using Facebook to communicate with each other it has become a natural field to engage people in Krishna consciousness. In his article, Dushyanta says complacency in exploring the potential opportunity of outreach on social networking sites like Facebook could be to the detriment of the ISKCON outreach mission. “Facebook has been a very effective tool for Krishna conscious outreach,” says Nityananda Dasa, a devotee at the Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Mandir, in Dallas, Texas. “Every year, I perform temple tours for thousands of college and high school students,” says Nityananda. “I invite these students to add me as a friend on Facebook and then I can continue to communicate with them in that way. I have over 100 contacts that are just from the tours alone.” He continues: “Every week I post many things to my Facebook page: reading notes, Krishna conscious photos, quotes, links, and more. I also invite those friends to any events that I think would be great for them such as kirtan concerts and major festivals, plays, or seminars. The nice thing is that anything I post on my Facebook page appears on their page as well.” Nityananda says he has found using Facebook as an outreach tool a lot more effective than sites like MySpace. “Anyone who is curious about Krishna Consciousness can follow along without even having to write,” he says. The Facebook ‘Like’ button allows people to indicate they are interested in a message, or a photo with a single click. “The ‘like’ button is genius,” Nityananda says. “It is so simple, you don’t have to write anything and it gives the writer acknowledgment and encouragement.” Other devotees, however, have pointed out that there could be issues for devotees using social networking. In another article on Dandavats.com, Sridevi Dasi says there is evidence that shows social networking can be addictive. “There are devotees already justifying their presence on these sites,” she comments. “We keep in touch with so many devotees worldwide; we know what’s going on in ISKCON worldwide, but at what cost?” In a response to Sridevi’s article, Dhanesvara Dasa writes, “Some devotees on Facebook write about being very isolated—not having much association on a regular basis. For them Facebook IS their association.” Although it can be said that the jury is still out on the true value of social networking, it has also been said that to ask if social media could be useful for religious organisations is like asking, 100 years ago, whether the use of telephones could be helpful. Visit the web site for more news for and about Krishnas Devotees from around the world. Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Janananda GoswamiClass given on Saturday 2-10-2010 H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Remembering Srila Prabhupada: VideoQuestions and Answers and today’s reading by Satsvarupa Maharaja: poems “Boston: May, 1968″, “Montreal: Summer, 1968″, “The Road to England” and “Seattle: October, 1968, on the Occasion of the Passing Away of Bhakti Prajna Kesava Maharaja, the Sannyasa Guru of Srila Prabhupada”. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 893:54 A.M.From Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: “The three stages of chanting the holy name: “The simple process of offenselessly chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord will gradually promote one very soon to the stage of emancipation. There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. The first stage is the offensive stage of the chanting of the holy name. And the second stage is the reflective stage of chanting the holy name. The third stage is the offenseless chanting of the holy name of the Lord. In the second stage only, the stage of reflection, between the offensive and offenseless stages, one automatically attains the stage of emancipation. And in the offenseless stage, one actually enters into the kingdom of God, although physically he may apparently be within the material world. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.2.30) As long as you are chanting and committing the ten offenses to chanting the holy name, you are chanting in the offensive stage. But when the offenses are cleared up, one can chant in the second, or offenseless, stage of chanting. This stage is sometimes called namabhasa, or the shadow of the chanting. It is compared to the dawn when the sun is not out yet but it is not completely dark. So in this second stage liberation is attained. This is a great gain for the chanter in which his sins are removed. One has to go still further, however, to chant in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya and His associates and chant offenselessly. This brings one Krishna-prema, or love of God. When one chants the Hare Krishna mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Krishna immediately awakens. This is the perfection. But even namabhasa is better than namaparadha. Even when one chants to indicate something else or in joking, this is called namabhasa, and it awakens supreme remembrance of Lord Vishnu. I slept all right and woke up about 1:30 A.M., and began chanting by 2:00. It took me until 3:45 A.M. to chant twelve rounds. I was a bit drowsy and not chanting very rapidly. I had to keep bringing my mind to the alert stage. It was not so much that my mind was actively ruminating on other subjects, but it was going down toward a tired condition. At times like this, one has to fight to keep alert and hear the syllables of the holy names. This is the namabhasa stage, and one can appreciate that it is a progressive, intermediate station because it is above the lazy offensive stage. Therefore it is called the clearing stage and it is comparable to dawn, when the sun is just perceivable and objects can be seen with the naked eye. I persisted in chanting and kept up my quota, but I kept slipping down to a more drowsy stage. There are three stages H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamOne Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #46 “Dear Prabhupada, I’m in Normandy, wanting to be with you . . . peripheral figure in your lila. “Write for you now, my dear What are these little milestones? When will I give up the H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. ISKCON News.com: University of Florida Students Attend “Bhakti Academy”
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: just see the effect of Srila Prabhupada's booksThank you so much for your kind appreciations. I am so much grateful that you have enjoyed studying my books. Many young intelligent persons such as yourself are studying these books in the colleges and universities all over the world. Actually anyone who tries to understand these books will become a great realized devotee of Lord Krishna gradually. The original potency of the sastra remains in these books because I have not added or opinionated anything of my own. I have simply presented the scriptures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as they are. Therefore just see the effect they have on the world. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Miss Nedungadi — Bombay 19 March, 1975 ISKCON News.com: Devotees Learn How to Deal with Conflict at ISKCONResolve Training
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Donate to renew PrahladanandaSwami.comIf you like to help renew our site please contact me, Nityananda Chandra Das at NCD (AT) Krishna dot Com
REMINDER: Renew early for multiple years and lock in your savings! The following domain name(s) are set to automatically renew on the expiration date(s) listed: PRAHLADANANDASWAMI.COM - Nov. 26, 2010
ISKCON News.com: BBT Artists Teach How to Paint Krishna Prabhupada’s Way
David Haslam, UK: drunk and in ecstasy chanting Hare KrishnaDuring my stay at Soho Street I managed to get out on the Saturday Night Hari Nama something I have been unable to do for a long time so it was something I was looking forward to and ready to really savour. At the start we were given a handful of leaflets to give out [...] H.H. Sivarama Swami: Presentation on “Becoming a Devotee Community”
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Bhajan – Hare Krishna Kirtan – VideoPrahladananda Swami leading a Hare Krishna bhajan. Dallas, TX Hare Krishna Bhajan_2010-07-09 ISKCON News.com: Hladini Dasi Remembered on 20th Anniversary of Her Passing
ISKCON News.com: New Vrindaban's Palace of Gold Features at Academic Conference
ISKCON News.com: To Facebook or not to Facebook, That is the Question
ISKCON News.com: G’day Mate: Welcome to Kulimela Down Under
ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Vrindavana Announces Annual Pilgrimage Schedule
ISKCON News.com: Kazakhstan Trying to Force out all Foreign Religious Believers?
ISKCON News.com: India Remains Calm After Ayodhya Verdict
ISKCON News.com: Vegetarian Festival Attracts Thousands
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Streaming with pulseaudioFor this 24 hour kirtan we have a dedicated 16-channel mixer, with all the desk feeds and three overhead mics, feeding the internet stream with a dedicated mix. ] I'm going out of the mixer into a Yamaha Audiogram 6, where I'm giving the mix some compression, then via USB into a machine running Windows 7, where it goes through Adobe Flash Media Encoder and then to UStream.tv for a video stream with mixed audio. At the same time I'm going out of the headphones out on the Audiogram 6, and into the microphone in on my Asus 901 eeePC running Xubuntu 10.10 (Linux) I was using darkice to stream to icecast from there, but I just discovered this: install gstreamer-plugins-ugly-multiverse gst-launch-0.10 pulsesrc device=alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo ! audioconvert ! lame bitrate=128 mode=stereo ! shout2send ip= port=8000 password=****** mount=***** And you can stream to an icecast server in mp3.] To add the loopback module to the running instance of Pulse Audio I used the command: To make the module automatically load in the future, I used the command: From here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1324135 ISKCON News.com: Atheists, Agnostics Most Knowledgeable About Religion?
ISKCON News.com: Getting Back to Nature is Child's Play
ISKCON News.com: Let’s Value our Differences – and Still Work Together
ISKCON News.com: The Bhagavad Gita and the Problem of the Ego
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 October 2: "By Krsna’s grace I have settled with her. The charges of the several litigations have all been withdrawn and preparations for the conveyance is in progress. After a great struggle for existence it appears that I have won." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 October 2: "So we have undertaken very great projects here and by the grace of Lord Krishna may they all come out nicely. But one difficulty is that hardly any intelligent men are coming forward to help me." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "We are presenting ideal living on Vedic principles of purified life. We are demonstrating how people can live peacefully and simply. Our ideas are not man-made imperfect ideas, but perfect scientific conclusions." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Another meeting should be held with all members present and an election should be held. Out of the two candidates whoever is elected by the majority vote, they should be the temple president." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Record selling is temporary. Even George Harrison's record sales do not continue for long. But a book sold becomes a permanent matter. When there is time I go on reading my own books." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Yes I expect better service from you. Therefore I have appointed you BBT Trustee. Why their attention should be diverted by going to USA. It is better if the local men are trained up to do it, like by the boy Tripurari." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Worship in the temple means to personally call the Lord, and Krsna personally comes. The Deity is not an idol; it is Krsna. We cannot say to Krsna, now go away. It is a great offense." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Yes the temple should be re-opened. Closing a temple we cannot do. It becomes farce and it is against the bhakti cult. Once opened, a temple cannot be closed." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 2: "Henceforward completely forget the idea that any present temple can be closed. That you should forget. Don't do it again. Re-open Hamburg and Edinburgh and transfer the Deity there once again." Australian News: New Gokula ALIVE – 24 Hour Kirtan flames seen for miles around (listen now)New Gokula farm is on fire tonight. The blaze can be seen and heard for miles around. I am reporting from a location 30 minutes away and I can hear the flames roaring, I can smell the scent of roses in the smoke and I can hear the voices calling on the Names of the Lord to please save them from the onslaught of the Kali Yuga. Tonight devotees well wishers are lining up to fan the flames and burn down the Superstructure of the age of quarrel. Everyone is throwing everything they have into the burning kirtan and it is consuming everything before it. As I write the rhythm is growing again and the Names of Krishna and Hare are filling the lungs and ears of anyone fortunate enough to be attracted to the event. My camera has melted in the blaze and I don’t know if I will be able to get any of the images from it, so I am writing this down now as the flames of sankirtan lick around me, it might be my last record before i am consumed. If you are anywhere near New Gokula get down here fast and bring any anything that will burn. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, throw yourself in and let happen whatever will. If you are online get over to www.kirtanaustralia.com and pick up the live feed and it will burn out any dross in your heart especially if you sing along and dance. Where ever you are do it now before it’s too late. It’s up to you now. The beautiful deities at New Gokula temple are presiding over the whole affair along with Srila Prabhupada who is smiling big and when no-one is looking he is clapping along. Everyone is taking turns in the prasadam hall devouring the delicious mercy of the deities there. Even the water from the tap tastes like the nectar from the spiritual sky. The live stream has gone quiet as the next devotee gets ready to takes their turn at fanning the flames of devotion. But wait, now the beat has returned and all the demigods have flown in on their private vehicles to see the enormous damage done to the agents of Kali Yuga. The heat is too much, even here 30 mins away. Get to the live stream at www.kirtanaustralia.com, but be careful, it might set a fire in your soul that you cannot extinguish, it might force you to re-evaluate everything. I promise you this, from what I have seen here tonight so far, if you tune in and turn on to this… nothing will ever be the same again. Remember you have been warned. The signal is breaking up, everything is burning, cough, cough, the smoke is sweet but thick….. What’s that… Call for help… Call for help now…. HELP…..HELP… HARE RAMA! HARE HARE…. RAAAMAAAAA….. KRIIIIIISSSHHHHHNNNNNNNAAAAAAAA Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Japa Group: Powerful Chanting
I start making a prayer and thinking of how important is this chance we have got, I pray and thank Krsna for giving me this mantra and this opportunity to be able to chant in association of devotees, family and having the desire for that. This mood makes me more aware of the offences and helps me to concentrate and forget about what is happening around. What to do when you have to chant and you don`t have all these facilities? The best thing is to pray and close your eyes, think and meditate that you are in a very special place where you can be around devotees and you will be blessed by this mercy of chanting with more attention. The Lord sees our efforts and He is very much interested in seeing His devotees chanting nicely and being dedicated to making advancement. I pray so you can attain great mercy from Nama Prabhu and that you are able to experience nice realisations through powerful chanting. I wish you a very nice week and a peaceful chanting. your servant, Aruna devi ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, Septermber 26, 2010Dandavats.com: Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America
On September 17, 1965, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived in Boston on board the ship Jaladuta, carrying within his heart the orders of his spiritual master to spread the teachings of Sri Caitanya beyond the borders of India, throughout the entire world |
domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Prahladananda Swami - SB 9.13.6 - Don't criticize those in difficulty
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