Eye Opening Food Documentary shows devastating effects new policies have on Small Farms.
Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Article sent by His Grace Ramkinkara Dasa Subject: Go-Puja, Kirtan, Govardana Lila with HH Ramgovinda Swami To see all pictures : click here ———————————————————— Another fantastic and ecstatic morning in association [...]

Krsna tells Madhumangala: " Friend, you should bow down before Vrndavana Forest, which has ancient flowering-vines with the power to fulfill your desires..." (Sri Vidagdha Madhava, 32b) We bow down before Vrndavana Forest, from where SS Radha Ballabha grant us Their darsana and They verily have the power to fulfill all desires.
Youth Kirtan - December 16th, 2o11
7pm at Iskcon Brampton
Everyone is welcome to participate in the Youth Kirtan!
Chanting of the Holy Name Seminar -
December 17th, 2011
How can a spiritual seeker stay peaceful amidst tempting circumstances? The Bhagavad-gita (2.70) shows the way with a metaphor from nature: just as rivers flow into an ocean without flooding it or causing it to overflow, desires flow into serious spiritualists without disturbing their inner calm. Significantly, the metaphor talks about desires flowing inwards, not outwards. The absence of the outward flow of desires is also indicated by the words “na kama-kami”, not “a desirer of desires.” This unidirectional flow of desires implies that the inward flow of desires from tempting objects toward serious spiritualists doesn’t induce an outward flow of desires from them toward those objects. How is it that temptations don’t tempt them? Because they are relishing an inner satisfaction as immense as an ocean, due to their connection with the oceanic source of all happiness, God, Krishna. All of us can develop that divine connection by practicing the art of devotional remembrance of Krishna daily and diligently. Then we too can relish the mysterious peace of an “ever flowing, never flooding” consciousness.
Finding someone’s native genius is the key that unlocks discretionary effort. It propels people to go beyond what is required and offer their full intelligence. Finding people’s genius begins by carefully observing them in action, looking for spikes of authentic enthusiasm and a natural flow of energy. As you watch someone in action, ask these questions:
What do they do better than anything else they do? What do they do better than the people around them? What do they do without effort? What do they do without being asked? What do they do readily without being paid?
Native genius can be so instinctive for people that they may not even understand their own capability. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “fish discover water last.” But if people aren’t aware of their genius, they are not in a position to deliberately utilize it. By telling people what you see, you can raise their awareness and confidence, allowing them to provide their capability more fully.
Liz Wiseman
Our next live broadcast will be Saturday evening at 7:45am for morning class with Vaisesika das. We hope you can tune in!
Whether you prevail or fail depends more on what you do to yourself than on what the world does to you.
We’ve all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders.
The first type drains intelligence, energy, and capability from the people around them and always needs to be the smartest person in the room.
These are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment.
On the other side of the spectrum are leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them.
When these leaders walk into a room, light bulbs go off over people’s heads; ideas flow and problems get solved.
These are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves to deliver results that surpass expectations.
These are the Multipliers.
And the world needs more of them, especially now when leaders are expected to do more with less.
1966 December 10: "I have sent you 18 sets Srimad-Bhagavatam, 25 copies Krishna the Reservoir of Pleasure, 25 copies Who Is Crazy?, 40 copies Introduction to Gitopanisad, and 110 copies Back to Godhead. Now you distribute to the best of your capacity, and if you require more, we shall be glad to send them."
1968 December 10: "Our followers are neither Hindus nor belong to any Vedic sect but they are accepting this Sankirtana Movement very nicely. And some are very advanced as you might have seen from their characteristics."
1971 December 10: "Your three-day festival in Central Park will be especially triumphant for me because only five years back I was sitting alone under a tree in your park thinking that perhaps no one will join me, but let me try."
1971 December 10: "Caitanya Mahaprabhu said this Krishna Consciousness Movement will spread to every nook and corner of the world - so there is no doubt it will happen. He is God, how can He be wrong? So if we are intelligent we will assist and get the credit. Otherwise, someone else will."
1972 December 10: "I remember well that Hall and how nicely they listened to our discourse. It is one of the best places in the world for our preaching work. Develop this field very carefully, take hold and convince the population."
1972 December 10: "I am so much pleased that you are doing the real work of a sannyasi - traveling, preaching and training the devotees how to preach. Instruct them well for making spiritual advancement, that will be the best service."
1973 December 10: "Vaisnava means that when others see him, they will also chant Hare Krsna. You are not paramahamsa that you can do whatever you like. Remain ideal Vaisnava internally and externally, and everyone will respect you."
1973 December 10: "It is not a hopeless situation. Tell them that Prabhupada is coming soon and they should not give up the chanting, never mind they can do whatever they like. They are all good boys, they cannot go away."
Amid my sleep a few nights ago, as the mind searched for thoughts of Krishna, these words suddenly flashed on the screen of my consciousness: "The soul can only be solaced by Lord Caitanya and his devotees." Instantly, though asleep, I recognized these words as Prabhupada's, in Caitanya-caritamrita. I admit, having just landed in New Zealand, concluding a global trip, the physcial gross and subtle machinery was quite beaten. How sweet it was to receive such a transcendental medical prescription, to uplift me. As a one-year devotee in 1974, at the age of 23, I used to meditate on those very words, for spiritual nourishment. They are from a purport that is as stunningly beautiful as the verse: "O my merciful Lord Caitanya, may the nectarean Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on the surface of my desertlike tongue. Beautifying these waters are the lotus flowers of singing, dancing and loud chanting of Krishna’s holy name, which are the pleasure abodes of unalloyed devotees. These devotees are compared to swans, ducks and bees. The river’s flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens their ears." (Adi 2.2) You see, back in the early 70s, I had just finished university, during a time of social upheaval in the USA, when almost every student was an activist of some type. Tired of material solutions that I knew would never work, longing for genuine knowledge that would make a difference, I had entered the bhakti academy. The purport to this verse was my constant meditation. It powerfully summarized my sojourn through mundane knowledge and its futile application in human society: "Our tongues always engage in vibrating useless sounds that do not help us realize transcendental peace. The tongue is compared to a desert because a desert needs a constant supply of refreshing water to make it fertile and fruitful. Water is the substance most needed in the desert. The transient pleasure derived from mundane topics of art, culture, politics, sociology, dry philosophy, poetry and so on is compared to a mere drop of water because although such topics have a qualitative feature of transcendental pleasure, they are saturated with the modes of material nature. Therefore neither collectively nor individually can they satisfy the vast requirements of the desertlike tongue. Despite crying in various conferences, therefore, the desertlike tongue continues to be parched. For this reason, people from all parts of the world must call for the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who are compared to swans swimming around the beautiful lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or bees humming around His lotus feet in transcendental pleasure, searching for honey. The dryness of material happiness cannot be moistened by so-called philosophers who cry for Brahman, liberation and similar dry speculative objects. The urge of the soul proper is different. The soul can be solaced only by the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His many bona fide devotees, who never leave the lotus feet of the Lord to become imitation Mahaprabhus but all cling to His lotus feet like bees that never leave a honey-soaked lotus flower." Don't let the mind be like a fly that has an uncanny knack for garbage—criticisms and complaints. Our business is the honey-soaked lotus flower. The bhakti bees can never give it up. Aspire for that kind of association.
Yes, that's right - yet another survey suggesting a connection between something we may do everyday, and cancer. This time it's regularly eating food from cans. 
We're talking about Bisphenol A – or BPA - a nasty substance which lines the inside of cans of foodstuff of many, many varieties. This includes soft drinks, by the way. And if you think you lead a healthy life, what about those cans of lentils and chickpeas? I looked in my grocery cupboard to confirm that all I had was a couple of cans of Italian chopped tomatoes, but then I found the coconut milk. All the more reason to only buy fresh vegetables, bulk dried legumes for self-soaking and cooking, and preparing as many meals as you can from scratch. Read this article and then perhaps re-evaluate the way you purchase and store food at home. And if you must buy some pre-prepared things, try things stored in glass, or snap frozen. But be warned about some foods stored in glass jars. The lid of that innocent glass jar has a gasket, a rubbery liner that fits against the glass and forms the seal. It’s made from PVC but also contains chemicals called plasticisers, which give it the right mechanical properties to form a good seal. This seal ensures the food inside is protected from harmful bacteria, but what about the safety of the plasticisers? Choice magazine tested food in glass jars in 2008 and found half contained the plastic-softening chemicals epoxidised soybean oil or phthalates at levels exceeding EU limits. Seems to me that modern life, supposedly based on convenience, time- and labour-saving, has created a far worse array of new problems in the process. What to do? Live simply, according to natural laws. Or pay the price. If you're still not depressed yet, Choice magazine has some alarming BPA results to share with you.
Ivan L. Wilzig (born January 5, 1956), also known as Sir Ivan or Peaceman, is a musician who is best known for techno remixes of 1960s songs such as "Imagine" and "San Francisco". He is also founder of the nonprofit Peaceman Foundation and appeared as Mr. Mitzvah on Season Two of the reality television show Who Wants to be a Superhero? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0disSFmrAZI If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.14 - Srimad Bhagavatam alone can give the accurate direction for self-realization in eternal relation with the Personality of Godhead by devotional service in transcendental love.
"Please go on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna as you are doing now and this very chanting will give you all peace and prosperity both in this life and the next."
Letter to Ballabhi April 22, 1967
I was walking home after sankirtan, almost freezing and dragging some books with me. In the middle of Spadina Avenue I saw a girl walking in my direction with a big smile. As she came closer I asked her what the secret to her happiness was. We started to talk and I gave her a Chant and be happy explaining that it was for all happy people. As she heard the philosophy she was appreciative so I told her to repeat a happiness mantra with me and she happily repeated ‘Gauranga’. We continued to talk about her work and then I asked her if she liked to sing and she said she liked to dance. We worked it out so that she would dance and sing with me. As I showed her the Maha mantra she repeated it right after me. When the Maha mantra ended she said ‘oh this is Rama, I was looking for Rama’. She explained that yesterday she was wondering what to do with herself and not knowing what she took the first alphabet of the name of every employee that worked with her and connected them together to decipher a message. The message ended with the word Rama and implied something to the effect that she should connect with Rama. She said after she saw this last night she repeated the word Rama several times and was wondering where to find it and now she ran into us. Krishna truly is the Supersoul in everyone’s heart J
I was near Yonge and Dundas yesterday and I saw two men with a big built walking as if they were slightly drunk. They were talking amongst themselves and walking towards my direction and my mind went through the extremes of stay out of their way or they will create trouble or try to reach out to them as they seem to need it the most. Finally as they were close enough, these words came out of my mouth - Have you heard of meditation or yoga. These two stopped and one of them turned towards me, looked right at me and opened his mouth as big as he could and let out a shriek on my face that could wake even the dead. My hands moved towards my heart and all I could say in disbelief was - Hare Krishna. I was expecting the worse was yet to come but the other guy interjected his friend and said - Man you are crazy. What are you doing to her? Then he came towards me and said you have spoken to me before. As the other friend had come in touch with Srila Prabhupada books he was a totally different person. I prayed for strength and gently showed the other friend a perfection of yoga which he happily took to read. It was a great example of how people change in association of Prabhupada books.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.35.37

We have get sober. It’s just like driving on the highway, and the music is playing…nice and gentle music and you are doing 140 km, and you are driving at a good speed, and it is all sweet and rosy………you kind of get into the illusion that it is very comfy there. You are very comfortable and it is nice in the car on a good soft seat. But we forget that you are racing with what Prabhupada calls, ‘Neck braking speed’ over the road and you are sitting behind one metre away from an explosive motor which is at high temperature and is a highly explosive stuff! All the time it is getting hotter and hotter…… you are sitting very close to it form the nice little dashboard which looks very cool, and the whole thing creates an illusion of security. So one has to be sober behind the wheel…and you get all kinds of signs from the cops to sober people up. Get out of the bubble and realise the serious risk that is there! Where at any moment it can suddenly turnaround with screaming rubber and steel!! With glass everywhere!! And if you have seen accidents then it gets intense!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.25.27 
When a community makes a commitment, that’s when the community can support each other in that way, and that is needed. It doesn’t matter what shape that community exists but that is one function of sadhu sanga. We often think that the association of devotees is meant for inspiration. It’s like: “I need devotee’s association to feel inspired and whenever I am with the devotees then I am so inspired”. But we see in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta, where a situation occurring, where Vallabhacharya came to visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and was Vallabhacharya proud of his learning (he was a great scholar) and said that he had written a commentary on Srimad Bhagavatam. He mentioned that he was not in agreement with Śrīdhara Svāmī who was the original Bhagavatam commentator. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had no appreciation for that, because he had Śrīdhara Svāmī at a highest regard. Threfore, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not want to hear the commentary of. Vallabhacharya. So when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu didn’t want to hear, then no body wanted to hear – not a single devotee was ready to hear and Vallabhacharya would go around saying: “Please, listen to my commentary, since you will find it very interesting”. “No, sorry……I have no time….I really have to go”. Everybody would make excuses and some said: “No way!” And some were blunt, but one devotee was very soft by nature, namely Gadādhara. Gadādhara was one of these soft natured person and Vallabhacharya had just cornered him and overpowered him with his energy by saying: “You will hear my commentary”. Gadādhara said: “No, please!” “ Yes! You will!” And he took his right hand and started reading to Gadādhara who was thinking: “Oh, my god what will happen now? Lord Caitanya will surely understand, because he knows my heart and that I don’t want to hear it. But the devotees will never tolerate that I heard the commentary, because they are not so tolerant”. So that particular passage is interesting because that shows another aspect of devotee association, and shows the intolerance of the devotees. Or what is sometimes referred to as peer pressure….or you could say something like the village mentality. Now we are living in the village and if you act different in the village then the whole village is down on you! So everyone is living in fear of the villagers. So the devotee community is something like that…it’s like living in a village, and we are a bit worried about being seen by the neighbours because they know that you’re going to cop it. Those dynamics are actually healthy – we need a bit of that…..we need a bit of the vigilant eye of the vaisnavas, so to keep us from becoming degraded, since the tendency to glide down is very strong…..very strong!
Gokul of the moor Sanjay Tanna, ISKCON’s organic dairy head, with an Ahimsa cow UK: HUMANE DAIRY FARMING Milk ’n Honey Somewhere in England, the Quiet Beatle’s farm champions Ahimsa dairy BY MARIANNE LANDZETTEL
Travel north outside of London and you will have reached Bhaktivedanta Manor, the sprawling 17-acre Hertfordshire countryside estate that George Harrison purchased in 1973 for the followers of Lord Krishna. Home to the UK chapter of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the campus bustles with the collective hustle of both devotees and visitors to the Radha Krishna temple, occupying much of the ground floor of the Tudor-style building. But while the Bhaktivedanta Manor is famous for its colourful history, not as well-known is its reputation as a model for organic dairy—for its Ahimsa milk standard and the humane treatment of its cow herd.
I visit the Bhaktivedanta Manor a day after the 10th anniversary of Harrison’s death was commemorated on November 29. Garlands of marigold are still strewn about in the memorial garden. I saunter to the large barns that house the community’s 55-strong dairy herd.
On this beautiful late November morning, most of the cows are out grazing; two calves and a group of males are knee-deep in freshly deposited straw cushions. “We have set up the Ahimsa milk standard,” says Ahimsa Dairy Foundation director Sanjay Tanna (or Sitarama Das, as he is known amongst the Krishna devotees), referring not only to the farm’s fully organic products, but also its ‘no-slaughter policy’. Bull calves here are not sold to be killed at abattoirs, but stay and work for a living. This particular morning, four are engaged in pulling the ploughs on what is to become a potato field. On weekends and during festivals, there are bullock cart rides, very popular amongst children.
The cows provide around 40,000 litres of milk a year, a little less than 4,000 litres from each bovine, a third of what conventionally kept high-yield breeds produce. The Ahimsa cows are only inseminated every three or four years. In contrast, at mega dairies, a cow is routinely made to conceive as soon as it’s 13 months old and attains puberty. With a nine-month gestation period, she births her first calf when just two years old. Three months later, the cow is gotten pregnant again. At four, she’s sold off to be slaughtered and ends up as hamburger meat or dog chow. On the spaced-out insemination of Ahimsa cows, Tanna says, “They still give milk, it helps control the herd size and it is much easier on their bodies. People just don’t know under what conditions milk is normally produced. The Ahimsa milk project shows the dairy industry can be ethical.”
“Right now, we have 11 cows giving milk at Bhaktivedanta Manor,” he adds. They are milked twice daily by hand in a spotlessly clean parlour, with devotional music playing. They produce enough milk for the devotees, the children at the primary school on the estate and the cafe#, which serves masala chai, rasgullas and burfis. The project has another 12 cows, which are kept in line with Ahimsa milk standards within an organic herd on a farm in Kent, east of London. Since July, their milk is being supplied to about 100 families in north London, many of them Hindus. A litre of Ahimsa milk costs £2.25 (roughly Rs 180) in addition to delivery charges. A hefty price, admits Tanna, but “it includes a pension fund for the cows”. Seventy pence per litre goes towards the upkeep of the bulls and the retired cows. “Many of our Indian customers say our milk reminds them of home, where they got it directly from a farm,” says Tanna. Even chefs praise the quality of the milk. “The flavour is very complex and really stays with you,” says Sam Clark from the well-known Moro restaurant in London. “You can tell it would make a great cheese or yoghurt.”
Sure enough, starting next year, Ahimsa soft cheese and paneer will enter the market and delivery of milk and ghee will be expanded to other parts of London. The herd in Kent is to expand to about 30 cows, and will be fed a grass diet with additional organic feed during the winter months. Tanna hopes that in time, Ahimsa milk projects will be set up all over Britain. “We want to educate people on the real story of milk production,” says Tanna, “and change their buying habits to organic until slaughter-free Ahimsa milk is available everywhere.”
That is the goal set by the Go Dharmic Campaign, which has opened stalls at 25 major Hindu festivals. Says Richard Green from the Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative, “There was a lot of interest. They have more than 8,000 followers on Facebook by now.” The campaign couldn’t have come at a more propitious moment—the big players in the industry don’t just decry organic dairy as being backward, but are pushing for US style mega dairies in the UK. Several applications to this effect are pending.
To get an idea of how mega dairies tick, both advocates and critics have been travelling to Oak Farms in the US state of Indiana. Here, 32,000 cows, most of them black and white Holsteins, live in huge barns, each with a capacity to hold 3,000 heads. In batches of 350, they queue up to be milked thrice a day, their hind legs pressed apart by their enormous udders. On average, each cow gives around 37 litres of milk daily. The 10 milking carousels are run round the clock: 75 cows are milked simultaneously in 8.5 minutes—and that’s just with one turn of the carousel.
During their brief lives, the cows of Oak Farms don’t get to see a blade of grass nor feel a bed of straw under their bellies. They are kept indoors throughout the year, their feed consisting of a complex mix of corn silage, soya beans and additives like minerals. They lie on sand, which, the farm managers say, makes it easier to keep them clean. The calves—on average a 100 are born daily—are separated from their mothers within hours. The bull calves are sold immediately, to be fattened and slaughtered. The females will be artificially inseminated as soon as they reach puberty and they will join the queue at the milk carousel as soon as they give birth. On average, cows in mega dairies have two calves in quick succession, which exhausts their bodies. By four, they are deemed ready for the abattoir.
By contrast, it is not unusual for cows in an organic milk herd to be still productive even when they are well over 10 years old. At Bhaktivedanta Manor, a cow stops working at age 16 (if not earlier), which is about equal to 60 human years. In retirement, they are left to graze and enjoy themselves until they die a natural death, their passing mourned with flowers and even a little ceremony. George would have approved.
The shut-ins A feeding scene in Indiana mega dairy Oak Farms, which houses 32,000 cows.
by Gopish das The temporary roof repair is almost complete. Tattva Darshana and Jagadishvara Prabhus have been working diligently to effect the necessary repairs. We have been able to stop the leak near Srila Prabhupada’s alter and have, through the process of elimination, identified the source of the other two leaks. The water is actually coming through the domes, especially around the lotus tops. We are using a very high-tech sealant to stop the leaks without affecting the black and gold ornamentation. The drain areas have been opened up to allow for better removal of water and we will be installing heat tape to keep the ice from building up this winter. All in all, we are under budget for this project and will have it concluded before winter sets in. The old ghee plant has been cleaned out by Vaisnava Prabhu with only a few hard piped appliances remaining. A contract was signed with Kayafus Architects to provide a design and blueprints for the renovation of the ghee plant into the new Palace gift shop. The initial concept drawing has been provided along with a budget. Devotees with the necessary skills can apply to Gopisa das for hiring on this project. We will need carpenters, concrete workers, metal fabricators, roofers and electricians. While working on the domes and front steps, we noticed that the concrete appeared to be weakened in some areas. With that realization, we will be speaking with a structural engineer to determine the overall condition of the Palace concrete sub-structure so we can plan accordingly. We will be meeting with Gus Kayafus on Monday, Dec 12th to speak about the concrete issue, meet with two masonry companies that are bidding on the repair of the front steps and make plans for the gift shop renovations. Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!

Iskcon Mayapur board of education makes a special offer for the education of Iskcon Children worldwide. Sri Mayapur International School (SMIS), affliated to the renowned Cambridge University of UK, is now offering devotees a 50% discount on the tuition fee for 20 new students only. So please act quick! read more
Raksho-bhuvana-mahatmya of Sri Bhavishyottara Purana
yan nirvikara-para-rupa-vichintanena | yogeshvara vishaya-sagara-vita-ragah || vishramtim apura-vinasha vatim parakhyam | sa tvam nrsimha mayi dehi kripa-valokam ||7|| “By thinking of Your unchanging Supreme Form as Lord Nrsimhadeva, the best of the saints become freed from all attachment to the ocean of materialistic sense gratification, especially ragah or sex, and perpetually attain the topmost relief from all such related distress of the mind. O, Lord Nrsimha, may you please bestow upon me Your most merciful glance.”

1. Om narasimhaya namah Obeisances unto the half-man half-lion Lord 2. Om mahasimhaya namah Obeisances to the great lion 3. Om diyva-simhaya namah Obeisances to the Divine lion 4. Om mahabalaya namah Obeisances to the greatly powerful 5. Om ugra-simhaya namah Obeisances to the angry terrifying lion 6. Om mahadevaya namah Obeisances to the Lord of lords 7. Om stambha-ja-aya namah Obeisances to One who appeared from the pillar 8. Om ugra-locanaya namah Obeisances to one who possesses terrifying eyes 9. Om raudraya namah Obeisances to the angry one 10. Om sarvadbhutaya namah Obeisances to one who is wonderful in every way 11. Om srimanaya namah Obeisances to the most beautiful 12. Om yoganandaya namah Obeisances to the source of yogic bliss 13. Om trivikramaya namah Obeisances to Lord Vamana (Who took three great steps) 14. Om harine namah Obeisances to Sri Hari Who takes our troubles away 15. Om kolahalaya namah Obeisances to the roaring (Varahadeva - Varaha-nrisimha) 16. Om cakrine namah Obeisances to Him Who carries the disk 17. Om vijayaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is always victorious 18. Om jaya-vardhanaya namah Obeisances unto Him Who has ever increasing glories 19. Om panchananaya namah Obeisances unto Him Who is five-headed 20. Om param-brahma-aya namah Obeisances unto Supreme Absolute Truth 21. Om aghoraya namah Obeisances to Him Who for His devotees is not horrible 22. Om ghora-vikramaya namah Obeisances to Him Who has terrifying activities 23. Om jvalan-mukhaya namah Obeisances to One Who has an effulgent face 24. Om jvala-maline namah Obeisances to Him with effulgent garland of flames 25. Om mahajvalaya namah Obeisances to He Who is most effulgent 26. Om maha-prabhuhaya namah Obeisances to the Supreme Master 27. Om niti-laksaya namah Obeisances to Him Who possesses all good (moral) qualities 28. Om sahasraksaya namah Obeisances to the thousand-eyed One 29. Om durniriksyaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is difficult to see (difficult to look at) 30. Om pratapanaya namah Obeisances to Him Who oppresses His enemies with great heat 31. Om mahadamstraya namah Obeisances to Him Who possesses huge teeth 32. Om yudha-prajnaya namah Obeisances to the Supremely intelligent in battle (ready to fight) 33. Om canda-kopine namah Obeisances to Him Who is likened to an angry moon 34. Om sada-sivaya namah Obeisances to the All auspicious Lord 35. Om hiranyakasipu-dhvamsine namah Obeisance to Him Who destroys Hiranyakasipu 36. Om daitya-danava-bhanjanaya namah Obeisances to He Who destroys the masses of the race of demons and giants 37. Om guna-bhadraya namah Obeisances unto Narasimha Who is full of wonderful qualities 38. Om mahabhadraya namah Obeisances to Him Who is very auspicious 39. Om bala-bhadraya namah Obeisances to Him Who is auspiciously powerful 40. Om subhadrakaya namah Obeisances to the extremely auspicious One 41. Om karalaya namah Obeisances to He Who possesses a wide open mouth 42. Om vikaralaya namah Obeisances to Him with very wide open mouth 43. Om vikartaya namah Obeisances to the Lord Who performs wonderful activities 44. Om sarva-kartrikaya namah Obeisances to the Lord Who performs ALL activities 45. Om sisumaraya namah Obeisances to Him Who also appears as Matsya 46. Om trilokatmaya namah Obeisances to the Soul of the three worlds 47. Om isaya namah Obeisances to the Lord known as the controller 48. Om sarvesvaraya namah Obeisances to that supreme controller 49. Om vibhuaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who is the BEST 50. Om bhaivaradambaraya namah Obeisances to Him Who causes terror by roaring in the sky 51. Om divyaya namah Obeisances to That Divine Person Narasimha 52. Om acyutaya namah Obeisances to our infallible Lord Nara-simha 53. Om kavine namah Obeisances to the Supreme intelligent (poet) 54. Om madhavaya namah Obeisances to the husband of Srimati Laksmi devi 55. Om adhoksajaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is beyond understanding (or beyond explaining) 56. Om aksaraya namah Obeisances to the infallible One 57. Om sarvaya namah Obeisances to He Who is the origin of everything 58. Om vanamaline namah Obeisances to Him Who wears garland of forest flowers (or adorned by His loving devotees) 59. Om varapradaya namah Obeisances to the Merciful Lord Who grants boons to the deserving like Prahlada 60. Om visvambaraya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who maintains the universe 61. Om adbhutaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is wonderful 62. Om bhavyaya namah Obeisances to He Who determines the future (Who is the future for His devotees) 63. Om sri-visnave namah Obeisances to that Narasimha Who is the all pervading Lord Vishnu 64. Om purusottamaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who is the Supreme Enjoyer 65. Om anaghastra namah Obeisances to Him Who can never be wounded by weapons 66. Om nakhastraya namah Obeisances to Him Who has sharp nails for weapons 67. Om surya-jyotine namah Obeisances to Narasimha the source of Suns rays 68. Om suresvaraya namah Obeisances to Narasimhadev, Lord of devatas 69. Om sahasra-bahu-aya namah Obeisances to Nara-hari the thousand-armed Lord 70. Om sarva-jnaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is the all-knowing 71. Om sarva-siddhi-pradayakaya namah Obeisances to Him Who awards all perfections to the sadhakas (devotees) 72. Om vajra-damstraya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who has teeth like lightning bolts 73. Om vajra-nakhaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who possesses nails like piercing lightning bolts 74. Om mahanandaya namah Obeisances to the source of supreme bliss - Atmananda - Narasimha 75. Om param-tapaya namah Obeisances to the source of All austerities, spiritual energy (and taptah - heat) 76. Om sarva-mantraika-rupa namah Obeisances to that Divine Personality Who although one, he appears as the many mantrika formulas 77. Om sarva-yantra-vidaramaya namah Obeisances to Him Who destroys all machines (demoniac plans/arrangements/vehicles for demoniac works) 78. Om sarva-tantratmakaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha the essence of, and proprioter of all tantras (ritual rites - pujas) 79. Om avyaktaya namah Obeisances to the Lord Who appears unmanifest 80. Om suvyaktaya namah Obeisances unto Nara-simha Who for His devotees becomes wonderfully manifest from the pillar (or when needed) 81. Om bhakta-vatsala namah Obeisances to the Lord Who always has the well-being of His devotee at heart 82. Om vaisakha-sukla-bhototthaya namah Obeisances to That Narasimhadeva Who appeared during waxing moon of the month of Visakha (April-May) 83. Om saranagata-vatsalaya namah Obeisances to the Lord Who is kind to those surrendered to Him (like the mother lioness who is kind to her cubs) 84. Om udara-kirtine namah Obeisances to Nara-simha Who is universally famous 85. Om punyatmaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is the essence of piety 86. Om mahatmaya namah Obeisances to That great personality, Nara-simha 87. Om candra-vikramaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is the performer of moonlike or great deeds, or who performs deeds that eclipse all others. 88. Om vedatrayaya namah Obeisances to the Lord of the three original Vedas (Rg, Yajur, Sama) 89. Om prapujyaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who is supremely worshipable 90. Om bhagavanaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha the Supreme Personality of Godhead 91. Om paramesvaraya namah Obeisances to He Who is the Supreme Controller (Nara-simha-deva) 92. Om srivatsamkaya namah Obeisances to the Lord Who is just like Krishna, being marked with symbol of Laksmi 93. Om jagat-vyapine namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who pervades the entire universe 94. Om jagan-mayaya namah Obeisances to the Supreme Mystic Who makes the material world seem real 95. Om jagat-palaya namah Obeisances to the protector of the universe (Nara-simha) 96. Om jagannathaya namah Obeisances to the Lord of Universe 97. Om mahakhagaya namah Obeisances to Him Who moves in the air or with the movement of the air (is everywhere) 98. Om dvi-rupa-bhrtaya namah Obeisances to Him Who has double form (man-lion) 99. Om paramatmaya namah Obeisances to Him Who is the Supersoul of All beings 100. Om param-jyotine namah Obeisances to Him (Nara-simha) Whose effulgence is the source of Brahman 101. Om nirgunaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Who possesses transcendental qualities (not those of the material nature) 102. Om nrkesarine namah Obeisances unto Him man-lion (or having a lion's mane while appearing part human) 103. Om para-tattvaya namah Obeisances to the Supreme Absolute Truth (One Who is of the Supreme nature) 104. Om param-dhamaya namah Obeisances to He Who comes from the Supreme Abode 105. Om sac-cid-ananda-vigrahaya namah Obeisances to Narasimha Whose Form is made of eternal knowledge and bliss 106. Om laksmi-nrsimhaya namah Obeisances unto the Man-Lion Form together with the Supreme Goddess of Fortune Srimati Laksmi-devi 107. Om sarvatmaya namah Obeisances unto the universal, primeval soul (the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Narasimhadeva) 108. Om dhiraya namah Obeisances unto Narasimha who is always sober (being never bewildered)
Om prahlada-palakaya namah Obeisances unto Narasimha Who is the protector of Prahlada Maharaja, and those of that nature - surrendered unto Him.
Dhyayami narasimhakyam brahma vedanta-gocharam bhavabdhi taran opayam shankha chakra dharam param
I am meditating on the Supreme Person known as Nrisimha who is attainable through Vedanta philosophy. He is the carrier of the conch and the Sudarshana disc, and He is the only means for crossing the ocean of birth and death.
Nilam ramam cha paribhuya kripa rasena stambhe sva-shakti-managham vinidhaya deva prahlada rakshana vidhavi yati kripa te shri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
You mercifully protect Nila and Rama with Your chaste, spiritual internal potency. You also extend Your protective energy over Prahlada Maharaja. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Indra-adi deva nikarasya kirita koti pratyupta ratna prati-bimbita pada-padma kalpa-anta kala ghana garjana tulya-nada shri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
Your lotus feet are comparable in effulgence to the brilliance of the sum total of the jewelry possessed by all the demigods. Your roaring is like that of the thundering clouds at the universal dissolution. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Prahlada posha pralayarka samana vaktra hum-kara nirjita nishachara vrinda nada sri-narada muni sangha sugiyamana sri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
You are the maintainer of Prahlada Maharaja and Your open mouth is exactly as the sun which causes the destruction of the universe. O Lord, Your grunts frighten all the roaming predators of the night. You are always beautifully glorified by sages such as Narada Muni. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Ratrin charadri jatarat parisramsya-mana raktam nipiya pari-kalpita sa-antara-mala vidravita-akhila surogra nrisimha rupam sri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
O Nrisimha, Your divine form is horrifying. You are tearing apart all the wild animals descending from the caves of the mountains to terrify and to drink the blood of everyone. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Yogi-indra yoga pari-rakshaka deva deva dina-arthi-hari vibhava-agama giyamana mam vikshya dinam asaranyam aganya-shilam sri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
O King of the yogis, Lord of Lords and the protector of the process of yoga. You are the remover of the sufferings of those who are dear to You. Your wonderful form is described in the agamas. Please glance upon me who is without shelter and possesses no good qualities. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am trying to be Your devotee.
Prahlada shoka vinivarana bhadra-simha naktan-charendra mada khandana vira-simha indra-adi deva-jana sangnuta pada-padma sri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
You are the auspicious lion that dispersed the grief of Prahlada Maharaja. O Powerful Lion, who tears everything apart in an intoxicated mood, You are the Lord of the ferocious predators of the dark night. Your lotus feet are surrounded by all divine and pious personalities beginning with Lord Indra. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Gyanena kechid avalambya padambhujam te kechit sukarma nikarena pare ch bhaktya muktim gatah khalu janah kripaya murare sri narasimha paripalaya mam cha bhaktam
Some people try to embrace Your lotus feet through the process of knowledge. Others try by performing pious activities and yet others by the path of devotion. O Murari by Your mercy all of them attain liberation. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.
Festival of the Holy Name – Indradyumna Swami – Importance of Initiation
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Saturday 10 December 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Going to Sleep in Hell, Waking Up in Paradise uploaded from Mauritius After enduring cold, rainy, nasty weather on our stopover in the UK while transiting from London's Heathrow airport and sitting for five hours with cold feet in London's Gatwick airport where the heat was not working, we are now a few hours away from sunny, tropical Mauritius. One could say, Going to sleep in hell and waking up in paradise. Of course Mauritius is not really paradise, because people on Mauritius also have to endure the traumas of birth, death, old age, and disease. So why have I titled today's Thought for the Day in this way? The real version of going to sleep in hell and waking up in paradise is Krishna consciousness. As long as we remain in bodily consciousness, we are sleeping in hell. And as soon as we revive our dormant Krishna consciousness by chanting the Lord's holy names, we immediately awaken in paradise. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Convert to Hinduism? Hello. How does one convert to Hinduism? Kayden Answer: There's No Such Thing as Hinduism The first thing to understand that Hinduism is not the correct term. It was a term introduced by the Muslims to describe those people who lived east of the Sindhu river. The correct term is Vedic religion, the religion based on the Vedic scriptures. Kindly note that there is no such as converting to a particular religion because there is only one religion, to fully absorb oneself in loving service to the Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence. It does not matter whether one is designated as a Hindu, Christian, Jew, or Muslim. If he has awakened the dormant love of God within his heart, he is a first class follower of religion. Since religion is one, there is no question of converting from one religion to another. The only real conversion that can take place is to convert from irreligion to religion. So one should chant the holy name of God according to his own religion and give up the sinful activities of meat eating, intoxication, illicit sex, and gambling. This will make him a first class religious man. If he has no names to chant that inspire him with love of God, he can chant the Hare Krishna mantra and quickly achieve the supreme goal: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. 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