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- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Spiritual Scientist: The dynamic interplay of the ‘here’ and the ‘hereafter’
- Australian News: Banning the Gita: What its all about
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: In deep meditation
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: The Ethics of the Bhagavat Philosophy
- Dandavats.com: YAMUNA
- Dandavats.com: A Few Memories of Yamuna Prabhu
- Dandavats.com: A Tribute To Yamuna Devi Dasi
- Dandavats.com: A Christmas Message from the Principal
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: The Cape of Good Hope
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Aniruddha Prabhu
- Japa Group: Real Meaning Of Love
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT ARE THE PILLARS OF YOUR LIFE?
- Karnamrita das, NC, USA: The Most Joyous Time of the Year?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Six Hour Bhajana-Kirtana Session, THe Hague, Holland
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS SERVANT LEADERSHIP?
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Russia Comdemns Ban On Bhagavad-Gita Threat
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Hare Krishna: RAMA LAMA DING DONG
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Our First Year of Sundays Swag: Snap it up While it’s Hot!
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Gouranga chanters by nectarbliss on Flickr.
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Photo
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Gouranga by Ian Nelson on Flickr.
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: a few ideas for spreading the word by nitai das
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Gouranga grand theft auto
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: sankirtan
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: gouranga graffiti stuck in the mind
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: At one point it was reportedly plastered over 150 motorway and road bridges, causing much head...
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Gouranga! by ukindieguy on Flickr.
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: gouranga street art
- Madhavendra Puri, New Govardhana, AU: Exhausting August
- Madhavendra Puri, New Govardhana, AU: Won-Durr Boiz at Kirtana Mela 2011 (Day 2)
- Madhavendra Puri, New Govardhana, AU: Won-Durr Boiz at Kirtana Mela 2011 (Day 1)
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Madhavendra Puri, New Govardhana, AU: Won-Durr Boiz from Poland to Kirtana-Mela
- One ISKCON.com: Some Pastimes of Sri Vamsidasa Babaji
- Dandavats.com: Gita not on trial but its commentaries, says Russia - The documents of the court
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Discussion with Ananda Caitanya on Nava Vraja-mahima and deity worship
- Dandavats.com: Surabhi gives birth to a girl and our “Name-Giving Fundraiser”
- Dandavats.com: Alachua temple Memorial Service for Yamuna Devi
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: START SMALL
- Dandavats.com: ISKCON`s GBC Remembers Yamuna Devi
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Book Distrubution 2011 - II
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Book distribution 2011
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Truth never loses its glory
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Liquid Beauty Play @the loft - part 1
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Photo
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Photo
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Photo
- Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Distributing Srila Prabhupada's books at the Irving Mall
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: 9days8nights blog
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- David Haslam, UK: Final Days for Book Distribution Yatra
- Phanisvara das, Mayapura, IN: child protection in ISKCON -- or the lack of it, and the reasons
- Gouranga TV: Nadiya Mani mataji Kirtan
- Nrsimhadeva.com: Kill The Snake
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 24 December 2011--The Compassionate Want to Change the World--What is the Goal of Human Life?
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: IF YOU SPEAK SPANISH ...
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1955 December 25: "The League program is: (1) To hold consecutive meetings for impressing the ideas of the mission. (2) To train at least 7 to 10 educated young men (3) To publish a monthly paper for the English knowing heads of society."
1969 December 25: "This movement is greatly needed for the human society, so we are not working like any political party, but we are trying to execute the Will of the Supreme Lord."
1972 December 25: "It is not very much advisable to make lies. Lies will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness. Lie to some, not to others, that is not a good philosophy. Rather the brahmanas are always truthful, even to their enemies."
1972 December 25: "We may do anything for Krishna, but that is reserved for very advanced experts in Krishna Consciousness - they know how to catch the big fish without themselves getting wet."
1973 December 25: "I request you not to go to see him any more. This is not approved by me. Whatever is to be learned of Bhaktivinoda Thakura can be learned from our books. There is no need whatsoever for any outside instruction."
1974 December 25: "So one who gives class must read and study regularly and study the purport and realize it. Don't add anything or concoct anything - then you can preach very nicely."
1974 December 25: "The qualification for leading class is how much one understands about Krsna and the surrendering process. Not whether one is male or female. Of course, better she has heard nicely then she will speak nicely."
1974 December 25: "We can collect a lot of money for ISKCON Food Relief program with this film. But not a single farthing of that money should be used for any other thing. It should all go to our ISKCON Food Relief fund, nothing else."
The Bhagavad-gita (8.15) declares the world we live in – the here – to be a place of temporality and misery and so deems the spiritual world – the hereafter – as the destination that the intelligent should aspire for. But the Gita’s actual message is connection, not rejection: the connection of the here with the hereafter, not the rejection of the here for the hereafter. If we care only for the here, we will become attached to the here and blinded to the hereafter. If we care only for the hereafter, we will become apathetic and irresponsible about the here. By keeping in mind the eternality and the beauty of the hereafter, we can avoid infatuation with the fleeting pleasures and the deluding promises of the here. By keeping in mind the role of the here as the arena that shapes us for attaining the hereafter, we can face the challenges of the here with wisdom and determination. That’s why the Gita (8.7) exhorts us to a dynamic balance between the here and the hereafter: aspire wholeheartedly for the hereafter and act responsibly in the here.

The Bhagwad Gita’s first Russian translation came out in 1788. Soon, another important Indian work, Kalidasa’s Shakuntala, was translated to Russian in 1792. Indian literature, thereafter, became popular, especially among writers and intellectuals. The Russian poet, A S Pushkin, was drawn to the Ramayana and the Gita was a favourite with Leo Tolstoy. Against this backdrop, the attempt in the Siberian city of Tomsk to get the Gita banned is baffling. First, it doesn’t seem a trans-Russia sentiment at all. Second, the court case is probably an outcome of the uneasy relations between ISKCON and the local Russian Orthodox establishment. In this case, a property dispute appears to have been the complicating factor. Reports indicate that Victor Fyodotov, the public prosecutor of Tomsk, on the instigation of local church figures, filed a case in a local court to get the book “Bhagwad-Gita, As It Is”, with commentaries by Swami Prabhupada, banned. (So, the plea is not to ban Bhagwat Gita per se, but the one authored by Swami Prabhupada published by “Bhaktivedanta Book Trust” some 20 years ago. However, this version, too, contains the full Gita text.) The prosecutor, it would appear, is a local anti-ISKCON activist, who has resorted to a number of lies. First, he claimed his plea was based on the authorized “expert opinion” of Tomsk State University. In the first, second and third court hearings on 12, 18 and 29-30 August 2011, the so-called experts, Sergei Avanesov, Valery Svistunov and Valery Naumov of Tomsk University, said their opinion was not official but given in their personal capacity. Secondly, contrary to their opinion earlier given in writing, they didn’t support the plea in the court that the book contained any subversive or extremist content. The two advisers invited by the court, N V Serebrennikov and N N Kapritsky, also rejected the written “expert opinion”. However, these two advisers said some abusive words are used for non-Krishanites in Swami Prabhupada’s commentary, but added that the book does not attempt to create a racial or religious divide. This argument was countered by the judge herself who told that the Bible, too, used phrases like: “Don’t throw pearls before a swine.” In the court proceedings it came through that while there was a tendency to claim exclusiveness on the part of Swami Prabhupada (a characteristic of most religious texts), there was no evidence to support the accusations made against the book. The Russian society appears to have been embarrassed by the episode. The media, for instance, has condemned the ongoing trial. The newspaper Vechernyi Tomsk (Tomsk Eveninger) carried a report titled, “Trial of Indian book brings shame to Tomsk”. The newspaper Gazeta.ru carried a satirical piece on how a work that was created 5,000 years ago has suddenly become an extremist document. The intellectual community of Russia has been no less indignant. There have been protest pickets, round-table meetings and discussions on the trial in the Tomsk court. Nelly Krechetova, human rights ombudsman of Tomsk region, has termed the trial “absurd”. Speaking on Radio “Echo of Moscow” she said, “This book is considered sacred by more than a billion people the world over, and in Russia itself the book has been in circulation for 20 years.” She continued that there was no manifest incident of extremism caused by the dissemination of the book. A ban on the book, she said, would amount to “violation of constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of conscience and faith.” Read the rest here at The Times of India
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 3

The Lord was seeing how Rupa and Sanatana were devotees. He knew very well that they were living in Ramakeli, and in that village they were situated close to the government. It wasn’t where the government was situated, but it was their own village, which was next to the place where the government was situated. And in that village they had re-created Vrindavan. As Bhakti-Ratnakara describes, that they had built very nice cottages on the bank of the Ganges, and were inviting different learned scholars from all over India to come to visit them, and to stay with them. They were providing them with everything while they were there. Anything a brahmana could desire, in terms of a library, scriptures, and nothing to worry about since all the material things could be arranged: nice prashadam; good and clean residence; no headache. The kind of environment where all you have to do is focus on the scriptures. Something that any brahminical person would want, since they do not want to be bothered with all these material things! So Rupa and Sanatana provided that very nicely. Therefore, Ramakeli had the greatest scholars and there was always a daily discussion taking place in the court, with Rupa and Sanatana on matters about scriptures. So Bhagavatam discussions were not only taking place during that time, but also when Santanta Goswami decided (that after Rupa’s retirement) that he too did not to go to work, and wanted to just hear the Bhagavatam instead. But they have always done that along with their government service. They were having such discussion as mentioned in the Bhakti-Ratnakara in great details, and that they went to places that reminded them of Vrindavan. And in this way they were in deep meditation and you could imagine how Rupa and Sanatana were trained by their discussions on all sorts of topics with the best scholars of their time. They themselves, were scholars of great repute, and were the participants in discussions on par with the great scholars of their time. Therefore, the scholarship of Rupa and Santana Goswami developed over a longer period of time in Ramakeli!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 3 
We see that Prabhupada was not like a parrot! As the essay from Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, ‘The Eithics of the Bhagavat Philosophy’ describes: ‘One’s mind should not only be a repository of knowledge – where things are just stored and reproduced, but one should take this knowledge, think about it creatively, and apply it creatively in one’s life!’ That has been explained by him, and Srila Prabhupada certainly did that by always being a faithful instrument. He was a very faithful instrument, and also seeming to meet the objectives from his spiritual master, and not by just parroting and not like being a fundamentalist: “Like, well you know…. my guru said this and there cannot be a change!”. No, it is also about experimenting a little, adjusting a little – sixteen rounds is sort of all right. There were things like ladies in the ashram, and so many things that were substantial. I mean, obviously if you put men and women together in a temple, then you are going to have some fireworks! That’s inevitable, and the Gauḍīya Math has rightly criticised this in a sense. How can you have that in the ashram? But they could not see what he saw: That there is another culture; there was no shelter; and that you could not keep the ladies at home, since they are also sincere souls, and required the shelter of the Krishna conscious environment. They couldn’t understand the principle. So anyway Prabhupada (in his humility) did not have an over fundamentalist type of nature!
By GurudasI am saddened by my feeling of separation from you, that I will not see you again on this planet, yet I still feel close to you. Our relationship transcends material boundaries and You are in my, and many peoples hearts . Let us all pray for your continued spiritual journey, which makes me happy, as you are not in pain anymore, and with our beloved Spiritual Master, and Radha and Krishna
By Kalakantha das and Jitamitra dasiWe became close to Yamuna and Dinatarine Prabhus over the last five years. We run a busy college outreach program in Gainesville and, in 2006, looking for a getaway during the summer breaks, we decided to visit Saranagati, as we had lived and served in Vancouver temple years ago and had many friends there
By Bhakti Madhurya Govinda GoswamiIt is with mixed feeling that I find myself again writing a brief eulogy so soon for a departed God brother or God sister, in this case Yamuna Devi Dasi. I say mixed feelings because I understand that her health has not been good for a long time, which means suffering to one extent or another
Bhaktivedanta College Principal: This year we have transferred our partnership from the University of Wales Lampeter to the University of Chester, which is also a highly reputable educational institution in the U.K. Our Theology and Religious Studies BA programme is continuing in full swing with more than twenty students on campus

Maharaja’s South African tour continued with a week-long visit to Cape Town (18-25 December). At the Sunday Feast lecture he spoke on Bhagavad-Gita (1.1). Apart from glorifying the book, he also encouraged devotees to support the petition against Russia’s attempt to ban Bhagavad-Gita. At the end of the lecture, once again Maharaja handed-out packs of Srila Prabhupada’s books to the congregation and appealed to the devotees to distribute them! The program concluded with an ecstatic kirtana. During the week, Maharaja presented the daily morning classes on Srimad-Bhagavatam. Various different programs were held in the evenings and each one began with the most wonderful bhajan sessions. The European traveling sankirtana team (Vishnujana, Gourakaruna and Prahlada) arrived on Tuesday and just added to the energetic nature of the programs. On Monday and Tuesday night, Maharaja held seminars on the Caitanya-Caritamrta where he discussed different personalities in the book, the author, the glories of Lord Caitanya and stressed the modern day relevance of the book. On Wednesday and Thursday night, Maharaja gave classes at the houses of devotees. 
However, the highlight of the week was undoubtedly the Friday night harinama which was the best ever that took place in Cape Town. The harinama party paraded along the main street of the inner-city where a huge crowd had assembled for a night market that was being held there and went on until 11 pm. Maharaja led a powerful kirtana accompanied by accordion and drummers while devotees chanted and danced in ecstasy. The energy was contagious as passers-by waved, smiled, blared horns on their cars, some even danced and others just stared in astonishment. It was definitely a night to be remembered. The final item on the itinerary was a Saturday night loft-preaching program targeted for new-comers. The topic for the evening was Reflections on the Holy Name. Maharaja shared his early experiences of mantra meditation and how chanting transformed his life. Enjoy the pictures. If you can’t view the slide show then visit flickr!
 | KKS_Cape Town_Dec 2011 |
76 fotos | 763 vistas Los elementos son del 17 de dic 2011 & al 23 de dic 2011.
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.26 - One can attain to the highest perfection of life simply by attentive hearing of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord from the right sources.
Hare Krsna dear devotees, I hope your week of chanting has been peaceful and devotional. Today everyone celebrates Christmas and all families get together to open gifts and reunite.
It's very nice to see peace and love but at the same time we lose the concept of love for God, Krsna. If we do not remember to glorify His names - if we just enjoy ourselves and forget how we have to praise Him and serve Him through chanting His glories and holy names, then we forget the meaning of life and love - our hearts become empty.
So I hope to always have this on my mind and life, the eternal chanting of Krsna's holy names and remember that real pleasure is when we can please the eternal couple Radha Krsna.
Wishing you a great weekend.
your servant,
Aruna devi
What are the pillars of your life? What are your sources of strength? Where do you get knowledge? Where do you get support? Do you have anything that gives you clarity, inspiration, and direction? How do you connect with the Source of all inspiration, power and intelligence?
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed) It is said that Christmas time “is the most joyous time of the year,” which seems to be a double edged sword with some trying to be kinder and generous, while others feel bad, and become depressed that they’re supposed to be happy, but feel miserable. read more

The morning is newly born and it is with a special eagerness that we anticipate the ever-fresh darsana of Their Lordships. Here They are: Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Ballabha and Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi; glowing in all Their splendour in Their very Christmassy outfit: red, green, white and green.
Sent By His Grace Vinod-Bihari Dasa (Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada)
Oneleadership teacher describes servant leadership as follows: "The servant leader is servantfirst. It all begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to servefirst. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The differencemanifests itself in the care taken by the servant - first to make sure thatother people's highest priority needs are served."
Another teacher says: "Servant leadership is demonstrated through the stating of goals or vision,aggressively listening to others, telling the truth and being trustworthy,assisting others in their development, caring for the well-being of all people,and in the end, sustaining the hope that both the organization and its peoplewill reach their desired futures." Servant LeadershipMini Test 1. Areyou living inwardly and outwardly in a manner consistent with your mission? 2. Areyour intentions, secret desires, private ambitions, dreams or passionscontradictory to what you publicly proclaim about yourself or yourorganization? 3. Arethe decisions you make congruent with the principles of your mission?
The author is a professor of Russian Literature, Delhi University (Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada) The Bhagwad Gita’s first Russian translation came out in 1788. Soon, another important Indian work, Kalidasa’s Shakuntala, was translated to [...]
“For a GOURANGA! bonus, get the monks” Screenshot: When running over a whole group of monks you get a “Gouranga” bonus Contributed by CW6 (509) on 01 Nov 2006.  
At one point it was reportedly plastered over 150 motorway and road bridges, causing much head scratching among drivers trying to work out what it meant. Gouranga even spawned its own game, much like the Eddie Stobart lorry-spotting one.  Gouranga is a Hare Krishna term The word began to appear in the 1980s and is thought to derive from the Hare Krishna term Gauranga, meaning “peace my brother” or “be happy” - depending on translation. It became so well known that the word started to appear elsewhere. Indie band Half Man Half Biscuit’s song Twydale’s Lament contains the line: “Gouranga Gouranga, yes I’ll be happy when you’ve been arrested for defacing the bridge.” The phrase also features on the video game Grand Theft Auto. It’s never been confirmed who did the graffiti, but one man claimed to be the instigator on the Guardian’s Notes & Queries webpage. “I began in the north west in the late 80s,” he wrote. “Gouranga is a state of mind that can be induced by simply saying the word. I was prompted to begin my campaign following a tragic loss of a loved one from which I thought I would never recover. Of course I did, and ever since I have wanted to ‘pass it on’. Pass it on.”
[The Won-Durr Boiz diary series is based on four ex-gurukuli brothers (surname: Durr) coming together for the first time to share Krsna consciousness with the outside world. Madhavendra Puri (the author and middle elder) has been waiting in Radhadesh (Belgium) for his brothers to arrive. Nitai Canda (the eldest) and Rupa Gosvami (the youngest) arrive first, and Bhisma Deva (the middle younger) is scheduled to come half way through. Their adventure takes them through Belgium, Germany and Poland, for rathayatras, festival tours and kirtana events. These diaries aim to bring inspiration and joy to the readers, and hopefully encourage others to entangle themselves in Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtana movement – whether for the spiritual benefits or simply for the fun.] 
[Today begins our Kirtana-Mela experience.] Diary for the 31st Kirtana-Mela (1) . Kirtana-Mela (2) Read original post: [http://madhat.me] Subscribe: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/subscribe] 
[The Won-Durr Boiz diary series is based on four ex-gurukuli brothers (surname: Durr) coming together for the first time to share Krsna consciousness with the outside world. Madhavendra Puri (the author and middle elder) has been waiting in Radhadesh (Belgium) for his brothers to arrive. Nitai Canda (the eldest) and Rupa Gosvami (the youngest) arrive first, and Bhisma Deva (the middle younger) is scheduled to come half way through. Their adventure takes them through Belgium, Germany and Poland, for rathayatras, festival tours and kirtana events. These diaries aim to bring inspiration and joy to the readers, and hopefully encourage others to entangle themselves in Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtana movement – whether for the spiritual benefits or simply for the fun.] 
[Today begins our Kirtana-Mela experience.] Diary for the 30th Poland – Kirtana-Mela . Kirtana-Mela (1) Read original post: [http://madhat.me] Subscribe: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/subscribe] 
1968 December 24: "When the husband advances, automatically the wife shares in his success. So a good wife is a great boon to her husband and to her children so please continue in this way."
1967 December 24: "All these changes of lives one after another are considered to be dreams. Less intelligent persons are very much interested in dreaming life, but one who is intelligent enough he searches after eternal life."
1968 December 24: "The idea of prasadam distribution is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities but it has never come to any practical shape till now."
1968 December 24: "If you can start a Prasadam distribution program, it will be very very nice. But it is to be done in the temple premises, do not start a separate restaurant for this purpose."
1968 December 24: "Chestnuts and pomegranates take time to fructify. So Krishna Consciousness is the greatest of all good fruits. We must therefore have necessary endurance and enthusiasm to get the result."
1973 December 24: "Whatever has been done in the past we shall not try to make up for but I want that now this Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust money not be spent under any circumstances without my direct order."
1973 December 24: "So I have never seen Haridwar also and I am getting older so before my last days I wish to visit the holy places in Northern and Southern India so you may fix up the program."
[The Won-Durr Boiz diary series is based on four ex-gurukuli brothers (surname: Durr) coming together for the first time to share Krsna consciousness with the outside world. Madhavendra Puri (the author and middle elder) has been waiting in Radhadesh (Belgium) for his brothers to arrive. Nitai Canda (the eldest) and Rupa Gosvami (the youngest) arrive first, and Bhisma Deva (the middle younger) is scheduled to come half way through. Their adventure takes them through Belgium, Germany and Poland, for rathayatras, festival tours and kirtana events. These diaries aim to bring inspiration and joy to the readers, and hopefully encourage others to entangle themselves in Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtana movement – whether for the spiritual benefits or simply for the fun.] 
[We were off from one adventure to another.] Diary for the 29th (Part 1) Diary for the 29th (Part 2) Poland (30) . Poland - Kirtana-Mela . Kirtana-Mela (1) Read original post: [http://madhat.me] Subscribe: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/subscribe] 

Sri Vamsidasa Babaji Maharaja was a great Vaisnava who lived in Navadvipa during the first half of the twentieth cetury. His behavior was so unusual that in any culture less spiritually enlightened than India's, he almost certainly would have been considered crazy. Although physically present in this world, he had little connection with it. He was about six feet tall and strongly built. His hair and beard were uncut, matted, and disheveled. He hardly ever bathed, and his eyes looked wild. He wore only a simple covering over his groin, and nothing more. 
By Bhakti Vijnana GoswamiWe wrote an official statement which rejects this claim, and work to counteract it. Once more my humble request, please ask the devotees to sign the petition on-line. You may read to them the exerpts from the "expert testimony" (included here) for the Sunday feast class! We did not even reach 50 thousand yet. Please, help us!
Murari Sevaka: Murari's Kirtan Valley is hosting a "Name-Giving Fundraiser! This is an auction to name our blessed female calf, birthed on Dec. 21 by Surabhi, our Pure Jersey cow
Susan Wieland: The Alachua temple will be hosting their memorial service for Yamuna devi this Tuesday, December 27th at 6:30 pm. The memorial hopes to exemplify Yamuna's mood in devotee sanga, delve into her profound and unique relationship with Srila Prabhupada, share her eternal love for kirtan and her beloved Bana Beehari, and highlight the many contributions she made to Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON society
We canimprove our spiritual life by starting from where we are and then goingfurther, step by step. We can start small. Improvements may be small, butconstant.
If we just give attention to what really matters in our practice ofbhakti-yoga, we will make advancement. We can improve our sadhana. We can makea plan to rise early, and take steps to make sure it happens. Have a good alarmclock, or someone who is regulated and is willing to wake us up. Most importantis to go early to bed.
We canimprove our japa, for example, but keeping a Japa Quality Journal. Write downevery day how you did in the morning. Assess yourself. Give it attention.Sixteen good rounds are the most important thing. Chant along with SrilaPrabhupadas' tape, at least sometimes.
Read every day, at least a verse and apurport. Write down the main point. Write what you can apply tomorrow from thetext you've read.
In this way we can renew our enthusiasm every day and have astrength to start developing nice devotional relationships with authorities andother devotees. And we can nicely cooperate in the mission of spreadingKrishna consciousness all over the world.
By GBCYamuna Devi was one of the most influential devotees during ISKCON’s fledgling years. She was among a handful of people who established ISKCON’s first. Those who came to ISKCON in later years joined an established society, but Yamuna Devi was one of the few who established that society
I went door knocking again today. It was relatively a quiet day. I met few folks and distributed some books. I met a guy who knew about the Hare Krishnas. I gave him a book and he accepted it although he did not offer any donations. Then I met an inquisitive individual who asked many questions. Sadly though, after like 15 mins of explaining the philosophy he just took a brochure from me. I suspect he was a christian trying to be polite with me.
The highlight was I met a Catholic Christian who to my surprise had a very Krishna conscious mind set. In the beginning, she said I know I am not this body and mind and I am soul. She said how God is Supremely good and hence all of His creation also has His goodness. She believes that every individual finds his path towards God and that has their own realizations, so who are we to judge that? As humans she agreed that we have limited capacity to understand God's creation. She also said, which I find interesting is, that Catholicism is the "fullest" form of religion than other paths. Its funny how every religious person thinks the same of their path. I went to a Masjid (mosque) last sunday to see if I could distribute any books, and the person I was conversing with was a devout muslim and he also said the same thing about Islam and Allah. As the Catholic lady was saying about the fullness of her religion, I thought the same about Krishna Consciousness. I guess we need that impetus to be attached to our own paths.
Anyways, the Catholic lady talked about other points that had spiritual (and not religious) connotation and I took leave expressing my pleasure to have met her. Honestly, I have been here for 8 years now and have not met an open minded Christian. Sorry if I offend any Christian, this however has been my experience so far. Either they are materialistic or too literal about the Bible to accept any other path as valid. This woman was a welcome exception and she gladly donated me her entire piggy bank which had a dollar and some chump change. Knocked on few other doors and drove back to my house.
I am hoping someone will be interested to discuss further about Krishna!
Hare Krishna
After 4 years pause, i decided to distribute books again going door to door. I am praying I have the patience and enthusiasm to continue. I will be honest, living in a place where there is absolutely no devotee or devotee association or for that matter remotely spiritual, I find it very difficult to motivate myself to knock on doors.
Another problem is at least 50% of the people here are conservative christians and it is practically difficult to get them to take a book. So I decided to go to a neighborhood which is partially affluent and less affluent. Initially I was skeptical if anyone would even open the door. But then I motivated myself by thinking I will simply do my duty and the leave the rest to Krishna. In other words, I would not be disturbed mentally.
I may have knocked on 30 to 35 doors in a span of 2 hours. Almost I would say 25 doors did not open although I could hear their tv playing. Some were genuinely not home. One house, I knocked and the dogs (two) started to bark loudly and I was praying the owners don't open the door! Foolish that I was, I got lost in the building layout and knocked again on the same door with the dogs. Thankfully, the owners were not there. I made a smooth exit.
I was happy to have met the people I did. I met an Imam (spiritual leader for Islamic religion), a catalina knight (a rare form of protestant christian), a californian woman open to new ideas, and a old poor woman who lived in a run-down neighborhood and who experienced psychotic and depressive behaviors. Of course I met many more who simply did not care and kept saying NO.
Of all the people I met, the Imam was the first person to invite me into his house, took a book, gave me water and was very sweet. He asked me to come to his mosque to pray which I said I will. I am planning to go tomorrow to his mosque. We exchanged pleasantries in arabic, actually I was showing off my arabic skills whatever little I remembered when I lived in Kuwait. To my surprise, he spoke in arabic when I said I know little arabic...thank God he asked me the one thing I know. So that was good.
Then I met the Catalina Knight. He I have to say was quite the character. He looked straight in my eye and asked "do you follow a particular religion?" and I gave a vague answer like yes and no. He invited me into his house and we must have discussed for at least 30 mins of his religion. He gave me the Bible and asked me to read it which I promptly did and he was talking about his belief etc. He was very proud of his army background from Scotland and that he does not watch tv, listen music and other mundane affairs. Yet there was a huge tv right in the middle of his house and to that he said he watches dvds. Anyways, however I could not help notice on his laptop screen, I saw porn windows flashing and other lewd pictures around the house. After about 30 mins, I decided to do my sales pitch. I was very nice to him that he decided to take a book and donat $1 for it. Happily taking the donation, I bid farewell. Just at that moment, funny enough, the Catalina Knight warned me against knocking on a door just above him and he said, that guy is an imam and that I should stay away from him. I have to say from the conversation with the Knight, there is lot of misconception about muslims and Islam. It is indeed unfortunate!! Anyways, I politely nodded my head not revealing that I already met him.
The best meeting and I would say worth my entire effort was the following two meetings. The californian mother was so open and happy to see me, she invited me into her house and we talked about for 20 mins. She gave her email and phone for us to meet again. Her husband was not home and she wanted to meet again as she said her husband has many questions. We talked about other stuff beyond Krishna and am hoping to meet her again. I gave her 3 books and she donated $2. She wished me luck in my door knocking and I moved from there.
Finally, as I was driving back, I decided to stop in an apartment building which housed society's derelicts such as the drunks, the drug addicts, mentally ill and other psychotic people of society. In fact, I have a friend (who also has mental issues) living in that building. Anyways, I could not get in as it was locked and as I was leaving, I met an older poor woman who was standing with her dog. The dog was totally out of control and was freaking me out. Somehow I maintained my wits and gave a book to the woman. She let me into the building and just as she was about to leave, I explained the nature of this book and its significance. She listened intently. Then I asked her that she should chant Hare Krishna. At first she could not grasp Krishna. I opened the book turned to a page with the mantra and asked her to repeat after me. She dutifully repeated and asked for the meaning. I briefly explained to her the philosophy and I assured her and promised her that this mantra is so powerful that all your desires will be fulfilled and that all your problems will be solved. I saw a sparkle in her eye when I said this. I insisted her to call me. I gave her my phone and email contact. I thought my trip was worth that this poor old woman was lucky to chant Krishna's holy names.
With that, I got into my car and back home. I was hungry and tired by the end of it. I am not sure how frequent I will continue book distribution but I pray Krishna gives me the desire to do so. I hope something more sustainable comes from book distribution. One thing, we never know who will take Krishna and who will not!!
Hare Krishna
I find the following quote very inspirational. The truth is a testimony to itself and will reveal itself to the genuine seeker.
The truth is always the truth, the genuine always genuine. Ordinary people may or may not accept it, but it never loses its glory or respectable position. Maybe it will happen that within many eons only one sincere truth-seeking person will appreciate the genuineness of the Gaudiya Matha. Yet such a person could effect auspiciousness for unlimited millions of people.
- His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada
Check out this video on YouTube:
Mucukunda das
1972 December 23: "I thought Krishna Consciousness is the most important idea in the world, so let me go to the most important city in the world, New York City. I thought even at the fag-end of my life, if I am able to do anything for my Spiritual Master, let me try for it there."
1972 December 23: "I was alone, I was thinking, who will listen to me? I shall stay little longer, at least I can distribute a few books. But Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see. Now I can see that it is a miracle."
1967 December 23: "Our Kirtana movement is genuine, so we don't want cheap popularity. Let us convert one person in Krishna consciousness, that is our success of life. We don't want many cheap rascal followers."
1967 December 23: "I do not like too much editorial work. There is no need of editing the final manuscripts - I have already written to him. One man should edit it and be sufficient. Not that it should be edited again and typed again and waste time. That is my desire."
1972 December 23: "Keep yourself always above suspicion and if you simply instruct as I have taught you - that will act with great force. I am doing that. And I wanted to make some sannyasis to do what I am doing. That is our perfect Krishna Consciousness program."
1974 December 23: "I want to know what has happened there. Please keep me fully informed and I will give you further instructions. They must return the property otherwise we will take action immediately."
1974 December 23: "As one of my elder disciples you must set a nice example. You must become ideal in all respects, rising early, chanting sixteen rounds, attending classes, eating only Krsna prasadam, etc. This is very much wanted. This will make everything perfect."
1974 December 23: "I was also grhastha now I am sannyasi. So I recommend you also take up this life. So many great kings and saintly persons all finished the last part of their lives living as mendicants, sannyasis."

VICARU DAS BHAKTIVEDANTA MANOR UK. There is no complain for any person that you could rightly say that there is no ultimate joy and bliss in this mortal world. There is however unlimited, steady and constant bliss exists in the spiritual world according to Srimad Bhagavatam; a speck of that bliss shines upon Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan soldiers and that bliss is so contagious that it never leaves a sincere sankirtan devotees heart and a enthusiastic sankirtan devotee by his great absorption in distributing books share’s that bliss to enlightened others to participate in that bliss. Our, travelling sankirtan party with three man, (sutapa das, guru das, and vicaru das) now we stay in Leicesture temple and from there we go to near by towns such as Derby, Lincoln, Sheffield, Nottingham city centre’s and meeting so many variates of people with so many different opinions and thoughts about that supreme person who is [god] the most prominent thing you experience at this time in any town centre in the UK is that heavy smell of meat, either, you stop a boy or a girl or man or women you only find they running around with any item they eat is wrapped with meat inside and 75% of people you stop they have a wrap of meat in there hand you began to speak to them they keep eating and listening, to you where do these dead bodies come from and being cooked and spiced? A great deal of consumption by all age’s of people even children carry meat pieces in ice cream cone shaped some stuff and I happen to stop some of them and I asked; “Oh; ice cream in cold weather?” the boy replied “no sir its my favourite meal” and again i stopped three boy’s aged 25, 20. 21 and after speaking to them giving them each veda book I asked them can give a vegetarian cooking book a gift from my side a Christmas gift OK [the higher taste] as soon as I took out the book from my book bag these boys they became furious and replied no we are very attached to our meat and meat is more important than our girlfriend and our family for us we like our meat you keep your vegetarian recipe book with you. Our party leader Sutapa das is a tough cop with so many amazing qualities of steadiness and his compassion for people on the street is extra ordinary he hardly let people go away without listening something about Srila Prabhupada’s books.
in spite of the fact that it often publishes obnoxious articles by disgruntled or even mentally disturbed individuals, i keep reading the "sampradaya sun" from time to time -- because i sometimes do find articles i consider valuable, which don't appear on mainstream ISKCON outlets.
a recent example is saunaka rsi prabhu's article series about the vrindavan "gurukula," it's lack of qualified managers, and the institutional reasons why child protection still isn't taken seriously in ISKCON. i would like to urge you to read this article from him. in case you don't like the "sun," i'm re-publishing it here.
as he states in this article, some devotees advised him that this type of publication would "undermine authority" in ISKCON. this may be true, but since we are not dealing with infallible authorities here, some "undermining" is in order i think, to help our authorities to get things into their proper perspective. the deity we are serving (or supposed to serve) is not the institution ISKCON, but lord krsna, through his pure representative srila prabhupada. ISKCON is supposed to help us achieve this goal; it's not a goal in itself.
Vrindavana Gurukula: 40 Years of Child Abuse, Part 4 Dec 22, 2011 — ITALY (SUN) — This is the fourth and final part; the preceding articles are ( One, Two and Three). I sub-divided this article under these headings: - Is ISKCON Following Srila Prabhupada's Wishes on Child Protection?
- Who is Responsible for the Current State of Affairs?
- Gopal Krishna Maharaj (Vrindavana GBC)
- Champakalata (CPO Director)
- The Investigation
- Conflicts of Interest and Consequences
- Conclusion
Some friends and acquaintances have kindly offered their views on my writing. They pointed out many of my inadequacies and presented suggestions to improve. I am grateful for the feedback. I feel that despite my many inadequacies, it would a disservice for me to remain silent (I hope I am right). Hence, I continue despite my limitations, praying for the forgiveness and the blessings of the Vaisnavas and Krsna, so that I may improve. A devotee suggested that with my writing I undermine the concept of "Authority"; and that this could cause confusion amongst new devotees. Many have also suggested that these issues ought to be addressed privately and with the relevant authorities who can do something about them. I understand "Authority" to be Krsna and His bona fide representatives; without their blessings, spiritual progress is impossible. Undermining this concept was never my intention. For the most part child protection authorities have terminated my numerous attempts to establish a dialogue, when I have pressed them for real answers. Since the GBC/CPO have shown that they are not able or willing to police themselves, I see no other recourse but to inform the public so they can make informed decisions regarding the education and protection of their children.
Nadiya Mani mataji Kirtan
From Niti-sastras: Sayings of Canakya and Hitopadesa as Quoted by Srila Prabhupada
“Translation: There are two kinds of envious living entities, the snake and the man-snake, or the man habituated to snake-like qualities. Of the two, the man-snake is more dangerous because while a serpent can be subdued by mantra or herbs, the man-snake cannot be subdued.
“Commentary: This sloka points out the ugliness of human envy and how it can consume a person to such an extent that it is impossible to control. An envious person attacks even the most wonderful and saintly persons he meets. Reading this sloka makes me resolve not to become a victim of envy. I pray to Lord Nsringhadeva to please enter my heart and destroy my anarthas, particularly my envy. I want to seriously practice Krishna consciousness and become free of this disease.
“Using the example of the example of the snake, Srila Prabhupada explains that the cruel and the envious are the first to suffer. In the forest fire, all the animals try to escape, but because snakes crawl on the ground and the dry leaves quickly catch fire, they are the first to die. ‘Similarly, when there is a catastrophe in the world, persons who are like snakes, cruel and envious, suffer first.’
“Srila Prabhupada characterized a snake as a creature that would bite other living entities without provocation. ‘Why is a snake called so cruel? Because unnecessarily they bite. If somebody commits offense unto you, if you bite me, that is reasonable. But if I have no fault, still you are biting me. Vrscika, scorpion, snake, they do that without any offense.’ No one has to become a snake’s enemy; snakes are everyone’s enemy by nature.
“An envious man is more dangerous than a snake. A human being has developed consciousness. If he uses his consciousness to practice envy and jealousy, there is no way to change his heart. Although in India snake charmers can control snakes by music or mantra, there’s no way to control a snake-like man. ‘A person who has become jealous and envious cannot be controlled either by mantra or by bribe or this or that.’
“Even the devotees are not spared from the bite of an envious person. Nondevotees often appear civilized. ‘Here is a very nice, educated man. He is very nice.’ But we say, ‘No!’ Because he has no Krishna consciousness, he is as dangerous as if he is an ordinary man. “Srila Prabhupada refers us to another Canakya sloka: ‘If you give good advice, a person will become angry.’ And he also cited the example of Jesus Christ: ‘Jesus Christ was crucified by some envious persons. Even the Roman judge denied that this man should not be .… there is no fault. Because they were envious, they were persistent, “Yes, he should be crucified.”’
“In a similar context, the Srimad-Bhagavatam compares the nondevotees to poisonous snakes. On the contrary, even though full of all opulence and material prosperity, any householder’s house where the devotees are never allowed to come in, and where there is no water for washing their feet, is to be considered a tree in which all venomous serpents live.
“Srila Prabhupada himself experienced this envy against a sadhu. ‘We are preaching Krishna consciousness. So what is our fault? That we are trying to teach people—“no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating, no intoxication,” but they take it otherwise. They take: ‘it is very dangerous … ’ No fault, but still faultfinding and giving us trouble.
“In the face of envy, a sadhu tolerates. That is one of his ornaments. A sadhu is merciful, tolerant and a friend to all. Therefore, the preacher is favored by Krishna.
“Sadhus also strictly follow the principles of nonviolence. They don’t want to kill even an ant. Srila Prabhiupada describes how he was therefore surprised when his Guru Maharaja ordered a snake killed:
“‘Long ago, in the year 1933, in this Caitanya Matha, there was a big snake that came out of my front. I was taking bath, so everyone was looking what to do. Guru Maharaja was on the upstairs. He immediately ordered, ‘Kill him.’ So it was killed. At that time, 1933, I was a newcomer. I thought, ‘How is that? Guru Maharaja ordered a snake to be killed.’ I was a little surprised. But later on, when I saw this verse [in Srimad Bhagavatam] I was very glad. Modeta sadhur api vrscika sarpa-hatya. It had remained a doubt, “How Guru Maharaja ordered a snake to be killed?” But when I read this verse I was very much pleased, that these creatures, or creatures like the snake, should not be shown any mercy.’
“What Srila Prabhupada refers to is a statement in the Seventh Canto by Prahlada Maharaja (SB 7.9.14) after Lord Nsrimhadeva killed Prahlada’s father Hiranyakasipu. At that time Prahlada Maharaja said,
‘My Lord Nsrimhadeva, please, therefore, cease your anger now that my father, the great demon Hiranyakasipu, has been killed. Since even saintly persons take pleasure in the killing of a scorpion or snake, all the worlds have achieved great satisfaction because of the death of this demon. Now they are confident of their happiness and they will always remember Your auspicious incarnation in order to be free from fear.’”
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Saturday 24 December 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: The Compassionate Want to Change the World uploaded from Pretoria, South Africa Anybody with genuine compassion must find the current world situation to be completely unacceptable and intolerable. Such sensitive persons will thus naturally dedicate their lives for bringing about a positive change on this planet. To positively impact and uplift the global consciousness requires a proper understanding of the root cause of the global quagmire. The present day society is in chaos because it is not in harmony with the source of its existence. Unless you know where you came from, how can you know who you are and how can you be who you are? You clearly cannot. Therefore the knowledge of the Absolute Truth, the original generator of all energies, is the most essential knowledge for the entire human society to become peaceful, prosperous, and happy. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Giving the Formula for Global Change Pretoria, South Africa--22 December 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Pretoria_Lecture.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What is the Goal of Human Life? Please explain what is the goal of human life. Amit G. Answer: Awaken Your Dormant Love for God The goal of human life is to escape the cycle of birth and death by awakening the dormant love of God, which is currently sleeping within the heart. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles |