Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Creado por juancas del 01 de Mayo del 2012
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, the eternal associate of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, reinitiated the current of pure devotion in this modern age, wherein almost everyone is addicted to material enjoyment steeped in the glitter of mundane knowledge.
Información básica
Se unió a Facebook | 20/11/2009 |
Situación geográfica | Birnagar, Bengal, India. |
Afiliación | Gaudiya Vaishnava |
Información personal | Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur (September 2, 1838 – June 23, 1914), a prominent figure among the Gaudiya Vaishnavas of Bengal, was born Kedarnath Datta in the town of Birnagar, Bengal, India. He was the son of Raja Krsnananda Datta and Jagat Mohini Devi. Bhaktivinoda married and had several children, including Bimal Prasad (later Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura), the founder of the Gaudiya Math and the guru of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivinoda was also the father, as well as the initiating guru, of Lalita Prasad Thakur. The two brothers had substantial disagreements on how their father's spiritual heritage was to carry on, Bimal Prasad more inclined for preaching and the establishment of Varnashrama-dharma, Lalita Prasad more inclined for the esoteric mode of raganuga-worship. Bhaktivinoda was among the first Vaishnava scholars to present the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the principles of Gaudiya Vaishnava Theology to the English speaking world. Bhaktivinoda took initiation (diksha) from Bipin Bihari Goswami[1], a descendant of the family dynasty of Vamsivadananda Thakur, a companion of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's, and an initiate in the lineage descending from Sri Jahnava Thakurani, the wife of close associate of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda. In his autobiography entitled Svalikhita-jivani, Bhaktivinoda narrates how he had long prayed for a suitable guru,[citation needed] and felt his prayers were responded to in a dream as Sri Chaitanya himself directed him to Bipin Bihari. From the very beginning of Chaitanya's bhakti movement in Bengal, Haridasa Thakur and others Muslim or Hindu by birth were the participants. It is said that this openness received a boost from Bhaktivinoda Thakura's broad-minded vision in the late 19th century and was institutionalized by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati in his Gaudiya Matha in the 20th century. He predicted coming of the day when fortunate non-Indian Vaishnavas would perform Harinama Sankirtan in different cities of the world.[4] This prediction was fulfilled by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Many adherents of Gaudiya Vaishnavism believe that Bhaktivinoda later accepted siksa (instruction) from Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaj, who is said to have lived for 135 years. Bhaktivinoda accepted the babaji vesh (cloth) in 1908 and adopted the lifestyle of a Vaishnava recluse. He continued to travel between Calcutta and Puri until 1910. Then he spent most of his time living quietly at home unable to travel much due to poor health until his death June 23, 1914. His remains were interred at Godruma, one of the nine islands of Navadwip. |
Intereses personales | Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has broadcast the teachings of Sriman Mahaprabhu in many different languages. He has written approximately one hundred books in Sanskrit, Bengali, Oriya, Hindi, Urdu and English. The names of some of the more important of these works have been given below along with their dates of publication: 1 Hari-katha: Topics of Lord Hari, 1850 2 Sumbha-Nisumbha-yuddha, 1851 3 Poriade, 1857-58 4 Mathas of Orissa, 1860 5 Vijana-grama, 1863 6 Sannyasi, 1863 7 Our Wants, 1863 8 Valide Rejishtri, 1866 9 Speech on Gautama, 1866 10 The Bhagavat: Its Philosophy, Its Ethics, and Its Theology, 1869 11 Garbha-stotra-vyakhya, 1870 12 Reflections, 1871 13 Thakura Haridasa, 1871 14 The Temple of Jagannatha at Puri, 1871 15 The Monasteries of Puri, 1871 16 The Personality of Godhead, 1871 17 A Beacon of Light, 1871 18 Saragrahi Vaishnava, 1871 19 To Love God, 1871 20 The Atibadis of Orissa, 1871 21 The Marriage System of Bengal, 1871 22 Vedantadhikarana-mala, 1872 23 Datta-kaustubham, 1874 24 Datta-vamsa-mala, 1876 25 Bauddha-vijaya-kavyam, 1878 26 Sri Krishna-samhita, 1880 27 Sri Sajjana-toshani, (monthly magazine) 1881 28 Kalyana-kalpataru, 1881 29 Review of Nitya-rupa-samsthapanam, 1883 30 Visva-Vaishnava-Kalpatari, 1885 31 Dasopanishad-curnika, 1886 32 Bhavavali (commentary), 1886 33 Rasika-Ranjana, (commentary on Bhagavad Gita) 1886 34 Sri Caitanya Sikshamrita, 1886 35 Prema-pradipa, 1886 36 Published Sri Vishnu-sahasra-nama, 1886 37 Manaù-Siksha (translation and commentary), 1886 38 Sri Caitanya-Upanishad (commentary), 1887 39 Sri Krishna-vijaya (published), 1887 40 Vaishnava-siddhanta-mala, 1888 41 Sri amnaya-sutram, 1890 42 Siddhanta-darpanam (Bengali translation), 1890 43 Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, 1890 44 Sri Godruma Kalpatari (essays on nama-hatta), 1891 45 Vidvad-ranjana (commentary on Bhagavad Gita), 1891 46 Sri Harinama, 1892 47 Sri Nama, 1892 48 Sri Nama-tattva-sikshashtaka, 1892 49 Sri Nama-mahima, 1892 50 Sri Nama-pracara, 1892 51 Sriman Mahaprabhura Siksha, 1892 52 Tattva-vivekaù or Sri Saccidanandanubhutih, 1893 53 Saranagati, 1893 54 Gitavali, 1893 55 Gitamala, 1893 56 Soka-satana, 1893 57 Nama Bhajana, 1893 58 Tattva-sutram, 1894 59 Vedarka-didhiti (commentary on Sri Isopanishad), 1894 60 Tattva-muktavali or Mayavada-satadushani, (translated and published), 1894 61 Amrita-pravaha-bhashya (commentary on Caitanya caritamrita), 1895 62 Sri Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram, 1896 63 Sri Ramanuja Upadesa, 1896 64 Jaiva-Dharma, 1896 65 Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His Life and Precepts, 1896 66 Brahma-samhita (commentary), 1897 67 Sri Goloka-mahatmya (Bengali translation of Brihad Bhagavatamrita), 1898 68 Sri Krishna-karnamritam, (translation), 1898 69 Piyusha-varshini-vritti (commentary on Upadesamrita), 1898 70 Sri Bhajanamritam (translation and commentary), 1899 71 Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga, 1899 72 The Hindu Idols, 1899 73 Sri Harinama-cintamani, 1900 74 Sri Bhagavata Arka-marici-mala, 1901 75 Sri Sankalpa-kalpadruma (Bengali translation), 1901 76 Sri Bhajana-rahasya, 1902 77 Sri Prema-vivarta (published), 1906 78 Svaniyama-dvadasakam, 1907 |
The holy name is the bud of the flower of divine love, the abode of devotion’s wonderful mellows. Such is the power that He manifests, that although He displays His power only slightly, He reveals His own divine form and qualities, steals my heart and takes it to Krsna.
El nombre de Santo es el capullo de la flor del amor divino, la morada de la del devoción maravillosa mellows. Tal es el poder que él se manifiesta, que aunque él muestra su poder sólo ligeramente, revela su propia forma divina y cualidades, roba mi corazón y lleva a Christian. (Traducido por Bing)


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La Bíblia

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