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- Australian News: See Srila Jiva Goswami’s Japa Beads here
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Appreciations Of Iskcon Ujjain
- Karnamrita das, NC, USA: Words as a Bridge Between Our Hearts and Souls
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: Awakening that original hope!
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FEARLESSNESS
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: HOW DO WE SPEND OUR TIME?
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- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Kurma dasa, AU: Yamuna Devi's Nutritious Whole Grain, Split Pea and Vegetable Soup (Sabji Matar Dal)
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: A week in Leipzig temple
- New Vrndavan, USA: Memorial for Yamuna Devi
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, January 9th, 2011
- Japa Group: This Is The Greatest Gift
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: The Potency of Krsna’s Name
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: It’s a BIG thing!
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Gosh Has Surgery and Is Threatened With Arrest
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- Australian News: Kirtan Fest at Govinda Valley – Find Yourself there – heres how
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- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: The History Of Vaishnava Heritage Part 2
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- Kurma dasa, AU: Yamuna Devi's Papaya, Avocado and Jerusalem Artichoke Salad
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The Bhagavad-gita ( 15.10) cautions us about the perils of unwittingly subscribing to the childish idea of “seeing is believing.” This idea, known in philosophical parlance as naïve realism, is the primitive belief system in which one imagines reality to be what it appears to be. This belief system is based on an unquestioning trust in our senses as conveyors of reality. However, our trust in our senses is highly questionable because the senses provide us a link to reality that is:
- Ontologically inadequate: The senses being material can never give us access to the nonmaterial dimensions of reality: God, the soul, the spiritual world.
- Operationally unreliable: The senses being driven by material desires blind us to even those aspects of material reality which are unconducive to the fulfillment of those desires: the unpalatable yet unavoidable occurrences of old age, disease and death.
That’s why the Gita deplores as misled those who unthinkingly trust their senses and imagine that what looks good is actually good, for they self-righteously sentence themselves to the sufferings of material existence. The Gita urges us to become mindful that our senses are inadequate and unreliable guides to reality and to seek intelligently beyond what looks good to what is actually good: our personal, spiritual and eternal relationship with Krishna.
By Radhikakrpa Devi Dasi
My father though a materialistic person had an auspicious departure from this world, he left with eyes open and a smile on his face ,” recounted His Holiness Giriraj Swami in the discourse he gave on the 7th of Jan. 2012 in Punjabi bagh, Delhi
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site
4:33 A.M.
Poem for January 10
“O Gauranga, O Krishnacandra, O ocean of mercy!
You are the wealth for the wretched and poor,
and I am the lowest rascal!” Saying this while weeping
and sobbing continuously, I will move onwards.… Continue reading â
Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami Site
“Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati”
“It is the occasion of the appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual master and the grand-spiritual master of Prabhupada’s disciples. He is simultaneously earnestly worshiping his Guru Maharaja and setting an example for his disciples.… Continue reading â
Article sent by Her Grace Cintamani Dasi This article was sent by Cintamani Dasi from North Carolina, USA. Cintamani is the younger sister of Ratna Radhika Dasi, who just got married in Ujjain. —————————————————————————- The devotees of ISKCON Ujjain are exceptionally friendly and hospitable. They made me feel right at home. Bhakti Charu Swami really [...]
Those who have followed my blogs for some time know that I revisit the topic of writing frequently, perhaps too often! Yet I can’t resist, and I have to explain why, if you will permit me. This is part of my journey of self-discovery and giving, which I hope will encourage you to embark on your own. It isn’t that I feel I have to justify the time I take to write, as it is a labor of love, but I am continually amazed by the whole process of writing, and what it really means, as I try to express myself, and put who I am on the page, as it were. Transferring my energy to the page in some essential way is how I view writing—only I don’t know to what extent, or how this happens, but I know it does. There is value in this for anyone, but to my thinking, especially to the degree that I, or anyone, embodies bhakti, or love and service to Krishna.
I am writing and you will read it in the future; only time separates the meeting of the two. This is one way the present, past, and future can be the same. Amazing! We are two souls who are meeting through the Word, and there is benefit for both of us, ideally spiritually, though also as struggling and thoughtful human beings searching for love and meaning. I am also speaking, as I have often, of the power of intention.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 30th Dec 2011, Munich, Germany) Lecture: Caitanya-caritāmṛta Adi 9-48
 Devotional service captures the heart. It awakens a long dormant hope. In our hearts there is always this dormant hope for happiness. Maybe once when we were children we thought, yes, we will find it, but we didn’t. Then we became adult, and as adults we come through this point life when we realise:
“Well, you cannot always get what you want, and you have to settle for the reality and so on.”
So we settle for compromise. But this fruit of love of God, or fruit of devotional service awakens that original hope! That actually it may be possible after all to be fully satisfied. It awakens the very natural desire in us!
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Fora sannyasi , the first qualification should be fearlessness.
Because a sannyasi has to be alone without any supportor guarantee of support, he has simply to depend upon the mercy ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead.
If he thinks "After leavingmy connections who will protect me?", he should not acceptthe order of renounced life.
One must be fully convinced thatKrsna or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His localizedaspect of Paramatma is always within, that He is seeing everythingand that He always knows what one intends to do.
One must havefirm conviction that Krsna as Paramatma will take care of a soulsurrendered to Him.
"I shall never be alone", one shouldthink.
"Even if I live in the darkest regions of a forest I shallbe accompanied by Krsna, and He will give me all protection."
That conviction is called abhayam , without fear.
Thisstate of mind is necessary for a person in the renounced order oflife.
Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 16.1 Purport
Are you acting on the important, and not only reacting to the urgent?
Are you going for the extraordinary, or you settle for the ordinary?
Are you scheduling "big rocks" (activities that bring extraordinary results, activities that are important but not urgent), instead of sorting gravel (activities that are unimportant or a waste of time)?
Are you sacrificing great for the sake of "good"?
Are you using your gadgets to your best advantage or they are using you and steal your time and energy?
Are you fueling your fire or burning out?
namo mahā-vadānyāya kṛṣṇa-prema-pradāya te kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇa-caitanya- nāmne gaura-tviṣe namaḥ
[Sri Caitanya caritamrta, Madhya 19.53]
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatāra, even Kṛṣṇa Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given — pure love of Kṛṣṇa."
And Sri Krsna Caitanya also freely bestows His glorious darsana everyday.
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.2 - Be anxious to learn how to advance spiritually.
1970 January 10: "If you all carry these words successively, then the transcendental parampara system will be exactly maintained and people will be benefited. Please, read regularly my books."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1972 January 10 : "Now become very convinced of our philosophy and very enthusiastically and soberly maintain temple routine standards, satisfy the devotees, and in every way become the perfect example of Krishna concscious angel."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
1972 January 10 : "I am very very glad to see that you have got such a nice place to conduct Krishna's business. I think I shall be very comfortable in your center when I shall come there very soon."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
1972 January 10 : "Why after so many years nothing can be done to print profusely my books and literatures in European languages? Translators are there, all facilities are there - simply you are not serious to do it."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
1975 January 10: "Yes, I'll come. I am also hankering to go and the first opportunity may be in April. Please take great care there and make an ideal place for devotional service."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
1975 January 10 : "Impure atmosphere can be counteracted by having kirtanas twice and thrice daily with dancing. Don't allow anyone to engage in eating and sleeping alone or the devil's workshop will develop."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
More serialising of recipes by my cooking guru, Yamuna Devi. Before attempting to cook any of her recipes, make sure you are aware of the difference between US measures and Australian/metric measures. See below*
This is a quick pressure-cooker soup that is warming, nutritious and very welcome on cold winter days. You can vary this recipe by substituting Parsnips, green beans, zucchini or corn for any of the suggested vegetables. A nice stew can be obtained by adding large, even-sized pieces of potato or winter squash. (You will need to increase the amount of water a bit when cooking these starchy vegetables).
Try your own favourite combinations according to the season and time of day. You can get whole grains and split peas at most health food stores and co-ops, so the next time you are out shopping pick up a pound (455g) each of whole barley, wheat, rye, brown rice, millet and split peas. At the rate of only 1-2 table spoons (15-30 ml) per pot of soup, you will be able to stretch these wholesome ingredients over many meals. This soup is a meal in itself, and it is also goes especially well with buttered steamed Rice, a bowl of home made Yogurt and a tossed green salad.
Grain and dal soaking time: 2 hours, Preparation time (after assembling ingredients): 5 minutes, Cooking time: 25 minutes in a pressure cooker, Serves: 6 to 8.
2 tablespoons each barley, wheat, rye, brown rice, wild rice, millet and split peas, 7 cups (1.75 liters) water, 1 medium-sized carrot scraped and cut into ¼ -inch (6 mm) rounds, 1 medium-sized celery stalk and leaves, sliced, 1 large firm ripe tomato, cut into 8 pieces 1 generous handful of spinach (about 1 ounce/30 g), washed, dried, stemmed and coarsely chopped, 1 teaspoon scraped, finely shredded or minced fresh ginger root, 1 teaspoon minced seeded hot green chili (or as desired), 1 teaspoon turmeric, 2 teaspoons ground coriander, 1½ teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley or coarsely chopped coriander, 4 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds.
Mix together the grains and split peas and soak in hot water for 2 hours.
Combine them with the remaining ingredients (except the salt, parsley or coriander, 2 tablespoons of the ghee or vegetable oil and the cumin seeds) in a 6-quart/liter pressure cooker.
Cover and cook under pressure for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the pressure to drop. Uncover and stir in the salt and herb.
Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of ghee or vegetable oil over moderate heat in a small saucepan. When it is hot, add the cumin seeds and fry until they are brown. Pour them into the soup and cover immediately. Allow the seasonings to soak into the hot dal for 1-2 minutes. Stir and serve.
*Note that since Yamuna wrote her recipes using US measurements, the weights are in US with metric in brackets.
More importantly, her tablespoons are US (15ml) whereas Australian/metric tablespoons are 20ml. So if you follow these recipes using metric measures, your tablespoons should be scant.
Similarly, the US cup is 240ml as distinct from the Australian/metric 250ml cup. The same scant measuring should thus apply to Australian/metric cup users.
The teaspoon is a universal 5ml.
From the ecstatic festival on the Nrsimha farm near Passau, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja joined the Leipzig Sankirtana vans to drive over 400 km up North to the Leipzig temple. There Maharaja stayed for a week to rest, to write and inspire the local devotees through some kirtanas and classes.
On Thurdsay night he presented the slideshow of the Bangladesh parikrama depicting the various places and pastimes that we toured.
The stay concluded with the Sunday Feast program where Maharaja led an amazing bhajana (which you can download here) followed by a talk about Vrindavana. In that talk he explained, that real meditation is not about emptying out the mind but rather about filling it with remembrance of Krsna, His pastimes and of course the Holy Dhama.
Now Maharaja is currently in Berlin, Germany’s capital city. He is giving the morning and evening classes daily here, which you can view on youtube. (Unfortunately the lectures are mostly in German).
KKS - Leipzig/Berlin Jan.2011
34 fotos | 1.051 vistas
Los elementos son del 04 de ene 2012 & al 10 de ene 2012.
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“He reasons ill who tells that Vaishnavas die when thou art living still in sound. The Vaishnavas die to live and, living, try to spread the Holy Name around!” – Bhaktivinode Thakura
On the evening of January 5, New Vrindaban Community hosted a memorial celebration for Yamuna devi dasi, one of the earliest disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. During the memorial, Sri Sri Radha Vrindabanchandra temple was filled with nectar about the life of Yamuna devi dasi. Even if you did not know Yamuna personally, by the end of the evening you felt as if Yamuna had been one of your ever well-wishers all along.
The evening began with an introduction by Malati Prabhu, along with the efficient help of Rasikananda das. The congregation then sang “Je Anilo” lead by the beautifully smooth voice of Karnamrita dasi over the telephone air waves.
Then there were three wonderful talks given by Yamuna herself. First she spoke of how each and every one of Srila Prabhupada’s temples is a holy dhama. Then, she emphasized that respect amongst one another is even more important than love. And finally she told “The Rice Story”.
Once in India, Yamuna and Kausalya dasi were traveling with Srila Prabhupada on a train and he suddenly asked them for some hot rice. Seems like a simple request to us, but in an overcrowded dusty, ashy, very long train speeding across India, this was no small task. After walking the full length of 12 cars, they finally found the cook, who flatly refused to let them cook anything for anyone. This conversation took place on the little rickety platform between 2 cars. So Yamuna looked down and declared, “If you don’t let me cook rice for my spiritual master, I’ll jump off this train to my death!!” Well, that worked, and Srila Prabhupada got the rice and everyone (except the kitchen staff) was happy!
After the three talks by Yamuna, Yogesvara Prabhu spoke by Skype. He described the adventures of publishing Yamuna’s famous cookbook, “Lord Krishna’s Cuisine.” Despite all odds and against most conventions, this amazing cookbook won the award for 1986 best Asian cookbook of the year. To top that, later that same year, “Lord Krishna’s Cuisine” received first prize from the panel of the International Association of Cooking Professionals, which is the Pulitzer prize-equivalent in the cooking world. This was an unprecedented decision as they don’t usually award first prize to the same cookbook at both of these presentations.
After Yogesvara, Kausalya Prabhu spoke about how Srila Prabhupada always made sure that the women were carefully protected. He often took them in his car with him when traveling in India. And when one Indian man criticized the devotees for allowing a woman to sing Sanskrit prayers, as Yamuna did, Srila Prabhupada retorted, “You will never know one ounce of the devotion of these women in your entire lifetime!”
Syamasundara Prabhu also spoke via Skype about some of the association he had with Yamuna.
Following all of this nectar through the ears, everyone was very happy to experience some nectar through the tongue. Headed by Radha Prabhu, there was a feast of preparations taken from Yamuna Devi’s cookbook as a perfect end to the celebration of this glorious Vaishnavi’s life.
The evening was very enlivening and, as Malati expressed, Yamuna devi will stay ever alive in our hearts and our minds.
"Just Open"
Toronto, Ontario
This sprinter sped right passed me as I practically baby-stepped over the ice, moving with utmost caution. It was inspiring to see the daring nature of the runner. Just by seeing him I picked up speed and broadened my strides.
In one rendition of the pastimes of Krishna's advent, His father Vasudev, was hesitant to cross a raging Yamuna River to protect His son. He was apprehensive to cross, but when he saw a jackal make his way, plying across despite darkness, rough water and depth, Vasudev became inspired to tread the water keeping Krishna unharmed above his head.
Everyone needs an inspirational element in order to move on in life. It often comes from people, not always, but often enough - it's some hero. Those who can move through the darkest hour encouraged others. What comes to mind is Krishna's raising hope in Arjuna, His dear warrior friend.
Without inspiration you're a dead man. We just can't live without it. Even in the most mundane sense an alcoholic gets inspired by the bottle.
When we enter into a period of confusion, despair or defeat there will be something stirring up to spark excitement, inspiration. It comes to us at the toughest hour. We just need to recognize when it pops up. Expect it when you're down-in-the-dumps. It's waiting there, staring at you. Just open your eyes and see it.
8 Km
"Srila Prabhupada, please bless us with a taste for the nectar of the holy name. This is the greatest gift. If we can carry on without your personal presence, but be aware of the power of the name, then it will be good for the whole world. Then we could serve you as we should."
From Here is Srila Prabhupada
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 29 December 2011, Munich, Germany)
Why is the chanting of Krsna’s Name most pleasing to Krsna? Is it that there is a trace of vanity in His character? When everyone says “Oh! Krsna! Krsna!” then Krsna says “Yes, more!” Is that how it is – that Krsna is enjoying the chanting of His Holy Name?
No. Krsna relates to the chanting in a much deeper way, because the name of Krsna is non-different from Krsna. Krsna knows very well the potency of His own Name. He knows that whoever hears that name is lifted up from this deep dense dark ignorance of material existence and awakens to the original state of Krsna Consciousness.
The original state of Krsna Consciousness is not only that one knows, “Oh yes. Krsna is the Supreme Lord. Yes, I accept that!” That is very rare. That is most exalted, but more exalted still is to become completely attracted to Krsna, and to not only become attracted to Krsna’s amazing qualities, but to develop through that attraction, a desire to serve Him. That is the basis of transcendental love – the mood of the residents of the spiritual world and it is Krsna’s desire to reclaim all the living beings.
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(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 29 December 2011, Munich, Germany)
One of Srila Prabhupada’s godbrothers, Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Swami, wrote nice books and I read them sometimes. He is no longer in this world, but he wrote nice things. And he says that when it comes to humility, one has to say goodbye to continents, one has to pass by oceans, one has to just disregard stars in the sky.
In other words, he’s making the point that it is a BIG thing! It’s like a big, big thing! Continents, you know, oceans, stars – big things – and one has to just say goodbye with courage.
Goodbye to my false pride!
Goodbye to my false glory!
I will no longer claim any fame from these attributes, and if I catch myself, then even if its there, I will correct it – that is Vaishnava.
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When I had end stage liver disease before my liver transplant I had ascites which is essentially fluid build up in the abdominal cavity. I have a congenitally weak intestinal wall which the pressure of the ascites caused a rupture of so ever since then I have been dealing with an inguinal hernia.
This bothered me more at some times than others but enough so that I finally decided to get it surgically repaired as I see a lot of gardening in my future next summer. I figured I would get the surgery now so I would be well healed by early spring.
That was Dec 14th and by now even the discomfort that succeeded the initial post surgical pain has faded. I am not supposed to lift anything until February 7th. I got enough wood split and into the house wood bins before I went so we can coast until then so mostly I have been laying around, wallowing in lethargy.
For healthy people a hernia would have been an outpatient procedure but due to my complex medical situation the surgeon wanted me to spend a night for observation.
Prior to admittance for the surgery, a few days before I had a pre-op screening. There they had me bring all my meds and took an inventory. I was explicitly told not to take any diabetes medicine (I have diabetes as a side effect of my immune suppression (anti-rejection) meds) as fasting was involved, from which I assumed that I was cleared for the rest of my meds.
I had to be in the hospital at 6 am for 8:30 am surgery. I brought my pill box and took my regular meds before the surgery and the admitting nurse never said anything about it. By noon I was out of surgery and took my midday meds.
Now, I was in a lot of pain right after the surgery and it took them until mid afternoon to get the pain medications adjusted so I was pretty miserable until then, missing my usual nap.
By the time 9 pm rolled around I was exhausted and wanting to attempt sleep. I was taking out my pill box to take my evening meds when the nurse came into my room. She looked at me funny and said “they” are going to want to profile the meds.
What I didn’t know at this time was that the hospital protocol was that they profile your meds, then provide you the equivalent out of their pharmacy. No one ever told me that. I think the glitch was that the pre-op screening just assumed it was an out patient procedure and didn’t advise me of their protocol, and the nurses in the ward assumed that pre-op or admitting had advised me.
Anyway, trying to be a good patient, I gave the nurse a sample of each pill. She took them but quickly came back and said “they” wanted the whole pill box so I gave that to her.
So I waited a half hour and nothing. I kept asking her every half hour until it was after 11 pm and nothing. By this time I was totally exhausted and, truthfully, getting a little cranky. I felt I needed to get my meds so I could go to sleep because I was a little concerned if I went to sleep without getting them they might let it fall through the cracks.
This is more than an academic exercise. One of the meds is my anti-rejection drug. If I don’t take the Prograf, my anti-rejection drug, the immune system will start rejection, the liver will be compromised, and I will die. Probably not from a single missed dose but I prefer to follow my post transplant co-coordinator’s opinion in this regard and actually not miss a dose.
I decided to get pro active. I unhooked my monitor, knowing it had battery backup, and took off to the pharmacy clinging to the pole on wheels that holds the monitor. It was only about 50 yds (45 m) of actual walking plus an elevator ride and I was there.
My thinking was that the squeaky wheel gets the oil and if I go plead my case, a compassionate pharmacist would make getting my pills back to me higher up the list. At minimum, once he was done profiling them, I could get them directly short cutting whatever logistical chain they might otherwise have had to go through.
I got to the counter and no one was there but there was a phone which I picked up. An already irritated voice answered. I stated my aim and he testily said he hadn’t finished yet. I made what I considered a reasonable request and said can I simply have access to my pills, I would take what I need and he could have it back and do what he needed to do at his convenience. Bear in mind that at this point I still have never been advised that they will provide the meds from their own stash.
He flatly refused and told me to go back to my room and he would dispense the meds later. I calmly but firmly dissented, again stating my case that he doesn’t need to do anything other than let me have brief access to my own property that I brought into the hospital and I would be on my way.
By now he was getting agitated and raised his voice to me telling me to leave. I replied that I prefered to stay and would just wait for him to get around to dealing with my case. He then said if I didn’t leave he would call a security guard. By this time I am too exhausted to fake being civil so I told do what he needed to do but I was not leaving.
Sure enough soon thereafter a security guard showed up, followed shortly thereafter by a second one. He told me I have to go back to my room. I explain my perspective and he listened politely then picked up the phone. He listened for a while, then hung and turned to me and said “He was kind of rude,” to which I readily agreed.
However, he insisted I go back to my room. I again refused, it went back and forth for a while, in the meantime another nonuniformed guy showed up, then my nurse from the ward plus a couple of more nurses just for good measure. It was starting to be quite a party.
I asked the guard to speak to his supervisor and he claimed he was the supervisor and again insisted I leave. I asked him what was he going to do if I don’t and he said he would arrest me.
At this point the absurdity of the situation dawns even on me and when they say that if I go back to my room a nursing supervisor will come and talk to me, I relent. Shortly after returning to my room with my entourage in tow, Prograf appears. So I did achieve my purpose in my trip, though with way more drama then I ever anticipated.
So that is the story of how I almost got arrested while in the hospital for surgery. :-)
By His Holiness Mukunda Goswami: Now the answer was crystal clear. It couldn't have been more obvious. Your weren't just telling me; you were showing me, imparting a lesson I would and could never forget. It was a lesson told by the spiritual emotions of a pure devotee. Vani was greater than vapu, words I then did not know. How could it have been said more poignantly? What I had never known was brought home in a way words alone could never express. You were no ordinary spiritual master. 
Join us for a transcendental weekend of sacred music with some of the worlds leading kirtan artists including International recording artist Vaiyasaki, Sri Prahlada, Camella Baynie, Dwaipayana, Vraja Kumari Vamsi Dhari and Clayton Frick
The Kirtan Fest is drawing near, get the details here
Come for the day or the whole event – Don’t wait any longer, book here now
Radhanath Swami advises us to ignore the mind while chanting Hare Krishna, lest it deludes us and distracts us from the path of spiritual progress:
“In life, some of the most dangerous enemies cannot be seen, we don’t even know they are there; we may even consider them as our friends. That is the way the mind works.” Radhanatha Swami
 Were the Turks on the side of the Kauravas in the Mahabharata war, and what is the story of Lord Jagannatha.
Join us for the 6th annual Atma Yoga Retreat, from Friday 27 January 2012 to Sunday 29 January 2012.
$350 including all meals and accommodation at the Springbrook Theosophical Society Retreat, in the Gold Coast hinterland.
Contact Param Satya at for more information and to book your place.
Looking for a deep relaxation to unwind and release tension after a week at work?
Yoga Nidra, literally “psychic sleep”, is a journey through conscious wakefulness to the quiet self within.
Join us for seated asanas, pranayama, and supine relaxing meditation.
Planting the Beach: American demand for year-round organic fruits and vegetables has incited a farming boom in the arid deserts of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.
TODOS SANTOS, Mexico — Clamshell containers on supermarket shelves in the United States may depict verdant fields, tangles of vines and ruby red tomatoes. But at this time of year, the tomatoes, peppers and basil certified as organic by the Agriculture Department often hail from the Mexican desert, and are nurtured with intensive irrigation.
Growers here on the Baja Peninsula, the epicenter of Mexico’s thriving new organic export sector, describe their toil amid the cactuses as “planting the beach.”
Del Cabo Cooperative, a supplier here for Trader Joe’s and Fairway, is sending more than seven and a half tons of tomatoes and basil every day to the United States by truck and plane to sate the American demand for organic produce year-round.
But even as more Americans buy foods with the organic label, the products are increasingly removed from the traditional organic ideal: produce that is not only free of chemicals and pesticides but also grown locally on small farms in a way that protects the environment.
The explosive growth in the commercial cultivation of organic tomatoes here, for example, is putting stress on the water table. In some areas, wells have run dry this year, meaning that small subsistence farmers cannot grow crops. And the organic tomatoes end up in an energy-intensive global distribution chain that takes them as far as New York and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, producing significant emissions that contribute to global warming.
From now until spring, farms from Mexico to Chile to Argentina that grow organic food for the United States market are enjoying their busiest season.
“People are now buying from a global commodity market, and they have to be skeptical even when the label says ‘organic’ — that doesn’t tell people all they need to know,” said Frederick L. Kirschenmann, a distinguished fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University. He said some large farms that have qualified as organic employed environmentally damaging practices, like planting only one crop, which is bad for soil health, or overtaxing local freshwater supplies.
Many growers and even environmental groups in Mexico defend the export-driven organic farming, even as they acknowledge that more than a third of the aquifers in southern Baja are categorized as overexploited by the Mexican water authority. With sophisticated irrigation systems and shade houses, they say, farmers are becoming more skilled at conserving water. They are focusing new farms in “microclimates” near underexploited aquifers, such as in the shadow of a mountain, said Fernando Frías, a water specialist with the environmental group Pronatura Noroeste.
They also point out that the organic business has transformed what was once a poor area of subsistence farms and where even the low-paying jobs in the tourist hotels and restaurants in nearby Cabo San Lucas have become scarcer during the recession.
To carry the Agriculture Department’s organic label on their produce, farms in the United States and abroad must comply with a long list of standards that prohibit the use of synthetic fertilizers, hormones and pesticides, for example. But the checklist makes few specific demands for what would broadly be called environmental sustainability, even though the 1990 law that created the standards was intended to promote ecological balance and biodiversity as well as soil and water health.
Experts agree that in general organic farms tend to be less damaging to the environment than conventional farms. In the past, however, “organic agriculture used to be sustainable agriculture, but now that is not always the case,” said Michael Bomford, a scientist at Kentucky State University who specializes in sustainable agriculture. He added that intense organic agriculture had also put stress on aquifers in California.
Some organic standard setters are beginning to refine their criteria so that organic products better match their natural ideals. Krav, a major Swedish organic certification program, allows produce grown in greenhouses to carry its “organic” label only if the buildings use at least 80 percent renewable fuel, for example. And last year the Agriculture Department’s National Organic Standards Board revised its rules to require that for an “organic milk” label, cows had to be at least partly fed by grazing in open pastures rather than standing full time in feedlots.
But each decision to narrow the definition of “organic” involves an inevitable tug-of-war among farmers, food producers, supermarkets and environmentalists. While the United States’ regulations for organic certification require that growers use practices that protect water resources, it is hard to define a specific sustainable level of water use for a single farm “because aquifer depletion is the result of many farmers’ overutilizing the resource,” said Miles McEvoy, head of the National Organic Program at the Agriculture Department.
While the original organic ideal was to eat only local, seasonal produce, shoppers who buy their organics at supermarkets, from Whole Foods to Walmart, expect to find tomatoes in December and are very sensitive to price. Both factors stoke the demand for imports. Few areas in the United States can farm organic produce in the winter without resorting to energy-guzzling hothouses. In addition, American labor costs are high. Day laborers who come to pick tomatoes in this part of Baja make about $10 a day, nearly twice the local minimum wage. Tomato pickers in Florida may earn $80 a day in high season.
Manuel Verdugo, 42, began organic tomato farming on desert land in San José del Cabo five years ago and now owns 30 acres in several locations. Each week he sends two and a half tons of cherry, plum and beefsteak tomatoes to the United States under the brand name Tiky Cabo.
He has invested in irrigation systems that drip water directly onto plants’ roots rather than channeling it through open canals. He is building large shade houses that cover his crops to keep out pests and minimize evaporation. Even so, he cannot farm 10 acres in the nearby hamlet of La Cuenca because the wells there are dry.
At another five-year-old organic farm, Rosario Castillo says he can cultivate only 19 acres of the 100 he has earmarked for organic production, although he dug a well seven months ago to gain better access to the aquifer. The authorities ration pumping and have not granted him permission to clear native cactuses. “We have very little water here, and you have to go through a lot of bureaucracy to get it,” Mr. Castillo said.
Many growers blame tourist development — hotels and golf courses — for the water scarcity, and this has been a major problem in coastal areas. But farming can also be a significant drain. According to one study in an area of northern Baja called Ojos Negros, a boom in the planting of green onions for export a decade ago lowered the water table by about 16 inches a year. “They were pumping a lot of groundwater, and that was making some people rich on both sides of the border at the expense of the environment,” said Victor Miguel Ponce, a professor of hydrology at San Diego State University.
The logistics of getting water and transporting large volumes of perishable produce favors bigger producers. Some of the largest are American-owned, like Sueño Tropical, a vast farm with rows of shade houses lined up in the desert that caters exclusively to the American market.
While traditional organic farmers saw a blemish or odd shape simply as nature’s variations, workers at Sueño Tropical are instructed to cull tomatoes that do not meet the uniform shape, size and cosmetic requirement of clients like Whole Foods. Those “seconds” are sold locally.
Yet the connection to the United States has brought other kinds of benefits. Del Cabo Cooperative, which serves as a broker for hundreds of local farmers, provides seeds for its Mexican growers and hires roving agronomists and entomologists to assist them in tending their crops without chemicals.
As the American market expands, said John Graham, a coordinator of operations at Del Cabo, he is always looking to bring new growers into his network — especially those whose farms draw on distant aquifers where water is still abundant.
David Agren contributed reporting.
“Pusyabhisheka means a ceremony to decorate the deity profusely with flowers, ornaments, cloths. After there should be lavish feasting and a procession through the streets, so that all the citizens should see how beautiful Krishna appears.”
Prabhupada Letter to Danavir – Delhi 20 November, 1971
***Thanks to Dinanath Gurudas for his photos. Email him @ for photography services***
THE FOLLOWING LECTURE GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI IS THE SECOND OUT OF NINE IN A WONDERFUL SERIES ON THE HISTORY OF VAISHNAVA HERITAGE. (Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada) Audio version only available [...]
New years message from Bhaktivedanta Manor 2012
I continue serialising some superb recipes by my cooking guru, Yamuna Devi. Before attempting to cook any of her recipes, make sure you are aware of the difference between US measures and Australian/metric measures. See below*
The creaminess of papaya and avocado and crispness of Jerusalem artichokes are pleasantly set off by the sweetish coriander-lime vinaigrette. You may prefer mango instead of papaya, or celeriac instead of Jerusalem artichokes. Peled Jerusalem artichokes may be blanched before use or left raw, depending on your preference. This light salad goes well on any menu from lunch to late supper. Serves 4.
3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, ¼ cup lime juice, 1/3 cup olive oil or two parts almond oil to three parts sunflower oil, ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon yellow mustard powder, ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper, 3 table spoons chopped fresh coriander, 1 medium-sized papaya (about 2½ pounds/1.5 kg), peeled, halved lengthwise, seeded, sliced crosswise into 1/3 –inch (1 cm) slices and sprinkled with lemon juice, 2 medium-sized ripe avocados, peeled, seeded, cut into ½-inch (1.5 cm) cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice, 4 Jerusalem artichokes, peeled, cut lengthwise into Julienne and sprinkled with lemon juice
Combine the sweetener, lime juice, oil, salt, mustard, pepper and coriander in a bowl and whisk until creamy.
Arrange the salad decoratively on a platter or individual plates; for example, overlap papaya slices around the edges, mound the avocado in the center and sprinkle the julienne artichokes between the two. Pour on the salad dressing and serve at once.
*Note that since Yamuna wrote her recipes using US measurements, the weights are in US with metric in brackets.
More importantly, her tablespoons are US (15ml) whereas Australian/metric tablespoons are 20ml. So if you follow these recipes using metric measures, your tablespoons should be scant.
Similarly, the US cup is 240ml as distinct from the Australian/metric 250ml cup. The same scant measuring should thus apply to Australian/metric cup users.
The teaspoon is a universal 5ml.
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Tuesday 10 January 2012 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Deathlessness from the Moment of Initiation uploaded from Santiago, Chile On Sunday 8 January 2012 in Santiago, Chile the most auspicious initiation or spiritual rebirth of four sincere souls took place. When one takes initiation from the bona fide spiritual master he must vow to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day on his japa mala beads and to strictly avoid illicit sex, intoxication, meat eating, and gambling. The initiation ceremony was well attended with a packed audience who cheered in ecstasy as we gave each initiate his or her new spiritual name. By accepting initiation from the bona fide spiritual master and strictly following one's initiation vows, one attains deathlessness from the very moment of his initiation. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Initiation Lecture to Four New Initiates 8 January 2012-Santiago, Chile (Left to Right: Iravati Devi Dasi, Jagat Kirti Das, Janardan Das, and Indriyesa Das) Giving New Name and Japa Beads to Janardana Das New Initiates Throw Grains in Sacrificial Fire Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Do We Exist? One of my closest friends suggested to me to converse with you regarding my queries! One of them and the major one is, Why do we exist? Or in other words, If God exists, why did He create us? Raaj S. C. Answer: We Exist to Expand God's Pleasure There is no question of whether God exists or not, because if God did not exist, nothing would exist. In other words, since nothing comes out of nothing, our existence proves that God exists. God exists for the sheer pleasure of existing, and He expands all of us from Himself for the purpose of increasing His enjoyment unlimitedly through having loving relationships with each and every one of us. This is why that if we do not love God our lives are empty and meaningless, and that if we do love God, we experience the most happy, fulfilled lives. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Thought for the Day on Facebook: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address
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