"Planet ISKCON" - 41 new articles
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: TRAIN LESS FOR MORE14. Train Less for More People need to be trained around the core principles they need to know, not an endless amount of information that is nice for them to know. "Train less for more" is ideal. We believe these six essentials are critical to leading well: • Keeping the life-change goal in front of leaders challenges them to keep their groups purposeful. • Relationships require regular intentional deposits. • Promote participation within the group. • Leaders to intentionally apprentice someone in their group for future leadership. • Leaders need to understand the primary way we provide care to our attendees is through community groups. It equips the leaders on how to deal with challenging situations in their groups. • Multiplying their groups. At both of our annual training events, we take one essential and drill down designing an entire event around it. This allows leaders to be trained on all six essentials every three years. Creating Community: 5 Keys to Building a Small Group Culture By Andy Stanley and Bill Willits Multnomah, 2004 • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: Seed of Devotion: A Profound InterviewSeed of Devotion: A Profound Interview: My fellow writer, Madhava Smullen, is writing an article for BTG Magazine on the phenomenon of gurukulis (second generation devotees of Kris... • Email to a friend • ![]() Krishna Lounge, LA, USA: Importing Higher KnowledgeAccepting and wearing brand name designer clothes from Italy, isn’t any kind of attempt to pose as an Italian. Rather, we accept and import the brand because it is a nice quality product. Similarly, higher knowledge which is of superior quality, should be accepted from any religious tradition without unnecessary fear of religious or cultural indoctrination. • Email to a friend • ![]() Krishna Lounge, LA, USA: Kirtan SEP 29 2011• Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Our StrengthOur strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds japa. Then Krsna will give you protection.Letter to Visvadharini dasi 12th January, 1977 • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THAT IS THE GREATEST OFFENSENow we have explained the mantra that as soon as one chants Hare Krsna, immediately, bahyabhyantarah sucih, he becomes purified. Now if one takes advantage of this holy name, "Let me commit sins..." Just like sometimes in the Christian church they take advantages that by confessing sin one becomes free from sinful reaction. So go to church and confess, and again come out and do all sorts of sins, and again confess. This sort of (laughs) minimizing is nonsense. It is fact. When you confess before the church, before God, you are free from all sinful action. That's all right. But if you commit again, then next confession will not be accepted. They do not know this. You cannot... Suppose a child has committed some mistake. Father says, "All right, don't do this." If he again does it, there is no excuse. They do not know that. They think, "We shall commit sin and go to church and confess and finish. So let us do this balancing business." Yes. Similarly, don't do this balancing business, that "Because chanting Hare Krsna will wash off all my accounts of sinful activities, so in the morning, from morning to night, let me do all kinds of sinful activities, and at night, at bedtime, let me chant Hare Krsna. Then finish." No. (laughs) Don't do that. Don't do that. That is the greatest offense. Yes. You'll never be forgiven. Those who purposely do like that -- "I have got very nice instrument for washing off my sinful activities. So whole day let me do all sinful activities, and at night let me chant Hare Krsna. Let me meditate. That's all. Finish." -- no. You should note that the name, the holy name has got the power. Now, from this date, you are free from all sinful activities, reaction. But don't do it. That is the greatest offense. Yes. Srila Prabhupada, Ten Offenses Lecture - Los Angeles, December 1, 1968 • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Transcriptions: Семинар по Вайшнава этикету и культуре Часть 5 (Russian version of the seminar)Семинар по Вайшнавскому Этикету и Культуре , проведенный Его Святейшеством Бхактивидьей Пурной Свами в 1998 году.
Эмоциональный обмен Суть в том, что согласно своей варне, у каждого есть свой путь как лучше себя проявить, та зона комфорта, где он чувствует себя как рыба в воде. Но т.к. мы имеем дело с религиозными принципами, то это накладывает на себя определенные ограничения. Таким образом, свобода дается для того, чтобы иметь возможность проявить лучшую сторону своей природы и также есть ограничения, чтобы контролировать ее нежелательные черты. Если все устроено правильно, тогда достигается подходящая комбинация социальных отношений, которая работает. Проблема начинается тогда, когда берет верх плохая сторона, а хорошая либо подавляется, либо используется неправильно. Это можно найти в каждом. Например, у детей, т.к. они еще совсем маленькие, то естественно у них есть склонность к легкомысленности. Также их нельзя назвать и зрелыми личностями, т.к. у них еще недостаточно жизненного опыта и знаний. Но если вы воспитаете в них такие черты как уважение к другим и способность работать и общаться с другими людьми, не допуская развития их фривольности, то со временем вы получите замечательного ребенка…. read full story • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, September 30th, 2011"No" Signs • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, October 2nd, 2011What Sunday Should Be! • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, October 1st, 2011Rejection/Acceptance • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, October 1, 2011• Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHY FORGIVENESS?By Srila Prabhupada It is said that forgiveness is a quality of those whoare advancing in spiritual knowledge. A sadhu, a devotee, is never angry. Actually the realfeature of devotees who undergo tapasya, austerity, is forgiveness. Although aVaisnava has sufficient power in tapasya, he does not become angry when putinto difficulty. A brahmana is highly qualified when he can control hissenses and mind, when he is a learned scholar in spiritual science and when heis tolerant and forgiving. Theduty of a brahmana is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which isilluminating like the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is pleasedwith those who are forgiving. • Email to a friend • ![]() Sita-pati dasa, AU: Madhava's Sankirtan Band![]() Check it out on Youtube. • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: TEN OFFENSES IN CHANTING LECTUREBy Srila Prabhupada Revatinandana: Here it is, Prabhupada. Should I read, Prabhupada? Prabhupada: Yes. Revatinandana: "The ten offenses to avoid in chanting the maha-mantra. The first is blaspheming the Lord's devotee." Just read them? Prabhupada: Yes. Revatinandana: "Second, considering the Lord and other demigods on the same level." Prabhupada: This is very important point, blaspheming the devotees. The Lord's devotee, in many countries, many places... Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he's also devotee of Lord. Muhammad, he's also devotee of Lord. So it is not that because we are Krsna conscious, we shall unnecessarily decry any other parts, any other devotee. It may be, according to time, place, and country, the method may be different, but anyone who is preaching devotion to God, he's a devotee of God. So he should never be blasphemed. Yes. Revatinandana: "Two. Considering the Lord and other demigods on the same level." Prabhupada: Yes. One should not put the Supreme Personality of Godhead... Just like the Mayavadi says, "The demigods and God, they are all the same." Because according to them, God has no form, so any form you accept, imagine, as the form of God, it is as good. But that is not the fact. There are demigods and the Supreme God also. So we should not place... Just like demigod, Lord Brahma or Lord Siva, Indra, Candra, they are demigods. So we should not place... In one sense, there is nothing except God, because everything expansion of God. But that does not mean I am equal to God. I am also expansion of God, that's a fact. Just like father and the son. Son is the expansion of father; still, the son is not the father. Don't mistake that. There is no difference between father and son because the same body is expanded as son, but still, the son is not the father. Father is father, son is son. This, I mean to say, variety, the Mayavadi philosophers, they do not understand. Then? Revatinandana: "...or assuming that there are many Gods." Prabhupada: God is one. There cannot be many Gods. If God is not one, there is no meaning of God. God means, according to Vedic definition, asamordhva. Asama means one who has no equal. Nobody is equal to God. And urdhva means nobody is greater than God. God is great. Nobody can be greater than God. Therefore God is one. Nobody is greater, nobody is equal. That means everyone is lower. Then? Revatinandana: "Neglecting the orders of the spiritual master." Prabhupada: Yes. This is one offense. These are offenses. When we accept spiritual master, it is understood that you cannot deny his order. Just like Krsna and Arjuna was talking as friends, but when Arjuna accepted Krsna as spiritual master, he was simply hearing, and whenever there was difficulty to understand, he was questioning. Not that he was equally arguing with Krsna. Before accepting Him, he was arguing. So this is the position. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He said that "My spiritual master found Me a great fool [Cc. Adi 7.71]." Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not a fool, but it is the good qualification of a disciple to remain a fool before the spiritual master. Therefore he'll never, I mean to say, dare to argue or disobey. That is offense. Now, go on. That does not mean that when you cannot understand, you cannot question. Question must be there. That is stated in this Bhagavad-gita, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya [Bg. 4.34]. Your relationship is to know from a spiritual master everything, but you should know that with three things. What is that? First of all you should surrender. You must accept the spiritual master as greater than you. Otherwise what is the use of accepting one spiritual master? Pranipat. Pranipat means surrendering; and pariprasna, and questioning; and seva, and service. There must be two sides, service and surrender, and in the middle there must be question. Otherwise there is no question and answer. Two things must be there: service and surrender. Then answer of question is nice. Yes. Revatinandana: "The fourth offense is minimizing the authority of the Vedas." Prabhupada: Yes. Scriptures, authority of Vedas, they must be accepted. Just like the other day I was explaining, the Veda says the conchshell is pure although it is a bone of an animal. In other places Veda gives you the injunction that bone of an animal is impure. But it says the conchshell is pure. It can be placed before the Deity, it can be used in the Deity room in His service. Now there may be argument, "Oh, this is a bone of an animal. How is that? Contradiction." No. So one should accept the injunction of the Vedas like that. Whenever it says this is impure, it is impure; when it says it is pure, it is pure. Now if there is any doubt, that should be understood by questioning submissively and with service from the spiritual master. The spiritual master is there. Then? But we should always accept the injunction of the scripture as truth. Just like there is a proverb, "Bible truth," "Biblical truth." Nobody can deny Bible. This should be the attitude. Bible is also part of Vedas. Therefore Vedic injunction should be accepted as it is, without any interpretation. Just like Bhagavad-gita is Veda. Why Veda? The Supreme Personality of Godhead personally speaking; therefore it is Veda. There is no mistake. One should accept -- no interpretation -- as it is. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Yes. Go on. Revatinandana: "The fifth offense is interpreting the holy names of God." Prabhupada: Yes. No interpretation in the holy... Just like Krsna, the Mayavadi philosophers may... Just like Gandhi has written, "Pandava means the senses; Kuruksetra means this body; Krsna means the mind." No such nonsense interpretation. Krsna is Krsna. Yes. Go on. Revatinandana: "The sixth offense is committing sin on the strength of chanting." Prabhupada: Yes. Now we have explained the mantra that as soon as one chants Hare Krsna, immediately, bahyabhyantarah sucih, he becomes purified. Now if one takes advantage of this holy name, "Let me commit sins..." Just like sometimes in the Christian church they take advantages that by confessing sin one becomes free from sinful reaction. So go to church and confess, and again come out and do all sorts of sins, and again confess. This sort of (laughs) minimizing is nonsense. It is fact. When you confess before the church, before God, you are free from all sinful action. That's all right. But if you commit again, then next confession will not be accepted. They do not know this. You cannot... Suppose a child has committed some mistake. Father says, "All right, don't do this." If he again does it, there is no excuse. They do not know that. They think, "We shall commit sin and go to church and confess and finish. So let us do this balancing business." Yes. Similarly, don't do this balancing business, that "Because chanting Hare Krsna will wash off all my accounts of sinful activities, so in the morning, from morning to night, let me do all kinds of sinful activities, and at night, at bedtime, let me chant Hare Krsna. Then finish." No. (laughs) Don't do that. Don't do that. That is the greatest offense. Yes. You'll never be forgiven. Those who purposely do like that -- "I have got very nice instrument for washing off my sinful activities. So whole day let me do all sinful activities, and at night let me chant Hare Krsna. Let me meditate. That's all. Finish." -- no. You should note that the name, the holy name has got the power. Now, from this date, you are free from all sinful activities, reaction. But don't do it. That is the greatest offense. Yes. Revatinandana: "The seventh offense is instructing the Lord's name to the unfaithful." Prabhupada: Yes. Those who do not believe in God, atheists, what is the use of...? But not to bother him, but give him the chance of hearing. That will make him competent to come forward. Therefore we are distributing this holy name. Not that everyone will be immediately turned to Krsna consciousness, but we are giving chance. If they hear... You have got practical experience. Somebody's hearing, he's reforming. So we should give chance. But if one is staunch atheist, we should not talk very much with him about Krsna. He may say something against, offensive. Yes. Then? Revatinandana: "The eighth offense is comparing the holy name to material piety." Prabhupada: Yes. And another thing, just like we are holding this ceremony, initiation ceremony. It should not be accepted just we are functioning some ritualistic ceremony. No. It is different from ritualistic ceremony. Although it appears like ritualistic, it is transcendental. Ritualistic ceremony, they are meant for giving you advantage of become pious, from impious life. It also gives that, but this is not the ultimate aim. The ultimate aim is to give you love of God, which is far, far transcendental to the pious and impious activities. That is a different thing that belongs to the spiritual world -- love of God. It is not that it is a function to nullify your sinful activities. That is automatically done. Just like if you get one million dollars, the purpose of ten dollars automatically solved. Similarly, this acceptance of holy name of God will automatically wash off all your sinful reaction. That's a fact. But it is not meant for that purpose. It is meant for higher purpose, to attain to this platform of loving God, rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord. That is the aim. Yes. Revatinandana: "The ninth offense is inattentive while chanting the holy name." Prabhupada: Yes. This is ninth offense. While you chant, you hear also. You don't turn your attention to anything else, mechanically chanting and thinking of something. Thinking of Krsna is all right, but if I think something which is not in Krsna consciousness... Best thing is that I shall chant Hare Krsna and each word I shall hear; then it will be very much effective. Yes. Revatinandana: "The tenth offense is attachment to material things while engaged in the practice of chanting." Prabhupada: That I explained. This is the disease, aham mameti [SB 5.5.8]. The material disease means I am thinking this body, "I am," and everything belonging to this body or in relationship with the body -- "Mine." This is material disease. So we shall see. By chanting we shall see how much we are making progress, how much I am free from these two concept of life, that "I am this body, and anything belonging to this body is mine." This is the test, how we are becoming free from these two concept of life. If there is still the concept that "I am this body, and anything belonging to this body is mine," then you have to chant very cautiously to make progress. That's all. These ten kinds of offenses you should guard against. Srila Prabhupada, Ten Offenses Lecture - Los Angeles, December 1, 1968 • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: HIGHLY IMPORTANT - PREMARITAL COUNSELINGMany people spend lots and lots of money on their weddings. They spend lots of time planning and usually, there are many people involved, family, friends, association, employer, neighbors, etc. According to Modern Bride magazine, the average American wedding is about $20,000. About 2.3 million couples marry each year in this country and they spend approximately 72 billion dollars. Yet, not often enough do we find couples that spend a mere fraction of their time and a small amount of their money to get premarital counseling or education. Listen to what our beloved founder/acharya, Srila Prabhupada says about this matter: "The two marriages recommended by you may be performed at that time as well, but only after having sufficiently counseled the respective devotees. This marriage business should not be taken as a farce, but is a very serious matter." Letter to Bhagavan, July, 1971. From the "Vaisnava Family Resources Newsletter" • Email to a friend • ![]() Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: For Durga pujaThe blazing fire of material nature is supervised by Durga. Often she is portrayed with weapons in her hands. She has ten hands, and each holds a different type of weapon. This indicates that she is ruling all ten directions of this universe. She wields the different weapons to chastise the demons. There is one famous picture of a demon struggling with a lion, and the goddess Durga is pulling the demon's hair and pushing her trident against his chest. If we study this picture we can determine that we are the demon and that the trident is the threefold miseries of material existence from which we are always suffering. Some miseries are inflicted by other living entities, some are inflicted by natural disasters, and some are inflicted by the mind and body themselves. In one way or another we are always struggling against these three types of miseries. No one in the material creation can say that he is free from them. The trident of this material nature is pressed against everyone's chest, and because of this, pure happiness within this material world is not possible. We may try to satisfy Mother Durga by worshiping her or by giving her some bribe, but Durga is not so easily bribed. >>> Ref. VedaBase => EK 5: Knowing Krsna's Energies • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FREE FROM DOUBTSAsammoha, freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. Nothing should be accepted blindly; everything should be accepted with care and with caution. Srila Prabhupada • Email to a friend • ![]() Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: A Profound InterviewMy fellow writer, Madhava Smullen, is writing an article for ISKCON News (news.iskcon.com) on the phenomenon of gurukulis (second generation devotees of Krishna) who have received formal initiation. He interviewed me and quite a few others via e-mail. Who initiated you? His questions have prodded me to reflect deeply upon the commitments I have made. Radhanath Swami Where and when did you get initiated? Alachua, Florida, May 31st, 2010 What age were you when you got initiated? 23 What were your full names before and after initiation? My name before initiation was Bhakti lata bij, and after initiation my name became Bhakti lata. Please explain in a detailed, thoughtful way why you made the decision to get initiated. I often hear parallels between marriage and initiation - both are very grave steps in life that involve very profound vows. Of course, marriage is more of a common phenomenon, something that humans can universally relate to, so I'll start from there. So one may ask, why get married? Why make those vows when you can just live lives together as a very committed couple? I have come to the conclusion that there is something about taking those profound vows in front of the world and in front of God that gives the couple the strength to weather the storms. In very related respects, I was born to devotee parents who gave me a spiritual name at birth. I have followed the four regulative principles my whole life, and Radhanath Swami loves me unconditionally, whether I would have ever received initiation from him or not. So one may wonder - why take that formal step of initiation? For me, it was about committing to those vows in front of the world and in front of God. The vows of initiation are so powerful that sometimes I feel chills to meditate upon them. Those vows carve and shape my life, and give me a safe place to fall. Receiving initiation is like marriage in the sense that now I belong to someone, now I can rest my soul, knowing that I am connected to a family who can carry me in the fiercest of spiritual storms. What major and subtle changes have there been in your life now that you are initiated? What do you think initiation will continue to change in your life? The most profound change I experience is the peace I feel in my heart. I feel settled. I feel grounded and sure and safe. I feel strong - I no longer am only accountable to myself, I am accountable to my spiritual master, to Srila Prabhupad, to all of the devotees. That accountability gives me great strength to set an example for others. I feel that initiation will continue to change my life by giving me the sureness and strength to offer every breath of my life in service, knowing that it shall be offered in the right direction, like water not just poured upon any soil, but soil with seeds underneath. Why do you think gurukulis have typically been slower about getting initiated? Do you think that is changing now, and if so why? I sense that gurukulis have been slower about receiving initiation because they're already immersed in Krishna culture. What's the point in making such heavy vows when one is already IN the flow, chanting, doing service...? But the biggest reason for the slower movement towards initiation, I believe, is chanting 16 rounds. It's a huge commitment. For me, getting to the point of actually steadily chanting 16 rounds every day has been the greatest challenge of my entire life, and it still is. I chant a lot slower than even most people, so it takes me around 3 hours every day. And although gurukulis love to chant in kirtan - sometimes for 24 hours straight! - there's something very austere about chanting japa for us. Several years ago, Radhanath Swami once gently commented to me (after I had told him yet again that I was still struggling with chanting), "Yes, you gurukulis would rather feel sincere about japa all the time, or not chant at all." I think the trend towards initiation amongst gurukulis is growing, but only very slightly. In my experience, most gurukulis ask this question: "Why initiation?" and usually don't feel very satisfied with the answer. A question and a concern that the older generation often have is, will gurukulis step up and continue this movement when they are gone? Do you think more gurukulis getting initiated means positive things for the future of the movement? I'm not sure if initiation will address the issue of succession. But I do know that where powerful vows of commitment are made, vigor and strength naturally follow. I personally find it incredibly inspiring to witness my peers take to this process so seriously. It gives me hope that my own children shall take to this process naturally as well. That yes, Krishna Consciousness is the nature of the soul, and the process that Srila Prabhupad has given us is complete. • Email to a friend • ![]() Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Help From Google to Get Your Solar System?Interested in solar electricity for your home but can’t afford the upfront costs? Check this out (it works for them because they take advantage of tax credits and various writeoffs): From The Official Google Blog: Taking in more sun with Clean Power Finance 9/27/2011 09:00:00 AM (Cross-posted from the Green Blog) This morning, at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum (REFF-West) in San Francisco, I announced a new $75 million investment to create an initial fund with Clean Power Finance that will help up to 3,000 homeowners go solar. This is our second investment in residential solar, and we've now invested more than $850 million overall to develop and deploy clean energy. As we said when we made our first residential solar investment, we think it makes a lot of sense to use solar photovoltaic (PV) technology—rooftop solar panels—to generate electricity right where you need it at home. It greens our energy mix by using existing roof space while avoiding transmission constraints, and it can be cheaper than drawing electricity from the traditional grid. That's where Clean Power Finance comes in. They've developed an open platform that connects installers with investors like Google to provide financing to homeowners. Solar installers sign up with Clean Power Finance to get access to the company's comprehensive sales solutions, including consumer financing from investors, like the Google fund. This enables installers to sell more systems and grow their business. The installer builds the system, the investor (in this case, Google) owns it, and homeowners pay a monthly payment for the system, at a price that's often less than paying for energy from the grid. Maintenance and performance are taken care of by Clean Power Finance and its network of installers. … Filed under: Cows and Environment ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: Tattva - See Inside Out
• Email to a friend • ![]() Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: Split personality
• Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Video: Maha-Mantra Festival Highlights!Some video highlights of the recently-celebrated Maha-Mantra festival in Toronto which included chanting on a double-decker bus, harinamas and chanting at a Beatles Festival in Orillia! • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 3: "He was so much frenzied to meet his old friends that he forgot the order of Krishna and indulged in a sort of sense gratification. It is certainly a shocking incident which I never expected from a disciple like him." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 3: "Whenever there is new branch of our society for Krishna Consciousness I become very very happy and my blessings in heart and soul are with you. Although I am not physically present there, spiritually I am always with you." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 3: "Regarding my return. I may inform you that I am now 90% cured and I can immediately return but I want to return with permanent visa. Please therefore do all the necessary action." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 October 3: "I am very happy to learn that you are going to various homes and lecture halls, and holding kirtana and delivering lectures from these transcendental literatures. Continue to preach in this way to all you meet." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 October 3: "It is very simple: God is great, everyone is His servant. Nobody can be equal to or greater than God. In quality we are one, but in magnitude we are different. This is the whole philosophy of the four Vaisnava sampradayas." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 3: "You are alone doing such marvelous work and it is impossible for a person without being blessed by Krishna. So you should always be conscious of this special favor upon you and continue to work more vigorously." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 3: "I am so glad to hear there are many new devotees. All newcomers should be welcomed and well treated. Out of many thousands one may come. So it is our duty to help them. That is one of our most important activities." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 3: "The materialists are trying to adjust the disturbances of nature in so many ways. But after so many attempts have they been able to stop suffering? After so many attempts still they are suffering and still they do not ask why." • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Video: Maha-Mantra Festival Celebrations in Toronto!Toronto's Hare Krishna community recently celebrated the annual Maha-Mantra Festival. The festival involved a wide assortment of activities and events that proved to be wonderfully spiritually inspiring! Check out some of the highlights via the video below: • Email to a friend • ![]() Karnamrita das, NC, USA: We Love Krishna, Therefore We Are: The Importance of Serving with Affection part 2
• Email to a friend • ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: Article On Palace in Pittsburgh MagazineThe Palace is mentioned in an article in Pittsburgh magazine. Read about it in an article titled Step Into the Twilight Zone. “Come with us on our search for the weird, the spooky and the just plain odd in our mysterious city.” About the Palace: “Simply put, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth.”
• Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: My Wonderful TeacherBy Bhagiratha das Just last year I was discussing with him to arrange a program for him in Indonesia around this year or the latest will be the midle of next year, but he left us so quickly. He is a rare personality, though was a great scholar still he is humble and present himself like some one who doesn't know anything |