Bada Haridas singing at the "Festival of the Holy Name" held here in Dallas on May 2011 with Indradyumna Swami and Giriraj Swami. Purchase the DVDs with full content of this event. Dallas, TX 2011-05-30
The Srimad Bhagavatam (7.9.25) states that the enjoyment in a worldly object is like the water in a mirage: it tantalizes us by its apparent reality and frustrates us by its actual unreality. Worldly enjoyment is unreal in the sense that its experience never lives up to its hype: it never lasts more than a few moments and leaves us feeling dissatisfied, having exhausted our capacity to enjoy, but not our desire to enjoy. Despite this dissatisfaction, the visual appeal of worldly objects is so irresistibly seductive as to delude us into believing that, even if the object that we just experienced let us down, the object that is now tempting us will surely deliver its promise. And thus, we stay trapped in the vain pursuit of a pleasure that remains ever visible, never experiencable. We can break free from this doomed pursuit if we empower our intelligence by scriptural, spiritual wisdom and thereby learn to see through the visual façade of worldly pleasures to their intrinsic, inescapable futility. Then we can resolutely turn inward to the devotional joy of remembering Krishna that, though beyond visibility is within experiencability.
This Thursday Shabda will be giving a live performance of their NEW album ” Atmasphere”at Lululemon athletica, Britomart showroom, in Auckland. Come hear them play and grab yourself a copy of the album. Starts at 7 til 8.30pm. 45 te ara tahuhu, city. For more details contact Bhadra on 021 959 244. Experience the power & [...]

"That original Lord Kṛsna appeared in Navadvīpa as Lord Caitanya, and Balarāma appeared with Him as Lord Nityānanda. May Śrī Nityānanda Rāma be the object of my constant remembrance..." (Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi Lila, 5.6-7) May the darsana of Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of our constant remembrance...
Driving home from a doctor’s appointment and some errands in Wheeling this morning I was coming out on Route 88 south. This road would be familiar to anyone who has ever visited New Vrindaban as it is the normal way to get here. Although I have driven this road over a thousand times in the last 38 years I saw a sight as yet unseen to me, or, if seen before, not observed. As I rounded the blind turn just before the view of the cemetery reveals itself the time of year with the sun in its almost southernmost low winter trajectory combined with the time of day to give me a unique visual. This cemetery has no headstones, simply stone markers set in the ground so they can be mowed over. The sun was reflecting off every polished granite marker on the side of the hill facing me and they all shone with in a gridlike brilliance across a grass green canvas, like a hundred suns. Just as the soul is a bit of Krishna, “Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor” (Bhagavad Gita 10.41) so all those reflections were a spark of the splendor of the sun. That the spark of the souls that had resided in the bodies now lying under those stones were gone, was contrasted by the transient beauty of that moment. As I came around closer to the cemetery the sun was at a different angle and the reflections vanished. It just looked like a grassy lawn. A flash of beauty, then return to the ordinary. A short distance later I met a funeral procession coming in the opposite direction. While that is less uncommon, I might see one several times a year, it was a reminder that in the end Death comes for us all. “In due course of time, when the body becomes old and practically invalid, it is subject to jara, the sufferings of old age. There are four basic kinds of suffering-birth, old age, disease and death. No scientist or philosopher has ever been able to make a solution to these four miserable conditions. The invalidity of old age known as jara is figuratively explained here as the daughter of Time. No one likes her, but she is very much anxious to accept anyone as her husband. No one likes to become old and invalid, but this is inevitable for everyone.” Srimad Bhagvatam 4.27.20 We may or may not have the opportunity to look back at our lives and hanker or lament what transpired at the time of our death but today I was anticipating that moment. One thing I lament looking back actually happened in that cemetery. Kirtanananda wanted some flowers for a festival and didn’t have money to buy any so he sent out a team to steal flowers. I was part of that. There was a row of hydrangeas in bloom so we went there in the dead of night. We opened up the side door of a van and started cutting like mad men, tossing the flowers into the van. We cut over ten bushels of flowers. The Deities were decorated very nicely for that festival, probably a Janmastami, but I felt a lot of guilt over the method of aquisition, even thought it was “authorized”. After that I got into supporting flower gardens at New Vrindaban, pushing Vidya into it so we had had a lot of our own flowers and there was no more excuse for stealing flowers. That I feel good about, though in recent years the flower gardens have fallen into under production and buying flowers has grown more prominent. If I do live a little longer I will put more energy into the Deity flowers and have spent some energy on it to that end already this fall, with plans to support those interested in flower gardens going forward. Flower gardens are nice memories to flash by ones eyes at the moment of death, IMHO, much nicer than stealing flowers.
> Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 7, No. 20 By Krishna-kripa das (October 2011, part two) New Vrindavan, North Carolina, Gainesville, Orlando (Sent from Gainesville, FL, on December 12, 2011) Where I Went and What I Did By the grace of the Lord and His devotees, Bhakta Max, from Columbia, drove me from New Jersey to New Vrindavan where I participated in the 24-hour kirtan (chanting) program there. Then Mitra Sena Prabhu kindly drove me to North Carolina where I stayed at Prabhupada Village for two days, chanting once at the North Carolina School of the Arts, before Madhuha Prabhu drove me to Gainesville. One weekend, the Gainesville devotees chanted at the Veggie Fest in Orlando. We also chanted at The Fest (a punk festive in Gainesville), at the forty year anniversary of Krishna Lunch festival, and downtown on Halloween as well. [Halloween is always slower when it is on a Monday.] All in all, October was a great month for extra kirtana. I include notes from lectures by Prabhupada disciples, Kalakantha Prabhu, Mother Nanda, and Ranjit Prabhu, and also some from several younger devotees at the Gainesville Krishna House.
New Vrindavan Karttika 24-Hour Kirtan
At the conclusion of the 24-hour kirtana, temple president and disciple of Sacinandana Swami, Jaya Krishna Prabhu, said that New Vrindavan is committed to having two 24-hourskirtanas a year, one in the summer and the other at Karttika. He also said they are thinking about doing a Kirtan Mela, like the devotees did in Germany this year.
I chanted the response for some time while my friend Garrison sang between 1:10 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. I was so tired that at least ten times I was awakened when I nodded off and my mouth touched the microphone. I do not know if it was obvious. I would be curious to see the video of it.
I danced for 90% of the time I participated in the kirtana event. There was some dancing but not as much as at the Kirtan Mela in Germany. This was partly because there were several times more people at Kirtan Mela.
Out of the twenty-four, I lost three and a half hours from sleeping, three and a quarter hours from taking meals and talking with devotees afterward, an hour from taking showers and dressing. I spent an hour helping in the kitchen. I planned to either sing or playedkirtana tapes and sing along with them to keep the kirtana going, but I spaced out perhaps half the time so I should subtract another half hour. Thus I spent fifteen and three-quarters hours in kirtana or about two-thirds of the time. That reminds me how Sacinandana Swami recommended that we chant at least eight of the twelve hours each day at the Kirtan Mela in Germany, or also two-thirds. I chanted japa during the kirtana while the leader was singing and during pauses between the lead and response. I would chant the response and count it as one mantra toward my japa. In this way, I chanted sixteen rounds in two in a half hours instead of an hour and three-quarters, and I was able to chant the response to the kirtana almost the whole time. Here is some video I took of the 24-hour kirtana:
Prabhupada Village in North Carolina
I was happy I got to sing in a new state and a new college for me, North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem. Three people talked to me during the three hours I was there. One high school girl sat down and chanted a few mantras. One boy from Columbia had Hare Krishna friends in his home country, and he knew of ISKCON guru, Bhakti Bhusana Swami, originally from Germany. The police stopped me after I had chanted my three hours, so it did not really matter. We had guessed wrong about the location of the free speech area.
Every place its challenges, and the shortest path from Mitra Sena Prabhu’s house to the temple in Prabhupada Village is to walk through the creek. I am not used to walking through creeks in the dark of the early morning, so it was a little challenge for me!
Mitra Sena Prabhu is super friendly and a great musician, playing a variety of intruments. He played a really sweet Hare Krishna tune on the banjo one night, and I had a great time chanting and dancing along.
The Orlando Veggie Fest was a great event to share Krishna consciousness at. Many people listened to our kirtana, sat down on our blanket and chanted with us, and some danced along to the kirtana as well. Sometimes people interact with our kirtana party when their consciousness is altered by intoxication, because they are too shy otherwise, but these people were choosing to associate with the devotees and the chanting in their normal consciousness. Trivikrama Swami and devotees from Orlando were there doing kirtana, and the Orlando devotees joined with us and the collaboration made it more powerful. Mothers Govinda Mohini and Olivia walked around and distributed many books to the people there. Next year we hope to distribute prasadam as well.
This video begins we our chanting at the Orlando Veggie Fest, and includes many of the other harinama programs around Gainesville in October: 
Harinama at the Punk Fest
Usually on Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day, the devotees do a special arati in evening for Srila Prabhupada and then chant Hare Krishna in the temple the rest of the evening. This year after the evening Prabhupada arati and a brief kirtana, we had aharinama downtown. The reason was to benefit the some of the thousands of people in Gainesville for the annual punk festival, known as The Fest. Adi Karta Prabhu led some very enthusiastic kirtana, playing his accordion. Lots of people waved, clapped, chanted, and danced with us in the course of the evening. We were a little overambitious in chanting, entering a couple of bars, which did not go over too well, especially with the police. We have not developed the rapport with the local establishments that Miami's Siddha Vidya Prabhu has, which make him beloved for his chanting in their places. Still it was nice to spend the evening of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day in sharing his gift of the holy name with others. People all over the world come for that festival, and we talked to some boys from Austria who appreciated our chanting.
Insight from Lectures
Kalakantha Prabhu:
Saintly persons do not reject the world but see how it can be used in Krishna's service.
The saintly person sees how materialistic people are essentially spiritual and does not judge them for their temporary material covering.
In the mode of goodness one sees the commonalities as prominent while in the modes of passion and ignorance one sees the differences as prominent.
Definition of Politics: Who gets what, when, and where.
Prabhupada said he was never defeated in argument except when his guru, Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakura, convinced him that Indian independence was not necessary to spread its spiritual knowledge.
There is three million dollars for every man on earth.
Actual revolution means changing our consciousness.
Headline in Vancouver paper after Bush’s second election: “How Can 51 Million People Be So Dumb?”
Ballaba Prabhu: Srila Prabhupada says in his purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.14.31. It is the duty of a saintly person to upset the demoniac political situation: “If the king or government becomes demonic, it is the duty of a saintly person to upset the government and replace it with deserving persons who follow the orders and instructions of saintly persons.”
The morning program is like a daily medication.
A few people with conviction can change the world.
Lord Caitanya was living in India when the Muslims were in control, but he never advocated overthrowing the Muslim rule. Only when they stopped the sankirtana [the congregational chanting of the holy name] did He protest.
Mother Nanda dd:
I like to review the context in the Bhagavatam class because if we understand the context we will understand the importance of the present text in relationship to its surrounding ones and thus be more inclined to remember it.
This idea of indebtedness is a very Eastern idea. We are indebted to our parents, our society, etc.. Often in the West we forget this, but it is very important.
When I lived in South Florida, occasionally I would do some preaching. One Bhakta Tom came for some time and then did not come for a year or so. When he returned, he said, “Not a day went by when I did not think of Krishna at least once.”
Q: How do we know if we are spiritually advancing? A: Detachment from material desire. A (by me): The nine symptoms of bhava, which include detachment as you mentioned, also include attachment to the holy name and the holy dhama [the holy places], great eagerness, and hope of attaining the Lord’s mercy.
The devotee may seem to suffer the same reactions as a materialistic man, but in fact, his suffering is administered directly by the Lord for his purification.
One man was telling Srila Prabhupada that he was struggling greatly in devotional service, and he asked if there was any special mercy that he could attain. Srila Prabhupada said that there was indeed special mercy, and he explained that when Krishna is especially favorable He takes away all one’s material assets so one is forced to surrender to Him. Prabhupada asked if he wanted that mercy, but out of fear, the man declined.
The tendency when something bad happens to us, is to think we do not deserve it.
If we think everything that happens to us is happening by Krishna’s kind arrangement, that greatly increases our remembrance of Krishna.
Thinking we are unworthy is actually based on reality, but if that idea is used to pull us away from doing devotional service, then it is a manifestation of maya [illusion].
Lord Caitanya’s mercy is that all the people are getting the opportunity for devotional service although they do not deserve it.
Q: How do I become free from doubts for good? They go and yet return. A: Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita they should be slashed with the weapon knowledge.
Sometimes we look ahead to the goal of pure devotional service, and we feel despondent because we have so far to go. But if we look back and see how far we have come, then we will be encouraged. If we only look back, then we can be illusioned, thinking we have come so far, and therefore, we have to look both ahead and back.
Ranjit Prabhu:
An important understanding in our Vaishnava tradition is that everything emanates from God and thus everything is actually part of God.
There is an interest in investigating the cause of the universe, and modern society spends billions of dollars on scientific research, both on macroscopic level with astronomy which deals in measuring the extent of the universe through telescopes, and on the microscopic level, dealing with atomic particles.
Sometimes the particle physicists will do an experiment and find a particle which does not show up when they replicate the experiment.
The material world is endlessly mutable.
The problem with cancer is that everyone has a different mutation of the disease.
The motive of science toward material progress and freedom from suffering is different from that required to understand reality.
Bhagavad-gita ultimately teaches we must be engaged in spiritual activities 24/7. [twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week]. This state is accomplished by surrender to, service to, and inquiries from a self-realized soul.
Chanting in groups or alone is the most powerful practice.
Faith sustains one’s practice at all stages.
Some qualities and activities leading to devotional development are present in the lives of the perfectly realized. Faith in the protection of Krishna is there in the residents of Vrindavan, as in the cowherd boys who fearlessly entered the serpert, Aghasura. Worship is there as well.
Q: Some of our spiritual ideas are known to other groups as well so what is so secret about them? A: Although there some knowledge, the experience may not be there. One cannot taste the honey without opening the jar.
Comment by Abhi: Srila Prabhupada says faith comes from reading Bhagavad-gita.
Braja-hari Prabhu:
We can remember Krishna if we have love for Him. Analogies to show how love makes steady remembrance possible include the analogy of the wife and paramour and the mother and the baby. Because of love the wife remembers her paramour, even while she does her household duties, and because of love, the mother remembers her child despite other activities.
Srila Prabhupada says practice can bring about success in an activity that we have the ability to perform. A child can practice to walk with success, however, if a child practices to fly, he will be unsuccessful.
I remember the five most important items of devotional service in this way: A – association with devotees B – Bhagavatam reading C – Chanting the holy name D – Deity worship E – Entering the holy dhama [I would modify this to “Existing in the holy dhama.”]
Q: What does it mean to see all beings equally? A: To see how they can be engaged in devotional service to Krishna.
There is a story of saint who tried to save a scorpion from drowning, but each time the scorpion bit him. Finally he was successful, and a disciple asked why he was so determined to save the scorpion although the scorpion bit him. The saint said, “The scorpion was determined not give up his nature, so why should I give up mine?”
Dina Bandhu Prabhu:
Because I was so trained as a scientist, it was difficult for me read Srila Prabhupada's books for long periods at a time because he criticized my view of the world so forthrightly.
I find if I cultivate a relationship with a person who is beginning to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and they understand how much Srila Prabhupada is important to me, they will be more inclined to take his words seriously.
Kusum Sarorova is said to be bottomless. During British times the British tried to find the bottom of it to disprove the religion but they could not.
When they drained Radha and Shyama Kunda a few years back you could see how they were connected at the bottom. It is significant as it is described the gopis used water from Shyama Kunda to fill up Radha Kunda.
Apparently the monkeys leave the Seva Kunj area in the evening.
I found it easier to chant in the holy dhama, and I felt greater respect for the chanting.
I had a sense that the deities there were conscious of my deviations of mind and so I was more conscious to think devotionally before Them.
Hanan Prabhu:
The Mahabharata is so attractive that the Indian parliament recessed so they could watch it when it was on TV.
When one Israeli soldier returned home after five years of captivity, he was welcomed by the prime minister, the general, and his parents. It was very moving, and I was telling my wife, “Just think how much Krishna and the residents of the spiritual world will be happy to see us when we return there.”
Being dissatisfied is part of our spiritual life, and it helps us to move forward.
Arjuna vowed, “If anyone makes me put down my Gandiva bow, I will kill him.” But seeing his relatives on the opposite side on the battlefield was so traumatic that his bow fell from his hand.
The village of Radha Kunda was previously called Aristagrama.
Krishna defended his killing of the bull Aristasura by saying that Aristasura was not a bull but a demon taking the form of a bull.
Visakha said He should undergo atonement for killing the bull just as Indra had to undergo atonement for the killing of the brahmana, Vrtrasura.
Krishna invited the gopis to enjoy with Him in Shyama Kunda, but they refused saying that the water was contaminated by His sinful reactions. Instead they wanted to create their own bathing place.
Comment by Olivia: A materialistic person thinks obtaining the self-gratification will bring satisfaction and is not really sure what is the cause of his dissatisfaction. A Krishna conscious person knows why he is dissatisfied and knows that by engaging in devotional service he will be satisfied.
In Mahabharata Vidura tells Dhrtarastra that being angry with someone is like holding a burning cinder that you hope to throw on the person who incited your anger, but all the while, the cinder is burning you.
Comment by Dr. Dina Bandhu: The mental effects of anger are unclear, confused, and irrational thought. Physically there is increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, your pupils dialate, and your face may turn red.
Mohammed was asked thrice for a single deed most beneficial to spiritual advancement. Each time he said, “Give up anger,” explaining that if you do so, heaven is yours.
Alexander the Great story: Alexander came to Vrindavan and wanted to see a reputed sage there. They reached the sage’s place, and Alexander sent his messenger to the sage telling of the king’s arrival. The sage was not impressed. He told the messenger that Krishna is the only king in Vrindavan, but if Alexander wants to come in, he is quite welcome. Alexander could not follow the message, and repeated his request and got the same response, finally Alexander stormed with sword in hand, but was disarmed by the peaceful sage, so much so he set his weapon aside. The sage said, “You are servant of my servant.” “How is that?” replied Alexander. The sage replied, “I control anger, so anger is my servant. You are controlled by anger, so you are the servant of my servant.”
Comment by Ekendra: Originally when I tried to fix the sink, I did it in the mood thinking I was the doer and I was going to fix the sink. Things did not go at all well. The next day, before I attempted the task, I prayed to Krishna as His dishwasher, hoping for an improved facility and it went a lot better.
I asked one psychology student after he had studied for seven years if psychologists actually solve people’s problems. He said no, but they help the people see their situation in a broader perspective. I said that is also what Krishna does in Bhagavad-gita, as an expert psychologist. He gave Arjuna knowledge so he could see his predicament in a broader perspective.
By associating with God’s name, we are associating with God, who is the most patient person, and thus we become more patient by that association.
krishna-mantra haite habe samsara mocana krishna-nama haite pabe krishnera carana
“Simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna one can obtain freedom from material existence. Indeed, simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one will be able to see the lotus feet of the Lord.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-lila 7.73)

Because they have a university degree and a few plaques on their wall, most of these science guys think it gives them the key to knowing everything there is to know about the workings of the universe. But the truth is, modern scientists are still baffled more than ever when it comes to explaining the phenomenon of consciousness. For the most part, the standard explanation is the one of Positivism. This states that since the only verifiable objects we can see are those of the world of matter, then matter is the only thing worthy of study. They sometimes haphazardly conclude that only matter exists, and something such as consciousness, must therefore, also soley function with material elements alone. Many leading proponents of artificial intelligence, such as Marvin Minksy, believe that humans are, in fact, machines, whose functioning, although complex, is fully explainable by current physics. See here: 
In this way, the human being is reduced down to an evolved biological program! According to this absurd theory, thinking, feeling, and willing become merely the exibition of a complex array of chemical reactions within the brain. Other than this commonly accepted understanding, it’s a fact, that few scientist would be willing to journey outside this realm of thought; for they might perhaps fear treading into the thin ice of *gasp* religious belief! But that is not always the case…. There are a few avant-garde scientists, such as Roger Penrose, who are willing to go against the grain. Although a professed atheist, he is actually addressing many of the gargantuan gaps that are within these current scientific theories. Roger Penrose is a Mathematician, who has received a number of prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their contribution to our understanding of the universe. He argues that the known laws of physics are inadequate to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. He also concludes that there is a part of our conscious thinking that could never be simulated by a computer. The host (in this video below) after hearing this asks, “Then what is that something else that might come into play?” See here: 
What a good question! What is that something else? Could it be, science forbid, a soul? No, the existence of a soul cannot be scientific discovery (they would assume). But, what if that is the whole point here! Could it be that maybe, science is light-years behind the advanced knowledge of the Vedas, which fully disclosed a complete scientific understanding of the transcendental living soul that dwells within the machine of the material body, over 5,000 years ago? Perhaps, it’s science that has finally started to evolve enough to actually begin a greater frontier than had ever been known to the Positivist universe before. Maybe, if some scientists were not so quick to reject things out of superstition, they could study Vedic knowledge scientifically on this basis and come to solve some of these daunting mysteries of consciousness. The untold irony is that these deeper intricacies of life had already been discussed by Vedic transcendentalists since the dawn of civilized time. While modern science was in its diapers, busily playing with the childish toys of modern technological advancement, the Vedas had been expounding and singing the scientific truths of a non-material soul, which offers a very sound and logical explanation of the phenomenon of consciousness. “Some look on the soul as amazing, some describe him as amazing, and some hear of him as amazing, while others, even after hearing about him, cannot understand him at all.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is 2.29“
1967 December 12: "You do not know how pleased I am to hear this. When one book is published I think I have conquered an empire."
1968 December 12 : "Just as you are thinking of me so often, similarly, you should know that I am often thinking of you also. You have asked as to where is the ocean of love? I think you may know that it is in your heart."
1971 December 12 : "A mundane philosopher is not a philosopher unless he refutes his predecessor and produces something new. This kind of knowledge is useless. We have got absolute authority from the Source of Knowledge, Krishna."
1972 December 12 : "That is the first business, make books and distribute. So I am always encouraged to hear that you are increasing making books in foreign languages."
1972 December 12 : "That will discourage them and no intelligent men will come. Allure them into serving Krishna in their own way - as they like to do it - not being forced to do something else they may not like to do."
1972 December 12 : "Raise your family to be exemplary Vaisnavas by yourself following the regulative principles and rigidly chanting Hare Krishna. One can have as many children as Bhaktivinode Thakura as long a one is as good as Bhaktivinode Thakura."
1973 December 12 : "Just now I was reading Krsna Book. In our childhood days we were reading one book, Folk Tales of Bengal. It was very widely read, especially by children. So why not introduce the Krsna book for the same purpose?"
1973 December 12 : "We want to unit the world on the platform of Krsna Consciousness under one state, one government, one religion and one scripture. It will be successful if we work cautiously and maintain our standards."
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.16 - Materially attached persons must hear the transcendental activities of Krsna.
Our weapons in the campaign against prajalpa and mind pollution may include novels, dramas, paintings, films, musical recordings, festivals, formal lectures, seminars, and casual meetings — all centered on Krishna. Why should the forces of illusion possess all the weapons, and not the devotees? Nārada previously said that bhakti was easy. It is certainly not easy to avoid all mundane sound vibrations. But under the guidance of the pure devotee we may create a pleasant, easy-to-take atmosphere of krishna-kathā in the home and with friends — even when driving a car or at work — and this hearing will lead to vishnu-smaranam, or remembrance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Purport to Nārada Bhakti Sūtra 63
One should not find entertainment in news of women, money, and atheists.
I have the pleasure of being in touch with a number of Krishna devotees online, and I hear about their struggles, doubts, and difficulties. This blog is a general response to the suffering, or challenges experienced by devotees, since anyone with a material body has them—they only differ in intensity and how they are dealt with. As one saying intelligently teaches us, “It isn’t what happens to us that determines our success in life, but what we do with what happens to us.” I do my best to address various concerns, yet there is always more to say, or a slightly different angle of vision. Although I may repeat myself, “Repetition is the mother of learning (or skill).” Thus I am again gently reminding you that our attitude, faithful outlook, positive expectancy, and peaceful, spiritual certainty changes our world. We could also add that to change our world we must change our self, which is brought about by spiritual practice (which includes prayer), and associating with saints and positive people. Change is difficult, yet that is what spiritual life is about, read more
By Caitanya candrodaya das
Today, when asking for fruit and vegitable bhoga donations at the vegetable market, I asked shop manager to 'be generous' in the "spirit of Christmas". He asked me if we believed in that. I sure hoped it was "yes". Being generous is just a part of it. Please read on and pass it on this appeal to whoever you think can contribute
radhakrsna: Ecstatic! The Birth of Krishna, who appears to his parents Vasudeva and Devaki as the four-armed Visnu to dispel any doubts as to whether this child is in fact the incarnation of the Supreme Lord promised to them in another age! illustration to the Bhagavata Purana Basohli, c. early 18th century
"...the difficulties of life may come as seasonal changes but we should not be disturbed by all those difficulties. Our process is to chant and that process will gradually clear everything in due course."
Letter to Mukunda 6th June, 1967
1968 December 11: "Krishna is Controller and we are controlled. Simply a flick of the eye a temple has come to us, better than we were hoping for. When we accept the control of Krishna then all fortune is automatically present."
1968 December 11: "Because you are very nice, sincere boy so Krishna is giving you very good facilities. So if you try to continue in the humble attitude you have now, with little time you will have wonderful success in further developing your Krishna Consciousness."
1972 December 11: "I have received so many preaching reports of meetings, newspaper articles and photos. This Krishna Consciousness movement will be very famous there and you will find many interested persons to become devotees. Now you go there."
Hari bol, We would like to humbly invite all the devotees to officially welcolme our granddaughter -Pranaya keli. PROGRAM
DATE :Wednesday 14th TIME :12 noon PLACE :Temple PRASADAM :1:30pm Fireyajna….Arti….. Prasadam
Please come and give your blessing. We will also be celebrating the birthday of Tattvadarsan
Easy to recognize these going on all the time on the internet. See the logical explanations to why people use illogic for all 5 points here. “The Internet has introduced a golden age of ill-informed arguments. You can’t post a video of an adorable kitten without a raging debate about pet issues spawning in the comment section. These days, everyone is a pundit. “But with all those different perspectives on important issues flying around, you’d think we’d be getting smarter and more informed. Unfortunately, the very wiring of our brains ensures that all these lively debates only make us dumber and more narrow-minded. For instance …” #5. We’re Not Programmed to Seek “Truth,” We’re Programmed to “Win”… #4. Our Brains Don’t Understand Probability… #3. We Think Everyone’s Out to Get Us… #2. We’re Hard-Wired to Have a Double Standard… #1. Facts Don’t Change Our Minds Here’s how things would work in a perfect world: You and your friend are on opposing sides of an issue. After reaching an impasse, you pull out a piece of information so precise, so compelling, so perfect, that your buddy does a 180 and completely changes his mind. You high five and skip off into the distance. And this probably has happened … as long as it was a subject that neither of you particularly cared about. But if it was some emotionally charged issue, like abortion? God help you. The Science: Let’s go back to the beginning for a moment, and the theory that people figured out how to build arguments as a form of verbal bullying rather than a method of spreading correct information. That means that there are actually two reasons somebody might be arguing with you: because they actually want to get you to think the right thing, and because they’re trying to establish dominance over you to lower your status in the tribe (or office or forum) and elevate their own. That means there’s a pretty severe cost to being on the wrong side of an issue completely separate from the issue itself. Now think about the way people treat the two sides of a debate like teams. Not just political parties; remember how one side of the Leno vs. Conan debate referred to themselves as “Team Coco,” or how Twilight fans refer to their factions as “Team Edward” vs. “Team Jacob.” Then note how many debates involve people jumping into an issue in which they have nothing at stake (only a fraction of the millions of the “Team Coco” people supporting Conan on the Internet actually watch his show), just so they have the chance to join a team. Now think of how much it would hurt them to have to change teams. That is why confirmation bias exists. We read a news article that supports what we believe, and we add it to the “I’m right about this” column. News articles that contradict what we believe are dismissed. We make up a reason — maybe the source is part of the conspiracy from the other side or whatever it takes to make sure the “I’m wrong about this” column remains empty. Researchers have done experiments where they hooked up people’s brains to scanners and then made them read a story pointing out something stupid their favorite candidate said. The logical parts of the brain stayed quiet, while the emotional parts of the brain lit up. Their brains were weighing the story, not based on what it logically meant for their position, but on the emotional/social consequences of that position being wrong. Then, once the brain had decided that this news story being right would mean pain and humiliation for the reader, it told the logical part, “Figure out a way to use your ‘logic’ stuff to make this pain go away.” The next day, you probably heard those test subjects at the coffee shop going on and on about how biased the press is against their guy. So During Your Next Argument, Remember … You won’t remember this. You’re hard-wired to remain entrenched, and the Internet makes it worse because your political beliefs are pasted all over Facebook and wherever else you post your opinions. Backing down means going back on all that. It means letting down your team. Every inch of your psychology will fight it.
1972 December 11: "Approach the government authorities and convince them about our movement. I am very much worried the whole thing will collapse. I like that place very much, it will be great disaster if things are in confusion."
1973 December 11: "I am glad to hear of the excellent results. From other parts of the world there is also very good reports of book distribution. That is our main propaganda work. So you go on and I will be pleased to receive your report regularly."
1973 December 11: "Our preaching work will be measured by the quantity of books we distribute so continue ever-increasingly. Take care the devotees do not become sick. They should always be properly clothed and fed."
1975 December 11: "As a farm boy or clerk becomes a hero for going to fight for his country during war time, so Krishna immediately recognizes the sincere effort of a preacher who takes all risks to deliver His message."
1975 December 11: "Europe and America are in great danger - this Hare Krishna Movement is enveloping them. Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, the Sankirtana devotees are very, very dear to Krishna."
The almighty Lord has empowered His name with the powers of His personal Self.
It is stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam that the name of Krsna is feared even by fear personified.
This means that the name of Krsna is nondifferent from Krsna.
Therefore, His name is as powerful as Himself.
Thus anyone can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Sri Krsna in any situation, even in the middle of greatest dangers.
The transcendental name of Krsna, even when spoken unconsciously or by force of circumstances, can help us get free from the cycle of birth and death.
BOy George live - maha mantra
Hare krsna in Holly wood
hare krsna doco
Book distribution
Dear Readers, An urgent situation has developed in Hungary, which requires your immediate response. Due to a new law our movement has lost its legal status and must reapply in January in order to be recognized and keep it's wonderful Krishna Valley project. Kindly sign the position as requested to below to save this wonderful Krishna conscious project and to allow the cows to keep their pasture land. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Here is the email from our leader in Hungary: Dear Devotees. The new "Church Law" in Hungary will take away ISKCON Hungary's church status as of January 1st requiring us to reapply for the same next year. However the government has not provided any legal stipulation for the society's continued ownership of Krishna Valley's lands in the interim period until we are again reregistered. In short we risk losing Krishna Valley with no pasture for our cows or land to grow our food. I therefore request that you sign the online petition--link below -- and forward this message to as many people as possible who would also petition against this injustice. Thank you. Sivarama Swami.
Do a good deed here
please sign petition so Krishna farm in hungary can stay.
SRS: The first Hindu chaplain in the military speaks from the Gita.
A rally call from an old friend and Godbrother, HH Sivarama Swami. This is an inspiring model project in Hungary called Krishna Valley/New Vraja Dhama. Please take a minute to fill out the petition. Dear Devotees. The new “Church Law” in Hungary will take away ISKCON Hungary’s church status as of January 1st requiring us to reapply for the same next year. However the government has not provided any legal stipulation for the society’s continued ownership of Krsna Valley’s lands in the interim period until we are again reregistered. In short we risk losing Krsna Valley with no pasture for our cows or land to grow our food. I therefore request that you sign the online petition—link below—and forward this message to as many people as possible who would also petition against this injustice. Thank you. Sivarama Swami.
this is new vrajadhama
Hare krsna devotees chant at occupy
monkpunk: lol!

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Sri Lalita Devi praises Srimati Radhika: 
"O girl whose restless eyes are eager to look at everything, O girl whose body is the abode of a splendor and playfulness even the shadow of which cannot be found anywhere in the three worlds..." (Sri Vidagdha Madhava, 33e) O lady who always stands by the side of Sri Krsna, please always bless us with Your incomparable darsana.
by jamie from hamilton nz
izaak chanting, tirtha making koftas and dale serving prasadam at merideth
catering at merideth music festival
some sneaky sticker sadhus
The Loft will be closed for the holiday season from Friday the 23rd of December, untill Sunday the 22nd January. We hope you have a happy and safe summer break, and look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
jesus in india - this was very interesting
Amala Harinam Das Kirtana
nickthejam: You exist, but do you live?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Monday 12 December 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Somehow or Other We Must Awaken Them uploaded from Mauritius The entire world is sleeping in the lap of illusion, and therefore everyone is suffering uncountable miseries unnecessarily. So somehow or other we must awaken them from their stupor and bring them back to their original, natural state of enlightened consciousness, know as Krishna consciousness. For this purpose we must accept all available means, whatever is the most practical, for bringing the attention of the world population back to the essence of their existence, namely to be always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sankarshan Das Adhikari On Mauritius National Radio--10 December 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Achieve the Ultimate Goal? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would like to humbly ask the following questions: What are the required conditions at different stages: 1) for getting started, 2) continuing progress, and 3) achieving the desired goal--in the abhyasa/ practice of awakening transcendental consciousness? How to get adequate energy, good health, and proper attitude for positive pursuit of the practice? Yours in yoga Janardan M. Answer: Take Shelter of Guru Now and Obey Him The proper time for everyone to begin the process of spiritual awakening is immediately because death can come at any moment no matter what age we are. For making continual process one must take shelter of the lotus feet of the bona fide spiritual master. If one faithfully follows all of his instructions, he will in due course achieve the highest perfection by the combined mercy of Guru and Krishna. To have adequate energy and good health for the process of spiritual awakening one should chant at least 16 rounds daily of the Hare Krishna mantra on japa mala beads and strictly avoid illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling. One should also study the revealed scriptures on a regular daily basis. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Thought for the Day on Facebook: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address
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