This is a special announcement for all the disciples, students, and followers of Sri Sankarshan Das Adhikari. Today is his appearance day or birthday. The proper way to observe the appearance day of the spiritual master is to fast until noon and then to partake of a feast which has been especially prepared for him and offered to him at noon. On this day one should also offer an arati to the spiritual master at noon after offering him his appearance day feast. One should offer words of devotion to the spiritual master. Each year offerings to the spiritual master are compiled into a special Vyas Puja homage book. On this day, the followers, students, and disciples should read the many wonderful offerings that have been combined together to make this book. Here is the link to the book. Srila Prabhupada ki jaya! Srila Gurudeva ki jaya! Ultimate Self Realization Course Staff
You will never be the same again. Govindas’ Sydney have embarked upon a Friday night concert series. Hari Bhakti recently headlined the first concert and Sri Prahlada and the Bhakti band set fire to the place last night.
Catch the many outstanding kirtan acts from Australia and around the world who will appear to give you the opportunity to blow the cobwebs from your minds an the dust from your hearts. Nothing compares to calling out the names of the divine, dancing your feet off and meeting up with old friends and new.
Get ready to see Wild Man Tribhi unleashed, unchained, and unhinged, Carmella Baynie – Queen of Australia Kirtan, the voice – Hari Bhakti, and a conga line of incredible visiting acts of excellence who travel to Sydney, all with the intention of filling your hearts with joy.
Chanting Mantras in the association of others is a powerful and ancient method of deepening and expanding your spritual like. In fact in the current age of Kali it is said that there is no other way. If you dont have the time to spend years in deep meditation, if you don’t have the resiliance to torture your mind and body with ascetic practices, then singing and clapping and dancing in ecstasy might be the thing you need. See you there.
Because it's India when you walk along and because people respect the saffron cloth they will put palms together and wish you a good day. Because it's India you might find a well-crafted sand sculpture of massive Ganesh set in the sand of Juhu beach(which I reverently circumambulated). Because it's India you may bump into a young Brahmin by the name of Shastri who is also walking at an early hour, memorizing verses from Gita.
This and more is what make me melt in my heart being in the place of Dharma and a culture of its own kind. It's sad that much of the deep values become buried under the influence of Kali-Yuga of darkness.
Traces of piety still linger but with the fast approaching I-centered lifestyle you wonder how long it takes before India loses a total grip on order, sometimes referred to as dharma. At lunch a few of us around age 60 were talking about the more innocent times of the fifties when we grew up in the North America. One devotee, Tamohara, from Florida, remarked how people find it puzzling that he's been happily married for forty plus years. Being an expert in family counseling and having some facts down he said that particularly in '72 stats show that in North America the divorce rates escalated.
In any event, our discussion entailed the co-relation between degradation and the disintegration of the family. Tamohara added another comment saying that stats confirmed that with industrialization when women entered the work-force, that was also the time of less inter-dependency. "Just in our life-time we've seen so much decline", he said.
There are plenty of dark signs out there that are symptomatic of various forms of deterioration. Much damage is done. What to do?
We need to look to a regeneration of things and insert into our own individual lives a spiritual rejuvenation. Band aid mundane methods have failed society. May India take the lead in a spiritual resurgence and if not, perhaps its diaspora may.
With all your years of coaching, what have you found is the number one obstacle to change?
Ego. I am not dealing with all humans, I am dealing with a small subset of humans who are people running large corporations. These people are great achievers and they are used to winning. And they try to win and be right and present themselves in a positive way, because that is what you need to do to become a success. The problem is when you get to the top, you have to quit doing that. One of the great leaders I have ever met is Alan Mulally, the CEO of Ford. He said, "Leadership is not about me. It's about them." And that is hard. For a great achiever, everything is about me; for a great leader, everything is about them. It's a very hard transition--making a transition from a great individual achiever, a smart person, who is successful in their own right, usually technically competent at something, and then gets promoted higher up.
On September 28, New Vrindaban held a retirement party for Betty Hickey who, since 1985, has cultivated the Palace Rose Garden. The garden has over one hundred varieties of roses and over 850 rose plants, and attracts thousands of pilgrims and visitors every year.
Besides cultivating roses, Betty has cultivated hundreds of devotees and visitors with her warm heart, gentle nature, and no-nonsense attitude. "I have made so many wonderful friendships over the years," said Betty at her retirement party.
Betty was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, and has lived in the local community her entire life. "My entire family – my parents, my brother Bob, everyone – was always friendly with the devotees in New Vrindaban," recalled Betty. Many devotees spoke lovingly about Jim, Betty's late husband, who had worked in New Vrindaban's Maintenance Department for many years.
Betty will retire at the end of the 2011 gardening season. In 2012, she will provide consulting services for the crew of gardeners who will continue to maintain the Palace Rose Garden and other annual flower gardens. "I will definitely be around next year," Betty assured the crew. "I will not be doing the hands-on work, but I will definitely be involved."
Please visit the Palace Rose Garden next year and take this final opportunity to meet one of the nation's experts in roses.
Hare Krsna dear devotees, here follows a very nice quote from the Harinama Cintamani by Srila Bhaktvinoda Thakur where he mentions the importance of avoiding the 10 offenses.
"By hearing the glories of the holy name, the last traces of false ego will dissipate, and the symptoms of a pure devotee will then blossom in his heart, and he will take to the six processes of surrender. He who finds complete shelter in the holy name is a great soul, for he becomes the recipient of the great treasure of Krsnaprema. The symptoms of one who is free from the ten namaparadhas In being warned to avoid the ten offenses to the holy name of the Lord, one is actually being ordered to positively implement the specific saintly qualities that render these aparadhas impossible. Therefore, one must: not criticize but serve the saintly Vaisnavas; worship Krsna as the Absolute Supreme Lord; give full respect to the spiritual master who initiates one into the holy name; regard the scriptures that reveal the glories of the holy name as preeminent; know within the heart that the holy name is eternally situated in pure transcendence; root out and destroy the desire to commit sins; preach the glories of the holy name only to the faithful; give up ritualistic pious activities entirely; chant with full attention and surrender fully to the holy name."
Each week we will post a question to a panel of about two dozen clergy, laity and theologians, all of whom are based in Texas or are from Texas. They will chime in with their responses to the question of the week. And you, readers, will be able to respond to their answers through the comment box.
First, we had the Tea Party movement. Now, we have the Occupy Wall Street movement. Both are citizen-driven efforts to get our leaders' attention.
At this point, though, it is hard to grasp what precisely drives the Occupy movement. New York Timescolumnist David Brooks described it this way:
"If there is a core theme to the Occupy Wall Street movement, it is that the virtuous 99 percent of society is being cheated by the richest and greediest 1 percent. This is a theme that allows the people in the 99 percent to think very highly of themselves. All their problems are caused by the nefarious elite. Unfortunately, almost no problem can be productively conceived in this way."
Here, then, is the question for this week:
How do you interpret the Occupy movement? What do you think it says about American society?
NITYANANDA CHANDRA DAS, minister of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), Dallas
The Occupy movement is opposed to the support of selfishness. Selfishness is a by-product of a civilization that is devoid of spiritual vision.
It is caused by maya, the illusory conception of the self. Under maya's influence, we misconceive the body as the self and thus we accept various types of identities. Caucasian, African-American, Chinese, Republican, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, and so on are all based around the temporary body and temporary situations. This is contrasted with the fact that we are all eternal, beyond the body.
Just as polishing a cage does not satisfy the hunger of the bird, so the needs of the self cannot be fulfilled by one chasing the desires of the body.
The general tendency in modern society is to look for material solutions. However, this selfishness that is being protested is not a material issue but rather a spiritual problem. Without understanding where we are, an eternal spirit soul, we cannot venture towards our desired destination, which is peace and happiness.
January 1997 was a time of serious introspection. In hindsight I would say it was a fast-forwarding of Krishna’s mercy, a breakthrough.
On the 13 January I watched a television documentary on John Paul Getty. His life both extraordinary and sad. He was wealthy but poor in spirit. On one occasion he had a servant present his son with a $1.50 invoice for eating a hamburger at Getty’s home! I watched the grainy black-and-white figure in the documentary work through about 20 locks to get into his house! A house that looked more like Fort Knox than a home. All aspirations in me to become Alexander the great were crushed.
I carried on with my strict regimen of swimming and exercise in January and February. My notebooks contained aphoristic entries such as – selfhood involves a sloughing off of illusion. Around this time, I saw another documentary about a cold-hearted hitman named Klukinsky. Klukinsky left his family at the dinner table on Christmas day to go out on “business”. He froze the bodies of his victims in freezer-containers so the forensic detectives would be unable to ascertain when they had died. When the judge asked him why he had killed so many people he gruffly replied, ‘It was business’. The interviewer asked him if he had ever regretted his actions. Klukinsky replied, ‘I can’t change yesterday’. Then he paused. There was an occasion where he felt a little bad. He was about to kill a man with a chainsaw when he called out, ‘Jesus! Jesus! Save me Jesus! Oh, Lord Jesus, save me!’ Klukinsky said, ‘After that, I found it difficult to finish my work’.
On the 9th of February I read from the Book Of Daniel. The Angel Gabriel told Daniel, ‘I am here to tell you what is written in The Book Of The Future‘. I took it that The Book Of The Future dealt with the ‘extended present’ of the Eternity and not really past, present and future as we know it. That night I dreamt of two large volumes, with gilded Roman lettering - The Book Of Jewels and The Ancient Book. I found out later that later that The Bhagavad-gita is sometimes called the ‘Jewel of the Vedas’; and the Srimad Bhagavatam is called Bhagavata Purana or the ‘Ancient History of God’.
On 11 February 1997, I decided to give up eating meat for Lent. On the 12th of February, I meta Hare Krishna monk, Nicholas. Nicholas had a book table outside the Standard Bank in Rondebosch. When I told him I had become a vegetarian the day before, he gave me a copy of the Hare Krishna cookbook, The Higher Taste. He also gave me a book called The Science Of Self Realization. He answered my questions about the devotees’ lifestyle. I was impressed by their simplicity. They shared rooms and slept on camping-mats. They chanted the Hare Krishna mantra ‘all the time’ and served God in all their actions. I wanted to know more.
A classic inquiry that I sometimes receive, which may run through many married devotees minds at times, revolves around how to deal with the difficulties of practicing spiritual life with the hectic demands of a family. Some fantasize that if they lived in the spiritual atmosphere of an ashram, their lives would be much happier, simpler, and spiritual. If you feel overwhelmed in your business and family, I can empathize with your frustration, since I also had a hectic, stressful work life, with the uncertainties of being a parent. In my experience, there are always difficulties even in the best occupation or family, but an active spiritual life will give you added strength to deal with them and to see your circumstances in a spiritual light.
By Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies for on 21 Oct 2011
"Early this year, at the point in northern India where the Yamuna River empties into the Ganges, several hundred people set out on a six-week protest march. The surprising thing, at least to untutored Western eyes, was that the leaders of the Yamuna march were not primarily political activists", says a Yale University study.
1947 October 21: "We have decided to open a manufactory branch in Berhampur. The bearer of this letter is a messenger on our behalf and we shall be thankful if you will kindly let us know the following points per bearer. Abhay Charan De, Director in chief, Vimaltone Laboratories Ltd." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64
1968 October 21: "To feel separation from the Spiritual Master is very good position. That means one who is in pure love with Krishna and His Representative, Spiritual Master, he thinks always of Them. And this thinking process is Krishna consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "You are now three. One can play mrdanga and two can play cymbals and chant nicely. We are more or less concerned for preaching. It does not matter even if we have got a temple or not, but if the preaching work goes on that is a great satisfaction." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "So far crying for Krishna is concerned, as we go on chanting Hare Krishna, in the pure status, we shall be on the loving platform and at that time, we shall feel the greatest separation from the Lord. These are all transcendental existential understandings." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "In separation one relishes the loving relationship more tasty. So don't be disappointed that you are separated from me, I am also always thinking of you. And I am always expecting your letters that you have opened a center and how you are working very nicely." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "Girls or boys lecturing doesn't make any difference. Either may deliver lecture. We have no such distinction of bodily designations, male or female. Anyone following in this line of disciplic succession, can deliver lecture." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "Thank you very much for writing me. I am very poor and I have nothing to return for your loving service, but I can simply pray to Krishna for your gradual advancement in Krishna Consciousness. And that is the best blessing we can have in this material existence." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "If you can increase the offerings it is very nice, there is no harm. Krishna can eat unlimitedly, provided we can supply unlimitedly. But that is not possible for us therefore, we limit." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "If we can sell some copies of our publications, books and literature, and we can maintain our establishment, somehow, we shall think it is a great success. We don't want anything more. Neither we want any big bank balance." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 October 21: "Ice cream purchased from the market may not be offered. We must offer to Krishna only first class prepared foodstuff made at home. We shall try to avoid as far as possible offering to Krishna goods purchased from the market." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1970 October 21: "I am very much anxious to hear what you are doing there and how many life members have been made since my departure? How many you have made and how many Acyutananda has made? So kindly send me immediately a general report." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1970 October 21: "Regarding our Indian centers, it is already decided that in Bombay we must have a center first and negotiation is going on. If we cannot open many centers in India, at least one center must be opened in Bombay before we go back to the States." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
By Contributor for Religious News Services on 21 Oct 2011
Over 260 diverse faith communities and leaders have now signed on to a statement of solidarity with the "spirit" of Occupy Wall Street, girding the month-old movement with a "moral and spiritual statement in support of a new democratic energy," according to Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper, Sr. Minister at Judson Memorial Church.
Everyone is in search of freedom and love, but very often our actions imprison us instead of making us free, and we suffer instead of loving.
Love and freedom are the signs of triumph that shows we make realizations by listening and following the voice that we hear from within: the voice of consciousness. The same voice resounds in the prisons, in the hospitals, in the innocent children's hearts and in the life of tired elderly people and it reminds us of the real purpose of life: to evolve in order to become aware of our divine nature and learn to love.
Without freedom, without love, without forgiveness and compassion, the human being is no more than a spiritual dwarf: he may walk but certainly he does not fly, he may stutter or speak, but certainly his heart does not sing because he does not know the joy of the people who live in harmony within themselves, with the others, with the whole world.
Power intimidates people, whereas compassion generates love. By forgiving the person finds the divine power and relieves oneself from attachments, resentments and feelings of guilt, anger and revenge. The one who forgives is able to love and enjoys love of the others.
Once again today's Vaishnava calendar has a festival date marked. The appearance day of Sri Virabhadra. There may not be a grand festival at the local temple but we can take a few minutes to learn the meaning of this day. So once again we turn to the authentic source provided to us by Srila Prabhupada. In Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-lila we find the glorification of Sri Vīrabhadra Gosāñi.
CC Ādi 11.8: After Nityānanda Prabhu, the greatest branch is Vīrabhadra Gosāñi, who also has innumerable branches and subbranches. It is not possible to describe them all.
[An excerpt from the purport] Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura writes in his Anubhāṣya, "Vīrabhadra Gosāñi was the direct son of Śrīla Nityānanda Prabhu and a disciple of Jāhnavā-devī. His real mother was Vasudhā. In the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (67) he is mentioned as an incarnation of Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. Therefore Vīrabhadra Gosāñi is nondifferent from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
CC Ādi 11.9: Although Vīrabhadra Gosāñi was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He presented Himself as a great devotee. And although the Supreme Godhead is transcendental to all Vedic injunctions, He strictly followed the Vedic rituals.
CC Ādi 11.10: He is the main pillar in the hall of devotional service erected by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. He knew within Himself that He acted as the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu, but externally He was prideless.
CC Ādi 11.11: It is by the glorious mercy of Śrī Vīrabhadra Gosāñi that people all over the world now have the chance to chant the names of Caitanya and Nityānanda.
CC Ādi 11.19: When Vāsudeva Ghoṣa described Lord Caitanya and Nityānanda while performing kīrtana, even wood and stone would melt upon hearing it.
Drawing on lessons and anecdotes collected over his lifetime, writer Meir Ribalow ’66 offered students advice on grades, money, success, failure and other topics at an assembly on May 6.
Ribalow interspersed his maxims with colorful stories that met with frequent laughter and a standing ovation from the crowd of of students, faculty and his own classmates who were on campus for their 45th reunion.
Here are a few highlights:
On wisdom:
“Most of you are smart. Some of you are even smarter than that. Congratulations—and get over it. Being smart is useful, but it doesn’t mean much unless it evolves into wisdom. Think of it this way: A smart person knows how to get out of a situation that a wise person would never have gotten into in the first place.”
On grades:
Joking that he was the “only Exeter student in history” to earn an advanced placement in Latin at Princeton after receiving an E-Squared (Gosh’s note: an E = an F at Exeter) in the subject while at Exeter, Ribalow said:
“The grade itself, however glittering, is fundamentally meaningless. What is meaningful is what it represents, which is the level of work that enabled that grade to be given in the first place. The point is there is a critical distinction between accomplishment and recognition.”
On pursuing your passions:
“I am a great believer in the primacy of passion, not only because it makes sense to live that way, but because it makes no sense to live any other way.”
“The reason I suggest following your bliss is not because you’re guaranteed to be rich or happy if you do, but because you’re likely to be miserable if you don’t. I’m not encouraging you all to run out and revel without a pause; I’m just saying that carpe diem is a better way to live than carpe per diem.”
“If you find a deep sense of fulfillment in being an architect, an actress, a writer, a shoemaker, then don’t give it up for a job that bores you just because that job pays more money. What career could possibly be more dead-end than one that’s dead at its beginning?”
On money:
“What is it finally? It’s little pieces of paper, coated with chlorophyll. You can’t eat it. You can’t drink it. It doesn’t even make a great bookmark. It’s only good for buying things. It serves its purpose, but is it worth living for?”
On defining success and failure:
“No one owes you fame, fortune, or their definition of success. But no one can stop you from living by your own notion of accomplishment.”
“I seem to have spent my entire life figuring out what I most wanted to do–what I would find most fulfilling–then found a way to have someone to pay me to do it. I’m not saying it’s easy to do, but I can tell you one true thing: Whatever regrets I have are from something I didn’t try, not anything I attempted unsuccessfully.”
“So if you do have a dream, please stay true to it. The world is full of people who will discourage you for free. You don’t need to help them do it.”
In closing, Ribalow read excerpts of “Sanctuary,” a poem featured in his upcoming collection, Chasing Ghosts (read the full poem here).
If we can speak, we can sing. If we can move, we can dance. We are the answer to our prayers.
We choose our paths, seek shelter from our storms. But only within ourselves will we find sanctuary.
Meir Ribalow ’66 is an internationally published poet, playwright and novelist. He is also an artist-in-residence at Fordham University and the founding artistic director of New River Dramatists, a creative retreat for writers. He has a new play in print (his fourth), a soon-to-be-published poetry collection and a novel due out this fall. ue out this fall.
Orion Horton Henderson, Top Brass @ Horton Brasses Hardware
Yes, I shill for Horton Brasses. But that’s because, since using their hardware in my first kitchen remodel and loving the hardware and the personalized customer service, I’ve been their #1 fan. Corny, I know. But when a brand wins my heart, baby I’m yours!
My latest celebrity interview is with Orion himself! It’s way more interesting than you would think an interview with a cabinet hardware manufacturer would be, partially because I ask such provocative questions and partially because Orion and his business are just really interesting subjects.
Honestly, I think Orion is a gem and I always love talking with him. Conversations with Orion make me feel like I’m auditing a really good class in an MBA program. If you are interested in small business in America and keeping the personal touch in an increasingly depersonalized online world, keep reading.
In various parts of the world, we see demonstrations against various governments' austerity measures and increased taxes.
Srimad Bhagavatam, written by Srila Vyasadeva 5,000 years ago predicts.
SB 12.2.8 - Losing their wives and properties to such avaricious and merciless rulers, who will behave no better than ordinary thieves, the citizens will flee to the mountains and forests.
SB 12.2.9 - Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers and seeds. Struck by drought, they will become completely ruined.
We see how this predictions is gradually coming to be true. There are more and more taxes and more and more pressure on people, who protest.
But demonstrations and violence will not help improve the situation.
We learn from our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada as follows:
In the modern democratic states the citizens can have no cause for grievances, because the whole administration is conducted by the people themselves. If the people themselves are dishonest, the administrative machinery must be corrupt. If the people are not good they cannot have good government, regardless of which party governs the administration.
Therefore good character in the consciousness of the mass of people is the first principle necessary for a good government and equal distribution of wealth.
In ancient days the kings were taught lessons in political philosophy by ideal teachers, and the citizens from village to village were taught the principles of self-realization according to the Vedic codes for both the material and the spiritual upliftment of society. Therefore the citizens were God conscious and honest in their dealings, and the kings were responsible for the welfare of the state.
Therefore, the people today suffer on account of their own folly. And what is that folly?
Obedience is the first law of discipline. The people have become disobedient to the laws of God, and therefore neither rain nor wealth is equally distributed. A man who is ultimately disobedient cannot have any good qualifications. When disobedient leaders lead the disobedient people, the whole atmosphere of the administration becomes polluted and full of dangers, as when a blind man leads other blind men.
In the ancient book of wisdom Bhagavad-gita it is said that people should perform yajnas, or sacrifices for the satisfaction of the Supreme. The Supreme is all-pervading. Therefore people must learn to perform yajnas to satisfy the all-pervading Supreme Truth.
There are different yajnas prescribed for different ages, and in the present age of iron industry the yajna that enlightens the mind of the masses for God consciousness is recommended. This process of yajna is called the sankirtana-yajna, or large-scale chanting of the holy names of God for invoking our lost spiritual consciousness. When this process is taken up seriously and sincerely through spiritual singing, dancing, and feasting, the people will become more peaceful, obedient and honest.
The state taxes, therefore, should be spent to perform this simple and easy process and to build the character of the people in general by training them to live and act in the mode of goodness, in line with natural or God's laws and teachings. That will bring happiness to the citizens of the world states and better, caring leadership.
I attended the recent samadhi ceremony and memorial service for Gopiparanadhana Prabhu at Govardhan. It was an emotional ceremony, full of memories of a most dedicated servant of Srila Prabhupada. I also had the fortune to visit the apartment next to the Govardhan Palace where he left this world