"...His gopas are sweet, His cows are sweet, His cane is sweet, His creation is sweet, His victory is sweet, His accomplishment is sweet. Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness."
(Madhurastakam) Sri Sri Radha Ballabha's mercy is so sweet as to offer us Their darsana everyday.
1967 November 12: "Follow my example as I did in the beginning. That is preaching - cooking, writing, talking, chanting - everything a one man show. Be advised that thousands of centers may be started if we find out one sincere soul for each & every center." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
1968 November 12: "We have no qualification of our own; it is simply by the merciful glance of this Most Munificent Appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that we have been given the chance to serve Radha and Krishna."
1973 November 12: "Now introduce Ratha Yatra. That was my childhood activity. I want to see my disciples all over the world introduce two items, opening Radha-Krishna temples and Ratha-yatra festivals. Do this under the protection of Guru-Gauranga."
1975 November 12: "The jiva-atma is the superior particle and these other particles are all inferior. So this is their business, to discover the inferior particles and neither have they discovered the superior particle which is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair. Simply they are wasting their time."
1975 November 12: "This preaching and managing of the sankirtana parties is our real business. I have personally trained you in so many things, so now it is your responsibility to train others. Otherwise what is the meaning of my training you?"
Radhanatha Swami, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a Bhakti Yoga Pracitioner for nearly four decades was recently invited to speak at the House of Commons, the UK Parliament. Radhanatha Swami's autobiography "The Journey Home" has inspired thousands of readers around the world and today, he travels all over the world giving talks at various banks, universities and business corporations.
Check out the highlights and audience reaction from his talk at the UK Parliament.
6. “Dharma of Women” Conference “inspired by their discussions on the COM conference ‘Dharma of Women’” Please see Section 2 and read several inspiring texts from Vaisnavis who, through membership on this conference, have grown to appreciate Vedic culture and have learned how to follow their dharma as women. Here are some excerpts: “I am convinced that Dharma of Women conference is essential to our movement, not just for the women but for everyone.” “I just also wanted to mention that I liked your contributions to the ‘Dharma of Women’ conference. I am a member of this conference and I generally like what I read there and also try to follow the many good advices I get there.” “Recently you posted a letter about Draupadi and her qualities. I printed it up and hung it in a high traffic area in my house. I thought it was a very good set of things to live by, although my American conditioning should have told me different!:)…However, every relationship I have seen, the women were very pushy and loud and disrespectful to their men, and the men left or were unfaithful. I am the only one who was not feeling that woman’s lib thing and here I am married almost seven years and going strong, while most of my ‘liberated, career minded’ old friends have kids with no father. Why? Because I respect my man and treat him like a man and my teacher and the leader of this house, and I act like the woman of this house….Draupadi didn’t feel degradation or humiliation in doing her duties why should we?” “One last thing. Before I started trying to be a flea on the dog of a devotee, I was never surrendered to my husband, and considered men and women equal. But after reading the glory, love, and reverence of many of the ladies in the scriptures, and their sense of duty, I was simply entranced and amazed. I never knew being in this position could be so powerful. How very sad for those who read these stories, and turn their nose up while they mutter about being equal. We didn’t get a woman’s body for nothing, we got it for some reason. Perhaps to learn to surrender? Hmmmmmmm………” “I’m a member of your conference Dharma of Women. This conference helped me a lot to realize what a fool I was (and probably still am). I have been thinking all my life that women have to be equal to men. What a nonsense. I realized that now thanks to you and other wonderful devotees on DOW. Specially Mataji Jayasri helped me a lot to realize some things. I realized that all “fights” I had with my husband were all due to my wanting to be independent and in charge of everything.” “My opinion is this: most women who are truly chaste, shy, and a good Vedic example (not me) are too busy in their womanly duties and too shy to come out and write . However, this is a goal, no matter how lofty, that I want to achieve, to be such a woman. My life has improved a thousand times, and so has my marriage, since I have attempted to be more surrendered to my home and husband. And he in turn has never been more surrendered to me, while being my strong protector.” “Though we are not the body, we do HAVE a body. And since we have a woman’s body, we HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS prescribed in Vedic culture and which have been INSTITUTED IN VEDIC CULTURE and which has been accepted by all acharyas including Srila Prabhupada for what a woman can do and what she cannot do. It’s simple.” Comments by women about the International Women’s Conference (IWC) “Actually, I cannot stand the womenlibs. I am also in their conference [IWC], just to be informed what they are thinking and what ideas they have. Most of their ideas I do not like at all. They have some good intentions, like prevention of child abuse, but their general philosophy…I cannot agree with it.” “When I joined IWC, I had great hopes of hearing women’s perspective of becoming Krsna conscious and developing our devotional mood. But, in my humble opinion, most of the discussions are grounded in material considerations and aspirations. This is not why I came to Krsna consciousness. I have had my fill of this materially centered nonsense, and am seeking higher goals.” 7. Strategically renamed “recently strategically renamed ‘Dharma of Men and Women’” Here is another example of “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” using a deliberately deceptive word. Indeed, why has he chosen this word? We suggest that his purpose is to portray the members of “Dharma of Men and Women” (DMW) conference as insincere, cynical, and duplicitous. Factually, the name of the conference was changed so as to more accurately reflect the subject matter being discussed therein. But “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” misleads the reader to believe that the organizers of DMW are actually ill-intentioned persons motivated by malicious, ulterior motives. 8. Women not acting according to Vedic principles “they tried to explain many current ISKCON problems as being due to women not acting according to Vedic principles.” This is a complete misrepresentation by “Ardhabuddhi Dasa.” The real situation can be understood by examining the texts in Section 4, of which the following is a small sample: “Here is one comment I received from a senior devotee (name withheld): > > It’s Kali yuga–what can be done? The “womyn” don’t want to be >>“women”. And the men don’t want to be responsible. > > This is an important point. It is not that it is just woman who have to > follow Vedic Dharma and not the men. Both have to, with the men >leading. It wont work if just the women are made to follow but the >men do nothing.” To this text and a number of others, a woman made the following response: “I also, incidentally, was able to read Shyamasundara’s comments and agree with him – he is also offering a very balanced viewpoint on this conference, what I’ve seen of it.” “The more we develop a spiritual atmosphere the more conducive a relationship will prevail. The sweetness about the Vedic culture is that it is based on love and trust. When that mood prevails then all these unpleasant competitions will disappear. Ultimately we have to create Vrindavan atmosphere and we can see how the residents of Vrindavan relate to each other. Similarly, during Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time the residents of Navadwip experienced such sweet exchanges among themselves. The main point is that by nature’s arrangements men develop certain characteristics and women also develop their own. According to the Vedic description, man is like a tree and a woman is like is like a creeper and it is with the support of the tree that a creeper rises high. Therefore the most important consideration is that men and women behave according to their own nature. Any unnecessary competition will be artificial and hurt us individually and collectively.” We suggest that “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” is purposely misrepresenting the actual position of GHQ to defame and bring harm upon us. 9. Selective use quotes “These men have been known to selectively use quotes by Srila Prabhupada, Manu Samhita and Chanakya Pandit to blame everything from divorce to wife abuse on the women’s attitudes and behaviors.” Since Ameyatma Prabhu has already fully dealt with this topic in his recent rebuttal of the “GHQ Conspiracy” expose, we direct the gentle reader to the GHQ website where it is posted. We shall approach the subject from a different angle. The fact is that these quotes of Srila Prabhupada and other sastras do exist, and despite “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” disliking them, they will not cease to exist: tato vinihsvasya sati vihaya tam sokena rosena ca duyata hrda pitror agat straina-vimudha-dhir grhan premnatmano yo ‘rdham adat satam priyah TRANSLATION Thereafter Sati left her husband, Lord Siva, who had given her half his body due to affection. Breathing very heavily because of anger and bereavement, she went to the house of her father. This less intelligent act was due to her being a weak woman. PURPORT According to the Vedic conception of family life, the husband gives half his body to his wife, and the wife gives half of her body to her husband. In other words, a husband without a wife or a wife without a husband is incomplete. Vedic marital relationship existed between Lord Siva and Sati, but sometimes, due to weakness, a woman becomes very much attracted by the members of her father’s house, and this happened to Sati. In this verse it is specifically mentioned that she wanted to leave such a great husband as Siva because of her womanly weakness. In other words, womanly weakness exists even in the relationship between husband and wife. Generally, separation between husband and wife is due to womanly behavior; divorce takes place due to womanly weakness. The best course for a woman is to abide by the orders of her husband. That makes family life very peaceful. Sometimes there may be misunderstandings between husband and wife, as found even in such an elevated family relationship as that of Sati and Lord Siva, but a wife should not leave her husband’s protection because of such a misunderstanding. If she does so, it is understood to be due to her womanly weakness. SB 4.4.3 There are many other purports like this. As we shall see, the feminists would literally like all such statements to be removed from Srila Prabhupada’s books and so that they are “sanitized.” And it should be apparent by the time you finish reading this document that “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” himself is quite a master of the selective use of quotes. We now request our gentle reader to see Section 6, which graphically shows how “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” edited texts for his own designs. In this section we show three examples wherein he has cut and pasted GHQ texts to our disadvantage. Comparing the redactions to the originals, the reader will note three things: - “Ardhabuddhi Dasa’s” rendering of those texts casts GHQ members as villains, whereas the original version shows the foibles of the purvapaksins .
- “Ardhabuddhi Dasa’s” versions are meant to hide the identity of someone.
- That someone is the same person in each case: Mother Madhusudani Radha dd.
Is there a connection? Why would “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” want to hide the identity of Madhusudani Radha dd from all these texts by editing her out? We suggest that there is very strong reason to believe that “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” (“‘Half-wit’ Dasa”) is actually a woman and should instead be called “Ardha-satya Dasi” (“‘Half-truth’ Dasi”). The author appears to belong to the Women’s Ministry and/or International Women’s Conference group. She appears to act not alone but under the direction of the Women’s Ministry. In the first instance “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” omitted the following piece of text which quotes Mother Madhusudani Radha dd (see Section 6.1 for complete context): “Here’s an example of what kind of response we can expect (Mad Radha re Basu Ghosh): >I want nothing to do with these over-zealous, arch conservative, >backwards, women-hating, oppressive people who give ISKCON a bad >name. I’ve engaged in too many discussions with them already. Tired >of it. Sick of it. We can deduce from this that they don’t want to discuss, no doubt because they are exposed each time. Thus the obfuscatory invectives. GHQ needs to present a comprehensive, balanced presentation that answers every claim of the feminazis with ample evidence from guru (Srila Prabhupada), sadhu and shastra. Let the feminazis know that we want to respect them as our worshipable mothers, but that they cannot expect or demand respect if they insist on taking the role of prostitutes. From the story of Mohini murti we find that even the demons did not want to enter into stri-vivada (argument with a woman). Might it not be better to discuss with the husbands of these women (if they have husbands, or even if they are on their fourth husband)?” Now it may be argued that when “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” wrote the “GHQ Conspiracy” expose, he omitted the above simply for the sake of brevity—-to cut extraneous matter, shorten the text, and make a more profound statement. But this appears not to be the actual case. “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” has criticized GHQ, saying that we described Vaisnavis in unkind terms; he also claimed that our decision to temper use of descriptive adjectives was insincere and duplicitous. But the above omitted text certainly would have been damaging to the reputation of one staunch feminist, Mother Madhusudani Radha dd, as it quotes her using harsh and obnoxious language towards men and women who oppose her. Morevoer, it indicates that such responses are typical of her and other women like her. “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” accuses us of slander, yet he and his kind are guilty of the very same act; and it now seems that they purposely hid this from the reader. “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” doesn’t want to include evidence of feminists slandering their opponents, because his intention is to portray his opponents as the offenders. Can he accomplish that purpose alongside evidence of women doing the same? Certainly not; therefore he flagrantly distorts the truth. Yet the fact remains that GHQ members agreed to halt speaking ill of Vaisnavis not for devious reasons, as the feminists suggest, but for purely philosophical reasons. We will show these reasons somewhat later on. Now we humbly request our gentle reader to see Section 6.2. Apparently this second editing was meant to conceal material very implicating to ISKCON feminists, and Mother Madhusudani Radha dd in particular. The following paragraph is what “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” has quoted: “I have thought of asking Bharata Srestha for all the texts sent to that conference during that time and then filtering out those of the variety that MR wrote. Could either of Guru-Krsna or Krishna Kirti Prabhus please get these texts. You are his god-brother and it would be less suspicious than if I asked. It would be important research.” We presume that the paragraph above is meant to show how the sender was looking for some “dirt” on Mother Madhusudani Radha dd, thus posing him as malicious. The complete text from which this small quote is taken is found in Section 6.2, but for the present we will deal with only a portion of that text–which “Ardhabuddi Dasa” wanted to hide because of its obviously incriminating nature: “I do have the latest report from the European women’s convention where they make such points as: “Two presentations were made, one by Radha dasi about a model for women’s participation in ISKCON from International Law and another one by >>Gaurangi dasi about the power of words and the correct understanding and use of certain expressions about women found in the sastras.<<“ This last point suggests that soon we will see very twisted interpretations of what Srila Prabhupada said about women. The following was sent to me by a nameless devotee who is member of the VAST forum in relation to Madhusudani Radha’s (hence forth MR) insistence that Srila Prabhupada’s books be changed because SP had “misconceptions” because he was culturally backward and not up to modern times: __________________ “Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I doubt if I have those texts to dig up. Perhaps the conference organizers, Brahmatirtha Prabhu (bobcohen@ivs.edu) or Bharata Srestha Prabhu (wwall@ivs.edu) will have them. Since her comments went to the whole conference, her views are not particularly secretive. I seem to remember that the discussion where she wrote about gender references in Srila Prabhupada’s books took place on the conference around March or April of 1998, though it could have been a little earlier than that. Again, the discussion was about whether to change Srila Prabhupada’s books for presentation in academic circles, especially with regards to altering passages with politically incorrect gender references. Mother Madhusudani Radha opined that these passages shouldn’t be changed merely as a preaching strategy, but because Srila Prabhupada had misconceptions, deriving from his cultural upbringing, about gender roles in society. If you want to put me on some conference as an observer, that’s okay with me. If it’s too much of a botheration, then I’ll get myself off the conference. I’m interested to hear what devotees are saying about so many topics, but my time is limited. Hare Krsna. Your servant, XYZ dasa” _____________________________ I have thought of asking Bharata Srestha for all the texts sent to that conference during that time and then filtering out those of the variety that MR wrote. Could either of Guru-Krsna or Krishna Kirti Prabhus please get these texts. You are his god-brother and it would be less suspicious than if I asked. It would be important research. The point is that if these feminists continue in their ascendancy they will force the BBT, that’s you Svasa Prabhu, to edit Srila Prabhupada’s books so that they are politically correct for the 90’s.” What do you, O gentle reader, think, now being aware of a drive by feminists to change Srila Prabhupada’s books in a way he never intended? And isn’t it even more disturbing to know that a member of VAST testifies that Mother Madhusudani Radha dd has declared that Srila Prabhupada’s books should be edited for political correctness because Srila Prabhupada had “misconceptions … about gender roles in society”? One devotee who read this recently immediately proclaimed it as “blasphemous.” Of course these days some tend to use the “b” word rather freely, but in the above case it is justly applicable. Perhaps this attitude of Mother Madhusudani Radha dd is a reason that so many followers of Srila Prabhupada are disturbed by her and other feminists. Or should serious followers of Srila Prabhupada not be disturbed by such radical and offensive notions? It is not surprising, therefore, that the above passage was excluded from the “GHQ Conspiracy” expose, as it would have exposed Mother Madhusudhani Radha dd as having seriously offended Srila Prabhupada. The disposition of ISKCON feminists regarding Srila Prabhupada and his books is very disturbing to lovers of Srila Prabhupada. Another devotee wrote: “Don’t let this out, but one of the most disturbing things I saw in my life was a post on VAST, by a highly intelligent scholar in a highly respected U.S. University who seriously suggested editing out all of the sexist statements from Prabhupada’s books.” (6.3) The organizers of the VAST conference are clearly relieved that all the texts relating to the period when these discussions were held have been erased (6.3). “Mercifully, by Krishna’s arrangement, the texts from December 1997 to April 1998 vanished in a COM system crash.” But their relief may be short-lived; for other VAST members have promised to organize other damaging texts for release. These texts will demonstrate the offensive mood of feminists regarding Srila Prabhupada and his books. Now we humbly direct our gentle reader’s attention to Section 6.4. “Ardhabuddhi Dasa’s” version excludes a considerable length of text bearing correspondence between Krishna-kirti Dasa and Mother Madhusudani Radha dd. In the unedited text Krishna-kirti Dasa plainly described how she related to him: “I am being viciously attacked by the Mad Radha and some slightly lighter shades of ISKCON liberalism on another conference.” Then he gave examples of her correspondence, which he described as “vituperative.” “Here’s a recent vituperative reply from Mad Radha regarding the use of the word ‘Mataji’” “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” deleted all this correspondence, most likely because it shows Mother Madhusudani Radha dd speaking directly to Krishna-kirti Dasa in a very unseemly manner whereas he remained very gentlemanly. She would evade an issue through assumptive comments or crude innuendoes, in order to win the discussion at all costs, even at the expense of truth. Mother Madhusudani Radha dd to Krishna-kirti Dasa: “Are you really that sexually agitated? No please don’t answer that, I don’t really want to know.” Many are pointing fingers at the members of GHQ but do not realize that three fingers are pointing back at themselves. At this point we would like to re-iterate the points covered in Article 9 so that our point is clear. In this section we have shown three examples wherein “Ardhbuddhi Dasa” has cut and pasted GHQ texts to our disadvantage. Comparing the redactions to the originals, the reader will have noted three things: - “Ardhabuddhi Dasa’s” rendering of those texts casts GHQ members as villains, whereas the original version shows the foibles of the purvapaksins .
- “Ardhabuddhi Dasa’s” versions are meant to hide the identity of someone.
- That someone is the same person in each case: Mother Madhusudani Radha dd.
These facts naturally lead to the following question: Could “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” and Mother Madhsudani Radha dd be one and the same person? At this time we don’t know. But it is our desire that a full investigation be made by the GBC to find out the identity of “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” and that they be punished for distorting the truth. 10. In a state of war “it is obvious that they considered themselves to be in a state of war.” We would now request our gentle reader to view Section 3. As pointed out by Ameyatma Prabhu the militaristic tone that was sometimes used on GHQ initially was actually borrowed from ISKCON “militant” feminists. They are known to address one another with military titles, as can readily be seen in this letter from “Private Visakha” to “Generalji” (believed to be Mother Malati dd). This text was accidentally sent by “Private” Mother Visakha dd to Mother Sita Dasi dd, who then forwarded a copy to GHQ members. It was posted also on the (then) DOW forum for public consumption. We have deleted the mid-portion of the text. (It can still be retrieved from DMW.) Please note how “Private Visakha” accuses Jivan Mukta Dasa of beating his wife, a typical ploy of feminists (to accuse all their opponents of being wife-abusers). What about abuse of the truth, as committed by “Ardhabuddhi Dasa” and the feminists per their obuscations of facts? What is remarkable about “Private Visakha’s” concern is that Mother Sita dd, the supposed possible target of Jivan Mukta’s frustrations, is an ardent opponent of feminism. Together, this husband-and-wife team are a potent force against the feminist heresy. Please also note a typical symptom of feminists is their approach of Srimati Radharani instead of Lord Krsna. We certainly hope this is not an abhorrence for males extending even to the spiritual level. Known to be integral to secular feminism is the prominent “goddesss cult,” in which sakti is regarded as superior to purusa. So absorbed are they in identification with their female bodies, that they prefer to worship Sakti rather than Purusa. This is not Vaisnavism. While there is doubtlessly transcendentally perfect loving exchange between Sri Sri Radha-Krsna (embodiment of the profoundest theology), the unauthorized elevation of Srimati Radharani smacks of the “goddess cult” so often associated with militant feminists. Letter COM:1652404 (159 lines) [W1] From: Internet: Jivan Mukta Dasa <btb@georgian.net> Date: 01-Sep-98 18:59 To: Shyamasundara (das) ACBSP [4101] Comment: Text COM:1654038 by Shyamasundara ACBSP Subject: ISKCON women calling themselves Generals and Privates ———————————————————— Check out this response today from Visakha to Malati: >Dearest Generalji, > >Dandavats. Srila Prabhupada, Srimati Radharani ki jaya!! > >My sincerest and deepest apologies for dragging you into the dialogue >with Mr & Mrs Mukta. Please forgive me. I had asked TKG for his >understanding of the GBC thing, and he sent me this copy of a letter >that he’d early sent to Pranada: > >April 15,1992 >ISKCON Dallas > >Dear Mother Pranada, > >Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I beg to >remembrances. I hope this meets you in the very best of health. . . . >Servant of the servant, >Tamal Krishna Goswami > >P.S. I mentioned the list tiitled “G.B.” in my book Servant of the >Servant, page 148, published in 1984. > >It appears that TKG is no longer exactly sure what Srila Prabhupada said >in the conversation. And therefore, in my book, we can politely discount >the conversation in trying to determine Srila Prabhupada’s desire re: >women GBC’s. Certainly we can totally discount it considering that a few >months after this conversation he appointed two women GBC’s. In any >event, although Mr Mukta is fervently desirous of us all following >Vaisnava etiquette, he is quite unable to follow it himself. I am now >the brunt of his forceful anger, and I worry that he is taking out his >frustrations on his wife physically. > >May Srimati Radharani guide and protect you in your journey back to Her. > >Please keep me informed as things evolve on your side. My thoughts are >with you. > >much love, the private >
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 11 Nov 2011  | With kirtan, the ancient call-and-response style of chanting God’s names, growing more and more popular all over North America and the world, kids are now getting their very own kirtan album.
Conquest for Satisfaction
Toronto, Ontario
I had the great privilege to cook breakfast, give a class on conquering God with love (bhakti) and then taking conquest over our drama and costume room. Years of stuff has been accumulated in the way of clothing, props, and whatever knick knacks and tools are related to productions of Krishna Conscious theatre.
I get requests all the time for scripts, background sound tracks, costumes to borrow and how to start a drama troupe for dummies. Assembling plays is a very big part of my life when you consider I keep going to all continents with productions. With theatre I feel practically the same adrenaline driven power in me as in the walking. I never seem to do enough of both.
Anyways I see these two forms of seva (service) as my offering to our guru, Srila Prabhupada. Both provide me with mercy or blessings. Both are very therapeutic.
Everyone of us has an illness, a serious disease. We are in the bodily concept of life, overwhelmed by ego and deeply infected by three gunas (modes of nature) as explained in the Gita. Fortunately there are cures, with one of the most important ones being, whatever you have as a gift, a skill, a propensity, use it in the higher service to God. Do not horde it for yourself. Engage your abilities and intelligence for that higher cause and become satisfied. Who isn't looking for satisfaction?
Since the dawn of man that has been our inclination- to be satisfied. I passed my day straightening-out and cleaning that drama room leaving no time for walking but I was content. I'm sure that I'm a far cry from conquering God.
0 Km
I Took A Break
Toronto, Ontario
I took a break from administrative duties to walk one of our brahmacaris (monks), Yogendra, to a spot for his meeting people on Bloor St. to interest them in books on spirituality. Upon arriving at the corner of Spadina, a chap came forward, drawn by the robes, and took interest. I proceeded back to the ashram. Not but one block away a couple of young women were raising awareness towards an organization called "Because I Am A Girl." It raises funds for women who need assistance particularly in areas of the world where attention is lacking. I was approached by one of the women. With her index finger in the air she indicated with a kind voice, "Just one minute!" So I stopped and listened. Her black binder with hot-pink writing entitled "Because I Am A Girl" sparked a question in my mind.
"What about the boys?" I asked in the least challenging tone. I added that women are treated quite second rate in developing countries. I mentioned to her that I see that in my travels. In the developed world, however, it is somewhat reversed. My opinion is at least in Canada most large-sized bill board images are of women. Men are usually the butt of jokes, legally they are at a disadvantage, and when it comes to decision making within a couple, the woman usually has the last say. The girl seemed to agree with what I said.
My plea with her was that I wish we could balance matters fairly. "That would be a perfect situation don't you think?"
She was gracious as a listener and I invited her to our temple dining room where we have fabulous vegetarian meals. After the dialogue I took off by foot-power to destinations; the ashram and Govindas Dining Hall.
I believe it always pays off to have a balanced diet in eating and in attitude. Extremes create indigestion.
10 KM
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 11 Nov 2011 | Two beautiful new bronze bas relief panels depicting the life, works and mission of ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada were revealed on October 29th, the day before his Disappearance Day, in his Samadhi, or mausoleum, in Vrindavana, India.
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.4.5 - One shouldn't imitate the exalted activities of Srila Sukadeva Goswami, who is a paramahamsa and an avadhuta.
THE FOLLOWING LECTURE ON SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM, CANTO 3, CHAPTER 24, THE RENUNCIATION OF KARDAMA MUNI, TEXT 44, WAS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CARU SWAMI IN ISKCON UJJAIN, INDIA ON 19th SEPTEMPER 2010. Transcription: Her Grace Ranga Radhika Dasi Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa Audio-reference : click here Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya [...]
4:23 A.M. Lord Caitanya said, “Since there is no fault at all in Krishna’s pastimes, why does the goddess of fortune become angry?” Svarupa Damodara replied, “It is the nature of a girl afflicted by love to become angry upon finding any neglect on the part of her lover.” While Svarupa Damodara and Lord Caitanya [...] Poem for November 11 is a post from: EVERY DAY
From Japa Walks, Japa Talks July 29 “Japa talk is impulsive; it doesn’t want to wait. It bursts into my japa on the walk. “I have to give it vent. Sometimes when I’m in my room chanting, I get a brilliant idea (or so it seems at the time). I stop chanting and write it [...] Selected Writings is a post from: EVERY DAY
Hare Krsna my devotees, I hope your week of chanting has been blessed and you have been able to experience the holy names in your life much deeper. Here follows a very beautiful quote by Rupa Goswami about the glories of the holy names to remind us of the importance of chanting with devotion, avoiding offenses. I bow down repeatedly to You, O holy name, whose rays dissipate all the sufferings of those who have taken shelter of You, who are the essence of delightful spiritual energy and joy, who are the eternal festival of the cowherd community. You are Krishna´s entire body. Namastakam 7
Wishing you have a great weekend by the Lord`s mercy.
your servant,
Aruna devi
Why is it that we are chanting and hearing and still experiencing material miseries?...because we are not actually chanting and hearing in a right way. Of course, we understand about the offences, that is a negative thing, what not to do. But we do not understand what to do.
What to do is more than just chanting with the lips. Bhaktivinod Thakur says that Hare Krishna mantra does not appear simply by chanting with the lips, moving the vocal cords but one has to chant with one's heart. One has to hear with one's heart and that is a very difficult thing to do.
Bir Krsna Goswami
In the face of all our apparent problems, mistakes, and perceived failings and shortcomings, it is absolutely essential to remember our spiritual identity as a soul who is part of Krishna. This spiritual understanding is the solution to all problems and is the success of our life. You aren’t that body—remember? Don’t get so caught up in life as to deny this, or please consider this view if you have never thought of applying it practically. Bodily identification which is created and fostered by false ego—that most insidious and subtle element—encourages us to defend our misconceptions, and thus causes all our conflicts with others and unhappiness. Rather than looking inward, we think we need to add things on to our lives for fulfillment—of course, this is good for the economy! read more
Yesterday concluded the month of Kartik, an auspicious month that is celebrated as a month to progress further in our spirituality. The month was dotted with various activities to help everyone take a closer look at their spiritual growth through morning Srimad Bhagavatam classes, Nectar of Devotion book club, themed Sunday Feasts and much more!
With all of this excitement, we wanted to ask you, our readers, for any of your experiences or realizations this past month. We would love to hear how this month has progressed for you!
Please leave us a comment!
Mitra das: "The amount of solar energy hitting the earth in 15 minutes is equal to all energy used since the beginning of the industrial revolution. How can we say there is an energy shortage? We simply need to learn to use what is available."Began Luke Staengl's presentation last year
Euro RGB: Minutes of the Euro RGB Meeting at Villa Vrindavana, Italy on 2-3 October of 2011
Sridama: A couple of devotees have submitted a movie proposal to "makemymovie.co.nz" contest with some interesting Vedic themes in an otherwise commercial storyline. They need to drum up some social media support which count as votes!
Once again, there has been a bit of a break in blogging. Last year the blog began during the month of kartik and over the 1 year period there were articles almost daily and some days multiple articles with very few breaks. However this kartik the blog fell behind with only a handful of posts.
Regular sadana takes priority before any blog posts. However in kartik we preach about the value of increased devotional service, reading, chanting and sankirtan and thus this past month we put into practice what we preach with increased chanting, reading, service to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar and taking Srila Prabhupada's personal instructions to preach to heart. This was very poignant on the weekend of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance where I had opportunities to preach and speak about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's message to folks not very familiar with Srila Prabhupada's mission while the kids distributed Srila Prabhupada's books.
I feel that Krishna indeed showers His mercy one thousand fold as His mercy manifests itself in unexpected but magnificent ways. So in this mood I share the pastimes of yesterday's arrival of Krishna Rasayatra. Yesterday, the glorious full moon night that ends Damodara month marked the last transcedental pastime of the month of Karttik, called Sri Krishna Rasayatra. This is similar to the Krishna's Rasa dance which takes place during Vasant.
To mark this pastime on the 2nd full moon of Karttik and the culmination of this special period, a yellow tinge is offered in dressing as well as extra flowers including jasmine. Also pots of khir are prepared and left for Krishna's pleasure and enjoyment under the clear moonlight.
We turn to Srila Prabhupada as he describes this pastime in an excerpt of his purport...
Thus hearing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, speaking to pacify them, the gopis became very much pleased. And not only by hearing His words, but also by touhing the hands and legs of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they became completely releaved from the great suffering of separation. After this, the Supreme Personality of Godhead began His rasa dance. When one dances in the midst of many girls, it is called a rasa dance. So Krsna began to dance among the most beautiful and fortunate girls within the three worlds. The gopis of Vrndavana, who were so attracted to Him, danced with Krsna, hand in hand.
Krsna's rasa dance should never be compared with any kind of material dance, such as a ball dance or a society dance. The rasa dance is a completely spiritual performance. In order to establish this fact, Krsna, the supreme mystic, expanded Himself in many forms and stood beside each gopi.Placing His hands on the shoulders of the gopis on both sides of Him, He began to dance in their midst. The mystic expansions of Krsna were not perceived by the gopis because Krsna appeared alone to each of them. Each gopi thought that Krsna was dancing with her alone. Above that wonderful dance flew many airplanes carrying the denizens of the heavenly planets, who were very anxious to see the wonderful dance of Krsna with the gopis. The Gandharvas and the Kinnaras began to sing, and, accompanied by their respective wives, all the Gandharvas began to shower flowers on the dancers.The rest of this lila can be found in chapter 33 of the Krsna book.
I hope all of you had a devotional month of Kartik and what better way to conclude then the meditations of Sri Krishna Rasayatra!
I am forever grateful to Srila Prabhupada who by his mercy and love has bound us to Damodar. I am grateful that in this auspicious month Srila Prabhupada used menial servants like myself and my family to render some service at the lotus feet of Lord Damodar.
Madhava Gosh: References required. Compensation Package: Salary & Accommodations Current US legal residents given preference Will work with ECOV, a New Vrindaban corporation dedicated to cow protection and agriculture
We found this interesting video that includes our very one Dr. Michael Cremo (Drutakurma Das) explaining the historical and spiritual significance of Vimanas. These are aircrafts that are depicted in many of the scriptures like the Srimad Bhagavatam.
We hope you enjoy!
By Tara Green for Natural News on 11 Nov 2011  | Quinoa is native to South America. The pre-Columbian Incas saw it as a sacred food, calling it chisaya mama (mother grain). They planted the first seeds of the season in religious ceremonies using golden tools. Depriving the people of quinoa was one of the means the Spanish used to conquer the Incas.
Train your mind, always Krsna conscious, and the method is simple. You donot require much education or university degree -- nothing of the sort. Simplyman-mana bhava mad-bhaktah: you just become devotee of Krsna and always thinkof Him. Where is the difficulty? You can walk on the street and remember Krsna.Is there any tax? No, the government will not ask you for any income tax, salestax, that "You are chanting Hare Krsna." They may do so. The time iscoming. (laughter) They may say, "The Hare Krsna people must be taxedthree times because they are chanting and doing nothing." The Communistgovernment will do that. So never mind. The tax will be sent by Krsna.(laughter) You haven't got to bother.
Srila Prabhupada
By Contributor for Hindu American Foundation on 11 Nov 2011  | It's time for American resident undergraduate and graduate students to apply to the Hindu American Foundation's (HAF) Congressional Internship Program for Summer 2012.
If you want your life to get better, you have to get better. If you want to get better in any area, you have to practice. If you want results, you have to practice often. What about every hour of every day?
By Kaisori Dasi for ISKCON News on 11 Nov 2011  | The BBT is considering printing a third edition of Teachings of Lord Caitanya (TLC) and we'd like to hear the ISKCON devotees` thoughts.
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 11 Nov 2011  | ISKCON could be in danger of losing its 26 2nd Avenue Center on New York’s Lower East Side—the place where Srila Prabhupada started his worldwide movement—due to financial difficulties. And its caretakers are extending a plea for help.
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 5 Nov 2011
Tapahpunja Dasa teaches students at the Small Farm Training Center garden in New Vrindaban A New Vrindaban devotee’s efforts at organic gardening have inspired the general public, educational institutions, and leaders in the local town of Wheeling, West Virginia to support sustainability, eat local produce and consider spiritual motives for it. Raised on a farm in Northern Michigan, Tapahpunja Dasa was attracted to ISKCON’s “simple-living, high-thinking” message and joined in 1974 in New Vrindaban, where he began growing organic produce. After some side projects over the years, such as missionary work overseas and starting North America’s first Food For Life program in 1982, he restarted his organic growing in 1996, and has been “focused on creating a connection between spirituality and sustainability” for the past thirteen years. “I believe that if we want the rural, Krishna conscious lifestyle that Srila Prabhupada desired for New Vrindaban—not just generic cow protection or hobby gardening—it must be a centrally located, highly visible part of our outreach,” he says. “When I presented these thoughts to the New Vrindaban management, they kindly granted me a piece of property right in the center of the community, directly across from the temple, to turn my ambition into reality.” To make the project more accessible to the general public and to secular organizations, Tapahpunja created his own 501 C3 charity organization called The Small Farm Training Center, which names New Vrindaban as its “host community.” Over the past six years, he has developed a vibrant apprentice farming program, which draws between eight and fourteen college students every season (from March till November), enthusiastic about getting their hands dirty and learning sustainability. They go through three levels of training: backyard gardening, market gardening—learning how to trade, barter and sell one’s produce at a farmer’s market—and mini-farming, which is performed on a six-and-a-half acre site called The Garden of Seven Gates. “Rather than just grunt work, I want to give them a rich, well-rounded experience,” Tapahpunja says. “I’d like them to leave with a very solid foundation of why we should be sustainable, so that they can be articulate spokespersons on the issue.” In return for their work, the students receive room and board, staying at the project’s Small Farm Guesthouse and eating prasadam. Many comment that they feel comfortable and cared for. There is no pressure to go any further than learning the ABCs of organic gardening, but Tapahpunja does explain to the students that his Training Center’s host is a spiritual community with a beautiful temple, delicious vegetarian meals, philosophical classes, and the renowned tourist attraction Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, which they are welcome to check out. Those who are more spiritually-inclined do, and, like Tapahpunja in the 1970s, they are astounded at the rich culture and philosophy integrated with the natural lifestyle. “We have a lot to offer to the worldwide dialogue on sustainability,” Tapahpunja says. “At the heart of it all is the fact that there is really no such thing as sustainability in this world—everything is subject to devastating time. The only true sustainability is our relationship with God. And it’s important to understand that as we attempt to live a simple lifestyle.” Tapahpunja shows himself to be aligned with this understanding by growing a garden that is specific to the needs of New Vrindaban’s presiding Deities Sri-Sri Radha-Vrindabanchandra, and to the needs of Their devotees. Providing for the community is a challenge, however. “Right now only about ten per cent of the produce used by the temple is grown in our own garden,” he says. “It’s difficult because New Vrindaban is a major pilgrimage destination, with 600 to 800 people visiting on festival weekends, making it hard to match field production with consumption patterns. On top of that, most of the devotees here are from urban backgrounds, and they want seasonal vegetables all year around, which is impossible. So a big part of my job is convincing the temple management that to support a farm culture we have to get used to eating seasonally.” Still, Tapahpunja tries to grow a wide variety of vegetables. He’s helped by grant money from West Virginia State University, which is offered in return for data on his yield. There’s even surplus, which he began delivering to Wheeling soup kitchens as a charitable donation five years ago. Today, he has developed a good relationship with cooks, administration and clientele, and delivers to six different kitchens over thirty times a year—unheard of by any other farmer or agrarian-based community. “They don’t have a lot of funding, and most of the food they serve people are corporate donations of sugary foods and heavy starches—cheap calories that are going bad in large scale grocery stores and get donated for a tax write-off by large corporations,” Tapahpunja says. “So they are very grateful for our freshly-grown donations. They especially love Swiss Chard, a kind of large beet green, which I grow a quarter acre of each year, and lettuce, which I’ve developed a technique for growing even in the hot weather.” The soup kitchens, as well as the city of Wheeling, are very appreciative because they can see that this effort is not a cynical photo-op, but a genuine concern for the quality of peoples’ diets. This charitable work and networking is not only excellent public relations for ISKCON New Vrindaban, but it has yielded yet another exciting project. “It got me in touch with some local Wheeling gardeners, and about a year ago we decided to team up and share resources, creating the ‘Green Wheeling Initiative,’” Tapahpunja says. “Our byline is ‘A Green Bridge Over Troubled Waters,’ and we regularly meet at the local community college to discuss how to increase our charitable distribution of produce, as well as new gardening initiatives.” The most exciting of these is an urban renewal project in which members of the GWI install gardens in vacant lots and former industrial deadzones throughout the city. They have installed seven so far, including one on the front lawn of the West Virginia Northern Community College, the biggest community college in the State. “Working with their culinary arts department, we made a nice garden for them with lots of vegatables and culinary herbs, so that the students could get acquainted with growing their own produce, and realize how much better it makes food taste,” says Tapahpunja. In return, the Community College arranged for Tapahpunja to meet with representatives of the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation and the Hess Family Foundation, who were impressed with the GWI’s vision to turn Wheeling’s vacant lots into economic and health opportunities for its people. “They also liked our mood of collaboration and inclusiveness, and our goal of empowering people to become food independent and build community at the same time,” Tapahpunja says. “As a result, they suggested that I write two grants, which I did. They then funded both of them—the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation gave $55,000, while the Hess Family Foundation gave $15,000.” Tapahpunja says that the GWI’s work is making the citizens of Wheeling more aware of both the health and sociological reasons for becoming food independent. This naturally ties in with cow protection, since cow dung is essential to fertile soil for growing food; and with spiritual communities, where people support each other in a lifestyle closer to the land and the one who sustains us all: God. In the future, Tapahpunja hopes to continue networking and reaching out to organizations such as PETA and Farm Sanctuary, and people such as young Indian couples, who, despite working in the technological field, are often not far removed from their village roots. He also hopes to launch a new initiative, VARA, which means “best” in Sanskrit and is an acronym for Vedic Academy for Rural Arts. Its mission will be to train brahminically-inclined devotees who can articulate a message of sustainability based on the Krishna conscious perspective. “Once, while walking with his disciples on the outskirts of Atlanta, Srila Prabhupada took his cane and traced the outline of all the downtown skyscrapers,” Tapahpunja says. “Then he said, ‘Do you see this city? This city and all like it will be finished very soon. Do you know why?’ The devotees were at a loss, groping for all kinds of metaphysical answers. Finally Tamal Krishna Maharaja said, ‘Because they can’t grow their own food?’ ‘Yes,’ Srila Prabhupada replied. ‘Because they can’t grow their own food.’” “Therefore,” Tapahpunja concludes, “I see food independence as one of our ISKCON movement’s most important missions,
- Listen emphatically
- Seek first to understand
- First diagnose, then prescribe
- Ask relevant questions
- Ask them to make a list of questions they need to ask themselves in relation to their goals and problems
- Help them to build pillars of wisdom and strength for their life
- Help them create a Personal Mission Statement
- Help them define their key roles and goals
- Encourage them to see everything through the eyes of scriptures
- Help them to see Krsna's hand in every situation
- Induce them to learn from every situation
- Help them to forgive
- Induce them to chant and read regularly
- Induce them to hear spiritual and motivational speeches
- Show them that their life is important to you and that you care
- Give them gifts or money
- Feed them prasadam (sanctified food)
- Induce them to sing and dance more
- Inspire them by your own example
- Teach them that happiness is a choice
1972 November 11: "Preaching is our real business, not getting big, big buildings and doing business for money just to maintain them, no. We shall live under a tree, that is not difficult, but we must go on preaching every moment, that will make us happy."
1970 November 11: "This requires unwavering strength and enthusiasm to fulfill the desires of the Spiritual Master. When my Guru Maharaja ordered me I did not know how I could do it, but I never lost faith nor did I ever forget his order."
1967 November 11: "I am very glad that MacMillan Co. has agreed to publish my Gita Upanisad. This service done by you is a great asset. I do not want crowds of others but I want a single sincere soul. One moon is sufficient for the night - not thousands of stars."
When we say our senses are imperfect and limited, people frown. Once I was in a meeting on science and religion and I was speaking. I said our senses are "flawed" in the senses that it does not tell us the whole story. However, the listeners were offended that I used the word "flawed".
But the truth is our senses are extremely limited in capacity. So if the senses are so limited and that we cannot percieve objects, information and knowledge beyond certain time, space and dimension, then how are we to explain the whole universe in one theory? I think it is rather arrogant to even think we have the capacity to put everything in one theory when in fact we need the assistance of a mirror or another person to see our own back.
My point is our senses are limited and hence deceptive and hence not trustworthy. The knowledge we gather through these imperfect senses are highly questionable especially in search of a sublime truth such as GOD. Therefore the Vedic masters recommend hearing from authoritative self-realized teachers who can see the truth and impart it to their submissive listeners.
Anyways...to prove my point that our senses can decieve us, below are three pictures that seems like one thing when it is not. There is something present right in front of the picture but not readily discernible...find it!!
Source Hare Krishna
1968 November 11: "Persons who want to take advantage of cheap reputation they imitate great personalities. One should not imitate. Better to be engaged in preaching work, then we gradually acquire our spiritual strength without failure."
1974 November 11: "The report that the newly published books are all selling like mad is very, very encouraging. Now publish more books. Make more translations. I have never studied science, but I am challenging the scientists. They may take me as crazy, but I am not crazy. I am right."
1974 November 11: "GBC or XYZ you are always servant of Krishna. That is wanted. Following the rules and regulations is the real qualification of GBC. We have made things easy for being qualified for such position, but still they are violating."
1975 November 11: "Have faith in Guru and Krishna and your attempt will be successful.I am always praying to Krishna that your attempt will be more and more successful and ideal for your country. That is my only prayer."
1975 November 11: "Why not stick to Vrndavana? I am coming there soon and again we shall associate and things will be adjusted. Now you extend your visa and stick to that holy place. Vrndavana is our goal of life."
By Elizabeth Walling for Natural News on 11 Nov 2011  | While doctors may be quick to write a prescription for blood pressure medication if your numbers are a little high, research shows coconut water is a highly effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
By Krishna Dharma Das for krishnadharma.com on 11 Nov 2011  | The “last of the buffoon dictators” was one correspondent’s take on the death of Muamar Gaddafi. With his numerous outlandish costumes, opulent palace and corps of female Amazonian bodyguards he certainly cut a colourful figure as he paraded on the world stage. But his record on human rights was a black one.
By Shaunaka Rishi Das for bbc.co.uk on 11 Nov 2011  | Some years ago I was on pilgrimage in Vrindavan. I had come with a purpose, although, for the life of me, I didn’t know what that purpose was, at least I couldn’t articulate what it was.
BY AMRTA SAKHI DEVI DASI PHOTOS BY MULAKARANAM DASA  KUALA LUMPUR - The 3rd of November 2011 marked another memorable day in the history of ISKCON Malaysia. For the first time the parent Society organized a Deepavali Damodara open house at MCA Hall, OUG. "As Satya yuga is the best of yugas, as the vedas are the best of scriptures, as ganga is the best of rivers, so Kartika (Damodara) is the best of months, the most dear to Krishna. Any vrata (observance), even the smallest, will yield huge results" (Skanda Purana). Keeping this in mind ISKCON Malaysia with the help of the Food For Life Malaysia, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Malaysia and Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur organized a Deepavali Damodara open house to extend the mercy to everyone without barrier of cast or creed. Our founder acharya His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada wanted that Krishna consciousness be brought to every town and village. So we thought that it would be a good idea to introduce Krishna consciousness more personally to our neighbours through this Deepavali Damodara open house programme. That all guests will personally get the chances to chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, offer lamps for Lord Damodara, relish Krishna Prasadam and associate with devotees.
Just as Rajasham and Prahlada Raksaka prabhus had done with tent decorations at 7.30p.m. Kalesha and Trivikrama prabhus began addressing the mostly Chinese crowd. Lord Indra was showering his mercy throughout the day but just about 7.00p.m. rain shower stopped and the venue started getting filled up. Adikartri prabhu and about 20 Chinese devotees from Penang especially came in a bus to help us with the stage programme. They grabbed the attention of the Chinese audience especially with Adi Kartri prabhu starting off with the George Harrison's hit "My Sweet Lord" continuing with Hare Krishna Maha Mantra melodies, bhajans and the Damodarastakam prayers.
It is mentioned that "When one offers a lamp during the month of Kartika,his sins in many thousands and millions of birth perish an half an eye blink" (Skanda Purana). After Trivikrama prabhu spoke the glories of the Damodara month devotees ushered the mostly Chinese crowd to offer lamps and flowers to Yashoda Damodara murti and receive Jagannatha pavitram (sacred thread tied on their wrists) and prasadam flowers. Generally once a year most of our neighbours get to see Lord Jagannatha riding on His chariot. This Deepavali event brought them even closer to directly serve the Lord by their personal offerings.
A few minutes into the programme sumptuous prasadam was served continuously to each and every one. Nine delicious preparations were made by Sevananda, Siddhi, Krpa Sindhu, Rasa Parayana, Kasi Misra, Mayapur Chandra, Rupa Raghunatha prabhus and assisted by many devotees.
At the prasadam serving area devotees spontaneously joined hands to assist Sevananda prabhu in preparing hot puris while guests appreciated the teamwork and watched with excitement puris turning and puffing on the hot oil. Some Chinese guests were even asking if we had Idlies. Needless to say everyone both the guests and the hosts enjoyed prasadam. Kripa Sindhu Krishna & Radha Madhavam prabhus then led a team of youths on Harinam at the OUG night market and handed out packets of dinner prasadam.
A feast for the eyes, traditional Bharatanatyam dances performed by Bhaktin Nadiya and Bhaktin Jhanani added colors to the whole event. They performed the Brahmanjali, Keerthanam and Brindhavanasaranga dances. The mostly Chinese crowds were stuck to their seats taking pleasure seeing the two young girls perform such intricate movements on stage.
HH Bhakti Vrajendra Nandana Swami Maharaj, Ajamila and Vrindavan Chandra prabhus graced the occasion with their presence. We were also honored to have the presence of the Kuching Padawan Municipal Council Chairman CR. IR. Lo Khere Chiang who is also a close friend and supporter of ISKCON Kuching. In his speech he thanked ISKCON for the broad mindedness and especially spoke about the success of our Kuching branch for the many unity in diversity programmes.
 Children were kept busy and excited walking around with colorful lanterns, a show of festival of lights. Gokul and Mallon prabhus were moving around the crowd, their heads hidden under the Nitai Gaura mascots entertaining the audience with handshakes and making themselves available for photo shots..
For outreach purposes we had preaching booths such as book stall managed by Seva Niddhi prabhu, Food for Life booth by Vallabhi mataji, Bhakti Vriksha cell preaching and Damodara booths by Amrta Sakhi & Sasi Mukhi matajis and Varnasrama land project by Goloka Candra prabhu..
Trivikram prabhu took hold of the audience by singing his favorite "wa ai Krishna" meaning "I love Krishna" inducing guests to also join him with hands raised singing in chorus "Waa i Krishna" and the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
Program came to a close at 11PM with final kirtan led by Kripa Sindhu Krishna and Adi Kartri prabhus. Since this was the first time of such an event we appreciate the many ideas given to us for a much better festival in the coming years. The venue certainly looks perfect as an ending venue for the July Lord Jagannatha Ratha Yatra procession next year.
Once again every one felt the unity of Srila Prabhupada's family in reaching out to people distributing Lord Caitanya's mercy. This was the first Deepavali Damodara open house organized especially for our mostly Chinese neighbors at OUG. The 300 or more guests were certainly not that huge a turnout but the event certainly was an impact on their minds while all of them were engaged in one way or other to chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, offer lamps to Lord Damodara, relish Krishna Prasadam, associate with devotees and have a nice feeling that Krishna consciousness is for everyone.As neighbours many felt it was nice of ISKCON to reach out to them. Special amongst the crowd was an elderly Chinese lady of about 70+ years of age who went out of her way to invite and bring along 5 of her peers from Kepong town to join the event.
By the mercy of Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas the programme started and ended with joyous mood filled with Kirtan, dance, lamp offerings, sumptuous prasadam and lots of fun. And certainly seeds of Bhakti were sowed in the hearts of many. The night ended with a surprise birthday celebrations for Gokul Damodara Dasa and Bhakta Mallon.
All glories to the month of Damodara and all glories to Lord Damodara !

Whether the demons were also liberated when Lord Caitanya and Krsna wound up their pastimes and from where did the jivas come to populate the universe.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 5 Nov 2011 Tapahpunja Dasa teaches students at the Small Farm Training Center garden in New Vrindaban A New Vrindaban devotee’s efforts at organic gardening have inspired the general public, educational institutions, and leaders in the local town of Wheeling, West Virginia to support sustainability, eat local produce and consider spiritual motives for it. Raised on a farm in Northern Michigan, Tapahpunja Dasa was attracted to ISKCON’s “simple-living, high-thinking” message and joined in 1974 in New Vrindaban, where he began growing organic produce. After some side projects over the years, such as missionary work overseas and starting North America’s first Food For Life program in 1982, he restarted his organic growing in 1996, and has been “focused on creating a connection between spirituality and sustainability” for the past thirteen years. “I believe that if we want the rural, Krishna conscious lifestyle that Srila Prabhupada desired for New Vrindaban—not just generic cow protection or hobby gardening—it must be a centrally located, highly visible part of our outreach,” he says. “When I presented these thoughts to the New Vrindaban management, they kindly granted me a piece of property right in the center of the community, directly across from the temple, to turn my ambition into reality.” To make the project more accessible to the general public and to secular organizations, Tapahpunja created his own 501 C3 charity organization called The Small Farm Training Center, which names New Vrindaban as its “host community.” Tourists visit New Vrindaban's garden's regularly Over the past six years, he has developed a vibrant apprentice farming program, which draws between eight and fourteen college students every season (from March till November), enthusiastic about getting their hands dirty and learning sustainability. They go through three levels of training: backyard gardening, market gardening—learning how to trade, barter and sell one’s produce at a farmer’s market—and mini-farming, which is performed on a six-and-a-half acre site called The Garden of Seven Gates. “Rather than just grunt work, I want to give them a rich, well-rounded experience,” Tapahpunja says. “I’d like them to leave with a very solid foundation of why we should be sustainable, so that they can be articulate spokespersons on the issue.” In return for their work, the students receive room and board, staying at the project’s Small Farm Guesthouse and eating prasadam. Many comment that they feel comfortable and cared for. There is no pressure to go any further than learning the ABCs of organic gardening, but Tapahpunja does explain to the students that his Training Center’s host is a spiritual community with a beautiful temple, delicious vegetarian meals, philosophical classes, and the renowned tourist attraction Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, which they are welcome to check out. Harvesting Potatoes Those who are more spiritually-inclined do, and, like Tapahpunja in the 1970s, they are astounded at the rich culture and philosophy integrated with the natural lifestyle. “We have a lot to offer to the worldwide dialogue on sustainability,” Tapahpunja says. “At the heart of it all is the fact that there is really no such thing as sustainability in this world—everything is subject to devastating time. The only true sustainability is our relationship with God. And it’s important to understand that as we attempt to live a simple lifestyle.” Tapahpunja shows himself to be aligned with this understanding by growing a garden that is specific to the needs of New Vrindaban’s presiding Deities Sri-Sri Radha-Vrindabanchandra, and to the needs of Their devotees. Providing for the community is a challenge, however. “Right now only about ten per cent of the produce used by the temple is grown in our own garden,” he says. “It’s difficult because New Vrindaban is a major pilgrimage destination, with 600 to 800 people visiting on festival weekends, making it hard to match field production with consumption patterns. On top of that, most of the devotees here are from urban backgrounds, and they want seasonal vegetables all year around, which is impossible. So a big part of my job is convincing the temple management that to support a farm culture we have to get used to eating seasonally.”
Teaching schoolchildren about gardening
Still, Tapahpunja tries to grow a wide variety of vegetables. He’s helped by grant money from West Virginia State University, which is offered in return for data on his yield. There’s even surplus, which he began delivering to Wheeling soup kitchens as a charitable donation five years ago. Today, he has developed a good relationship with cooks, administration and clientele, and delivers to six different kitchens over thirty times a year—unheard of by any other farmer or agrarian-based community. “They don’t have a lot of funding, and most of the food they serve people are corporate donations of sugary foods and heavy starches—cheap calories that are going bad in large scale grocery stores and get donated for a tax write-off by large corporations,” Tapahpunja says. “So they are very grateful for our freshly-grown donations. They especially love Swiss Chard, a kind of large beet green, which I grow a quarter acre of each year, and lettuce, which I’ve developed a technique for growing even in the hot weather.” The soup kitchens, as well as the city of Wheeling, are very appreciative because they can see that this effort is not a cynical photo-op, but a genuine concern for the quality of peoples’ diets. A group of Hare Krishna youth help out in the gardens This charitable work and networking is not only excellent public relations for ISKCON New Vrindaban, but it has yielded yet another exciting project. “It got me in touch with some local Wheeling gardeners, and about a year ago we decided to team up and share resources, creating the ‘Green Wheeling Initiative,’” Tapahpunja says. “Our byline is ‘A Green Bridge Over Troubled Waters,’ and we regularly meet at the local community college to discuss how to increase our charitable distribution of produce, as well as new gardening initiatives.” The most exciting of these is an urban renewal project in which members of the GWI install gardens in vacant lots and former industrial deadzones throughout the city. They have installed seven so far, including one on the front lawn of the West Virginia Northern Community College, the biggest community college in the State. “Working with their culinary arts department, we made a nice garden for them with lots of vegatables and culinary herbs, so that the students could get acquainted with growing their own produce, and realize how much better it makes food taste,” says Tapahpunja. A class at the Small Farm Training Center In return, the Community College arranged for Tapahpunja to meet with representatives of the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation and the Hess Family Foundation, who were impressed with the GWI’s vision to turn Wheeling’s vacant lots into economic and health opportunities for its people. “They also liked our mood of collaboration and inclusiveness, and our goal of empowering people to become food independent and build community at the same time,” Tapahpunja says. “As a result, they suggested that I write two grants, which I did. They then funded both of them—the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation gave $55,000, while the Hess Family Foundation gave $15,000.” Tapahpunja says that the GWI’s work is making the citizens of Wheeling more aware of both the health and sociological reasons for becoming food independent. This naturally ties in with cow protection, since cow dung is essential to fertile soil for growing food; and with spiritual communities, where people support each other in a lifestyle closer to the land and the one who sustains us all: God. One of seven gardens Tapahpunja and the Green Wheeling Initiative have built in vacant urban lots in the city In the future, Tapahpunja hopes to continue networking and reaching out to organizations such as PETA and Farm Sanctuary, and people such as young Indian couples, who, despite working in the technological field, are often not far removed from their village roots. He also hopes to launch a new initiative, VARA, which means “best” in Sanskrit and is an acronym for Vedic Academy for Rural Arts. Its mission will be to train brahminically-inclined devotees who can articulate a message of sustainability based on the Krishna conscious perspective. “Once, while walking with his disciples on the outskirts of Atlanta, Srila Prabhupada took his cane and traced the outline of all the downtown skyscrapers,” Tapahpunja says. “Then he said, ‘Do you see this city? This city and all like it will be finished very soon. Do you know why?’ The devotees were at a loss, groping for all kinds of metaphysical answers. Finally Tamal Krishna Maharaja said, ‘Because they can’t grow their own food?’ ‘Yes,’ Srila Prabhupada replied. ‘Because they can’t grow their own food.’” “Therefore,” Tapahpunja concludes, “I see food independence as one of our ISKCON movement’s most important missions,
Sacinandana Swami Holyname Seminar Part 1
When people desire to play a virtual-reality video game, that desire divorces them from the reality of their identity and propels them into an illusory cyber-world, where they experience artificial-virtual emotions by misidentifying with a video game character. Similarly, the Bhagavad-gita (13.22) describes that when we desire to enjoy material things, that desire divorces us from the reality of our spiritual identity and propels us into the illusory material world, where we experience artificial-material emotions due to misidentifying with our material bodies. However, unlike a video game, our material misidentification is neither casual, nor pleasant; it gives us insignificant pleasure and significant pain. When, by good fortune, we somehow realize this flawed and doomed nature of our illusory pursuit, that realization awakens within us the desire to end our divorce with reality. And the more we give up illusory pleasure, the more we gain back our rightful real happiness in spiritual love for God.
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Friday 11 November 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Unflinching Faith in the Spiritual Master uploaded from Sri Vrindavan Dhama, India The Vedic injunction is that one should have unflinching faith in the words of one's spiritual master. This is stated as follows in the Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23: yasya deve par bhaktir yath deve tath gurau tasyaite kathit hy arthh prakante mahtmanah If one has unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord and the spiritual master, the essence of all Vedic knowledge is revealed to him. This faith means that we trust the correctness of his teachings and instructions. Why do we put such faith in him? Because he purely presents the teachings of Krishna without any adulteration. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Worshipping Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan 4:12 am--10 November 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Vrrindavan_Mangal-Arati.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Does God Exist? Please accept my humble obeisances and attempt to understand the truth. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Lord Caitanya! I'd sincerely like to understand how is it possible to believe in something other than matter. My conviction is that: - mind and intelligence and the concept of God is nothing else than vibrations of elementary particles in my brain; - mind and intelligence and living organisms are the result of random collisions of elementary particles; - I certainly believe that there exists the Absolute Truth, because it is not possible to state otherwise (but I believe that it is very difficult to attain at the current speed of development of the modern science based on the five material senses); - I also tend to believe that the practices described in Vedic sastras are the perfect methods how to optimize the material life. But my questions are: What are the arguments that there really exists the non-material Supreme Person? What are the arguments that there exists something else apart from the material world? Submissively inquiring, Jnis Answer: Reactivate Your Consciousness and Meet God Modern science is based on the assumption that objective reality is limited to those things that are empirically verifiable with our gross senses and the instruments created by our gross senses. But I ask you, Is this assumption empirically verifiable? The answer is, No. It is not. Therefore the entire foundation of your empirical view of reality is very flimsy at best. Indeed, it is built upon sand. The fact is that right now you are dreaming. You falsely take your dream as the waking reality because it is all you know. But if someone wakes you up, you will see that what you thought was real was only a dream, and then you will be able to perceive things as they actually are. Your gross empirical view of reality is in fact a dream. The Vedic science will awaken you and enable you to personally associate with that Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence. But you have to be willing to perform the scientific experiment of being awakened. Otherwise you will remain asleep. If you, like the owl who refused to open his eyes to see the sunlight, refuse to come into the laboratory of consciousness to perform the ultimate scientific experiment, you will never realize the Absolute Truth. This Absolute Truth is fully realizable through the ancient science which is perfectly taught in the Vedic literatures, especially the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. So in the final analysis, God is empirically verifiable. You just have to reactivate the now dormant scientific instrument that can directly perceive Him. That instrument is consciousness. At the present your consciousness is only 1% per cent activated. Now you have to activate the other 99%. This reactivation process is called Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. 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