----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:00 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 31 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 31 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Sunday 7 August, 2011--Living on the Verge of Death--and--What Happens to Fallen Devotees?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Aniruddha Prabhu
- Australian News: This week at Hare Krishna Valley…
- Australian News: Canberra Darsan
- ISKCON Brampton, Canada: August 6, 2011
- Australian News: One step closer to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai’s new temple in 17 Mile Rocks
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
- Australian News: The Festival of India explodes in Sydney Part 2
- Australian News: The Festival of India explodes in Sydney Part 1
- Japa Group: Developing A Better Mood For Japa
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: NECTAR AND AUSTERITY
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Devotional Dawkins
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Aya Al-Hakiem asks
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: DO WE HAVE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING?
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Preaching to Christians
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS?
- Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: "motivational speaker"
- Book Distribution News: "motivational speaker"
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FAULTFINDING AND HUMILITY
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Dum Maro Dum - Hare Krishna Hare Rama...
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: An Evening of Bhakti... An Evening of Spiritual Bliss!
- ISKCON News.com: New Illustrated Guide Promises Detailed Look at The Vedic Universe
- ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Hungary Stays Positive in the Face of Legislative Changes
- ISKCON News.com: Temple Profile: Lagos, Nigeria
- ISKCON News.com: Discovering Radhadesh
- Japa Group: Thoughts On Chanting
- Gouranga TV: Greeting of the Deities
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
"Just worship Sri Gaurahari, who is always affectionate toward His devotees. He is the same Supreme Godhead, Krsna, who sported in the cowherd pastures of Vraja and stole the hearts of Nanda and Yasoda."
(Bhoga arati by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)
Just worship Sri Gaurahari, that Supreme Enchanter, who steals the hearts of His devotees with His charming darsana.
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Sunday 7 August, 2011--Living on the Verge of Death--and--What Happens to Fallen Devotees?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Sunday 7 August 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Special Announcement: Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Today's Thought: Living on the Verge of Death Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram, Austin, Texas USA In this material world, whether we like or not, everyone--young, old, and in between--is living on the verge of death because death can come at any moment even when we least expect it. This means that whatever we may establish for ourselves here in this world is nothing more than a castle made of sand that will be completely washed away the next time the tide comes in. So whether one thinks that life ends with the death of the body or that one has an eternal existence beyond this body, there is no reason to take this spot life so seriously as the all in all. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Castles Made of Sand Are Washed into the Sea http://www.backtohome.com/images/sand-castle.jpg Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What Happens to Fallen Devotees? Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. What happens to fallen devotees, that is those who are initiated into the spiritual life but being defeated by Maya go back to karmic material life? your servant Francisco Answer: They Never Forget the Ecstasy Srila Narada Muni, the liberated space man, has answered your question as follows: na vai jano jtu kathañcanvrajen mukunda-sevy anyavad anga samsrtim smaran mukundnghry-upaghanam punar vihtum icchen na rasa-graho janah My dear Vysa, even though a devotee of Lord Krishna sometimes falls down somehow or other, he certainly does not undergo material existence like others [fruitive workers, etc.] because a person who has once relished the taste of the lotus feet of the Lord can do nothing but remember that ecstasy again and again. --Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.19 Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Aniruddha Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.5 - The qualification of Gosvami.
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Australian News: This week at Hare Krishna Valley…
This week at Hare Krishna Valley we were fortunate to have the presence of His Holiness Devamrita Swami, who facilitated a weekend retreat for over 100 guests. His discources were both informative and enlightening, and challenged the audience to see beyond the modern materialistic patterns of thought.
On the Wednesday night my wife and I attended a public meeting at the Deans Marsh Community Centre to discuss the prospects of brown coal mining in our area. Over 300 people from the local community attended the gathering to oppose the mine, and as a result the mining company withdrew their proposal to pursue an application for mining. This was indeed a victory for the local area and Hare Krishna Valley.
We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.Keshava Dasa.
Click here to keep up with the news from Hare Krishna Valley
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Australian News: Canberra Darsan
I found these photos offered by Vrindavanhandra Das on the Hare Krishna Canberra Web Site. I thought you might like to see them.
Click here to visit the Hare Krishna Canberra Web Site• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Brampton, Canada: August 6, 2011
Sunday August 7th 2011 Sunday Love Feast @ 11:00am with a special guest
We are pleased to invite you to the Sunday Love Feast.
His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagvat Swami formerly known as Brhat Mrdanga Dasa recently took sannyasa and is now known as Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat Swami. His Holiness was a former school-teacher joined ISKCON in Durban,South Africa. He founded the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture in Durban, South Africa and is Co-International Director of Bhaktivedanta College of Education & Culture. He is a member of the GBC Ministry of Educational Development, a member of the GBC Succession Committee, Chairman of ISKCON Leadership Education And Development System & a member of the Board of Directors of Mayapur Institute. Maharaj presently travels widely - preaching and teaching Krishna consciousness in ISKCON centers, yoga centers, schools, colleges and universities.
The program consists of aarti, kirtan (devotional chanting), philosophical discussion and prasadam.
Program Schedule:
11:00am - 11:30am Guru Puja
11:30am - 12:00pm Arati & Kirtan
12:00pm – 12:05pm Narasingadev Prayers
12:05pm - 1:00pm Vedic Discourse by His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagvat Swami
Sunday school Kids
1:00pm - 1:30pm Tulasi Arati
1:30pm Prasadam (Vegetarian feast)
2:30pm Harmonium Music Class (kids)
Upcoming Events at ISKCON Brampton in August 2011
Monthly HarinamISKCON Brampton would be having it's monthly harinam on every 2nd Saturday of the month @ the same location - downtown Brampton at 10:00am. Please contact Rajasuya Prabhu on 416.840.6587 or savale@hotmail.com for more information. This month's harinam would be performed at Panorama India on August 13th 2011.
Panorama India on Saturday August 13th 2011This year ISKCON Brampton would again be present at the Panorama India at Yonge Dundas Square, Toronto. We humbly request your help in making our presence successful at that event. Please join us in the Harinam Parade from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. We would need help from our congregation in the following services:
- Booth set-up and take down
- Booth management (boutique items)
- Gopi dots, Mehendi
- Book distribution
Please contact Rajasuya Prabhu on savale@hotmail.com or Savyasacin Prabhu on savyasacin.bms@gmail.com for your participation.
Lord Balaram's Appearance Day Saturday 13th @ 7:00pm at ISKCON Brampton
Please join us for the celebration of Lord Balaram Appearance Day at ISKCON Brampton. There are still some opportunities to serve:
- sponsorship of flower for Pushpa Abhishek
- sponsorship for festival feast
Please contact Bhagvat Prabhu on backtokrishna@yahoo.ca for sponsorships.
Krishna Janamastami @ ISKCON Brampton
Krishna Janamastami would be celebrated at ISKCON Brampton on Monday August 22nd with Mangal Aarti at 5:00am and an evening program till midnight. We request your presence for the celebration of this auspicious occasion. There are still opportunities to serve the temple:
- sponsorship of flowers
- sponsorship of Kalasha for Abhishekam
- sponsorship of Deities outfits
- decorations of temple with a Vrindavan theme
- sponsorship of festival feast
Please contact Bhagvat Prabhu on backtokrishna@yahoo.ca for sponsorships.• Email to a friend ••
Australian News: One step closer to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai’s new temple in 17 Mile Rocks
It was wonderful to see the many bright faces of those who attended last Saturday night’s feast. Our appreciation goes to HG Madan Gopal, a regular and inspirational preacher in Brisbane,
who enlightened us with his realizations on faith.Every week we come one step closer to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai’s new temple in 17 Mile Rocks! Join us on our journey this Saturday night!
Below is the schedule for Saturday’s program:
Hare Krishna Temple Saturday Feast
4pm, Saturday 6th August 2011
Brisbane Taekwondo Centre: 19 Staple St, SEVENTEEN MILE ROCKSSri Sri Gaura Nitai will be present to bless us with their intimate darshan
4.00pm Krishna Kirtan
5.15pm Welcome address and Jaya Radha Madhava
5.30pm HG Premavati devi dasi – ‘Krishna preserves what you have and carries what you lack’
6.00pm Gaura Arati Kirtan for the pleasure of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
6.30pm Prasadam FeastMap: http://www.whereis.com/embed.htm?id=D171FCC1FF29A1
Driving – Plenty of street parking. Please park responsibly
Public Transport – For your convenience, from 3.30pm-5.30pm there will be a free shuttle service run from Oxley Train Station to the venue. After the Feast you will be returned to Oxley Train Station. To book this service, please call Jaya Vijaya on 0423 103 037.The venue is heated for your comfort.
Looking forward to seeing you soon
Your servant,
Jaya Vijaya Das
On behalf on the New Temple Project TeamClick here to see the Brisbane Temple Website
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.4 - Srimad Bhagavatam has to be heard from a bonafide source.
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Australian News: The Festival of India explodes in Sydney Part 2
Because one album wasnt big enough to hold them all here is part 2 of the Festival of India, which like a wish fulfilling tree fills everyone with happy spiritual experiences, and celebrates the appearance of Sri Krishna, the source of all celebration.
Lucky I happened to have my camera with me.
From Sri Krishna Janmashtami – Festival of India Sydney Part 2, posted by Antony Brennan on 8/07/2011 (83 items)
Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher
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Australian News: The Festival of India explodes in Sydney Part 1
On the weekend thousands of Sydney siders and vistors from around the country descended onto the university of News South Wales in Sydney’s west to celebrate vedic culture and the appearance of Sri Krishna – The Supreme Personality of Godhead. The celebration opened with talks from the Sydney Temple President, community leaders and well wishers. Prasadam, gifts, displays, plays, dances, music, old friends and new, overflowed from the festival showered continually with sunshine. I had a great time.
From Sri Krishna Janmashtami – Festival of India Sydney Part 1, posted by Antony Brennan on 8/06/2011 (200 items)
Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher
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Japa Group: Developing A Better Mood For Japa
Hare Krsna dear devotees. Today I would like to share with you the great experiences I had in the Japa Room session on http://www.mayapur.tv.
We were asked to share our own prayers in order to say them before our daily Japa. Everyone in the room shared their prayers and they talked about asking the Lord to help them to chant without offenses, inattention and with a lot of love....respect for the spiritual master and with the mood of Srimate Radharani. We should always think about our behavior as well, not only ask Krsna to help but take action and improve our rounds daily.
Maybe you should think about that as well - what can you do to improve your chanting today? What prayer could you say before your chanting that reminds you of the qualities you want to acquire and develop in your spiritual path?
Hope you have a great week of chanting.
your servant,
Aruna devi
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How to give a Sunday class so both senior, more experienced and more knowledgeable devotees will be interested to hear it, as well as newcomers and younger devotees?
It is possible, by choosing the topics that are relevant to all of them. For example:
- Faith in God
- Relationships
- Trust
- Self discipline
- Discovering your dharma or calling
- Etc.
Think about other topics that can interest all the devotees and guests who might attend your speech.• Email to a friend ••
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: NECTAR AND AUSTERITY
Krsna consciousness is a combination of nectar and austerity.
When one gets practiced in austerities, he starts to like them, like getting up early or hearing our rounds of chanting very attentively.
It is a great austerity for the mind in the beginning, because the mind wants to think of so many things.
Once you develop a taste for attentive chanting, you always want to do it that way.
Advancement does not come only through suffering.
Is eating prasadam suffering? Is singing and dancing suffering?
There may be a difficulty to get out and distribute books, or get into the kitchen and cook.
But once you start doing it, with the proper consciousness, thinking that Krsna will be pleased with this and that ultimately you will also be very happy, then it is not a suffering. It is a pleasure.• Email to a friend ••
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Devotional Dawkins
Working on a draft of "Devotional Dawkins - A Synthesis of Vedic Principles and Modern Reality". I am dedicating it to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who so nicely presented Sri Krishna Samhita. Here's the opening quote:
The Selfish Gene theory popular at the present moment was propounded by the atheist Dawkins, but the original Selfish Gene theory was propounded by an empowered incarnation of Krishna also named Dawkins.This original Selfish Gene theory has nothing to do with the Selfish Gene theory of the atheist Dawkins. The atheist Dawkins tried to establish that there is no God who created the material world. Dawkins has even tried to establish that a combination of material elements caused creation. Long before the imposter Dawkins' Selfish Gene theory, the Selfish Gene theory was expounded in the Srimad Bhagavatam by the true Dawkins, the empowered incarnation of Lord Krishna, who explained it to His mother. It is clearly explained by Him that the purusha, or the Supreme Lord, is active and that He creates by looking over the prakriti.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Aya Al-Hakiem asks
Aya Al-Hakiem asks
Aya Al-Hakiem asks
August 6th, 2011
“When I meditate I get to hear music, music from a flute and it shakes me from the inside, transforming me, makes me drown in love and adoration for the divine and I can hear a voice… What is all this??”
Aya Al-Hakiem asks
“When I meditate I get to hear music, music from a flute and it shakes me from the inside, transforming me, makes me drown in love and adoration for the divine and I can hear a voice… What is all this??”
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If you find your specific role in this Krsna consciousness movement and also in the world, that role can facilitate the development of bhakti (devotion).
Having a specifically defined role helps us have an identity within the spiritual environment of the Krsna Conscious Society.
Find your role in Krsna consciousness instead of losing your identity.• Email to a friend ••
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: DO WE HAVE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING?
Do we have to give up everything if we want to advance in Krsna consciousness?
We don't give up anything in Krsna consciousness. We just give up things that are unfavorable. And we use everything in Krsna's service. This is the principle of yukta vairagya.
Do you have to give up your identity?
When you are giving up your material life, with which you were identifying, this transition may be difficult. Because you are giving up the old qualities, the old activities, you were identifying with. And now you are getting into new activities, and it seems like you are losing ground under your feet.
Therefore, this transition has to be done very intelligently, and with the proper guidance from your spiritual master or various siksa gurus, or mentors, so that the devotee always feels that he is still himself. He is still his own person. He is still in there with his own free will.
Very important point about identity is free will. You choose what you want to do. Therefore I always ask devotees, "What do you want?" They often answer, "Well, I don't know. I wait to see what Krsna wants." Or, "I am trying to do what my spiritual master wants."
Very important point about our identity is what we want, because a desire is the symptom of the soul. So we have to want something. Whether you want what Krsna wants or want something completely different or completely opposite, you still have to want something, and that shows you that you are a person, you are a living being, you are someone who desires.
Ideally, you would do anything for Krsna. Whatever He desires. But we are not on that level. Now, at this point where we are, we have to find something to lean on, something to do where we can put our heart into, and that can be our present identity or role.• Email to a friend ••
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Preaching to Christians
Regarding your questions on Christianity, we are not very much keen to engage them in argument because for the most part they are sentimentalists and have no philosophy, therefore they become fanatics or dogmatists, and this type of person we cannot change. But if you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son? The son is the representative of the father, and in that sense he is the same as the father, but also he is different than the father. So Christ is speaking in this sense, that only through the representative of God can one come to God. Just like Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita that one should surrender to a bona fide spiritual master, and then He also says that one should "Surrender unto Me." So there is no difference between surrendering to God or surrendering to God's representative, therefore Christ is also saying just surrender to me, the son or representative or spiritual master, and that is the same as surrendering to my father. Accepting the Lord or His representative as one's savior means to render loving devotional service to Him, and in return he will give you all protection. But the foolish Christians they think God is their order-supplier so that simply by performing some religious ceremonies they are entitled to receive all benedictions for enhancing their material life. First of all, to be saved by God means that one must obey what God orders or His laws of commandments. But in the Bible God says "Thou shall not kill," but where is the Christian who does not kill animals and eat? They have changed the meaning of kill to mean "murder," and for them, murder means only other humans. So unless you find out some Christian who is actually intelligent, it is useless to try for convincing them of these points. Simply show them by example that we are finding great spiritual joy in serving Krishna, sell them some literature, give them prasadam, and invite to the temple, and if they cannot understand from the point of view of philosophy, at least they will be able to appreciate our wonderful and enlivening activities and that we have proved ourselves the most upright, moral persons and the best examples of enlightened souls for the general improvement of all the citizens.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Dasarha — Bombay 4 March, 1972
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Q: What is the point of all the problems we face in life?
A: To remember God (Krishna), and to re-connect with him even stronger.
Q: How do we do that?
A: Contact me on akrura@gmail.com or on Skype (akrurad) and we can discuss it.• Email to a friend ••
Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: "motivational speaker"
I stopped a woman and her elderly mother. (She later explained that her mother was 82 years young!)
After our initial exchange - I asked "Have you ever lost a loved one"(I often use this question as a springboard to giving them either a POY or a BBD.
The mother - instantly teared up. I noted that and apologized if I had broached a subject too close to home.
The daughter said "No No that's all right. But Mom and I just lost Dad'.
The mother softly smiled and said, "That is ok young man. I just miss him so."
"So you think I'm a 'young man eh? I hope you're not flirting with me Mom. My wife and I are fighting these days and I am a little vulnerable right now and lunch would be great right about now! Tempt me not lady!"
She went from tears to laughter in an instant! It was very sweet.
"You wouldn't like it" she quipped "I would bore you to tears talking about my dear husband".
"I hate him already!" I shot back
The daughter was delighted with the banter and clearly enjoyed watching her Mom get passed her pain.
Then I said, "Listen, all flirting aside - I want to share something with you. I have taught a form of yoga called "Bhakti Yoga" for over 30 years here in New York. Let me give you a special gift. Judging by the kind of beautiful love you have for your dear husband - I think you will love it!"
I then pulled out a copy of the Beyond Birth and Death - showed her the cover and said "let me read this little bit to you."
I read the title to the opening chapter, "We are not these bodies" (as SP told us "even one line can change their whole life" ) and the verse BG 2:30 which finishes with, "Therefore you need not grieve for any living being."
I said, "Your husband is an eternal soul and you and I are also. We never really pass away. We either - come back - or return home to God. I am sure you agree."
"I surely hope that is true" she said. "I am counting on that."
"You can count on that" I promised. WE are all family in the end and we will all be together again in the eternal spiritual world with our Maker!
She smiled ever so sweetly, and then with amazingly sweet humility she said "Oh you have made me so happy! I cannot tell you how happy I am to have met you today. This was just what I needed."
I sent them off with a smile and "good bye". I marveled. But it did not end there.
About an hour later her daughter arrived without her and waited patiently while I finished with another encounter and then approached me. She very sincerely said, "I just wanted to say 'Thank you' for taking the time you did with my Mother. She is right now sitting in the Coffee shop reading your book and she was so thrilled with our meeting and all your teasing. She was really grateful. I just wanted to thank you again. I took her out to get her mind off of everything and even though that really didn't happen she's not feeling as bad about it.
I joked "No worries Ma'm! Helping people feel better about their future is my actual job. You could just say "I am a motivational speaker."
Your servant, Pragosh das (ACBSP)
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Book Distribution News: "motivational speaker"
I stopped a woman and her elderly mother. (She later explained that her mother was 82 years young!)
After our initial exchange - I asked "Have you ever lost a loved one"(I often use this question as a springboard to giving them either a POY or a BBD.
The mother - instantly teared up. I noted that and apologized if I had broached a subject too close to home.
The daughter said "No No that's all right. But Mom and I just lost Dad'.
The mother softly smiled and said, "That is ok young man. I just miss him so."
"So you think I'm a 'young man eh? I hope you're not flirting with me Mom. My wife and I are fighting these days and I am a little vulnerable right now and lunch would be great right about now! Tempt me not lady!"
She went from tears to laughter in an instant! It was very sweet.
"You wouldn't like it" she quipped "I would bore you to tears talking about my dear husband".
"I hate him already!" I shot back
The daughter was delighted with the banter and clearly enjoyed watching her Mom get passed her pain.
Then I said, "Listen, all flirting aside - I want to share something with you. I have taught a form of yoga called "Bhakti Yoga" for over 30 years here in New York. Let me give you a special gift. Judging by the kind of beautiful love you have for your dear husband - I think you will love it!"
I then pulled out a copy of the Beyond Birth and Death - showed her the cover and said "let me read this little bit to you."
I read the title to the opening chapter, "We are not these bodies" (as SP told us "even one line can change their whole life" ) and the verse BG 2:30 which finishes with, "Therefore you need not grieve for any living being."
I said, "Your husband is an eternal soul and you and I are also. We never really pass away. We either - come back - or return home to God. I am sure you agree."
"I surely hope that is true" she said. "I am counting on that."
"You can count on that" I promised. WE are all family in the end and we will all be together again in the eternal spiritual world with our Maker!
She smiled ever so sweetly, and then with amazingly sweet humility she said "Oh you have made me so happy! I cannot tell you how happy I am to have met you today. This was just what I needed."
I sent them off with a smile and "good bye". I marveled. But it did not end there.
About an hour later her daughter arrived without her and waited patiently while I finished with another encounter and then approached me. She very sincerely said, "I just wanted to say 'Thank you' for taking the time you did with my Mother. She is right now sitting in the Coffee shop reading your book and she was so thrilled with our meeting and all your teasing. She was really grateful. I just wanted to thank you again. I took her out to get her mind off of everything and even though that really didn't happen she's not feeling as bad about it.
I joked "No worries Ma'm! Helping people feel better about their future is my actual job. You could just say "I am a motivational speaker."
Your servant, Pragosh das (ACBSP)
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Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FAULTFINDING AND HUMILITY
Until we look at our own faults, we will not stop looking at the faults of others.
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
I have a friend, an executive coach, who helps executives become more humble. Successful people and leaders tend to be too proud, because they have achieved a lot. He charges an extra $20 if you say "but, no or however". He is training top CEOs of huge companies to take feedback without saying, "I agree. I disagree.", without being defensive. You have to just listen, make notes, and say thank you.
Srila Prabhupada is teaching us to be like a bee, not like a fly. Flies go to sores and the bees go for honey. Apart from having some bad qualities, people have good qualities, and we should be able to appreciate and recognize those good qualities, and not focus on something that is wrong in other people.
How can you not see faults?
Especially people that are materially intelligent, they are very perceptive. So they can see many things. When materially intelligent people come to our movement, the immediately see, "This is bad in the management, This preacher is proud, or he is self-righteous. Etc." So how can you not see faults? You are not blind.
Some years ago, when I saw defects in leadership, one day I realized that I have a choice - I can criticize or I can try to help.
What would be a humble way to react to a situation when you are accused of something that you have not done?
You may think that Krsna is behind it and you are being accused for a reason. And you can't control it. It may have been something you have done in the past that is causing this. There is lesson there.
If I remain quiet when I am accuse of something I have not done, then people will continue to accuse me, and continue to get on my case, and torture me. What to do?
You may explained what happened. If they continue to accuse you, then just accept it.
When we see a real humility in action, it touches our heart.
What I have seen in my life and in lives of people I know is that even if you don't want to look at your faults, you always get feedback about them. People somehow tell you. Sometimes even a child can come and tell you something. Through some channel you get what you need to hear and what you need to change. So we cannot avoid hearing what we need to change.
One way that we can work on improving ourselves by being proactive, taking initiative, to change, is that we ask for feedforward. Instead of what you have done wrong in the past, you can ask people what can you do better in the future. More or less it is the same as feedback, but it is easier for the false ego.
You ask for one or two suggestions on how to improve in one area. That you try your best to apply it and let them know.• Email to a friend ••
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Dum Maro Dum - Hare Krishna Hare Rama...
The following article is from The Higher Taste site and provides a very nice commentary and perspective on a movie who's imagery and content did much disservice to the Hare Krishna movement but through time, purity and perseverance this has been erased and although a recent new movie release shared a song with similar lyrics and a repetition of "Hare Krishna Hare Rama", it did not present the same innuendo as the earlier version.
It speaks highly of the position Srila Prabhupada and the Hare Krishna movement has attained not only in India but also in the hearts and minds of people of Indian descent around the world.
Please see the article below (graphics have been added...)Most of the readers will guess the content of this article by its title only! Of course, it’s a very famous movie song in India….As many of us will recall that back in early 1970s’, When Srila Prabhupada first returned to India with his American and European Disciples, Dev Anand produced and directed the movie “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” that showed images of our Srila Prabhupada and few other ISKCON devotees chanting and dancing. This movie also had the said famous song ‘Dum Maro Dum’ which had references to the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. In this article, we will see that how far we have come in these 40 years?
Many of the earlier devotees didn’t even know the meaning of the song. Eventually, they somehow found out what it really meant: “With every puff that I take, Hare Krishna Hare Rama.” Unfortunately, the movie and song’s depiction of drugs and illicit activities misled the general public to think that Hare Krishna devotees indulge in such things. Still, Srila Prabhupada had such strong faith in the holy names that he once commented, “People will forget ‘Dum Maro Dum’ and just remember ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Rama’.”
Movie starts impressively with the pictures of London Rath-Yatra, devotees dancing and chanting and Srila Prabhupada but then after few moments, the scene changes to a group of fictional hippies, with young people shamelessly taking drugs, it shows hippies gathered together in a celebration of debauchery, drinking alcohol and passing around a pipe filled with ganja, from which they share puffs. Some embrace lustily, while others simply lie on the ground in a drugged stupor. And all the while, the song plays their anthem: dum maro dum, mit jaaye gham, bolo subah sham, Hare Krishna Hare Rama – “Take another puff, let your sorrows fade away, and morning & evening chant Hare Krishna, and Hare Rama.”
In a single statement, it was a bad attempt to prove that Srila Prabhupada was degrading the sacred Indian culture by giving it to hippies who were misusing it, chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Rama and smoking, drinking and indulging in free sex and everything else. That was a blow. This misinformation damaged the reputation of young ISKCON movement in India and caused undeserved pain to our devotees, members, well-wishers and friends.
Hare Rama Hare Krishna seems to portray the west as a source of problems for Indians. This pessimistic outlook reflects the perception, held by many Indians at the time, that the west was a threat to the culture and traditions of the east. Many dismissed non-Indian devotees as sentimental faddists; some of them raised objections on their caste; while others argued that they are not “real” Hindus. Still others accused that these innocent devotees were actually CIA agents. They started pointing to the film and imply that these white-skinned devotees were actually drug-taking hippies as shown in the film.
In short, all these critics used to dismiss the Hare Krishna Movement or its devotees and friends by saying three simple words – “Dum Maro Dum”
Srila Prabhupada, however, tackled the challenge in his own way from a spiritual perspective; Prabhupada didn’t make a distinction between east and west. To him, all living beings were all children of Krishna, and all equal candidates for Krishna’s mercy. And so, at an age when most people would consider retirement, he left India and set sail for America. He didn’t travel there for his own enjoyment or because he was enamoured by the opulence of the west; he went in order to share the spiritual treasures of India with the rest of the world. He went to give, not to take.
He often quoted the allegory of a blind man and a lame man. Individually, each was limited by his disability. But when they worked together so that the lame man climbed atop the shoulders of the blind man, they could both move forward. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada explained, India had spiritual insights to offer the world but was hampered by a lack of material resources. The west, on the other hand, had strong infrastructure and resources but was suffering from lack of a clear spiritual vision. If the two can work together, he suggested, the whole world could be spiritually uplifted and benefited.
That was 40 years ago. It took years for the people of India to understand that sincere followers of ISKCON strictly refrain from smoking, drinking, gambling and illicit behaviours. As we mark 40th anniversary of this historic film, there is yet another film, titled Dum Maro Dum after the popular song, hope to win over the new generation of fans with its remixed version of the famous song with A-listed celebrities dancing…Now what? If we fast forward 40 years from the historic release of Hare Rama Hare Krishna, how far we have come?
In these 40 years, some things, of course, remain the same. “Dum Maro Dum” is still a popular song, and – for better or worse – may remain so for many years to come. But, many things changed also in these 40 years.
Today, ISKCON have also completed its 40 years in India. The Times of India recently wrote for Srila Prabhupada as, “India’s greatest spiritual & philosophical ambassador to the world.” Hundreds of critics praised Srila Prabhupada’s writings. ISKCON has its centre in almost all the big cities and towns of the nation with thousands of full time devotees and millions of congregational devotees. Today, hardly anyone sees the foreigner devotees with surprise or even suspect.
Far from being viewed with suspicion or ridicule, today ISKCON is one of the most respected, honoured and dynamic spiritual organizations active in India. In places like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Tirupati, Vrindavan, Ujjain, Vishakapatnam, Mayapur, and many other cities, ISKCON has built huge cultural centres that celebrate and promote India’s spiritual heritage and teach people how to apply Vedic wisdom in the modern age. Today, ISKCON’s BBT is the largest publishing house in the world to distribute the Vedic knowledge in number of books printed and distributed. ISKCON also runs the world’s largest Vegetarian food relief program. ISKCON’s Indian temples are leading the way in working to eradicate hunger and poverty – especially through innovative midday meals programs. For Instance, ISKCON’s temple at Delhi alone distributes more than 4, 00,000 plates of food everyday to the school students in the city and nearby areas.
In other words, the Hare Krishna Movement does live up to the song partially. For sure it is helping in wiping the suffering off from people (“mit jaye gum..”). Srila Prabhupada predicted that a day will come when the people of the world will realise the importance of this movement in saving the world from the biggest danger and improving the living conditions of masses.
Hare Krishna…!!
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H.H. Sivarama Swami
Relations of the soul, established in relation with the Supreme Soul, are factual relations… The skin relation is the cause of material bondage, but the relation of the soul is the cause of freedom. This relation of the soul to the soul can be established by the via medium of the relation with the Supersoul.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: An Evening of Bhakti... An Evening of Spiritual Bliss!
Gaura-Shakti, in collaboration with Govinda's, organized another "An Evening of Bhakti:" that took place at the historic Hare Krishna Centre on Friday, August 5, 2011.
The day began with cooking for the vegan dinner that was to be served that evening. My sister, myself and our friend Rashmin were just about get started with the cooking in the early afternoon when, suddenly, the power in the temple went out! We ran outside saw that the whole neighborhood was experiencing a blackout! We didn't know if we would have time to cook for "An Evening of Bhakti". As we frantically made plans for what to make in case the power didn't return (we were thinking, salads, wraps, and more), the power suddenly came back on! We jumped into action and managed to cook everything in just an hour and a half! The mood was so nice in the kitchen as we all worked together to make it happen! Team work is very powerful! :)
The evening itself was really sweet! We started off with mellow chant, "Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya" and it really seemed to set the perfect mood. The evening then shifted focus to our special guest, a monk from South Africa, Bhakti Brihat Bhagavat Swami, who facilitated an interactive Q&A session about bhakti-yoga with our attendees. As he was just starting, though, the sound system died and there were a few tense moments as our technical guys tried to sort things out. Finally, one woman said, "Why can't we just all move closer and use no microphones?". What a brilliant idea! Everyone moved in nice and close and there was suddenly a mood of intimacy and closeness, just like a family.
After a beautiful spiritual discourse by Bhakti Brihat Bhagavat Swami, we all chanted the Hare Krishna mantra with all of our hearts right in a hot-spot of bhakti-yoga... the Hare Krishna Temple! The evening concluded with dinner and we all made new friends who seemed to really enjoy the evening.
After most everyone had left, just a few of us gathered and had a blissful conversation with the Swami until past midnight! What can be better that gaining limitless spiritual knowledge that can be later applied to your life in order to live better and change things around you in a better, spiritual way!
Thank you all for the unforgettable experience!
-- Tara
Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: An Evening of Bhakti... An Evening of Spiritual Bliss!
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ISKCON News.com: New Illustrated Guide Promises Detailed Look at The Vedic Universe
Two second generation ISKCON devotees—Rasikananda Fitch and Jagannath Cassidy—are following in the footsteps of their parents and engaging their friends to create brand new devotional art for a modern age.
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ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Hungary Stays Positive in the Face of Legislative Changes
Depending on whether re-registration is accepted without a hitch or not, the new bill could simply be a passing inconvenience, or it could introduce sweeping changes that would be unfavorable to ISKCON.
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ISKCON News.com: Temple Profile: Lagos, Nigeria
Krishna consciousness first came to Nigeria in 1979, brought by Brahmananda Dasa and the late ISKCON guru Bhakti Tirtha Swami, a charismatic and spiritually-empowered preacher.
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ISKCON News.com: Discovering Radhadesh
ISKCON News.com: Discovering Radhadesh
A 30 minute documentary filmed and hosted by Vasudev Das. For more information please visit: www.radhadesh.com, or www.bhaktv.com
ISKCON News.com: Discovering Radhadesh2
ISKCON News.com: Discovering Radhadesh3
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Japa Group: Thoughts On Chanting
Hare Krsna,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
My name is Advaita and I am 11 years old. I usually make a prayer to Krsna that when I chant that He can protect me and help me solve any problems I may face and this really happens....after my chanting I feel relieved.
Japa helps me purify my mind from bad thoughts and helps me concentrate on the good things of my life. I think that when we chant we just don't purify ourselves but also others around us and also the one's you love.
I hope I can be blessed from you all to be a good chanter and a nice devotee and I will pray to everyone that is reading this message to have the same blessings.
your servant,
Advaita Candra dasa• Email to a friend ••
Gouranga TV: Greeting of the Deities
Greeting of the Deities
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