"Planet ISKCON" - 27 new articles
Karnamrita das, NC, USA: A Lotus in the Redwoods
• Email to a friend • ![]() Jahnavi, UK: Ananda in AutumnSummer reappeared here at Ananda Ashram in upstate NY. I can smell fresh cut grass and the crickets are basking in the early evening sunshine. Scarlet and gold trees transform the forest and create incredible impressionist designs on the surface of the lake. We’re up here for the first ever Kirtan festival at this well known spiritual centre. My parent’s guru, Srila Prabhupada stayed here when he first came to the west, and I feel his presence here. It’s been a great way to reflect on how his actions have given me life, and how I hope to share those gifts, as sincerely as possible. Today I led my own ‘slot’ for the first time at a festival like this. I was sort of strong armed into it. A few years ago I was too shy to even sing in front of my parents, let alone in a microphone, but today I found myself surrounded by the sweetest group of devotional musicians, all helping me to make this offering. I was scared but it was fun. We made up a little arrangement for the bhajan – Sri Kevalashtakam, just before we began. Richard Davis, a film scoring professor from Berklee college played banjo as we sang the chorus – harer nama eva kevalam – there is nothing else but the name of Hari. These kind of festivals can be simultaneously energizing and exhausting, but it’s always encouraging to see more and more faces of people who lead other wise ‘normal lives’, blissfully singing sacred mantras at the top of their lungs. This, and so many other events make up small pieces of the big picture – the mantra revolution that is catching fire like dry grass under a magnifying glass. Over the weekend I’ve met artists and musicians, psychotherapists and lawyers, hippies and straight-laced housewives – all drawn to this joyful practice from an understanding that there is more to life than possessions, status and career. I could go on and on, but blogging by iPhone encourages you to keep it short. God bless you Mr Jobs – Hare Krishna! ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Glories Of The Holy Name
"The Puranas say that anyone who chants the holy name, whether with faith or neglect, attracts the mercy of Lord Krsna. The holy name is the purest form of knowledge; it is the best of all vratas or vows and the highest meditation; it gives the most auspicious fruits; it is the greatest renunciation; it gives incomparable peace; it is the most pious of holy works; it is the supreme path of self realization; it is the greatest liberation and goal; it is the topmost destination; it is the best devotional service; it is the purest inclination; it gives love of Godhead and is the essence of remembrance of the Lord; it is the cause of all causes, the Supreme Absolute Truth; it is the most worshipable object and acts as the supreme spiritual master." I wish you a blessed week of chanting and nice realisations from the sound vibration of the mantra. your servant, Aruna devi • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Kadamba Kanana SwamiSrimad Bhagavatam 1.3.14 - By understanding Krsna conscious philosophy one comes to know what to do and what not to do and then one becomes free from anxiety (sthitir vaikuntha-vijayah posanam tad-anugrahah...). • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GITA COACHING FOR PERFORMANCEPerformance Coaching and Personal Effectiveness Coaching are about helping people produce great and satisfying results in their personal and professional lives. In organisations performance includes: • Heightening self-awareness and self-management. • Developing relationships • Building strengths and mitigating weaknesses. • Accelerating results and clarifying decisions. • Improving execution of tasks. • Being receptive to learning and development in general. • Focusing on new skills and capabilities. • Increasing positive attitude and satisfaction. Coaching creates measurable goals and each session is designed to achieve tangible outcomes in the areas of personal performance and personal effectiveness. • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: LESS FOR MOREDo less for more. Do fewer things, but do them well and put your heartinto them. • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: MOST PRECIOUS REALIZATIONI met here in London a very nice young man from Italy today. I asked him: "What is your most precious realization in life so far?" He replied: "That I canchange." • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: 56 WAYS TO STUDY SRILA PRABHUPADA'S BOOKS(Sorryfor the fonts flaws in the sanskrit words. I was not able to convert them all.) Srimad-Bhagavatam SBPreface and Introduction One willbe unable to capture the effects of the Tenth Canto without going through thefirst nine cantos. The book is complete in twelve cantos, each independent, butit is good for all to read them in small installments one after another. SBPreface: Śrimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source.It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra by the same author, ŚrilaVyasadeva, and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest stateof God realization. The only qualification one needs to study this great bookof transcendental knowledge is to proceed step by step cautiously and not jumpforward haphazardly like with an ordinary book. It should be gone throughchapter by chapter, one after another. The reading matter is so arranged withits original Sanskrit text, its English transliteration, synonyms, translationand purports so that one is sure to become a God-realized soul at the end offinishing the first nine cantos. The TenthCanto is distinct from the first nine cantos because it deals directly with thetranscendental activities of the Personality of Godhead Śri Krsna. One will beunable to capture the effects of the Tenth Canto without going through thefirst nine cantos. The book is complete in twelve cantos, each independent, butit is good for all to read them in small installments one after another. SB Canto2 Oneshould also read and hear the Bhagavad-gita and Śrimad-Bhagavatam in theassociation of devotees. SB2.2.30, Purport: When we speak of hearing and chanting, it means that not onlyshould one chant and hear of the holy name of the Lord as Rama, Krsna (orsystematically the sixteen names Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna,Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare), but one should alsoread and hear the Bhagavad-gita and Śrimad-Bhagavatam in the association ofdevotees. Byreading and hearing Śrimad-Bhagavatam as a scientific presentation, theconditioned souls will gradually be promoted to the higher status oftranscendental knowledge after being freed from the illusory energy based onsense enjoyment. SB2.7.53, Purport: In the Śrimad-Bhagavatam, the science of God, the first ninecantos prepare the ground for hearing the Tenth Canto. This will be furtherexplained in the last chapter of this canto. In the Third Canto it will be moreexplicit. A pure devotee of the Lord, therefore, must begin reading or hearingŚrimad-Bhagavatam from the very beginning, and not from the Tenth Canto. Wehave several times been requested by some so-called devotees to take up theTenth Canto immediately, but we have refrained from such an action because wewish to present Śrimad-Bhagavatam as the science of Godhead and not as asensuous understanding for the conditioned souls. This is forbidden by suchauthorities as Śri Brahmaji. By reading and hearing Śrimad-Bhagavatam as ascientific presentation, the conditioned souls will gradually be promoted tothe higher status of transcendental knowledge after being freed from theillusory energy based on sense enjoyment. SB Canto5 As amatter of principle, devotees should read, speak and hear Śrimad-Bhagavatampersistently, twenty-four hours daily if possible. SB5.6.16, Purport: The pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Hisdevotees are recorded in Śrimad-Bhagavatam so that those who recite thesepastimes and listen to them will become purified. Nitya? bhagavata-sevaya (SB1.2.18). As a matter of principle, devotees should read, speak and hearŚrimad-Bhagavatam persistently, twenty-four hours daily if possible. That isthe recommendation of Śri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Kirtaniya? sada hari? (CC Adi17.31). One should either chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra or readŚrimad-Bhagavatam and thereby try to understand the characteristics andinstructions of the Supreme Lord, who appeared as Lord Rsabhadeva, Lord Kapilaand Lord Krsna. In this way one can become fully aware of the transcendentalnature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, onewho knows the transcendental nature of the Lord's birth and activities attainsliberation from material bondage and returns to Godhead. Lectures Bhagavad-gitaAs It Is Lectures As soonas he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith and adherence, Krsna willbe very much pleased. Lectureon BG 4.9 -- Bombay, March 29, 1974: The people who are reading Krsna book veryseriously, and tries to understand Krsna, he will understand. Krsna is verykind. As soon as he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith andadherence, Krsna will be very much pleased. If youread Bhagavad-gita rightly, as it is spoken by Krsna, not foolishlyinterpreting nonsensically, but as it is, as it is... Call the spade a spade. Lectureon BG 7.2 -- San Francisco, September 11, 1968: Therefore Krsna says that outof many, many thousands of people, somebody is interested for making perfectionof his life. And out of many, many thousands of men who are actually trying tomake perfection of their life, you'll find somebody—or you may not find out—whoknows God or Krsna. But Krsna is so kind that He comes Himself to be known byeveryone. And He's so kind also that before His departure from this materialworld, He leaves behind Him this Bhagavad-gita so that you can know from Hispersonal talks what is God. So if you read Bhagavad-gita rightly, as it isspoken by Krsna, not foolishly interpreting nonsensically, but as it is, as itis... Call the spade a spade. Krsna says that "I am the SupremePersonality of Godhead." Don't interpret this version with your foolishinterpretation, but accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And byHis acts, by His sastric knowledge, wisdom... Everyone accepted previously, allthe acaryas. So we have to follow the footprints of the acaryas. Srimad-BhagavatamLectures Read themvery nicely. Lectureon SB 1.2.5 -- Visakhapatnam, February 20, 1972, At Ladies Club: Bhagavad-gitashould be read, should be understood as prescribed in the Bhagavad-gita. Krsnasays, in the Fourth Chapter, eva? parampara-praptam ima? rajar?ayo vidu? (BG4.2). The Bhagavad-gita should be understood by the line of disciplicsuccession of authorized acaryas. Fortunately, in your South India all thegreat acaryas appeared-Śankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami,all of them. So you are very fortunate, and the acarya commentary is alsothere. Ramanujacarya commentary is there, Madhvacarya commentary is there. Soyou take advantage and read them very nicely. That is our request, Krsnaconsciousness. Śrimad-Bhagavatamyou should study very scrutinizingly, critically. And there is explanation ofgreat, I mean, stalwart devotees. Lectureon SB 1.5.1-4 -- New Vrindaban, May 22, 1969: Śrimad-Bhagavatam you shouldstudy very scrutinizingly, critically. And there is explanation of great, Imean, stalwart devotees. In Śrimad-Bhagavatam there are eight kinds ofcommentary. In Bhagavad-gita... They are authorized. They are not ordinarycommentaries. Ordinary commentary, there may be many. Similarly, ŚrimadBhagavad-gita there are nine kinds of commentary. So Śrimad Bhagavad-gita orBhagavata, they are themselves illuminating. Just like sunlight—there is noneed of a lamp to see the sunlight. Similarly, Śrimad-Bhagavatam orBhagavad-gita, they are self-illuminating. Simply word to word if you try tounderstand, then you'll get enlightenment. Still, there are acaryas who canhelp you. As longas you are reading, the sun is unable to take your life. It is not possible forthe sun to take your life. So if you constantly read, then where is theopportunity of sun's taking your life? Lectureon SB 2.3.17 -- Los Angeles, June 12, 1972: So hearing is not very difficultjob. But you must hear from the realized soul. That is... Satan prasangan mamavirya-samvidah. If you hear from a professional man, that will not beeffective. Hearing must be from sadhu, from devotee, from the lips of thedevotee. Just like Śukadeva Gosvami was speaking to Maharaja Parik?it. So ...Or even if you hear yourself, you read books, you will save your life. If yousimply read Krsna book or Bhagavad-gita or Teachings of Lord Caitanya, then youknow the... As long as you are reading, the sun is unable to take your life. Itis not possible for the sun to take your life. So if you constantly read, thenwhere is the opportunity of sun's taking your life? That means you are becomingimmortal. People are very much anxious to become immortal. Nobody wants to die.Everyone knows that "I shall die." But if there is immediately somedanger, fire, immediately you go away from this room. Why? I do not wish todie. I do not wish to die. Although I know I must have to die. Still, why do Igo away? I know that... The GBCmember means they will see that in every temple these books are very thoroughlybeing read and discussed and understood and applied in practical life. Lectureon SB 2.9.3 -- Melbourne, April 5, 1972: Cow protection means just likeBhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is tending the cows. He isgoing, taking the cows personally from His royal palace going to the forestwhole day, working there. Is it not, cowherds boy? And taken some little fruit,mother, whatever mother has given. They are playing that. So this is cowprotection, not that "Somebody will give money and we shall keep somethird class cows and feed there and become cow protector." We must tendthe cows very nicely so that they give us sufficient milk. And with that milkwe shall live. "No, because we are giving protection to cow, you sendmoney for the cows and the cow protectors, and earn money there and give usmoney. We shall eat nicely and sleep." As soon as this practice is goingon, then next will be: "Give me some LSD, give me something else."This will go on. We don't want that. Similarly,the GBC member means they will see that in every temple these books are verythoroughly being read and discussed and understood and applied in practicallife. That is wanted, not to see the vouchers only, "How many books youhave sold, and how many books are in the stock?" That is secondary. Youmay keep vouchers... If one is engaged in Krsna's service, there is no need ofvouchers. That is... Everyone is doing his best. That's all. So we have to seethat things are going on very nicely. So in that way the GBC members shoulddivide some zones and see very nicely that things are going on, that they arechanting sixteen rounds, and temple management is doing according to theroutine work, and the books are being thoroughly discussed, being read,understood practically. These things are required. Now, suppose you go to sellsome book and if somebody says, "You have read this book? Can you explainthis verse?" then what you will say? You will say, "No. It is foryou. It is not for me. I have to take money from you. That's all." Is thatvery nice answer? So readbooks profusely, and learn the problems of life and the solution of life. Lectureon SB 5.5.5 -- London, September 3, 1971: So read books profusely, and learnthe problems of life and the solution of life. Everything is there. Read it. Nectar ofDevotion Lectures So everyone of you should read this Nectar of Devotion repeatedly. TheNectar of Devotion -- Los Angeles, June 23, 1970: So we have published ourNectar of Devotion. So every one of you should read this Nectar of Devotionrepeatedly. The whole substance of Vaisnava philosophy and activities,everything is there. So every one of you read this Nectar of Devotion once,twice, thrice. So wehave published our Nectar of Devotion. So every one of you should read thisNectar of Devotion repeatedly. The whole substance of Vaisnava philosophy andactivities, everything is there. So every one of you read this Nectar ofDevotion once, twice, thrice. TheNectar of Devotion -- Los Angeles, June 23, 1970: Hare Krsna. So we havepublished our Nectar of Devotion. So every one of you should read this Nectarof Devotion repeatedly. The whole substance of Vaisnava philosophy andactivities, everything is there. So every one of you read this Nectar ofDevotion once, twice, thrice. Unless you have got full-fledged ideas what isthis devotional service... That was written by... Actually, it was spoken byLord Caitanya to Rupa Gosvami. For ten days continually He instructed RupaGosvami at Prayaga, Daśaśvamedha-gha?a. You have seen the picture in TLC.Caitanya Mahaprabhu was at Allahabad, Prayaga, and Rupa Gosvami met Him there.He was offering obeisances flat. You have seen that picture. So at that timeCaitanya Mahaprabhu personally gave him instruction what is this cult ofbhakti. So for ten days. And he took note of it and later on he placed thisbook in the form of Bhakti-rasam?ta-sindhu. That is in Sanskrit. It will bedifficult for you. Therefore I have presented a summary study, and the summarystudy has come to 407 pages. If we would have elaborately described each andevery verse, then it would have come to at least thousand pages. So thewhole substance is creamed. You should take advantage of this. And don'tindulge in much unnecessary talks. Time should be very properly utilized. If wetake the chance of living with the devotees, and try to serve the Gosvamis, whowanted to establish the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, then our life willbe successful. This is Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Study Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhuvery minutely, and this result you will achieve very easily. TheNectar of Devotion -- Bombay, January 8, 1973: If we take the chance of livingwith the devotees, and try to serve the Gosvamis, who wanted to establish themission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, then our life will be successful. This isBhakti-rasam?ta-sindhu. Study Bhakti-rasam?ta-sindhu very minutely, and thisresult you will achieve very easily. Śrila Rupa Gosvami has left The Nectar ofDevotion. FestivalLectures You canscientifically and philosophically study. Ratha-yatra-- San Francisco, June 27, 1971: One of the book is known as Teachings of LordCaitanya. It is very important book. If you want to learn this Krsnaconsciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically andphilosophically study. But if you have no inclination to study, if you simplytake to this chanting of Hare Krsna, gradually everything will be revealed untoyou, and you will understand your relationship with Krsna. If youwant to learn this Krsna consciousness movement, we have got enough books. Youcan scientifically and philosophically study. Ratha-yatra-- San Francisco, June 27, 1971: One of the book is known as Teachings of LordCaitanya. It is very important book. If you want to learn this Krsnaconsciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically andphilosophically study. But if you have no inclination to study, if you simplytake to this chanting of Hare Krsna, gradually everything will be revealed untoyou, and you will understand your relationship with Krsna. GeneralLectures We cansee from His presentation of this Bhagavad-gita how supreme He is. He spokethis truth five thousand years before, and continually, for five thousandyears, all scholars are studying this scripture, and studying very devotedly tounderstand it. Lectureon Maha-mantra -- New York, September 8, 1966: There are five authorities,recognized authorities, in India so far this is..., spiritual life isconcerned. One of them is Śri Ramanujacarya and other is Sankaracarya. Theother is Madhvacarya, other is Vi??u Svami, and other Nimbarka, Nimbaditya (?).Principal. The whole, I mean, some of them flourished, say, two thousand yearsbefore; some of them 1,500 years before; some of them eleven hundred yearsbefore. Just like there are different ages, they have come. But all of them, inspite of their coming in different ages, they all are in one opinion—Krsnas tubhagavan svayam: (SB 1.3.28) "Krsna, Lord Krsna, is the SupremePersonality of Godhead." Just like we have cited, iśvara? parama? Krsna?(Bs. 5.1): "The supreme controller, the Supreme Lord, is Krsna." Now,we can see from His presentation of this Bhagavad-gita how supreme He is. Hespoke this truth five thousand years before, and continually, for five thousandyears, all scholars are studying this scripture, and studying very devotedly tounderstand it. Conversationsand Morning Walks 1972Conversations and Morning Walks All thesebooks should be regularly read. RoomConversation -- April 2, 1972, Sydney: Prabhupada:You read regularly, Nectar of Devotion, regularly. All these books should beregularly read. That will give you guidance. You haven't got to ask repeatedlyto me; everything is there. 1976Conversations and Morning Walks He mustbe expertly reading, not as a book worm, expert. MorningWalk -- February 26, 1976, Mayapura: Jayapataka:Service and reading are nondifferent? Prabhupada:Yes, if one is actually reading. Just like Rupa Gosvami. He was reading.Nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau. But he must be expertly reading, not as a bookworm, expert. Jayapataka:And on the other hand, sometimes devotees are only engaged in service, andthen, without reading, and they... Prabhupada:But every, everyone... You cannot expect everyone is capable for reading. Jayapataka:They have desire to read, but they have no opportunity. And then in theirservice, they become... They lose sight sometimes, where they, because offallen condition, they cannot remember Krsna in their service. But whilereading, one can easily..., cannot help but remember Krsna. Prabhupada:If he cannot remember Krsna, he will sleep. That is the test. When you haveseen so many reading but sleeping, that means there is no Krsna. Yahan krsnatahan nahi mayara adhikara. Sleeping is maya, so if he's thinking of Krsna,there cannot be sleeping. Jayapataka:No, I'm talking not about the reading half, but the service half. Prabhupada:Service also... Everything depends on advancement in Krsna consciousness. IfKrsna is there, either you read or work as a coolie, the same thing. 1977Conversations and Morning Walks Bhagavatais the only guide. Read Bhagavata, repeatedly whole life. Safe. Always. Always,whenever there is time, read, read, read. RoomConversation -- February 16, 1977, Mayapura: Prabhupada:What can they do in darkness? (laughter) That is the only engagement indarkness. Jayapataka:They could have chanted Hare Krsna. Prabhupada:No... Even Hare Krsna people. Naviviktasano bhavet, matra svasra duhitra va (SB9.19.17). It is strictly forbidden: "You should not sit alone even withyour mother, sister or daughter, what to speak of wife." Balavanindriya-gramo vidva?sam api kar?ati: "The senses are so strong, evenlearned persons, advanced, they also become victimized." Balavanindriya-grama?. Balavan means very strong. When the... It is forbidden evenwith mother, sister or..., and daughter. That is the only capturing instrumentin the material world. Maithunyam agara, prison house of sex, this materialworld. It is a prison house, but locked up by sex. The ordinary prison house,they are locked up by guards, and here the locking process is sex. Maithunyamagara. The words are selected in Bhagavata. They are thinking free. (laughs)They are imprisoned, locked up. And everyone falsely thinking, "I am free.Our nation is free. I am free." What nonsense free? You are locked upalready. That he does not... Now this word is used, maithunyam agaram ajna?. Hehas preferred to remain in this prison locked up by sex because he is rascal. Maithunyamagaram ajna?. Pradyumna:Where is that, Śrila Prabhupada? Prabhupada:In the... Find out, Fifth, Fifth Canto, Fifth Chapter. Bhagavata is the onlyguide. Read Bhagavata, repeatedly whole life. Safe. Always. Always, wheneverthere is time, read, read, read. anarthopaśama?sak?ad bhakti-yogamadhok?aje lokasyajanatovidva?ś cakresatvata-sa?hitam (SB1.7.6) Vyasadevahas done this satvata-samhita. Anartha. To live in this material world isanartha, unnecessary. Hm? You have got it? Pradyumna: yada napaśyaty ayatha gu?eha? svarthepramatta? sahasa vipaścit gata-sm?tirvindati tatra tapan asadyamaithunyam agaram ajna? Prabhupada:Ajna?. Jayapataka:Which verse? Pradyumna:It's Canto Five, Chapter Five, verse number seven. "Even though one may bevery learned and wise, he is mad if he does not understand that the endeavorfor sense gratification is a useless waste of time. Being forgetful of his owninterest, he tries to be happy in the material world, centering his interestsaround his home, which is based on sexual intercourse and which brings him allkinds of material miseries. In this way one is no better than a foolishanimal." Prabhupada:Yes. Maithunyam agaram ajna?. The selection of words in Bhagavata are, fromeven literary point of view, perfect. Pada? pada? yad vipada? na te?am (SB10.14.58). Bhavambudhir vatsa-pada? para? pada? pada? pada? yad vipada? na...This is literary. Samaśrita ye pada-pallava-plavam. Again plava? plavam.Anuprasa. This is literary, anuprasa. Correspondence 1969Correspondence Myspecial request to you is that you seriously read our literature, especiallyBhagavad-gita As It Is. Letter toAnn Clifford -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969: So if you will come to our templeon Park Avenue and chant and speak with the devotees as far as possible, youwill find that all lesser attachments and lesser enjoyments will fall veryshort of your attachment for and attraction for service of the Lord in KrishnaConsciousness. That is a fact, and my special request to you is that youseriously read our literature, especially Bhagavad-gita As It Is, chant HareKrishna always; then you will find your life becoming sublime. So try tounderstand this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness by reading our books andliteratures, discussing amongst the devotees. Letter toOliver -- Los Angeles 19 August, 1969: So try to understand this philosophy ofKrishna Consciousness by reading our books and literatures, discussing amongstthe devotees and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra as much as possible. Wheneverthere is any inquiries, you can write to me directly, and I shall try to replythem. Youshould read our own books over and over again. Letter toHamsaduta -- Tittenhurst 2 November, 1969: So these Christian and Buddhistscriptures were delivered for a different class of men, and we needn't spendour time in studying their doctrines. You should read our own books over andover again and as far as possible do not try to enter into controversy. We donot concern ourselves with any other religion. Our religion is to become theservant of the servant of the servant of Krishna (CC Madhya 13.80). Continueto chant all of your rounds daily, and read our magazines and books as much aspossible. In this way your future will be very bright, and surely you will beable to do great service to this movement within your lifetime. Letter toVasudeva -- London 20 November, 1969: Krishna is very merciful to His sinceredevotees, but also we have to remember that Maya is very strong. Therefore, wehave to always be engaged in serving Krishna. At every moment we should bedoing this or that service for Krishna's transcendental pleasure. If we do notremember this, then Maya is right there to grab us. It all depends upon ourleaning towards Krishna or towards Maya. If you lean towards Krishna, you willbe in Krishna Consciousness; and if you lean towards Maya, then you will becaptivated by material nature. Krishna and Maya are just like light and shadowwhich are directly next to one another. If you move a little this way, you arein light and there is no question of shadow. But if you move a little the otherway, you are in darkness. So if we remember to always be engaged in Krishna'sservice, then there will be no Maya and everything will be all right. Pleasealways remember this great secret of advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Soas you are showing promise to be a nice artist, I think you may next paint somepictures of the Spiritual Masters in the line of disciplic succession. Also,continue to fix up the new temple nicely and promote the Sankirtana Movement asfar as possible. These, along with promoting our literatures will give yousufficient engagement to fill your time. Also, continue to chant all of yourrounds daily, and read our magazines and books as much as possible. In this wayyour future will be very bright, and surely you will be able to do greatservice to this movement within your lifetime. 1970Correspondence We havepresented the complete philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in our books BhagavadGita as it is, Srimad Bhagawatam, Teachings of Lord, Chaitanya, Krsna, andothers being printed, so the classes and personal study should be undertakenpenetratingly. Letter toJayapataka - So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90034 February 13, 1970:Now we want some men who understand all the purports of the Shastras so thatthey will be able to face any questionnaires put to them especially ………. Thisis a very important business, and I want all of my disciples to be thoroughlyversed in this way. Our first business to every initiated devotee is to chantdaily sixteen round of beads without fail, and to follow the regulativeprinciples rigidly, and our literatures must be studied with great attention.We have presented the complete philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in our booksBhagavad Gita as it is, Srimad Bhagawatam, Teachings of Lord, Chaitanya, Krsna,and others being printed, so the classes and personal study should beundertaken penetratingly. Please see that all the devotees are following theseprinciples; this program is the essential basis of our spiritual advancement.If chanting and following of the regulation is done sincerely, without offense,all questions and doubtful points of philosophy will be cleared up byrealization of Krsna from within the heart of the devotee. I hopeyou will read our books attentively and you should ask guidance inunderstanding Krsna Consciousness from your elder God-brothers. Letter toGoverdhan - So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90034 March 6, 1970: I hopeyou will read our books attentively and you should ask guidance inunderstanding Krsna Consciousness from your elder God-brothers. If you stick tothe principle of regularly chanting Hare Krsna and executing devotionalservice, Krsna will give you all protection in all circumstances of life. Read themone after another. Letter toUnknown -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970: For the further understanding of thisreligious process I would recommend you to read our three books namely SriIsopanisad, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and Easy Journey to Other Planets. When youhave finished them, you can read Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of LordCaitanya. Besides these we have many other books and our "Back toGodhead" magazines, in which we are fully describing about this religiononly. So you read them one after another, and whenever there is a question youmay write to me and I shall be very glad to answer it as far as possible. Study ourliteratures with the cooperation of your God-brothers and sisters in Buffalo,and any questions you may have may be submitted to Srimad Rupanuga foranswering. Letter toTejiyas -- Los Angeles 20 May, 1970: Please follow the rules and regulationsfor advancing in Krsna Consciousness beginning with strict observance of thefour restrictions, and chant daily the prescribed number of sixteen rounds onthe beads, and you will grow strong in spiritual strength. Study ourliteratures with the cooperation of your God-brothers and sisters in Buffalo,and any questions you may have may be submitted to Srimad Rupanuga foranswering. So in this way always find some engagement in Krsna's service andyou will be supremely happy and successful in your life. If youare more serious about Krsna Consciousness then you should not only read ourbooks and literatures with due care. Letter toSriman Murthy -- Los Angeles 22 May, 1970: Krsna's further mercy upon you isexhibited that you are now living in our Temple. Our different centers arespecially meant for reclaiming sincere souls to understand Krsna Consciousness,and if you are more serious about Krsna Consciousness then you should not onlyread our books and literatures with due care, but also if possible you shouldcome here and live with me for some time. Study ourliteratures with the help of your senior God-brothers and sisters. Letter toAditi -- India 29 September, 1970: Study our literatures with the help of yoursenior God-brothers and sisters, go on Sankirtana when possible, take specialcare to remain always engaged in some Krsna conscious activity, chant HareKrsna Mantra always and be happy. Read ourliteratures sincerely. Letter toKarandhara -- Surat 18 December, 1970: I am very much happy that you are nowattempting for opening up some centers in South America. It has long time beenmy desire to have some of our branches there. So you train up some qualifiedmen and send them and if they can do something there it will be a greatachievement. Simply they must chant Hare Krsna, observe the regulativeprinciples and read our literatures sincerely and their success is guaranteed. 1971Correspondence Yourquotations from our Vaisnava sastras are very nice and I request you thoroughlyto study all of our literatures very thoughtfully and try to understand thesublime import of this Krishna consciousness philosophy. Letter toStephen -- Bombay 4 January, 1971: Your quotations from our Vaisnava sastrasare very nice and I request you thoroughly to study all of our literatures verythoughtfully and try to understand the sublime import of this Krishnaconsciousness philosophy. The basic principle of advancement in our Krishnaconsciousness is stressed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu that if one simply chants theHare Krsna Mahamantra without offense and has firm faith in Krsna and SpiritualMaster then he will advance and he only can understand the deep import of Krsnaconsciousness. Study ourliteratures with the help of other devotees. Letter toGerald -- ISKCON Akash Ganga Bldg; 89 Bhulabhai Desai Road; Bombay-26 India19th February, 1971: Do not be disappointed if sometimes your mind gives someagitation. Such agitation is only temporary and will be driven away bychanting. So chant loudly whenever there is some disturbance and hear thetranscendental sound attentively. Study our literatures with the help of otherdevotees and render some devotional service in the Temple or on SamkirtanParty. As your heart becomes more and more purified by the chanting process youwill feel constant happiness in Krsna's service and at that time Krsna takesall the sinful reactions from the devotee thus protecting him from alldistresses of life. 1972Correspondence You mustall study very scrutinizingly all of the books so that when the need arises youcan repeat in your own words their purport. Letter toHrdayananda -- Bombay 6 January, 1972: And you must all study veryscrutinizingly all of the books so that when the need arises you can repeat inyour own words their purport. Also I will be very pleased if you contributearticles to BTG. By writing regularly, what you read will become realized. Asmuch as possible read, chant, and preach. This is our life and soul. If we keepto this simple formula then there is no doubt that we will be victoriouswherever we go and very soon we shall become the only religion in the world. Irecommend you to read books more and more and try to understand the subjectmatter from different angles of vision. Letter toBhargava -- Los Angeles 13 June, 1972: If we are Krishna Conscious, any type ofoccupation will suit me and we shall always be satisfied. Therefore, Irecommend you to read books more and more and try to understand the subjectmatter from different angles of vision and be always discussing it with yourgodbrothers even while you are working at the press, and when you are workingand you cannot read, then listen to the tapes of my lectures and hear in thatway. And never neglect to chant your 16 rounds of beads daily, rise earlywithout fail, attend mangal arati, take bath, and follow the other regulativeprinciples, and everything will come out very successfully, you can restassured of that. Irecommend you to read books more and more. Letter toBhargava -- Los Angeles 13 June, 1972: If we are Krishna Conscious, any type ofoccupation will suit me and we shall always be satisfied. Therefore, Irecommend you to read books more and more and try to understand the subjectmatter from different angles of vision and be always discussing it with your godbrotherseven while you are working at the press, and when you are working and youcannot read, then listen to the tapes of my lectures and hear in that way. If we areKrishna Conscious, any type of occupation will suit me and we shall always besatisfied. Therefore, I recommend you to read books more and more and try tounderstand the subject matter from different angles of vision and be alwaysdiscussing it with your godbrothers even while you are working at the press. Letter toBhargava -- Los Angeles 13 June, 1972: So I am requesting all of my students toread my books very seriously every day without fail. In this way, if your mindbecomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the transcendental subjectmatter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and other books then very easilyyou will make your advancement in Krishna Consciousness. It is not a matter ofchanging our engagement, adjusting this or that material condition, in order tofind our real happiness. Krishna Consciousness is not like that. It is able tobe performed under any variety of material conditions or with any type ofengagement. Therefore if your duty as a photographer is very much helpful toour propanganda work and for improving our BTG then there is very much need foryour remaining in that occupation and doing it to your best capacity. It is afallacy to say that my present engagement with the press is not the best for myspiritual advancement, and if we think in this way we may go on trying out oneengagement after another and always say the same excuse. This restlessness oragitation of the mind cannot be rectified by altering the materialcircumstances. If we are Krishna Conscious, any type of occupation will suit meand we shall always be satisfied. Therefore, I recommend you to read books moreand more and try to understand the subject matter from different angles ofvision and be always discussing it with your godbrothers even while you areworking at the press, and when you are working and you cannot read, then listento the tapes of my lectures and hear in that way. And never neglect to chantyour 16 rounds of beads daily, rise early without fail, attend mangal arati,take bath, and follow the other regulative principles, and everything will comeout very successfully, you can rest assured of that. Irecommend you to read books more and more and try to understand the subjectmatter from different angles of vision. Letter toBhargava -- Los Angeles 13 June, 1972: The more we become renounced from thismaterial world, the more we advance in Krishna Consciousness. But we are onlyable to make such sacrifices and perform tapasya if we have got knowledge. Sofirst thing is to become knowledgeable in Krishna Consciousness, then thetapasya or voluntary life of austerity will result automatically. So I amrequesting all of my students to read my books very seriously every day withoutfail. In this way, if your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hoursdaily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita,and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in KrishnaConsciousness. It is not a matter of changing our engagement, adjusting this orthat material condition, in order to find our real happiness. KrishnaConsciousness is not like that. It is able to be performed under any variety ofmaterial conditions or with any type of engagement. Therefore if your duty as aphotographer is very much helpful to our propanganda work and for improving ourBTG then there is very much need for your remaining in that occupation anddoing it to your best capacity. It is a fallacy to say that my presentengagement with the press is not the best for my spiritual advancement, and ifwe think in this way we may go on trying out one engagement after another andalways say the same excuse. This restlessness or agitation of the mind cannotbe rectified by altering the material circumstances. If we are KrishnaConscious, any type of occupation will suit me and we shall always besatisfied. Therefore, I recommend you to read books more and more and try tounderstand the subject matter from different angles of vision and be alwaysdiscussing it with your godbrothers even while you are working at the press,and when you are working and you cannot read, then listen to the tapes of mylectures and hear in that way. And never neglect to chant your 16 rounds ofbeads daily, rise early without fail, attend mangal arati, take bath, andfollow the other regulative principles, and everything will come out verysuccessfully, you can rest assured of that. You wantto perform sacrifice so continuously read our Vedic scriptures and perform theVaikuntha yajna. Letter toHimavati -- Los Angeles 15 June, 1972: So remain always compact in Vaikunthayajna, simply by thinking of the Glories of the Lord. Don't try to do anythingartificially. That is sahajiya, which means a class of men that take everythingvery cheap. You want to perform sacrifice so continuously read our Vedicscriptures and perform the Vaikuntha yajna. I am verymuch stressing at this point that all of my students shall be very muchconversant with the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, and that they shouldread our books very diligently. Letter toMadhudvisa -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972: I am successful only because I amfollowing strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate.Therefore people respect what I am saying and they listen because I do not sayone thing and do another. So now you are doing my work and you shall be like meand be yourselves the worthy representatives of our disciplic succession. I am verymuch stressing at this point that all of my students shall be very muchconversant with the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, and that they shouldread our books very diligently at least one or two hours daily and try tounderstand the subject matter from varieties of angles. Each wordis pronounced by me and repeated by the students and then altogether we chantthe sloka several times until we have learned it. Letter toMadhudvisa -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972: We are holding our morning class herein Los Angeles in the temple and I am speaking from 7 to 8 am, and the processis that we are going through some chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatam by taking onesloka each day, and reading the Sanskrit aloud, each word is pronounced by meand repeated by the students and then altogether we chant the sloka severaltimes until we have learned it. Wediscuss the subject matter very minutely and inspect it from all angles of approachand savor the new understandings. Letter toMadhudvisa -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972: We are holding our morning class herein Los Angeles in the temple and I am speaking from 7 to 8 am, and the processis that we are going through some chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatam by taking onesloka each day, and reading the Sanskrit aloud, each word is pronounced by meand repeated by the students and then altogether we chant the sloka severaltimes until we have learned it. And then we discuss the subject matter veryminutely and inspect it from all angles of approach and savor the newunderstandings. So you introduce this system in all of the centers in yourzone, and you will discover that everyone becomes very much enlivened by thesedaily classes. I adviseyou to daily read our books as far as possible and try to understand thesubject matter from different angles of vision by discussing frequently withthe devotees. Letter toBob -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972: One makes his advancement in KrishnaConsciousness by giving up voluntarily his attachment to material nature ormaya and such renunciation is called tapasya. But we are not very willing toperform austerities without good reason, therefore any man with scientific andphilosophical good brain such as your good self, must appreciate first what isthe transcendental knowledge. If you get knowledge, automatically tapasya willfollow, and then you make your advancement in spiritual life. So to getknowledge is the first item for anyone who is hoping to find his perfection oflife. Therefore, I advise you to daily read our books as far as possible andtry to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision bydiscussing frequently with the devotees at New York Temple. In this way youwill become gradually convinced, and by your sincere attitude and devotionalservice you will make progress. Give themall good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study thethings from every point of view. Letter toHamsaduta -- Los Angeles 22 June, 1972: Now I am feeling very much inclined forretiring behind the scenes to translate my Srimad-Bhagavatam. This means thatnow you all leaders, especially the GBC members, must become very muchresponsible and do the work that I am doing to the same standard. So I want youleaders especially to become very much absorbed in the philosophy ofBhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and become yourselves completely convincedand free from all doubt. On this platform you shall be able to carry on thework satisfactorily, but if there is lack of knowledge, or if there isforgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time. So especially you mustencourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much aspossible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, andinspire them to study the things from every point of view. In this way, byconstantly engaging our tongues in the service of the Lord, either bydiscussing His philosophy or by chanting Hare Krishna, the truth is thatKrishna Himself will reveal Himself to us and we shall understand how to doeverything properly. Now we have got so many students and so many temples but Iam fearful that if we expand too much in this way that we shall become weakenedand gradually the whole thing will become lost. Just like milk. We may thin itmore and more with water for cheating the customer, but in the end it willcease to be any longer milk. Better to boil the milk now very vigorously andmake it thick and sweet, that is the best process. So let us concentrate ontraining our devotees very thoroughly in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousnessfrom our books, from tapes, by discussing always, and in so many ways instructthem in the right propositions. Study ourbooks and see our philosophy from different lights of directions. Letter toBhagavatananda -- New York 8 July, 1972: Try to always study our books and seeour philosophy from different lights of directions, become convinced yourselfof this knowledge and without a doubt all of your difficulties of mind willdisappear forever and you will see Krishna face-to-face. If youchant daily 16 rounds and read at least one hour daily Srimad-Bhagavatam, plusyour other prescribed duties, never mind this or that, you will feel yourselfbecoming happy more and more and these practices will protect you from maya orhazy consciousness without any doubt. Letter toSaucarya -- Vrindaban 23 October, 1972: You are feeling some discomfort in yourlife in Krishna Consciousness, but I can assure you that this is only temporarycondition of little importance, because main thing is that somehow or other youhave got a little attraction for Krishna and you have become His devotee andthis is the highest platform of development of life. So you should always feelyourself very much blessed by Krishna that you have come to this point after somuch long struggling, so if there is from time to time little discomfort, donot pay it any attention. Now you have got the formula how to achieve veryquickly the supreme perfectional stage, and it is up to you if you willpractice it seriously or not. If you chant daily 16 rounds and read at leastone hour daily Srimad-Bhagavatam, plus your other prescribed duties, never mindthis or that, you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more and thesepractices will protect you from maya or hazy consciousness without any doubt.Of course, it is very much favorable to our advancement in spiritual life if weare engaged in some service for Krishna which is also pleasing t us to perform.So if you have got some special talent or experience you may discuss withJagadisa how to engage yourself in that way. That is his duty as leader, togive you good engagement. 1973Correspondence Pleaseread my books very carefully. Letter toRoger -- Calcutta 26 January, 1973: Thank you very much for your kindsentiments. By engaging in this Krsna Consciousness Movement you will beperfecting your own life as well as helping others to also come to the platformof God-consciousness. This is the real business of human life, thoughunfortunately the majority of human beings are neglecting. Now it is ourbusiness to wake them up to Krsna Consciousness. Please read my books verycarefully and become convinced on this point. Chant Hare Krsna, take prasadam,and follow the regulative principles very rigidly. This will make you more andmore advanced in spiritual life. We shouldbecome habituated to read the books more profoundly. Letter toSukadeva -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 23 July, 1973: Regarding the starting of asociety newsletter, I think there is no need for it. Do not unnecessarilyincrease your responsibilities. What responsibilities you have make perfect.Besides, we already have our society journal, Back to Godhead. As for receivingnews of other centers, why should you be so anxious? The news is always thesame, sankirtana is going on, deity worship, with little change. We shouldrather turn our interest to learn from the books more and more. We shouldinquire about Krsna. Temple life is going on with little change, but we shouldbecome habituated to read the books more profoundly. 1974Correspondence In mybooks the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if there isanything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again andagain. Letter toBahurupa -- Bombay 22 November, 1974: I am pleased to hear that you arechanting 16 rounds daily and reading my books regularly and following the fourrules. In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fullyso if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have toread again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to youand by this process your spiritual life will develop. Krishna Consciousness isnot a hackneyed thing but it is something which is our natural and originalconsciousness. Presently our consciousness is clouded just like a mirrorbecomes covered with dust So the cleansing process is this chanting and hearingand doing some service and trying to please the Spiritual Master. By thisprocess our consciousness becomes clear and we are able to understandeverything. Youshould always read my books daily and all your questions will be answered. Letter toHugo Salemon -- Bombay 22 November, 1974: Our process is something universal. Itcannot be checked by any means. Anyone in any place, in any country can chantHare Krishna. If it is possible to go to the temple, then take advantage of thetemple. A temple is a place where by one is given the opportunity to renderdirect devotional service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. In conjunction withthis you should always read my books daily and all your questions will beanswered and you will have a firm basis of Krishna Consciousness. In this wayyour life will be perfect. If youcontinue to read our books very carefully and try to understand our philosophyvery deeply, this is nice. Letter toMr. Quinn -- Bombay 17 December, 1974: If you continue to read our books verycarefully and try to understand our philosophy very deeply, this is nice. 1975Correspondence Pleasestudy my books intensely. Letter toAticandra -- Bombay 4 January, 1975: First thing is that one must understandSrimad-Bhagavatam fully. The first verse, if you simply explain, will takevolumes and volumes. So, please study my books intensely and do not fail tochant 16 rounds daily following the four regulative principles strictly. Thiswill make everything perfect. 1976Correspondence I wishthat all my students can become as adept at presenting the information in thebooks like this. Letter toTusta Krsna -- Vrindaban 18 September, 1976: I thank you very much for yourvery nice presentation of the issue of birth. You have assimilated the processof birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and Iwish that all my students can become as adept at presenting the information inthe books like this. You can make this a grand subject for agitation in thatcountry and your preaching on this point alone will make you very famous.Therefore you should speak everywhere on this subject matter from theBhagavatam and gita and you will be glorified. As the disciple is glorified soalso the spiritual master becomes glorified more. Use this issue to advanceyour propaganda and become a leader in the society. They muststudy my books at least three hours a day (including classes). Letter toBhadravardhana, Hrdayagovinda -- Vrndavana October 25, 1976: Please performyour service of training up the new men very carefully. Present the philosophyof Krsna consciousness as it is. There is no need to add anything or takeanything away. As it is. They must learn to strictly follow the four regulativeprinciples and chant 16 rounds minimum every day, avoiding the 10 offenses. Thenew men should also go out for samkirtan, chanting or distributing my books.This will make them strong. Also, they must study my books at least three hoursa day (including classes). • Email to a friend • ![]() Haricharana das, Indonesia: H.H. Bhakti Madhurya Govinda Swami prised the little Brahmacari,...
H.H. Bhakti Madhurya Govinda Swami prised the little Brahmacari, Bima (2 years old), for doing very nice aratika.. Photo by Srinidhi das • Email to a friend • ![]() Mayapur Online: "Holy Jail"We would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the latest book and article regarding prison preaching, which is a very important part of our Ministry. Please find below the information on our book, Holy Jail, by His Holiness Candramauli Swami. • Email to a friend • ![]() Balabhadra dasa: Latest ISCOWP e-newsletter
• Email to a friend • ![]() Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: A Profound InterviewMy fellow writer, Madhava Smullen, is writing an article for ISKCON News (news.iskcon.com) on the phenomenon of gurukulis (second generation devotees of Krishna) who have received formal initiation. He interviewed me and quite a few others via e-mail. Who initiated you? His questions have prodded me to reflect deeply upon the commitments I have made. Radhanath Swami Where and when did you get initiated? Alachua, Florida, May 31st, 2010 What age were you when you got initiated? 23 What were your full names before and after initiation? My name before initiation was Bhakti lata bij, and after initiation my name became Bhakti lata. Please explain in a detailed, thoughtful way why you made the decision to get initiated. I often hear parallels between marriage and initiation - both are very grave steps in life that involve very profound vows. Of course, marriage is more of a common phenomenon, something that humans can universally relate to, so I'll start from there. So one may ask, why get married? Why make those vows when you can just live lives together as a very committed couple? I have come to the conclusion that there is something about taking those profound vows in front of the world and in front of God that gives the couple the strength to weather the storms. In very related respects, I was born to devotee parents who gave me a spiritual name at birth. I have followed the four regulative principles my whole life, and Radhanath Swami loves me unconditionally, whether I would have ever received initiation from him or not. So one may wonder - why take that formal step of initiation? For me, it was about committing to those vows in front of the world and in front of God. The vows of initiation are so powerful that sometimes I feel chills to meditate upon them. Those vows carve and shape my life, and give me a safe place to fall. Receiving initiation is like marriage in the sense that now I belong to someone, now I can rest my soul, knowing that I am connected to a family who can carry me in the fiercest of spiritual storms. What major and subtle changes have there been in your life now that you are initiated? What do you think initiation will continue to change in your life? The most profound change I experience is the peace I feel in my heart. I feel settled. I feel grounded and sure and safe. I feel strong - I no longer am only accountable to myself, I am accountable to my spiritual master, to Srila Prabhupad, to all of the devotees. That accountability gives me great strength to set an example for others. I feel that initiation will continue to change my life by giving me the sureness and strength to offer every breath of my life in service, knowing that it shall be offered in the right direction, like water not just poured upon any soil, but soil with seeds underneath. Why do you think gurukulis have typically been slower about getting initiated? Do you think that is changing now, and if so why? I sense that gurukulis have been slower about receiving initiation because they're already immersed in Krishna culture. What's the point in making such heavy vows when one is already IN the flow, chanting, doing service...? But the biggest reason for the slower movement towards initiation, I believe, is chanting 16 rounds. It's a huge commitment. For me, getting to the point of actually steadily chanting 16 rounds every day has been the greatest challenge of my entire life, and it still is. I chant a lot slower than even most people, so it takes me around 3 hours every day. And although gurukulis love to chant in kirtan - sometimes for 24 hours straight! - there's something very austere about chanting japa for us. Several years ago, Radhanath Swami once gently commented to me (after I had told him yet again that I was still struggling with chanting), "Yes, you gurukulis would rather feel sincere about japa all the time, or not chant at all." I think the trend towards initiation amongst gurukulis is growing, but only very slightly. In my experience, most gurukulis ask this question: "Why initiation?" and usually don't feel very satisfied with the answer. A question and a concern that the older generation often have is, will gurukulis step up and continue this movement when they are gone? Do you think more gurukulis getting initiated means positive things for the future of the movement? I'm not sure if initiation will address the issue of succession. But I do know that where powerful vows of commitment are made, vigor and strength naturally follow. I personally find it incredibly inspiring to witness my peers take to this process so seriously. It gives me hope that my own children shall take to this process naturally as well. That yes, Krishna Consciousness is the nature of the soul, and the process that Srila Prabhupad has given us is complete. • Email to a friend • ![]() Australian News: NEWS Flash: URGENT Help and Prayers needed now for Iskcon Moscow Devotees and TempleRecieved via email NEWS Flash, To: The World World Wide Community of Devotees Please accept my humble obesiences All Glories to HDG Srila Prabhupada. URGENT Help and Prayers needed now for the Iskcon Moscow Temple and devotee's. Moscow ISKCON Temple in serious crisis The Moscow Iskcon Temple has given notice to vacate the land originally given too them by the North Admin. Government of Moscow Region as a replacement home ,when the Bhagavaya Temple The current location in Dinamo is now in real jeopardy On November 30th Iskcon Moscow was given their eviction papers. As of September 30, 2011, the local Iskcon Moscow Temple is in This is a new present crisis and I ask as a longtime Iskcon devotee, I humbly ask you all to sincerely pray for the local GBC, Temple devotees, Russian devotees in their time of crisis and give them your aid and support. Srila Prabhupada's Moscow devotees and temple are very dear to him, I Thank You ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 October 9: --STOP ALL NEGOTIATIONS. DO NOT PAY A FARTHING UNTIL CONVEYANCE EXECUTED. SENDING KARANDHARA FOR FILING SUIT FOR SPECIFIC EXECUTION OF SALE AGREEMENT • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 9: "Yes, Visnujana Maharaja is personally a nice devotee so he has created nice devotees. Lord Caitanya also behaved personally and taught others. So every one of us should follow this principle of Caitanya Mahaprabhu." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 October 9: "We can take part in politics only which is sanctioned by Krishna. This political struggle by the students is different thing. I am prepared to go and lecture if somebody agrees to hear continually for some time. But not to take part in some political agitation." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters
• Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 9: "It is not that everyone will be able to understand this philosophy. Still if some intelligent section of the human society understands it, there will be tremendous change in the atmosphere." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 9: "The important matter is that the children are taken care of nicely. That is the first duty. They must have sufficient quantity of milk and then dhal, capatis, vegetables, and fresh fruit will keep them always fit." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 October 9: "Recoup your health, Delhi climate is now very good. Soak sugar candy overnight in water and take early in the morning and that will help you. Also take green vegetables with lime juice. Green papaya boiled is also nice." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 October 9: "Yes, it is understood that your paintings are offered to the Deities when they appear in my books or on our temple walls. Regarding asking me questions, yes you can ask, but unless it is sanctioned by me, you cannot act on it." • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Haripriya’s mother asks
• Email to a friend • ![]() Mayapur Online: Ekachakra Dhama Temple Construction Project UpdateSri Nitai will be offered a beautiful temple and guesthouse in Ekacakra, where He so unlimitedly mercifully appeared in order to assist Lord Caitanya in His saving of all of us fallen souls in Kali-yuga! The importance of this project is immense as it opens the doors of Ekacakra Dhama, not only for devotees worldwide, but also for coming generations of awakening souls! • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Bhajan – Kalindi dasiBhajan – Kalindi dasi • Email to a friend • ![]() Kurma dasa, AU: Breakfast with KurmaThis is part of a simple breakfast I prepared this morning. I cut some chunks of perfectly ripe avocado and piled it atop low-fat cottage cheese that was generously spooned onto toasted multigrain sourdough toast.
I drizzled it with a homemade dressing - lime juice, extra-virgin olive oil, organic sesame paste (tahini), cracked black peppercorns, a little soy sauce, a little honey and a smidge of asafetida - all shaken up in a glass jar.
Then I sprinkled the whole thing with those wonderful toasted seeds I made the other day, and draped it with fresh rocket leaves picked from my herb garden. This was served with more toast topped with cream cheese, homemade strawberry jam, homemade kumquat marmalade with fruits from my tree, fresh ripe mango, mandarin segments, organic vanilla yogurt with ripe banana, and a selection of dry-roasted nuts - brazil, macadamia, almonds and pistachios. • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: The Meaning Of The Mantra
What meaning does the Maha mantra have in our daily spiritual lives and how does it affect us as devotees. When we engage our sense of hearing and enter deeply into the sound of the mantra, forgetting the mind's internal dialogue...then the different energies of the Lord come to us and we feel this also during the day when we chant in our mind or sing the mantra. The purify effects of concentrated chanting affects all other aspects of our spiritual life and we can remember the Supreme Lord. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Sunday 9 October 2011--Welcome to the Wonderful World of Krishna Consciousness--and--Is Husband Blessed By His Wife's BhA daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Sunday 9 October 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Krishna Consciousness Uploaded from Riga, Latvia Krishna is supremely wonderful, and thus His transcendental abode is also supremely wonderful. That amazingly wonderful world of Lord Sri Krishna is accessible for anyone who calls out the Lord's name like a helpless child crying for its mother. Those who are proud and puffed up have no access to this amazing abode. But those who are meek and humble, who take complete shelter of the Lord live in that wonderful world at every moment. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Wonderful Krishna and His Wonderful World http://www.backtohome.com/images/Krishna/Krishna_w_Cowherds.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Husband Blessed By His Wife's Bhakti? If a wife is a Krishna devotee and her husband is not, how does he get blessings? I once heard on local TV that if a wife worships the Lord she gets benefit, but not her husband. The example was given that if the husband is hungry and wife eats food, will the belly of husband be filled? Sunitha Answer: If He Facilitates Her Devotional Service Even if the husband is not a devotee, if he allows his wife to be a devotee and facilitates her service to Krishna, he derives great benefit from her devotional service. In other words, knowingly or unknowingly, he is engaged in devotional service by facilitating his wife's devotional service. TV is not our guru. We learn the authorized science of bhakti from the bona fide spiritual master and the revealed scriptures. Devotional service is transcendental and is thus much more powerful than the activity of eating. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. 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