Creado por juancas del 14 de Abril del 2012
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Sri Nimbarka Acarya comes in the line of the Kumara Sampradaya and is believed to have lived around the 11th and 12th centuries. Born in the modern Murgarapattam in the southern Dravidian province, he was the son of Aruni and Jayanti, a very pious brahman a couple of the Tailanga order.
He was a great ascetic of the Tridandi order. He wrote many books according to the Dvaitadvaitavada and he lived most of his devotional life at a place called Nimbagrama near Govardhana at Vrindavana.
While at Nimbagrama, he defeated a great Jain pandit in a discussion. The Jain had refused to dine with him saying that the Sun had already set and so he would not take any food. At this, Nimbarka by his own potency made the sun appear from a Nimba tree and the astonished Jain accepted his hospitality. It is said that his name Nimbarka or Nimbaditya has been derived from this miracle of Aditya or Arka meaning sun from a nimba tree.
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Once in a village near the forest of Bilva Paksha, a group of brahmanas came to engage in the worship of Lord Siva. Just as Lord Visnu is very much pleased when He is offered the leaves of His most beloved Tulasi, so Lord Siva is pleased by offerings of leaves from the bilva or bael tree. Thus the brahmanas worshipped Lord Siva by offering bilva leaves, for a period of one fortnight and satisfied Lord Siva greatly.
Amongst those brahmanas was one whose name was Nimbarka. He had been particularly attentive in his worship of Lord Siva. Being especially pleased with Nimbarka's devotion, Lord Siva personally appeared to him.
"Nimbarka," said Lord Siva, "at the edge of this village is a sacred bael forest. There, in that forest, the four Kumaras are absorbed in meditation. By their mercy you will receive transcendental knowledge, for they are your spiritual masters, and by rendering service unto them you will receive all that is of value." After saying this Lord Siva disappeared.
Nimbarka immediately went to that place and with great determination he searched for the four Kumaras in every direction, until he finally found them, shining as brilliantly as the sun. They were seated on a very beautiful natural platform beneath a tree and they appeared like fire blazing on an altar. They were all very young, seeming to be no more than five years in age, but they appeared most noble in character as they sat there naked, rapt in meditation. Nimbarka was so excited that he cried out, "Hare Krsna!"
This sudden sound startled the four brothers, breaking their meditation. Opening their eyes, they saw before them the blissful form of an ideal devotee, and with great pleasure they embraced Nimbarka, one after another.
"Who are you," they asked, "and why have you come here? We are certainly ready to answer all your prayers."
Nimbarka fell at the feet of the four brothers like a rod, and with great humility he introduced himself.
With a sweet smile on his face Sanat Kumara then said, "The all-merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing that Kali-yuga will be extremely troublesome for the living entities, resolved to proagate devotional service to Himself. With this goal in mind, He has empowered four personalities with devotion and sent them into this world to preach. Ramanuja, Madhva, and Visnuswami are three and you are the fourth of these great souls. Laksmi accepted Ramanuja as a disciple, Brahma accepted Madhva, Rudra accepted Visnuswami and meeting you today we have the good fortune of being able to instruct you. This is our intention. Previously we were engaged in meditating on the impersonal Brahman, but by the causeless mercy of Lord Visnu, we have been relieved of this sinful activity. Since I have realised that it is essential to preach pure devotional service, I have composed a literary work entitled Sanat Kumara Samhita. After taking initiation from me, you should follow the instructions I have set forth therein."
Nimbarka was greatly enlivened at the prospect of taking initiation and he immediately ran to take bath in the Ganges. After this he quickly returned and prostrated himself once more before the effulgent brothers.
"O deliverers of the fallen," said Nimbarka, in all humility, "please deliver this low-born rascal."
In that sacred bael forest Nimbarka began to worship Sri Sri Radha Krsna according to the Sanat Kumara Samhita and he chanted the mantra they had given him. Very soon Radha and Krsna revealed Themselves to Nimbarka. They stood before him, spreading an effulgence which illuminated all directions. In sweet voices They addressed him thus: "Nimbarka, you are very fortunate, for you have performed Sadhana in Sri Navadwipa. We both combine, and assume one form, as the son of Sacidevi." At that moment Radha and Krsna combined and displayed Their form of Gauranga.
Beholding this splendid vision, Nimbarka began to tremble. "Never," he said, "Never have I ever seen or heard of such a form at any time."
Lord Gauranga then said, "Keep this form, which I now show you, a secret for the time being. Just preach about devotional service and the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, for I gain great satisfaction from this. When I make My appearance and perform My education pastimes, you will also appear. Taking birth in Kashmir as a great pandit, you will tour all over India defeating all opposition. Your reputation and learning will be celebrated everywhere and you will be known as KESAVA KASHIMIRI. Whilst wandering in Sri Navadwipa you will come to Sri Mayapur. Simply by hearing your name all the great pandits of Navadwipa will flee. Intoxicated with scholastic pride, I will take great pleasure in defeating you. However, by the mercy of Mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, you will realize My true identity. Giving up your false pride, you will take shelter of Me and I will reward you with the supreme gift of loving devotional service and will again despatch you to preach. Thus you can satisfy Me by preaching the philosophy of dvaita-advaita. Keep My identity a secret. In the future when I begin My sankirtan movement, I will personally preach, taking the essence of your philosophy and the philosophies of Madhva, Ramanuja and Visnuswami."
After instructing Nimbarka in this way, Lord Gauranga disappeared, and filled with intense ecstacy, Nimbarka began to shed tears of love. After worshipping the lotus feet of his gurus and taking their permission, he left Sri Navadwipa to begin his preaching mission.
1. Sri Hansha Narayan Bhagawan
2. Sri Sanakadi Chatusan Bhagawan
3. Sri Narada Bhagawan
4. Sri Nimbarka Bhagawan
5. Sri Nivasacharyaji Maharaj
6. Sri Visvacharyaji Maharaj
7. Sri Purusottamacharyaji Maharaj
8. Sri Vilasacharyaji Maharaj
9. Sri Swarupacharyaji Maharaj
10. Sri Madhavacharyaji Maharaj
11. Sri Balaphadracharyaji Maharaj
12. Sri Padmacharyaji Maharaj
13. Sri Shyamacharyaji Maharaj
14. Sri Gopalacharyji Maharaj
15. Sri Kripacharyaji Maharaj
16. Sri Devacharyaji Maharaj
17. Sri Sundrabhattacharyaji Maharaj
18. Sri Padmanavabhatta Maharaj
19. Sri Upendrabhatta Maharaj
20. Sri Ramachandrabhatta Maharaj
21. Sri Vamanbhatta Maharaj
22. Sri Krisnabhatta Maharaj
23. Sri Padmakarabhatta Maharaj
24. Sri Srovanbhatta Maharaj
25. Sri Bhuribhatta Maharaj
26. Sri Madhavabhatta Maharaj
27. Sri Shyamabhatta Maharaj
28. Sri Gopalabhatta Maharaj
29. Sri Balabhadrabhattacharyaji Maharaj
30. Sri Gopinathabhatta Maharaj
31. Sri Keshvabhatta Maharaj
32. Sri Gangalabhatta Maharaj
33. Sri Kesavakasmiribhatta Maharaj
34. Sri Sribhattacharyaji Maharaj
35. Sri Harivyasa Devacharyaji Maharaj
36. Sri Sabhuram Devacharyaji Maharaj
37. Sri Karnahar Maharaj
38. Sri Paramananda Dev Maharaj
39. Sri Chaturchintamani Devacharyaji Nagaji Maharaj
40. Sri Mohan Dev Maharaj
41. Sri Jagannath Dev Maharaj
42. Sri Makhan Dev Maharaj
43. Sri Hari Dev Maharaj
44. Sri Mathura Dev Maharaj
45. Sri Shyamadasji Maharaj
46. Sri Hansadasji Maharaj
47. Sri Hiradasji Maharaj
48. Sri Mohandasji Maharaj
49. Sri Nenadasji Maharaj
50. Sri Indradasji Kathiababa Maharaj
51. Sri Bajrangdasji Kathiababa Maharaj
52. Sri Gopaldasji Kathiababa Maharaj
53. Sri Devdasji Kathiababa Maharaj
54. Sri Mohanta Sri Ramdasji Kathiababa Maharaj
55. Sri Mohanta Sri Santadasji Kathiababa Maharaj
56. Sri Mohanta Sri Dhananjoydasji Kathiababa Maharaj
57. Sri Mohanta Sri Janakidasji Kathiababa Maharaj
58. Sri Swami Prajnadasji Kathiababa Maharaj
Lunes 02 de Noviembre
Aparición de
Sri Nimbarkacarya
Aparición de
Sri Nimbarkacarya

Sri Nimbarka Acarya pertenece al linaje de la Kumara Sampradaya y se cree que ha vivido alrededor de los siglos 11 y 12. Nacido en la moderna Murgarapattam en el sur de la provincia dravidiana, nació como hijo de Aruni y de Jayanti, una pareja brahmana muy piadosa de la orden Tailanga. Nimbarka fue un gran asceta de la orden Tridanda.
Escribió muchos libros conforme al Dvaitadvaitavada y vivió la mayoría de su vida devocional en un lugar llamado Nimbagrama cercano al Govardhana en Vrindavana. Mientras se encontraba en Nimbagrama, derrotó a un gran Jain pandit en una discusión. El Jain había rechazado cenar con él diciendo que el Sol ya se había puesto, el ocaso había pasado y por lo tanto él no comería nada. Ante esto, Nimbarka mediante su propia potencia hizo que el sol aparezca desde un árbol Nimba y el asombrado Jain aceptó su hospitalidad. Se dice que su nombre Nimbarka o Nimbaditya ha derivado de este milagro y significa que Aditya o Arka - el sol - surge de un árbol nimba. Cierta vez en la villa cercana al bosque de Bilva Paksha, un grupo de brahmanas llegó a ocuparse en la adoración del Señor Siva. (Leer Más)


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La Bíblia

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