- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 15 September 2011--Continue Evolving to Superconsciousness--and--More Consciousness Is More Pain?
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A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Thursday 15 September 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Today's Thought: Continue Evolving to Superconsciousness Uploaded from Sofia, Bulgaria If a job is 99% completed, why trash it? The intelligent thing to do is to finish off the last 1%. Therefore, after transmigrating in the cycle of birth and death through 8,000,000 species of life, in which there are gradually higher and higher levels of consciousness, to reach the human form it makes sense to finish the remaining 1% in the evolution of consciousness by becoming super conscious or Krishna conscious. Why turn around and go back down in the evolutionary cycle after coming this far? After evolving through 8,000,000 forms the intelligent person continues and finishes the process of evolution by awakening his superconsciousness or Krishna consciousness instead of devolving back down to the animal and plant kingdoms. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing Superconsciousness at the Krishna Yoga Center--Burgas, Bulgaria 11 September 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Burgas_Lecture2.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: More Consciousness Is More Pain? Dear Gurudeva, Many thanks for providing daily thoughts which are helpful in getting some straight answers to practical questions. I was reading Srila Prabhupada's purport to SB 3.21.7 (describing the situation of a child in its mother's womb) wherein a statement is made as below: "Because his consciousness is not very developed, the child can tolerate it, otherwise he would die. I have a clarification to be sought from you. This indicates that as one develop more and more consciousness he will feel more and more pain. Then what is the use of developing consciousness? How is Krishna consciousness related to the consciousness used in this statement? Or does this mean, if one develops Krishna consciousness, he feels his minute pain as well as other's pain? Many thanks for providing insight into this subject. With regards, M. Raviraja Answer: Beyond Pain and Transcendental Pain As he grows, the child within the womb is developing more and more bodily consciousness. In other words he is becoming more and more aware of the pains and pleasures of his body. This is different from Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness or superconsciousness is when the consciousness develops even further and transcends the limits of bodily consciousness by connecting with Krishna or God. On the plane of Krishna consciousness there may still be awareness of the pains and pleasures of the body, but the devotee is detached from them experiencing them as something out there in the external energy. The only pain that affects the heart of the fully Krishna conscious devotee is the pain of seeing so many millions and billions of people who have attained the human form but are completely devoid of Krishna consciousness. This breaks the heart of the realized devotee who therefore dedicates his entire life for awakening the fallen, conditioned souls of this world to their original enlightened state of Krishna consciousness or superconsciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. 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Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.22 - When Krsna descends in this material world, all the incarnations are present within Him.

Over 46 years ago, His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada stepped off the steam ship Jaladutta onto American shores and rest is history. From the moment Srila Prabhupada set foot on western soil, he began to work miracles! ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), popularly known as the Hare Krishna Movement, was formed in 1966. Today, 45 years later, there are over 400 centers all over the world with thousands of followers and Srila Prabhupada's legacy lives on in his students and books!
In order to celebrate the historic occasion of Srila Prabhupada's coming to the west, celebrations are taking place in every corner of the world! In Toronto, we have organized a ten day festival called the Mahamantra Festival. The festival commenced on Sept 10 and will go on till Sept 20! The coming 4 days are going to feature special events and we hope you can join us in these events!
Thursday, September 15 - Srila Prabhupada Memories Movie Night at Hare Krishna Temple, 243 Avenue Road from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Popcorn and juice will be served as we sit back and watch some memories of Srila Prabhupada!
Friday, September 16 - Harinama in Downtown Toronto - meeting at the temple at 6:30pm. With the famous TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) on, it is the perfect opportunity to go and share the Hare Krishna Mahamantra with enthusiastic Torontonians!
Saturday, September 17 - Beatles Festival in Orillia (Pre-Registration is required). George Harrison and the Beatles expressed great interest in the Hare Krishna Movement and helped devotees in UK to establish the movement there. So when the organizers of the Beatles Festival in Orillia contacted us, we had to join them to honour George Harrison and his love for the Mahamantra. If you are interested in joining, please email the Sankirtan team at toronto.sankirtan@gmail.com .
Sunday, September 18 - Special Sunday Feast glorifying Srila Prabhupada! If you feel inspired, you can also join us for Mangala Arati (Morning Program) from 4:30am.
For more inspiration, join our daily calls from 7:15am - 7:30am with the reading from Sri Namamrta. These calls will go on only till September 20! So dial in tomorrow :-)! It is the perfect way to start your day!
Conference line dial-in: 647-847-1525; Passcode:- 6118889#
Tuesday, September 20, we will be having a Grand Finale Kirtan & Pizza Party - an extremely grand way to cap off 10 days of fun and bliss with a special kirtan night at the Hare Krsna Temple!
We hope to see you at these events this weekend!

agatya duhkha-harta yo sarvesam vraja-vasinam
sri radha-hari-carito harih sri nandanandanah
When the son of Maharaja Nanda returned to Vraja, He took away the suffering of all the Vrajavasis. By His wonderful exploits, He steals the heart of Sri Radha. Thus He is known as Hari.
Jiva Goswami
by LC
I’m sure this doesn’t apply to everyone but traveling is my therapy. It’s even better when the destination is as amazingly peaceful as the unincorporated (!) town of New Vrindaban, West Virginia (population of 352, according to the 2010 Census) – a remote community of incredible spiritually in-tune people, about 30 minutes from Wheeling, WV (twitter: @newvrindaban)
That’s a mighty random location for a Floridian-by-way-of-Brazil to visit, you might say – I was privileged to spend a couple of days in this sanctuary to celebrate the wedding of two of my favorite people in the world, my oldest and best friend – my brother – and his beautiful new bride (whose hometown is New Vrindaban).
No cell reception, no loud choppers, ambulances, cop cars or obnoxious drivers. No shoes (barefoot wedding!) no stress. Just bliss. It was the most genuine and touching wedding I’ve ever been to. Enjoy! (I can’t even tell you how much I did!)…
See the full story and see lots of photos here.
"How do you know that the incessant progress of science will not compel scientists to consider that life has existed during eternity, and not matter?…How do you know that in 10,000 years one will not consider it more likely that matter has emerged from life?"
-Louis Pasteur
According to popular modern Darwinian thinking, the human species as we know it is the result of various chemical combinations undergoing random developments over a very long period of time. These developments have insured our survival ability so far. Survival ability is built into us by nature, like airbags and other devices are built into a car. We are Survivor Machines.
Survivor Machines; that may not sound very inspiring, but what an inspiration that could be for people who compete on a survivor TV show! I once gaped as I watched contestants who were challenged to cross a deep tank, climb a series of thirty foot tall slippery floating triangle shaped obstacles, balance precariously on top and slide down the other side while being pummeled by fire hydrant blasts of water. Those who survived the arduous course most efficiently, defeated their opponents and won a prize.
Certainly the material world is a place where most of us have to tough it out. School, job, family, roof over your head, food in the mouth; all these require sometimes heavy sacrifices. However I don't think this world was created as a place where optimum survival is the greatest possible achievement of a living being.
Why are Americans so hard-wired for survival these days? Do we secretly harbor fears about having to return to bare necessities due to nuclear devastation or global warming? Is it because for the last hundred years we have widely propagated the belief system of natural selection and survival of the fittest in nearly every science journal and classroom?
Oddly enough, the majority of human beings choose to participate in what could be called "artificial selection." We choose arbitrary artificial selection for other species as well as our own. A few examples:
A sick seal washes up on a beach and a government subsidized Marine Animal Protection Agency dispatches a vehicle to rescue it, nurse it back to health and return it to the ocean. Millions of hybrid dogs are bred generation after generation until the strain's original quality is compromised so we can enjoy cute little pets. Ambulances race throughout the city saving people who are on the point of expiring and they are nursed back to health in hospitals for days, weeks, months, and even years. Special Olympics participants are charitably financed to train the handicapped to shoot hoops or swim one hundred meters thoug fate has not provided them with all of the physical or mental attributes that normal athletes are endowed with.

Any layperson can understand that the material body minus consciousness is a dead body, and this consciousness cannot be revived in the body by any means of material administration. Therefore, consciousness is not due to any amount of material combination, but to the eternal spirit soul.
Very unscientific!
Though we have proposed survival of the fittest as a top ranking answer to the mystery of life, we human beings go around trying to save everything we see. We feel deep, complex emotions for our children or for other's, as when we see a poor child on a hunger campaign poster. Comforting a dying man or coming to the aid of a stranger who is being attacked is certainly not to the advantage of our internal organic chemical survival mechanisms! What is that seemingly unlimited reservoir of human empathy for another that wells up inside of us whether or not it is to our advantage to be moved by such feelings? Moreover, what triggers us Human Survivor Machines to relish art, music, dance, literature, a beautiful sunset or a baseball game?
There is a finer awareness in all of us. Sometimes we notice it. (It is not something which is the subject matter of survivor shows.) It comes from a place where stress is a stranger, where happiness is a given. That finer awareness we experience from time to time is only the dawn of the opportunity to experience the Self. The Human Survivor Machine is actually an external mechanism which is like a suit of armor for the most important feature of our existence: the Spiritual Inherent Quality. Yes, there is spirituality deep in every one of us, and that conscious spiritual spark is never an accident of nature participating in a harsh competition for survival. (Stones and rocks have got us beat by a long shot if tough survival is the bottom line.)

Feelings for another? Love of puppies, seals, babies, Grandmas — It's all good, because all creatures possess the Spiritual Inherent Quality which is attractive to us.
Certainly the material world is a place where most of us have to tough it out. School, job, family, roof over your head, food in the mouth; all these require sometimes heavy sacrifices. However I don't think this world was created as a place where optimum survival is the greatest possible achievement of a living being. There is absolutely no question of the Spiritual Inherent Quality needing any material combination of traits to insure its survival.
As SrilaPrabhupada explains in his Bhagavad-gitaAs It Is,
"The very small spiritual spark is the basic principle of the material body, and the influence of such a spiritual spark is spread all over the body as the influence of the active principle of some medicine spreads throughout the body. This current is felt as consciousness, and that is the evidence of the presence of the soul. Any layperson can understand that the material body minus consciousness is a dead body, and this consciousness cannot be revived in the body by any means of material administration. Therefore, consciousness is not due to any amount of material combination, but to the eternal spirit soul."
The greatest possible achievement of the living being is self-realization, or realizing one's self as a spiritual portion of the potency of the Supreme Soul. Survival of the species is a less intelligent, primitive miscalculation of what is the authentic struggle. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is teaching us the worthy struggle for the survival of the soul.
In his popular book "Life Comes From Life," Prabhupada explains, "All living beings possess the required intelligence to execute four principles: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. These four principles exist even in the atom. The only difference with the human being is that they have the extra intelligence with which they can understand God."
Feelings for another? Love of puppies, seals, babies, Grandmas — It's all good, because all creatures possess the Spiritual Inherent Quality which is attractive to us. We are not meant for the impersonal slaughterhouse farm factory, weapons manufacturing, abortion clinic "culture", cut-throat, back-stabbing, get-ahead business enterprises, etc., that have only co`ntributed to the devolution of human spiritual consciousness. This is our unfortunate inheritance, courtesy of modern science.
In his popular book "Life Comes From Life," Prabhupada explains, "All living beings possess the required intelligence to execute four principles: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. These four principles exist even in the atom. The only difference with the human being is that they have the extra intelligence with which they can understand God."
Human survivor machines we are not, yet we are brainwashed by scientific atheistic education to think so. Our brains need re-programming.

Kirtan Byron is pleased to announce the arrival of the enCHANTed cd ‘Live at Purna”! Recorded live at the Byron Yoga Centre over the last year, this cd has 80 minutes of blissful melodies and soulful kirtan. Available for only $20, including postage to anywhere in Australia. Please email ‘lilakirtana@hotmail.com’ for details.
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Jacqui P from Portland, Oregon writes: "I would like to know a recipe for falafel that is not so hard and dry, like those mixes you buy. Also, if there is a nice falafel type recipe that is wheat (gluten) free, that would be really good as well."
My reply: Here's my recipe for falafel. It is wheat and gluten free as well.
Israeli Chickpea Croquettes (Falafel)
Falafel are spicy chickpea croquettes. The original Egyptian variety contained dried white broad beans and were called ta'amia/ta'ameya. In Israel, chickpeas were substituted for the broad beans. Falafel are delicious served stuffed inside split Middle Eastern flatbreads dressed with tahini sauce or hoummos and accompanied by green salad. Makes: 14 to 16 falafel
1¼ cups chickpeas, soaked overnight and drained, ½ teaspoon yellow asafetida powder, 3/4 cup finely chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 1 teaspoon ground cumin, ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1½ teaspoons salt, ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, ½ teaspoon baking powder, oil for deep-frying.
Process the chickpeas in a food processor and mince finely. Scrape the minced chickpeas into a bowl. Fold in the herbs, spices, salt, and baking powder. Mix well, knead a little, and leave for a few minutes.
Form the mixture into 14 to 16 falafel balls. Repeat until all the mixture is rolled.
Heat a heavy pan or wok with ghee or oil to a depth of 6.5 - 7.5 cm (2½ - 3 inches), until moderately hot 180°C/355°F. Deep-fry 7 to 8 falafels at a time, turning when required, for 5 or 6 minutes, or until they're evenly golden brown. If your pan is big enough and your heat source is strong enough, you can cook the whole mixture in one batch, but be careful.
Remove and drain on paper towels. Cook the remaining falafel if there is any mixture left. Serve hot, as recommended above.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The most important rule in falafel-making is DO NOT USE CANNED CHICKPEAS!! They will not work, they are cooked! You must obtain raw, dry chickpeas, and soak them, drain them, grind them, spice them, and then fry them. If you boil the chickpeas, you are wasting your time. The frying falafel will disintegrate in a spectacularly miserable mess.
> There was a prominent doctor recently arrested here in XXX. He was > given a severe sentence and is condemned by all. What was his shocking and > debased crime? He was secretly watering down expensive cancer medicines in > his clinic to the point that they had no effect. If we do the same to the > life-saving message of our acharyas, aren't we also criminal?
We are not sentimentalists, that we are simply dancing. The dancing has got great value; that, if you dance with us, you'll feel. It is not that some crazy fellows are dancing. No. The most intelligent persons, they are dancing. It is so nicely made that even a boy like here, he is a boy, he can take part. Universal. Join, chant Hare Krsna and dance, and you'll realize. Very simple method.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture -- Seattle, October 2, 1968
In the sultry Dallas night, a crew of people craned their necks up to a figure standing upon a ledge. She was staring out into the abyss.
"You can do it!" someone shouted out.
"We're all looking for an experience, aren't we?" I murmured to my friend Vrinda. "We don't want someone to tell us how it feels to jump off a cliff. We want to experience it for ourselves."
"True, true," she murmured back.
"It's all about the fall, man, that insane feeling in your gut when you're falling into nothingness."
With that, the girl leaned forward and fell head-first to the ground; the bungee cord pulled her back with a violent bounce. Cheers flew into the night like little victory flags.
"What about you, Bhakti? You gonna jump?" Gopal asked me.
"Nah. I have
no desire."
"It's too short. It's all about the fall, and this fall is too short. But I'm totally down for skydiving!"
I remember that night so clearly on the Bus Tour, maybe because the Tour itself was reaching its final days, and I was reflecting upon our travels. We had traversed from the majestic beaches of Mexico to the freezing snows of Mount Rainier; a chilly Rathaytra in San Francisco to the sunswept parade down Venice Beach; whitewater rafting in Colorado to bungee-jumping in Texas...
And yet although every day we would wake up to a new destination and a new festival, somehow the ultimate adventure lay amongst us 45 people.
One night we would all lay awake and make up "ghetto" names for each other, and another night we'd tell blonde jokes over homemade pizza. Some days we would play dadhi banda on the beach from sunup to sundown, and other days we would chant japa together all morning in silence. Some days we would sew marigold garlands until our fingers were dyed orange, and other days we would dance the night away in downtown Vancouver to the beat of the mridanga.
The Bus Tour is all about the people, the people, the people.
I have traveled around the world on my own and also with thousands of people, and I must say that there is nothing quite like the Bus Tour. Nobody can really tell you about the Bus Tour. You just have to experience it for yourself.
You just have to jump.
Trust me, the Bus Tour is not a bungee jump. It's a sky dive.

I should have posted this yesterday, which was the anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's writing a poem that many of my friends and I consider to be very significant. It was written aboard the Scindia freighter Jaladuta on September 13, 1965. Srila Prabhupada was faced with the practically unprecedented task of introducing the teachings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to the West. To that end, he had gotten passage on this freighter and had survived seasickness and a couple of heart attacks during his journey. On the 13th he wrote in his journal, "Today I have disclosed my mind to my companion Lord Sri Krishna. There is a Bengali poem made by me today in this connection." Here the Bengali is first, followed by a translation.
Bhagavan Krsner Pada Padme Prarthana
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
kṛṣṇa taba puṇya habe bhāi
e-puṇya koribe jabe rādhārāṇī sukhī habe
dhruva ati boli tomā tāi
Dear brother, Krsna, you will find virtue only when Srimati Radharani first becomes pleased with you. This is as fixed as the Pole Star.
śrī-siddhānta saraswatī śacī-suta priya ati
kṛṣṇa-sebāya jāra tula nāi
sei se mohānta-guru jagater madhe uru
kṛṣṇa-bhakti deya ṭhāi ṭhāi
Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who is very dear to Lord Gauranga, the son of mother Saci, is unparalleled in his service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna. He is that great saintly spiritual master, most magnanimous within this universe, who bestows devotion to Krsna in various places throughout the world.
tāra icchā balavān pāścātyete ṭhān ṭhān
hoy jāte gaurāńger nām
pṛthivīte nagarādi āsamudra nada nadī
sakalei bole kṛṣṇa rāma
His desire is very powerful, and thus he is causing the Holy Name of Lord Gauranga to spread throughout all the countries of the Western World. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, extending to all the oceans, rivers, and streams, everyone may chant the names of Krsna and Rama.
tāhale ānanda hoy tabe hoy digvijay
caitanyer kṛpā atiśay
māyā duṣṭa jata duḥkhī jagate sabāi sukhī
vaiṣṇaver icchā pūrṇa hoy
Thus all directions will be conquered by a flood of transcendental ecstasy flowing with the excessive mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When all the miserable living entities that have been corrupted by maya become happy, then the Vaisnava's desire is fulfilled.
se kārja je koribāre ājñā jadi dilo more
jogya nahi ati dīna hīna
tāi se tomāra kṛpā māgitechi anurūpā
āji tumi sabār pravīṇa
Although my Guru Maharaja ordered me to accomplish this mission, I am unworthy to do it, being very fallen and incompetent. That being the case, O Lord Krsna, Your mercy is today arising in a befitting manner to make me become worthy, for You are the wisest of all.
tomāra se śakti pele guru-sebāya bastu mile
jībana sārthak jadi hoy
sei se sevā paile tāhale sukhī hale
taba sańga bhāgyate miloy
If You bestow Your divine power, then one attains the factual substance which is service to the spiritual master - and life becomes successful. If that service is obtained, then one becomes truly satisfied, and ultimately received Your association due to good fortune.
evaḿ janaḿ nipatitaḿ prabhavāhikūpe
kāmābhikāmam anu yaḥ prapatan prasańgāt
kṛtvātmasāt surarṣiṇā bhagavan gṛhītaḥ
so 'haḿ kathaḿ nu visṛje tava bhṛtya-sevām
(As stated by Prahlada Maharaja to Lord Nrsimhadeva in the Srimad Bhagavatam, 7.9.28:)
"Thus, by associating with material desires one after another, I was following the general populace by falling into a blind well full of snakes. My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead! Then the great sage Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple, and instructed me how to achieve the transcendental position similar to his own. How could I ever leave the service of your servant?"
tumi mor cira sāthī bhuliyā māyār lāthi
khāiyāchi janma-janmāntare
āji punaḥ e sujoga jadi hoy jogāyoga
tabe pāri tuńhe milibāre
O Lord Krsna, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicking of maya birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then surely I will be able to rejoin You.
tomāra milane bhāi ābār se sukha pāi
gocārane ghuri din bhor
kata bane chuṭāchuṭi bane khāi luṭāluṭi
sei din kabe habe mor
O my dear brother! In Your company I will experience great joy once again. Wandering about the pastures and fields, I will pass the entire day with You in tending the cows. Joking with You and frolicking throughout so many forests of Vraja, I will enjoy pastimes of stealing and eating one another's lunch. When, oh when will that day be mine?
āji se suvidhā hala tomāra smaraṇa bhela
baro āśā ḍākilām tāi
āmi tomāra nitya-dāsa tāi kori eta āśa
tumi binā anya gati nāi
Today that remembrance of being with You came to me in a very nice way. Feeling great longing I called out for You, O Lord Krsna! Only because I am Your eternal servant do I desire Your association so much. Except for You, I have no other refuge.
1951 September 14: "I wish that the American people may understand Bhagavad-gita's direct meaning. Let it not be unnecessarily misunderstood by academic erudition which has nothing to do with living reality. Then it will be possible for us all to understand the basic principle of cosmic harmony. - Abhay Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta"
Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64
1965 September 14:
"Today is the 33rd day of our journey. In the morning I saw the sky cloudy with dim moonlight. The captain told me he has never had such experience of calm & quietness. In the past there was always typhoon, cyclone, etc. for days. I said it is Lord Krishna's Grace. If such things would have taken place on the Atlantic, I would die."
Jaladuta Diary :: 1965
1968 September 14: "This Krishna Consciousness movement through music, philosophy, spiritual culture, and personal behavior culminating in ideal character of the devotees - all these heavenly contributions combined together will certainly bring about a major change in the life of Western people."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1969 September 14: "I may be a poor man's son, or a poor man myself, but fortunately I have been transferred to America to become rich man's father. Now we have got so many books, if you can arrange for the selling of these books, there will be no scarcity of money either for the father or for the son."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1969 September 14: "Now I have come to England. Our temple here is not yet finished, so I am staying in the house of Mr. John Lennon. He is very much kind upon us. So let us see how we can establish Krishna Consciousness in this part of the world."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1970 September 14: "Convince these rascal sannyasis. What is the use of finding out a fourth-class leader who has no asset as their background? I am simply sorry that such intelligent boys are misusing their brain substance in this way. Try to rectify them as far as possible."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1970 September 14: "Disturbance is caused by ignorance; where there is no ignorance, there is no disturbance. My oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea - then there will be no disturbance."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1972 September 14: "Make our display very prominent at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and if they will allow us to have kirtana and distribute prasadam, do that also. This is very important so utilize it well and make our books very widely distributed all over Europe."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
1974 September 14: "Now they have become expert doll makers. Give them all facilities. Let all those with artistic talent assist them. I want very extensive doll exhibits in every center. My Guru Maharaja spent lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam. So make doll exhibitions very prominent and many visitors will throng to our temples."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1974 September 14: "I very much appreciate that he distributed 138 hardbound books simply because of hearing my letter. This boy he immediately attempted and Krsna immediately responded. That is very, very nice. They are all very nice, Krsna will bless them."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Many people in this world make poor choices most of the time. What does it mean to make a poor choice? It means to choose something that is not favorable to your long-term benefit.
For example, poor choice is a choice based on immediate gratification. Most children act like that. They want to enjoy something right now.
Wise people invest in their long-term benefit and happiness, and often sacrifice immediate pleasure.
What is the cause of poor choices? As far as I have seen, it is a habit of shallow thinking.
If we would take time to think deeply about the pros and cons of every choice we make, we would make better choices.
We can train ourselves to think deeply on the spot. It does not have to take too much time.
And make better choices.
[The Won-Durr Boiz diary series is based on four ex-gurukuli brothers (surname: Durr) coming together for the first time to share Krsna consciousness with the outside world. Madhavendra Puri (the author and middle elder) has been waiting in Radhadesh (Belgium) for his brothers to arrive. Nitai Canda (the eldest) and Rupa Gosvami (the youngest) arrive first, and Bhisma Deva (the middle younger) is scheduled to come half way through. Their adventure takes them through Belgium, Germany and Poland, for rathayatras, festival tours and kirtana events. These diaries aim to bring inspiration and joy to the readers, and hopefully encourage others to entangle themselves in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement – whether for the spiritual benefits or simply for the fun.]

Thursday 4th, August 2011.
I sat with Prakash in the morning, brushing up some slokas before serving the VIP breakfast. I decided to walk again to the Woodstock field for the first official day of the Woodstock festival. On the way, I saw a devotee in a car heading to the Green School. On their return trip they picked me up. We were rolling down some crazy back roads, trying to avoid the heavy Woodstock traffic. We parked about thirty meters from the gate and even that was a difficult walk, the roads clad with thousands of youth.

I found my brother Nitai; he was dressed in his shorts and shirt. I was wearing the same attire, the appropriate costume for Woodstock mayhem. He was sick from lack of water and sleep, so we helped nurse him back to health. Despite Nitai's condition, we decided to go together, through the sea of people, making our way towards the Rathayatra parade. We danced, chanted and observed the holy ceremony, along with many of the other Woodstock youth.

In the afternoon, I jumped into another Gita drama. Afterwards I took a bus to the Red School, rather than walking, for my daily scheduled break in the fight. I took some short time off and then returned to Woodstock in the night. It was complete madness when I returned; there was a band going wild on our stage and the youth flocked. (We use bands to draw in crowds of youth so that they can take prasadam and participate in our other ventures. This technique was first adopted in San Francisco, during the early days of ISKCON.)

We moved our way to the Kirtana Rock Tent to hear some Bada Hari and Madhava kirtanas. I jumped in the kirtana with the Durr brothers, who were regularly attending the kirtana throughout the night. Mayapur TV was live streaming the whole event, which was an awesome change to previous years.

After the kirtana, I found HH Indradyumna Swami picking up garbage on the field. He did this to lead by example, to keep the cleanliness and just out of his natural humility. It was a painful feeling to see such an exalted person doing such menial things but it was inspiring to see him enthused by such simple devotional service. In no way was it hard to see that he was relishing some deep satisfaction, despite the physical inconveniences of the service.

I ducked off to catch a bus home so I could catch some rest for the next two days of intensity. The madness of Woodstock could only be matched by the insane dedication of the devotees, putting in their blood, sweat and tears to assist the Woodstock crowds to really achieve the highest pleasure that they were all anxious for.
Poland (17) . Poland (18)
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Dallas Morning News,
Each week we will post a question to a panel of about two dozen clergy, laity and theologians, all of whom are based in Texas or are from Texas. They will chime in with their responses to the question of the week. And you, readers, will be able to respond to their answers through the comment box.
With the drought creating havoc across Texas, including leading to brutal fires in Central Texas, it's not uncommon to hear people either jokingly or seriously assert that they are going to pray for rain. Gov. Rick Perry even issued a proclamation last April asking Texans to pray for rain over a 72-hour period. Part of the proclamation read this way:
"WHEREAS, throughout our history, both as a state and as individuals, Texans have been strengthened, assured and lifted up through prayer; it seems right and fitting that the people of Texas should join together in prayer to humbly seek an end to this devastating drought and these dangerous wildfires;"
What is your view on this?
Should Texans or, for that matter, others afflicted by drought pray for rain?
If so, how would you pray? And what would you expect?
If not, why wouldn't you pray for rain?
NITYANANDA CHANDRA DAS, minister of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), Dallas
This is an example of one's dependence upon God. Regarding this subject a great teacher, Srila Prabhupada has said,
"If nature likes, there can be profuse rain. That is nature's arrangement. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā. Parjanyād anna-sambhavah. Parjanyāt: you must have sufficient rain. And for having sufficient rain, you must execute yajña, or sacrifice. Yajñād bhavati parjanyah. So these leaders are now becoming rascals. They are not performing yajñas. They are opening slaughterhouses. How will there be rain? Instead of performing yajñas, they are opening big slaughterhouses"
According to the Vedic tradition, nature, which is one of God's energies, reciprocates with the activities of man. If we perform our spiritual duties (yajna) and abstain from sinful actions, such as killing the innocent and defenseless (meat eating and abortion) then nature will shower her blessings upon us. A pious society receives all their necessities from Mother Nature.
Our modern so-called materially advanced society does not cultivate an understanding of the dependence upon God. Children and adults alike believe that their food comes from the grocery store and the foolish technologist believes that they can eventually conquer death. The intelligent reject this post-dated check and understand that we cannot live on nuts and bolts but rather only survive by the mercy of God.
The easiest form of yajna in our modern age is the performance of kirtan. Kirtan means to glorify and specifically means the chanting of the many names of God. One can chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare or one may chant any name of God from the various traditions. Such chanting is a form of prayer wherein we ask the Lord to engage us in His loving service. By such chanting one can purify one's existence and at the same time directly experience God. God is never ungrateful for sincere efforts of loving service (Matthew 6:26) and therefore provides all that is needed. (BG 9.22)

By Kesava Krsna Dasa
As a world body, how do the members of Iskcon – the devotees – deal with truth telling or the revelation of sensitive information in a vaisnava way, among themselves? Some believe there should be no restrictions while others urge caution due to aparadha. Is there a balanced way?