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- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, December 23rd, 2011
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- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: God is cheating God?
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- ISKCON News.com: The Court of Tomsk Dismisses the State Prosecutor's Stand to Ban Bhagavad Gita As-It-Is
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- Dandavats.com: Iskcon won the case in Russia regarding Bhagavad Gita As It Is - Video
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(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, Dec 2011, Cape Town, SA) We have to build a very solid spiritual life. Vows don’t stand by themselves. Just like a pole put in the sand doesn’t stand very firm unless it is anchored in a strongfoundation. Either you have to anchor it with a big concrete block on the ground or you have to put lines on four sides to sort of anchor it otherwise with time it will fall over. So we find that the vows in spiritual life also need to be anchored; they need support lines and a foundation then the forces of material nature will not knock over these vows. So the interesting part is that what was sort of relatively easy in the beginning… In the beginning you follow these vows on the strength of determination and it works. Then as time goes on, you actually realise that you have to do more than you were doing before to maintain these vows. When we are advancing we think we have to do less, but no, we actually have to do more to maintain these vows with time. That’s the interesting part and one has to put more and more into place.  
Article sent by Vrajendra Krishna Das Dear prabhus, Please Accept My Humble Obeisances All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Project mentioned in below mail is for improving Goshala at Naigaon, about 30 km from ISKCON Pune temple. This Goshala is connected to ISKCON Pune and is being run under the guidance of ISKCON Pune. The cows [...]

"I worship that transcendental seat, known as Śvetadvīpa where as loving consorts the Lakṣmīs in their unalloyed spiritual essence practice the amorous service of the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa as their only lover; where every tree is a transcendental purpose tree; where the soil is the purpose gem, all water is nectar, every word is a song, every gait is a dance, the flute is the favorite attendant..." (Sri Brahma Samhita 5.56) Here's the darsana of that Supreme Lord Krsna with His dearest associates in His trasncendental abode.
Article By His Holiness Giriraja Maharaja Sent by His Grace Dvarkadish Dasa In 1971 Srila Prabhupada went to Allahabad for the Ardha-kumbha-mela, and Yamuna-devi and I were in the party that accompanied him. Srila Prabhupada spoke on the story of Ajamila and the holy name, from the Sixth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Only the first two [...]
Article Sent By Her Grace Saranagati Dasi http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Indian-legal-eagles-to-battle-ban-Gita-move-in-Russia/articleshow/11268702.cms NEW DELHI: Aghast over a Siberian court’s move to ban the Bhagavad Gita in Russia, Indian and international legal eagles, including those working with the UN, have taken up the battle against Tomsk city state prosecutors’ case that is coming up for a verdict on Wednesday. Among [...]
Ensure that your mobile phone, iPad, iPod, laptop, email, text messages and Facebook do not distract you from what matters most in your life. Do not become gadgets addict and lose your focus on what is most important to you in life. Your ability to focus on the most important things will determine your success or failure. Don't become a slave of the urgent and unimportant.
The Kissin' Kind
Varadero, Cuba
There is the parting of the family in John Steinback's novel "The Grapes of Wrath" when the line comes out (I can't even remember the character's name) "we're not the kissin' kind." It's a tragic closing to a story of the Great Depression. In Cuba, it's the contrary. Everyone here is the kissing kind' so welcoming and warm and Latino.
It's my final day in Cuba so for the first farewell in Havana our group circled and sat in front of Calixto Garcia's monument, a replica sculpture of the 19th Cuban hero who staved off the Spanish. The history is interesting. Americans got a footing in the country and opened up Cuba as a summer resort, vacation and gambling destination. That all went on until the revolution in the fifties. Casinos were closed. The US moved on and Las Vegas then became what it is.
Now back to the circle where we expressed each others' association (without kisses) but with some instructions. Our communities in Havana and Matanzas have their humble beginning so all efforts to advance personal and public spirituality need cooperative implementation. If a kiss can take the form of instructive whisper, then that's what we dispatched.
Edelmira from Raidio Taino interviewed me for her show. Her questions were open. "Is ISKCON growing in Cuba?" "What is involved in your initiations?" and lastly, "Are you planning a walk across Cuba one day?" I wish all interviewers were like her - the motherly kissing kind.
Our day wrapped up at the Varadero beach for water fun. Here we created a water circle and discussed the tales of "The Mahabharat" until time rushed us off to the Matanzas group for a healthy meal and discussion with doctors and healers who inquired about my teatro espiritual.
"That's a project I love to talk about - therapy for the youth participants. It gives them a hope and a richness they might otherwise miss." We bid farewell and left the group for my flight. And, of course, there's always a smacking of lips to the cheeks to babies and adults alike, also guy to guy. I left that circle with a more softened heart and an internal tear of hope and prayer that love for Krishna will take hold in this land of loving people.
7 Km
Water, Fire, Air
Havana, Cuba
Our small group of japa walkers were set off for the Malecon when two tall big burly men noticed the robes. They stopped and asked for blessings, which we delivered.
Fishermen and young couples take advantage of Cuba's longest beach, the sea wall. I imagine many dreams lie on this beach as well, as people look over the Florida Strait's waters and the sun rises to their right with saffron smokey clouds drifting across ethereal skies.
Dreams can be so deceptive. Anyways, my dream since being here was to have a standard big fat North Amercian vegetarian meal. That's my weakness. Probably Cubans eat more modest but appropriate amounts. I don't see much obesity here and no malnutrition.
Our first speaking presentation was held at a community centre, Jaimanitas. Some of our congregants attended and also some new folks. We led them in chanting, dancing, philosophic/Vedic of course, and in surya namaskar, salutations to the sun. Oh yes, the sun is ever present here. I asked for feedback after the session and the consensus was that the attendees in general were joyful. On our return I offered to say to our young and slowly growing group that when making presentations to the public, there is no need to use the sledgehammer effect. Friendliness wins the game and not fanaticism.
On previous visits to Havana I made contact with the Indian Embassy. Today I went again for an unscheduled visit. It was interesting that deligates there knew that the sacred Bhagavad-gita was on trial in Russia.
In the evening Matanzas and Havana devotees converged at a doctor's home on the sea side. There Iksvaku conducted a standard ISKCON fire ceremony for two new initiates. Edelmira, a local radio broadcaster, took on the spiritual name of Elavati under the auspices of godbrother monk, Hridayananda Goswami (while in his absence). And Armando of Matanzas, who's 63, took the name Arjavam which means 'honesty' as found in the Gita.
To light the wood, camphor in plenty was supplied, but our outdoor uninvited guest, the wind god, posed obstacles. We were down to the last available match, when suddenly Agni, the fire god, kicked in, which made everyone present pretty cheerful.
13 Km
Dreadlocks, Books and Mantras
A La Mar, Cuba
It doesn't seem to matter how calm are the ocean's currents, waves tend to leap over the Malecon sea wall and leave a slippery sidewalk. Joining me today on the slip 'n slide were Janardan, Das Avatar, Muni Srestha, and Santiago. We passed by security guards and with a nod, smile and salute, continued walking. My robes remain to be a curiosity, even for couples leaning on each other at this Lovers' Lane. It hits them with a dose of reality I guess. And since I prefer to expose my japa beads instead of keeping them in a bead bag (the last time a boy mistook it for a money bag and ran off with my 38 year old beads), it seems to quiet the street party goers, at least, momentarily. Perhaps it reminds some of them of church.
Off to A La Mar, our community went for a spiritual happening. It turns out it was Rastafarians and us, making music and matras at an outside residential street. We worked seperately and then merged together. Neighbourhood kids were very inclined to get in on the fun, but it was Iksvaku's father, Devaraj, 87, who stirred up the most excitement in the weather's comfortable low 20's temperature - Celsius that is.
In Cuba, music always permeates the air; an upbeat Rumba genre. I understand the government is down on hip hop music. Lyrics tend to denounce 'authority'. It looks like our style - kirtan, is accepted for now. People came forward to purchase Bhaktivedanta Book Trust literature and carry home with them mantra cards.
Early evening was spent at one household where devotees asked of details about the ten famous avatars. I only covered two in fine detail as that's what time allowed. Devotees were curious to know where to find such information as they wanted to know more.
We did come up with a system to keep in memory the 10 avatars, unless you know the Jayadev song quite well. There are 4 animal avatars (fish, tortoise, boar and lion). Then there is the avatar that by behaviour defended animals - Buddha. There are 3 avatars with the name Ram - Ram, Parasurama and Balaram. Finally there's a brahman - Vamana and the ultimate ksatriya - Kalki.
At least, this is one way to remember the list.
13 Km
Cuba's Alright
Havana, Cuba
Transportation to various sat-sang speaking engagements has been kind of fun. Vintage cars as cabs have been our way of getting around apart from the walks along the Malecon, Havana's north side sea wall. A 55 Dodge model took us from Matanzas to Havana and once arrived, a 57 Ford model continued the service, compliments of Iksvaku. They are not in a souped up condition and their exhaust sends black clouds in the air so it's a mixed triumph and defeat experience, but an experience nevertheless.
There are meagre hints of Christmas tinsel and Hanukkah celebrations hardly can be seen or heard, yet a party spirit pervades the atmosphere. The Ecological Park got busy on Havana's west end with families taking advantage of the green space. Kids are up in fashion in Cuba with the Emo look disproving the myth that Cuba is totally cut off from the rest of the world.
A modest group of 20 people formed a circle upon the grass at the park to undergo a session on 9 Devotions. Well received! The dominant factor we discovered about our group was that since our goal is to exit from this world for the other-worldly scenario, to earn this privilege, we need to get along with each other. A consensus was that we didn't want to see dissension, that as a small group starting up a Krishna bhakti culture here in Cuba felt they couldn't afford to have neophyte tendencies to disturb us.
A second meeting of the group was at the home of a mother, son and daughter in law. They are so eager to learn so it came natural and unplanned for me to introduce to them the mantras of the text, "Brahma-samhita". We sang and sang, "Govinda adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami" which means "I honour Govinda (Krishna) the original person."
Can I say one more thing about Cubans aside from their receptivity? They look in great physical shape.
9 Km
So Far, So Good!
Matanzas, Cuba
I had arrived at 9 PM the previous night at Varadero, Cuba. Customs was a no interrogation experience. After all, my body is Canadian and Cubans like Canada. there were only friendly questions some of which were asked three times over by three different officers. It began when I was in the line up. Of course, I stood out from the rest of the tourists with a rather Chowpatty orange colour. I was also asked by several Canadians on board about 'my faith'. "Buddhist?" they asked. When customs asked what I do in Canada I told them a no lie situation. "I'm a Bhakti Yoga instructor." This was my third visit to this land that has imposed upon itself a place of mystery.
My first engagement was at a Matanzas household where friends were invited. We spoke about the story of Dhruva from the book, Bhagavatam. Dhruva was a focused, determined young warrior who would on occasion have a fit of anger. We spoke about the boy last evening and this morning to the group. I also entertained private minutes with members of the group, addressing their personal needs and issues. Iksvaku, a Cuban born American, was there with me to assist and translate. What a pleasure it was to be with a less-complicated folk. And if having less produces these kind of people, I would opt for their company over most of the western world.
Finally, our third presentation since arriving in Cuba entailed a verse memorization session, expressing and detailing the Gita verse 18.42 which describes the attributes of peacefulness, self control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, applied knowledge and religiousness. All three programs met with success which included some prasadam, blessed edibles - a trite bland if I might say. But I loved the fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Of course, Cuba rates as the number one organic food grower and consumer in the world per capita, so I've been told.
6 Km

It is very dufficult to find instruction on how to make clothing for Deities. I have found one of the best places to look is the Facebook page for Home Deity Sowing and Jewelry. Just recently one of the members there posted a link to a web page where you can see how to make a turban for your deities to wear. I was so impressed with how simple it is, but how great it looks, that I had to share it with you all. Click on this link which leads to a web page by Tasha108. It’s all in Russian but if you scroll down and look at the pictures you will easily see how it is done Hare Krishna http://tasha108.ru/?p=1021
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 4 
There were a few boys who were herding the cows, and when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw them, He called them to chant Hare Krishna and immediately they chanted. Mahaprabhu became totally ecstatic. So Nityananda took advantage of His ecstasy, and he quickly went to these boys and said: “You see that sannyasi….. well he is not okay”. And the boys looked and said: “Yes, He is not okay”. “When He asks you for the way to Vrindavan, then just tell them that it is that way, along the river”. So the boys said: “Okay”. So when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked them for the way, and then they followed that way, which was leading Him back to Navadvīpa. Actually He came to the river which was opposite of Śāntipur, just as He saw the Ganga and thought it was the Yamuna and so He jumped into the river and Advaitācārya was passing in the boat, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: “Advaitācārya! What are you doing in Vrindavan?” And then Advaitācārya said: “My Lord wherever you are is Vrindavan!” And indeed he was bathing in the Yamuna since at this side of the Ganga, actually the Yamuna was flowing. Advaitācārya had brought some dry clothes, and said: “Anyway, since you took sannyas over three days ago, you didn’t beg any alms. So please grant me to take alms in my house first”. Sir Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: “Nityananda is cheating me!” So it is very nice that one personality of Godhead is cheating another personality of Godhead. It is interesting how God is cheating God. So when we look at these pastimes, then how can a non-devotee understand such things such as God is cheating God? But this is exactly what is going on!
Article Sent By His Grace Pankajalochan Krishna Dasa December 25th, 2011 The weather in Delhi is still the same. Freezing cold. Early morning, the sky was dim and blurred and vision was fogged due to such freezing temperature, possibly freezing degree Celsius. The morning program was almost the same. Srila Gurudev got up early, chanted [...]

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, Dec 2011, Cape Town, SA) Karma can never overcome bhakti. There is no question that karma, at any point, can overcome bhakti. Bhakti is always more powerful than karma and no matter what can happen, bhakti can rise above.
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction message and I will be happy to make you a member:
rasa108 (at) gmail.com
Rasa Rasika dasa
Hare Krishna, By the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra and H.G.Chandrashekar prabhu, one prisoner became a devotee in Moundsville started chanting 16 rounds. That devotee requested the chaplin in the jail for regular Hare Krishna programs. Chaplin Taylor who is a very generous nice man contacted H.G. Malati Devi Dasi . At her request I started regular programs in the prison. At first we had two prisoners attend the class. Its been two months now and now we have 6 devotees in the prison regularly attend the program. The best part is that four of them are chanting 16 rounds daily , the remaining chant 4-5 rounds. Personally for me this is a very special program. We are also at the brink of getting a chance to take prasadam for the prisoners every week. At first this request was denied. But the chaplin kept trying and I kept explaining to him that our programs are Chanting, Dancing and Feasting. So without the feast the program isn’t complete. So we kept trying. So hopefully from the next year 2012 we will able to bring in prasadam for the devotees in prison. I can only wonder if we take in prasadam how many more would join in. Meanwhile we are having Gaura Poornima celebrations in the prison and we have permission to cook a special feast for the devotees in the prison. The devotes are looking for donations of beadbags and CD’s of Prabhupada. They have facility to watch videos and also they can have their own mp3 players to listen to lectures. The prison ministry has donated a lot of Bhagavad-Gitas and Cd’s and last week we donated a few bead bags. But the number of devotees are increasing , so we need more beadbags, CD’s and Mp3 players. So if you have any one of these please donate generously for the prisoners. They will remain ever thankful to you. Everytime I go they are thankful and want more association. Hare Krishna !!!! Your servant, Gaura Nataraja Dasa
The Times of India reports. If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.

From Krishna Kirti Dasa Even when therapists speak of the need for “meaning” or “love,” they define love and meaning simply as the fulfillment of the patient’s emotional requirements. It hardly occurs to them—nor is there any reason why it should, given the nature of the therapeutic enterprise—to encourage the subject to subordinate his needs and interests to those of others, to someone or some cause or tradition outside himself. 

Upcoming programmes His Holiness Janananda Swami Maharaja visiting Sydney Fri 13 Jan – 6:30pm Home Program Contact : 0426 867 337 Sat 14 Jan – 7:45am Srimad Bhagavatam Class Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir Sun 15 Jan – 7:45am Srimad Bhagavatam Class Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir Sun 15 Jan – 6:00pm Sunday Feast Lecture Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir Mon 16 Jan – Home Program Tue 17 Jan – Vyas Puja Celebration Wed 18 Jan – 7:45am Srimad Bhagavatam Class Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir Afternoon leave to New Gokul Farm Thurs 19 Jan – Programs at New Gokul For any information on the above programs Contact: Nityananda Pran Das on 0425 822 554 See ISKCON Sydney for more details
By Contributor for The Times of India on 28 Dec 2011 | A Russian court today rejected a petition, described by India as "patently absurd", which had sought a ban on a translated version of Bhagvad Gita, bringing cheers to followers here as well as those across the world.
By Vrajendra Nandana Das for ISKCON News on 28 Dec 2011 | The court in the Siberian city of Tomsk today dismissed the state prosecutor's stand that the "Bhagavad Gita as-it-is" be branded as an "extremist" literature.

Program Sun 1st Jan at 6pm- Sunday Feast at Govindas Restaurant – 99 Elizabeth St Everyone welcome ! Mon 2nd Jan – Home Program Wed 4th Jan – Harinam at 4pm – Gold Cost Thu 5th Jan – Home morning program at 15 Plumer st Sherwood. for more information please call to Rupanuga das/Savitri dasi 0416735903 - 0431120624 Web site ISKCON.org.au
Abhay Charan das: I should feel guilty for not serving you enough. The last time I met you, was on the 22 of November. On that day, my mother, Hrimati dasi, had cooked up a whole feast with pure cow ghee. Your tone of voice was more intense than usual. You said: "why did you not invite me? I am starving to death here!"
By Gopal Krishna GoswamiISKCON expresses its gratitude towards the Government of India and Russia, all the members of the Indian Parliament along with the Indian External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna, Indian Ambassador to Russia Ajay Kumar Malhotra, and the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin. ISKCON would also like to thank the print and electronic media, people of India and its devotees worldwide for their enthusiastic and continuous support during this trial
In an earlier post, I discussed about free will and predestination. In that I mentioned about the forces of nature and how it is practically difficult to overcome the temptations and urges of material nature. Even if we have a strong desire to do something but our circumstance and environment and association is otherwise, there are more chances to be led astray. We will do something we will regret. This feeling of regret is there because internally our original desire was to not do the thing we end up doing. So there are forces of nature always acting to influence our free will and that force is strong beyond human capabilities. Therefore we should be careful when we judge people. Anyways that is perhaps a different post.
We have to train ourselves to use our intelligence to depend on Krishna. Below is a brief conversation by Srila Prabhupada on how to practically use our free will - in other words - depend on Krishna. Next time when we are faced with problems such as coworker problems or disease or money problems or job insecurity or spouse problem etc etc...let us try to simply focus all our energy meditating on Krishna and His form and submit our case to Him in humility and in that mood conduct our duties (not attaching to the result). Please read conversation.
He (Prabhupada) explained that the real problem is that people are not following Krishna ’s instructions properly. If one practically surrenders to Krishna , He makes everything successful.
“Practical”, he (Prabhupada) said, “means it will be done by Krishna . Your only business is to surrender to Krishna . You cannot do anything. And as soon as you think, ‘I shall be able to do it,’ then you are a rascal. Immediately you are rascal.”
“So only a fully surrendered soul can do everything perfectly?” Harikesa asked.
Prabhupada answered, “He cannot do anything. Everything is to be done by Krishna . But he has to apply his intelligence by Krishna consciousness. Even if he is intelligent, he cannot do anything.”
Harikesa added, “Except surrender.”
“Yes. He can surrender, and Krishna will do everything. You have to act very sincerely under the direction of Krishna , and then the war will be successful, as Arjuna did.”
- A Transcendental Diary (Vol 1,Ch 2, Pg 44) by Hari Sauri Das
In essence, we can only do one thing, use our free will and intelligence to surrender to Krishna under all circumstances (good and bad) and do our duty. We have to have faith that whatever transpires as a result of that duty & situation is Krishna's desire and be satisfied with that.
Hare Krishna
You cannot be happy thinking about yourself. The more you think about yourself and fulfilling your desires the more you become anxious and depressed especially if it is not fulfilled. All the drugs and psychotherapy is directed in trying to fulfill what you want which actually increases anxiety and distress.
The secret to happiness is trying to think about others and what they want. In that spectrum, the highest thought and consequently the highest happiness (or the most blissful experience) is to think about the instructions of a pure soul and Krishna. Fulfilling their words as opposed to yours is the secret to happiness in this world and beyond. Try it and you will see the difference.
Hare Krishna
Dear prabhus & mataji
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Project mentioned in below mail is for improving Goshala at Naigaon, about 30 km from ISKCON Pune temple. This Goshala is connected to ISKCON Pune and is being run under the guidance of ISKCON Pune. The cows and the calves are kept in perfect natural condition and are treated with love and respect.
Our goshala team has requested us to kindly support them by following the procedure given below. If you do, our goshala team will receive upto 4 lacs for GO-SEVA. Thank you for participating in Gomata's seva.
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If we win, we'll get lot of media coverage and a grant of minimum 4 lacs (up to maximum of 40 lacs). For this, we need more than 5000 votes. Kindly vote the project and get everyone you know to put their votes.
Kindly vote in next 2-3 days as the last date is 30th Dec.
Please contact Gopal Agrawal at +919881255331 or Ram Vilas das at
Thanks and Regards, Hare Krishna.
your servant Radheshyam das
And at the same time said we are not social reformers?

The Bhagavad Gita will not be banned in Russia after the court dismisses the case. NEW DELHI: Hindus in Russia Wednesday won a hard-fought six-month battle in a Siberian court against a plea to ban the Bhagavad Gita, among their holiest of religious scriptures, with the judge dismissing the state prosecutors’ stand the book be branded “extremist” literature, as first reported by IANS. The court in the Siberian city of Tomsk took up the case for a final hearing Wednesday morning and the judge, after reviewing the petition from the state prosecutors and the responses from the Hindus, dismissed the plea. “The court has dismissed the state prosecutors’ case during the hearing today,” Sadhu Priya Das, a leader of the Russian unit of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon), told IANS on the phone from Moscow. The case has been going on in the Tomsk city court since June and Hindus in Russia had pleaded with the Indian government to intervene diplomatically. After the Indian authorities were informed of the case, the government in New Delhi and the Indian embassy in Moscow too took up the matter with the Russian government. Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna had met Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin Tuesday on the issue. Click here to see the entire article at the Times of India
By BBC, The Times Of India and other media sourcesThe judge in the court told the prosecution they were throwing out the case and that 'Bhagavad Gita As It Is' is not extremist literature.
Victory!!! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Word leaked out from the court rooms about 1/2 an hour ago that the ruling is in favor of ISKCON!!! Media reports have confirmed a few minutes ago. A translation of one article is below.
___________________________________________________________The court refused to recognize in Tomsk extremist book "Bhagavad-gita As It Is"
Siberia / Society Tomsk. On December 28. Interfax-Siberia - Tomsk Lenin District Court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit Tomsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office to recognize an extremist book "Bhagavad-gita As It Is," which is one of the interpretations of Hinduscripture "The Bhagavad-Gita."
The court found no grounds to satisfy the claim, reports "Interfax".
Last summer, Tomsk Oblast prosecutor's office filed a claim for recognition of an extremist book "Bhagavad-gita As It Is" with commentary of the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON, also known as themovement of "Hare Krishna") Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
By Siddhanta dasVideo from several interviews of Yamuna Devi

If you are in, or visiting Melbourne, here is a video you must see. The devotees there are running Crossways, where they are serving Krishna Prasadam, right in the city. If you are in town don’t miss out. Situated in the heart of Melbourne, on Swanston Street, Crossways provides wholesome hearty sanctified vegetarian lunches with discounts for students, the elderly and other concession card holders. Many come for the friendly warm ambiance. 
There’s a large lounge area (2nd floor – aka Urban Yoga) where you can put your feet up, pick up a book and get away from the stresses of the city. Browse our collection of books on ancient Indian spiritual knowledge at your leisure. Our staff are always happy to answer any queries on spiritual subjects. If you are interested in volunteering or have any further inquires please contact our manager Jayendra.(03) 9650 2939 Address 123 Swanston Street, Melbourne (Upstairs on 1st Floor) Opening Times Monday – Saturday 11.30 – 3.30pm Click here to find out more about Crossways
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Wednesday 28 December 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: It's Time to Get Serious uploaded from North Sydney, Australia It's time to get serious about spiritual life. Your material situation can end at any moment. What have you done to prepare yourself for your next life? Have you surrendered to Krishna? Have you taken shelter of a bona fide spiritual master? Your material qualifications will not save you at the time of death. Your only real asset at the time of leaving your body is how much you have genuinely developed your love for Krishna. So it's time now for you to fully focus your consciousness on attaining spiritual perfection. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Bankstown, Australia Home Program 26 December 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Bankstown.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Preaching to Jesus is the Only Way People? Guru Maharaja, please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. When I go to preach some people say to me that Jesus is the only way. How can I explain to them about Sri Krishna? I want to take shelter of your lotus feet. Can you please accept me as your servant? D.J. Answer: Don't Tell Them About Krishna If someone says that Jesus is the only way, it is better not to tell them about Lord Krishna because they most likely will say something offensive against Lord Krishna. For your own understanding you should know that we accept the way of Jesus as the only way because Jesus was teaching the path of pure bhakti. But generally the only way people are too much caught up in sectarianism to be able to actually understand the real teachings of Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore it is better you spend your time explaining about Krishna to those who will submissively hear your message without committing any blasphemy against Lord Krishna. If you want to accept me as your spiritual master, you are welcome. To do so you must become fully obedient to my instructions. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011-2012 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles |