"Planet ISKCON" - 65 new articles
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - Ratna Radhika dasi - Hare Krishna - 1/5Ratna Radhika singing a Hare Krishna bhajan at a home program. Ratna Radhika (vocals), Sri Rupa (drum), Gopinath (flute) Dallas, TX Download: 2010-07-10 - 1 - Ratna Radhika dasi - Hare Krishna.mp3 Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Even the Derelicts Take BooksSome time back I was sitting behind a book table in Sydney. Not so many people were checking out the table, but by Krsna's grace I was stopping a few and some books were going out. Then a derelict stopped and started looking at the books. He asked how much the hardback Bhagavad-gita was. When I told him, he walked away, and I didn't think I'd see him again. But he soon returned, and after perusing the books he miraculously pulled out a fifty-dollar bill for the Gita and told me to keep the change! So I gave him an Ever Well-Wisher, a Krsna book, and an SSR as well. Later that day I moved to the next suburb and set up. I usually try to have some prasadam to give out -- either bliss balls, nuts and raisins, or halava. This time I had a pot of halava. Another derelict came by (a bit intoxicated) and asked me to give him a free book since he had no money. He told me how previously I had given him an Ever Well-Wisher for a small donation and he was in the middle of reading it -- but he had lost it. So he just grabbed an Ever Well-Wisher off the table and started walking away. I told him he couldn't take it for free but if he came back with some change I would give it to him. After some time he came back stating he still had no money and took the same book off the table. I said, "Listen, I can't give you the book, but take some halava." He loved the halava, consuming about six cups! Just then an Indian gentleman stopped and showed a lot of interest. He ended up buying some books and Krsna posters for a big donation. I told him this other guy really wanted a book but had no money. I asked him if he could throw in some extra change for the other guy. He was glad to do that, he said, and he pulled out a handful of coins and dropped them into the donation bucket. Then the derelict happily walked away with the Ever Well-Wisher, intoxicated on Krsna prasadam! Your servant Rupa Raghunatha das Australia (Text D:3614878) ------------------------------------------- ------- End of Forwarded Message ------ (Text 4598) ------------------------------------------------ ------- End of Forwarded Message ------
Book Distribution News: Even the Derelicts Take BooksSome time back I was sitting behind a book table in Sydney. Not so many people were checking out the table, but by Krsna's grace I was stopping a few and some books were going out. Then a derelict stopped and started looking at the books. He asked how much the hardback Bhagavad-gita was. When I told him, he walked away, and I didn't think I'd see him again. But he soon returned, and after perusing the books he miraculously pulled out a fifty-dollar bill for the Gita and told me to keep the change! So I gave him an Ever Well-Wisher, a Krsna book, and an SSR as well. Later that day I moved to the next suburb and set up. I usually try to have some prasadam to give out -- either bliss balls, nuts and raisins, or halava. This time I had a pot of halava. Another derelict came by (a bit intoxicated) and asked me to give him a free book since he had no money. He told me how previously I had given him an Ever Well-Wisher for a small donation and he was in the middle of reading it -- but he had lost it. So he just grabbed an Ever Well-Wisher off the table and started walking away. I told him he couldn't take it for free but if he came back with some change I would give it to him. After some time he came back stating he still had no money and took the same book off the table. I said, "Listen, I can't give you the book, but take some halava." He loved the halava, consuming about six cups! Just then an Indian gentleman stopped and showed a lot of interest. He ended up buying some books and Krsna posters for a big donation. I told him this other guy really wanted a book but had no money. I asked him if he could throw in some extra change for the other guy. He was glad to do that, he said, and he pulled out a handful of coins and dropped them into the donation bucket. Then the derelict happily walked away with the Ever Well-Wisher, intoxicated on Krsna prasadam! Your servant Rupa Raghunatha das Australia (Text D:3614878) ------------------------------------------- ------- End of Forwarded Message ------ (Text 4598) ------------------------------------------------ ------- End of Forwarded Message ------ Japa Group: Japa Retreat Question and AnswerAt the end of the Japa Retreat, Sacinandana Swami talks about the importance of breathing and answers questions. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.4.31 Getting Out Of The Material Conception Of LifeSB 03.04.31_Getting Out Of The Material Conception Of Life_2002-03-26 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.4.31 Getting Out Of The Material Conception Of Life 2002-03-26 Radhadesh H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.1.19 Pins For Pleasure 2005-01SB 03.01.19_Pins For Pleasure_2005-01 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.19 Pins For Pleasure 2005-01 New Govardhan Australia ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa-sakti MatajiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.25.2-5 - Transcend the material modes of nature simply by chanting Hare Krishna attentively. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Svarupa-sakti MatajiLength: 7:55 H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.1.18 Do Not Try To Find Krishna In The Taste Of A McDonald’s HamburgerSB 03.01.18_ Do Not Try To Find Krishna In The Taste Of A McDonald’s Hamburger_2005-01 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.18 Do Not Try To Find Krishna In The Taste Of A McDonald’s Hamburger 2005-01 New Govardhan Australia Australian News: 24 Hour Kirtan at New Gokula Farm – Tomorrow… we’ll be expecting you!
Location New Gokula Farm, Lewis Lane Millfield NSW On the final day of World Holy Name Festival, coinciding with HG Aindra Prabhu’s 108 hour memorial Kirtan, we will be holding a Maha 24 Hour Kirtan at New Gokula Farm. The event is also held over a long weekend and in uni/school spring holidays Check out the website for more details. Here’s the facebook page, let them know your coming! Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: “My Life” by Mark StrandThe huge doll of my body would prop me up for her friends. My wife took me down from the shelf. Now my daughter Poor child! diminishing, sinking down I grow into my death. Filed under: Poetry ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 September 30: "East Journey is authoritative. A student wrote me that this information has given them new life - not only is God alive but we can go and live with Him. So we must present this information to the whole world very nicely." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 September 30: "We should work solidly to get the attention of important men and make them understand how this movement is the most authorized, scientific agitation to invoke man's dormant Krishna Consciousness. We are not lacking in philosophy. There is no necessity of stopping questions by dogmatic statements." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 30: "By selling my books they are doing the greatest service. What your preaching will do? They hear and go away but if they have one book at home, they will read and solid preaching work is done." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 30: "Yes, we want money. That is the real preaching, selling my books. Do it by hook or by crook. The real preaching is selling my books. But you should know the tactic how to sell without irritating." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 30: "The art is to sell many, many of my books and not irritate the public. That is the greatest service. So instruct how to do this. That is sannyasa. That is GBC. Why there should be business competition?" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 30: "The success of your preaching will be substantiated by how many of my books are sold. If you cannot handle the matter nicely, that is your fault. If you only irritate and they go away, that is your lack of intelligence." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 30: "A brahmacari and unmarried woman alone in the same room together is strictly forbidden. You should not mix at all with brahmacarinis. Remain separate and talk almost nil. Actually you should not even see the face." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 30: "A cat or dog is thinking he is such and such and a human being thinks he is this and that. Entrapped by so many designations the human being remains on the platform of cats and dogs. The purpose of Bhaktivedanta Institute is to establish this distinction of human life." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 September 29: "I do not approve anyone's separation who are married by me. If they disagree, they may live separately, but no more marriage. If this is not followed, I will not take part in anyone's marriage in the future." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 September 29: "The secret of success in the matter of Krishna Consciousness is devotion to the Lord and the Spiritual Master. So continue your present attitude and you will be successful even I am not physically present before you." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 29: "Try to recruit local men there for helping you spread this movement. Better that you convert the local people and train them nicely in our philosophy and send them off for preaching party." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 29: "People are coming forward to donate. They will donate more and more, because they see here is something good. These boys now they are saintly. They do not smoke even. They talk only of God." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 29: "The women devotees also come to Krishna. I cannot deny. I take you all as part and parcels of Krishna. If our male members become steady in Krishna consciousness, there is no problem." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 29: "Rascal leaders say the farm is primitive but to become rogue and rascal in the city, that is advanced. Dog race, horse race, gambling, coca cola, pepsi cola. This is all going on because they have no good engagement." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 29: "The people are innocent. If these farm projects are successful, then all this industry will be closed. We do not have to make propaganda, but automatically people will not want it." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 29: "What can I do? I have appointed the GBC not to fight amongst yourselves but to manage. If there is fighting then how will you manage?" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 28: "I am so pleased you are lecturing in the Boston University. Please always remain submissive in spirit to Krishna and Spiritual Master, and by their Grace you will get all strength to speak and satisfy your audience." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 28: "My books are the ultimate source of knowledge. If you simply reproduce what I have explained surely you will come out victorious, even in the midst of so many great scholars." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 28: "They are not mundane speculations, they are authorized versions by liberated souls, presented by our humble self. We simply have to present them without adulteration, in humble service spirit. That is the secret of success." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 September 28: "I am always thinking of you and praying to Krishna when you will be relieved and join us again. Your hospitalization is an opportunity. Simply go on chanting and think of Krishna always." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 September 28: "He is yet to learn a little more. Unless one is in our line of thought it is very difficult to translate nicely. He may associate with us and it will take some time to come to the perfectional stage." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 28: "I am very much distressed why this business is not yet settled up. I sent him there and he was silent and went away. Now both of you go there immediately. Try to get bank loan and keep me informed daily." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 28: "I very much enjoyed the photos of the new deities that I have entrusted to you. Krsna is giving facility as much as He is pleased. As long as the Deities are pleased by your service, everything will operate very smoothly in your temple activities." H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, September 28th, 2010The Natural Crave H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, September 27th, 2010A Call of Alarm Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: A Definition of Self-realizationSelf-realization means becoming indifferent to the needs of the gross and subtle bodies and becoming serious about the activities of the self. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.3.33 Manorama dasa: Őszi óra átállítás 2010. október 31-énMár most sokan keresik, hogy mikor lesz az óraátállítás. Az ő örömükre: A 2010 évi őszi (téli) óraátállítás október 31-én lesz. Ekkor hajnali 3-kor 2-re állítjuk az órát. A Govinda Életmód Központot vezetem. Ha már az oldalamra találtál, egy izgalmas játékra invitállak. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.1.15 Different Levels Of Duty 2005-01SB 03.01.15_Different Levels Of Duty_2005-01 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.15 Different Levels Of Duty 2005-01 New Govardhan Australia Dandavats.com: More Hearts Come Closer to Krsna ISKCON Prison MinistryBy Bhakti-lata Dasi I was just listening to a Prabhupada lecture today and he was reiterating that if one spend one hour rendering devotional service, his life is a success, but that even if one spends millions of lifetimes in material life, there is no gain |
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: “My Life” by Mark Strand
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