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"Planet ISKCON" - 37 new articles
- Australian News: Introduce children to an early love for their dearmost friend, Krishna
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SEEKING COMPLETE ENJOYMENT
- Japa Group: Prayer, Posture & Pronunciation
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Poem for October 2
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Selected Writings
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: why you don't have a morning program?
- Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: A Profound Interview
- Sastra Dana, San Diego, USA: We got a fan
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Today is Gandhi Jayanti
- Sastra Dana, San Diego, USA: 16 Rounds Magazine – OCT/NOV issue
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- David Haslam, UK: HH Devamrita Swami’s Vyasa Puja Offering
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE NATURE OF THE SPIRIT
- Toronto Sankirtan Team, CA: Remembering Mahamantra Festival Celebrations!
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: About the Hungarian census and Parimala’s urgent question
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Some more bus tour photos JUL - AUG 2011
- Australian News: Kuli Catch-up, Sydney 13 October at 12:00 – 16 October at 11:00pm
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Corrected: Sunday 2 October 2011--Krishna's Mercy Comes to Viljandi, Estonia--and--How to Atone for Offending a Devotee?
- ISKCON Desire Tree: Vaishnava Calender - Durga Puja
- Australian News: Breaking News: Ujjain-The Solar Powered Temple!
- David Haslam, UK: Apple, can’t hack it in an open market
- Gouranga TV: Kirtan Mela 2011: HG Madhava prabhu
- Mayapuris, USA
- Mayapuris, USA: Mayapuris Spring Kirtan Retreat: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
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Australian News: Introduce children to an early love for their dearmost friend, Krishna
Welcome to Gopal Soft Toys
We are a family-run service that supports Vaisnava education
and cow protection.
We hope that our toys will introduce children all over the world to an early love for their dearmost friend, Krishna, through the sweetest of His pastimes – play.
Back in 1998 my dear friend, the late Maharani devi dasi, gave me a pattern for a Krishna doll she had made for my son Japa when he was only 6-years-old. Japa used to sleep with his little Krishna doll every night and especially liked the sound of His ankle bells. If he didn’t hear the sound of the bells, he would call out in his sleep “Krishna, Krishna, where are you?” With Maharani Mataji’s blessings, I started Gopal Soft Toys in 1999. I wanted to introduce Krishna, in my own way, to devotee children all over the world, so that they could also make Krishna their dearmost friend.
From our humble beginnings when we lived and operated out of a bamboo hut with a single cow in a small barn next to it, we have now expanded for the sake of Gopal Soft Toys production and our cows. We have built a small house, another bigger bamboo hut, and a bigger barn. We are now maintaining two oxen, 3 milking cows, and 3 calves.
Our location
Gopal Soft Toys is located in a quiet setting surrounded by rice fields in the heart of Mayapur, India, just five minutes from the birthplace of Lord Caitanya.
Doll Production
Our dolls are exclusively hand crafted in Mayapur. Our team consists of six Vaisnava families who are all being sustained by Gopal Soft Toys.
The website was designed and created by my son Navadvipa Chandra Das. Thanks to my brother Friedrich for tecnical help, Atmavidya Prabhu for pictures and my daughter Nandini for shipping and handling and other technical support.
Click here to see the web page and order one for yourself, I mean for your child, or a friends
Share this story your way:

The living entity is part and parcel of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, who, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra, is ANANDAMAYO 'BHYASAT,full of enjoyment.
Being part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,the living entity is also seeking complete enjoyment.
However, completeenjoyment cannot be achieved separate from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
In his wanderings in the different species of life, the living entity may tastesome type of enjoyment in one body or another, but full enjoyment of the sensescannot be obtained in any material body.

Japa Group: Prayer, Posture & Pronunciation
The second session of the Japa Room brought many devotees together to discuss many amazing points about Japa.
This reminded me of a quote that I often use in the the Japa Room sessions, it makes it very clear that we need to pronounce and hear the Holy names with clarity and distinction.
"Chanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration preferably during the Brahma Muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about chanting fast, most important is the hearing."
Letter to Radhaballabah das
6 January, 1972

H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Poem for October 2
4:54 A.M. Poem for October 2 In Gaya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was initiated by Isvara Puri, and immediately He exhibited signs of love of Godhead. He again displayed such symptoms on returning home. The Lord said that His mother had offended Advaita Acarya. The devotees brought Advaita to see her. Advaita fell down at her [...]
Poem for October 2 is a post from: EVERY DAY

H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Selected Writings
From Dear Sky: Letters from a Sannyasi (1993) “July 17, 1993 Wicklow, Ireland “Dear Friends, “I relish our exchanges—sharing Krishna consciousness with friends, reading letters back and forth, sharing time together, going together as fellow students to see the spiritual master and the grand-spiritual master, riding together in cars and planes and rickshaws, and while [...]
Selected Writings is a post from: EVERY DAY Bhakti Vikasa Swami: why you don't have a morning program?
[Srila Prabhupada:] "What is your morning program?"
[Bhurijana Prabhu:] "Well, Prabhupäda, we don't really have so many guests coming right now, so we usually don't have much of a morning program."
Prabhupäda continued, "Guests may or may not be coming, but why don't you have a morning program? Is your temple in ISKCON? Whose disciple are you?"
"Of course I am your disciple, Prabhupäda." I was getting nervous.
"Then why you don't have a morning program?"
From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Prabhu.

Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: A Profound Interview
His questions have prodded me to reflect deeply upon the commitments I have made.
Radhanath Swami
Where and when did you get initiated?
Alachua, Florida, May 31st, 2010
What age were you when you got initiated?
What were your full names before and after initiation?
My name before initiation was Bhakti lata bij, and after initiation my name became Bhakti lata.
Please explain in a detailed, thoughtful way why you made the decision to get initiated.
I often hear parallels between marriage and initiation - both are very grave steps in life that involve very profound vows. Of course, marriage is more of a common phenomenon, something that humans can universally relate to, so I'll start from there. So one may ask, why get married? Why make those vows when you can just live lives together as a very committed couple? I have come to the conclusion that there is something about taking those profound vows in front of the world and in front of God that gives the couple the strength to weather the storms.
In very related respects, I was born to devotee parents who gave me a spiritual name at birth. I have followed the four regulative principles my whole life, and Radhanath Swami loves me unconditionally, whether I would have ever received initiation from him or not. So one may wonder - why take that formal step of initiation? For me, it was about committing to those vows in front of the world and in front of God. The vows of initiation are so powerful that sometimes I feel chills to meditate upon them. Those vows carve and shape my life, and give me a safe place to fall. Receiving initiation is like marriage in the sense that now I belong to someone, now I can rest my soul, knowing that I am connected to a family who can carry me in the fiercest of spiritual storms.
What major and subtle changes have there been in your life now that you are initiated? What do you think initiation will continue to change in your life?
The most profound change I experience is the peace I feel in my heart. I feel settled. I feel grounded and sure and safe. I feel strong - I no longer am only accountable to myself, I am accountable to my spiritual master, to Srila Prabhupad, to all of the devotees. That accountability gives me great strength to set an example for others. I feel that initiation will continue to change my life by giving me the sureness and strength to offer every breath of my life in service, knowing that it shall be offered in the right direction, like water not just poured upon any soil, but soil with seeds underneath.
Why do you think gurukulis have typically been slower about getting initiated? Do you think that is changing now, and if so why?
I sense that gurukulis have been slower about receiving initiation because they're already immersed in Krishna culture. What's the point in making such heavy vows when one is already IN the flow, chanting, doing service...?
But the biggest reason for the slower movement towards initiation, I believe, is chanting 16 rounds. It's a huge commitment. For me, getting to the point of actually steadily chanting 16 rounds every day has been the greatest challenge of my entire life, and it still is. I chant a lot slower than even most people, so it takes me around 3 hours every day. And although gurukulis love to chant in kirtan - sometimes for 24 hours straight! - there's something very austere about chanting japa for us. Several years ago, Radhanath Swami once gently commented to me (after I had told him yet again that I was still struggling with chanting), "Yes, you gurukulis would rather feel sincere about japa all the time, or not chant at all."
I think the trend towards initiation amongst gurukulis is growing, but only very slightly. In my experience, most gurukulis ask this question: "Why initiation?" and usually don't feel very satisfied with the answer.
A question and a concern that the older generation often have is, will gurukulis step up and continue this movement when they are gone? Do you think more gurukulis getting initiated means positive things for the future of the movement?
I'm not sure if initiation will address the issue of succession. But I do know that where powerful vows of commitment are made, vigor and strength naturally follow. I personally find it incredibly inspiring to witness my peers take to this process so seriously. It gives me hope that my own children shall take to this process naturally as well. That yes, Krishna Consciousness is the nature of the soul, and the process that Srila Prabhupad has given us is complete.

Sastra Dana, San Diego, USA: We got a fan
What a great shot! A cop reading our magazine. This was taken in San Diego, in the month of September, 2011.


If you ask yourself a Great Question every day, you will have more successful days. How come?
Because great results begin with great questions.
With a Great Question, you will be able to think better, make better decisions and get better results.
Recently I have started my personal Inquiry Journal, a file where I write down and read Great Questions that will help me succeed. Today I have started using my Inquiry Journal in a more effective way.
I will write at least one powerful question a day that will enlighten, inspire and empower me to use my time better by making better decisions and taking determined and positive action.
Here is my Great Question for today:
How can I help devotees succeed in being more happy and more productive?
What is the one Great Question that you could ask yourself today that will make your day brilliant?

Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Today is Gandhi Jayanti
Of course there are many times Srila Prabhupada referenced to Gandhi but on this Gandhi Jayanti we offer you a letter from Srila Prabhupada which is actually an offer to Gandhi. For anyone that is familiar with Gandhi's life Srila Prabhupada's comments/prediction in the second paragraph holds special significance. As you will note this letter is signed Abhay Charan De, since it was written before Srila Prabhuda took initiation/sanyas.
Mahatma Gandhijee
Bhangi Colony
New Delhi.
Dear Friend Mahatmajee,
Please accept my respectful Namaskar. I am your unknown friend but I had to write to you at times and again although you never cared to reply them. I sent you my papers "Back to Godhead" but your secretaries told me that you have very little time to read the letters and much less for reading the magazines. I asked for an interview with you but your busy secretaries never cared to reply this. Anyway as I am your very old friend although unknown to you I am again writing to you in order to bring you to the rightful position deserved by you. As a sincere friend I must not deviate from my duty towards a friend like your good self.
I tell you as a sincere friend that you must immediately retire from active politics if you do not desire to die an inglorious death. You have 125 years to live as you have desired to live but you if you die an inglorious death it is no worth. The honour and prestige that you have obtained during the course of you present life time, were not possible to be obtained by any one else within the living memory. But you must know that all these honours and prestiges were false in as much as they were created by the Illusory Energy of Godhead called the maya. By this falsity I do not mean to say that your so many friends were false to you nor you were false to them. By this falsity I mean illusion or in other words the false friendship and honours obtained thereby were but creation of maya and therefore they are always temporary or false as you may call it. But none of you neither your friends nor yourself knew this truth.
Now by the Grace of God that illusion is going to be cleared and thus your faithful friends like Acarya Kripalini and others are accusing you for your inability at the present moment to give them any practical programme of work as you happened to give them during your glorious days of non-co-operation movement. So you are also in a plight to find out a proper solution for the present political tangle created by your opponents. You should therefore take a note of warning from your insignificant friend like me, that unless you retire timely from politics and engage yourself cent per cent in the preaching work of Bhagavad-gita, which is the real function of the Mahatmas, you shall have to meet with such inglorious deaths as Mussolini, Hitlers, Tojos, Churchills or Lloyd Georges met with.
You can very easily understand as to how some of your political enemies in the garb of friends (both Indian and English) have deliberately cheated you and have broken your heart by doing the same mischief for which you have struggled so hard for so many years. You wanted chiefly Hindu-Moslem unity in India and they have tactfully managed to undo your work, by creation of the Pakistan and India separately. You wanted freedom for India but they have given permanent dependence of India. You wanted to do something for the upliftment of the position of the bhangis but they are still rotting as bhangis even though you are living in the bhangi colony. They are all therefore illusions and when these things will be presented to you as they are, you must consider them as God-sent. God has favored you by dissipating the illusion you were hovering in, and by the same illusion you were, nursing those ideas as Truth(?).
You must know that you are in the relative world which is called by the sages as Dvaita i.e. dual- and nothing is absolute here. Your Ahimsa is always followed by Himsa as the light is followed by darkness or the father is followed by the son. Nothing is absolute truth in this dual world. You did not know this neither you ever cared to know this from the right sources and therefore all your attempts to create unity were followed by disunity and Ahimsa. Ahimsa was followed by Himsa.
But it is better late than never. You must know now something about the Absolute Truth. The Truth with which you have been experimenting so long is relative. The relative truths are creations of the daivi maya qualified by the three modes of Nature. They are all insurmountable as is explained in the Bhagavad-gita (7.14). The Absolute Truth is the Absolute Godhead.
In the Katha Upanisad it is ordered that one must approach the bona fide Guru who is not only well versed in all the scriptures of the world but is also the realized soul in Brahman the Absolute—in order to learn the science of Absolute Truth. So also it is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita as follows:?
tad viddhi pranipatena
pariprasnena sevaya
upadeksyanti tad jnanam
jnaninas tattvadarsinah
(Bg. 4.34)
But I know that you never underwent such transcendental training except some severe penances which you invented for your purpose as you have invented so many things in the course of experimenting with the relative truths. You might have easily avoided them if you had approached the Guru as abovementioned. But your sincere efforts to attain some Godly qualities by austerities etc surely have raised you to some higher position which you can better utilize for the purpose of the Absolute Truth. If you, however, remain satisfied with such temporary position only and do not try to know the Absolute Truth, then surely you are to fall down from the artificially exalted position under the laws of Nature. But if you really want to approach the Absolute Truth and want to do some real good to the people in general all over the world, which shall include your ideas of unity, peace and non-violence, then you must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of "Bhagavad-gita'' without offering unnecessary and dogmatic interpretations on them. I had occasionally discussed this subject in my paper "Back to Godhead'' and a leaf from the same is enclosed herewith for your reference.
I would only request you to retire from politics at least for a month only and let us have discussion on the Bhagavad-gita. I am sure, thereby, that you shall get a new light from the result of such discussions not only for your benefit but for the benefit of the world at large—as I know that you are sincere, honest and moralist.
Awaiting your early reply with interest.
Yours sincerely,
Abhay Charan De.
Enclosure—one leaf from Back to Godhead

Sastra Dana, San Diego, USA: 16 Rounds Magazine – OCT/NOV issue
October/November issue of the 16 Rounds To Samadhi is printed. Order your copies at $0.20 a copy or buy the electronic file for local printing. CONTACT US

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 October 2: "Now I shall go to Vrndavan and Delhi, then from there to Nairobi. Then I go to South Africa, then Sydney, then Hong Kong, and if your Japanese program is fixed I can go there and then to Hawaii on my way to Los Angeles."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 October 2: "Whatever I have been able to do all over the world it has been due to the help all of you, my disciples, have given me. Here there are hardly fifty devotees to do all the projects, so this is a great strain. Therefore, I want that from all over our Society fifty more men may immediately come here bringing to a total of one hundred men."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 October 2: "By Krsna’s grace I have settled with her. The charges of the several litigations have all been withdrawn and preparations for the conveyance is in progress. After a great struggle for existence it appears that I have won."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973

David Haslam, UK: HH Devamrita Swami’s Vyasa Puja Offering
Hare Krishna,
Can I first humbly thank my God brothers and sisters, one of whom is reading out my offering this year due to my absence, and for those who run my guru maharaja’s web-site for posting those offerings submitted so I could simply bliss out reading them.
Here is my very short offering on this very special day:
Dear Guru Maharaja
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna,
I am again finding myself lost for words as I am reminded of the debt owed to you.
Sitting reading through the various e-mails sent over the years, patience, tolerance and never forgetting the corrections; time taken simply to keep me focused on Krishna and devotional service.
Feeling pangs of separation as I listen to your classes and thoughts as they are posted on the internet, reminding that by example we can follow; you simply and sincerely serving your own Guru Maharaja and imparting and asking of us the same, by perfect example we can follow.
Living a life absorbed in thoughts of Krishna
Selflessly moving from one place to another with one aim, to share this perfect love with others.
Your compassion always shining through.
Your Humble Disciple
Dhirabhakta Dasa
to read all the special and humble offerings submitted this year you can find it here: HH Devamrita Swami Vyasa Puja 2011 offerings

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "We are presenting ideal living on Vedic principles of purified life. We are demonstrating how people can live peacefully and simply. Our ideas are not man-made imperfect ideas, but perfect scientific conclusions."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Another meeting should be held with all members present and an election should be held. Out of the two candidates whoever is elected by the majority vote, they should be the temple president."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Record selling is temporary. Even George Harrison's record sales do not continue for long. But a book sold becomes a permanent matter. When there is time I go on reading my own books."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Yes I expect better service from you. Therefore I have appointed you BBT Trustee. Why their attention should be diverted by going to USA. It is better if the local men are trained up to do it, like by the boy Tripurari."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Worship in the temple means to personally call the Lord, and Krsna personally comes. The Deity is not an idol; it is Krsna. We cannot say to Krsna, now go away. It is a great offense."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Yes the temple should be re-opened. Closing a temple we cannot do. It becomes farce and it is against the bhakti cult. Once opened, a temple cannot be closed."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 October 2: "Henceforward completely forget the idea that any present temple can be closed. That you should forget. Don't do it again. Re-open Hamburg and Edinburgh and transfer the Deity there once again."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE NATURE OF THE SPIRIT
In the material world, so-called happiness is the result ofone's own work. One can become a rich man by dint of one's own hard labor, andthere are always fear and doubts as to the duration of such acquired happiness.But in the kingdom of God, no one has to endeavor to attain a standard ofhappiness.

Toronto Sankirtan Team, CA: Remembering Mahamantra Festival Celebrations!

H.H. Sivarama Swami: About the Hungarian census and Parimala’s urgent question
I need your kind help to rescue me from the Satan, it wakes me every night at 2.00am. I have hardly slept for the past 3yrs, its not allowing me to stay in one place, it kept me jobless for 2and half years and started working on my mind, please help me.

H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Some more bus tour photos JUL - AUG 2011

Australian News: Kuli Catch-up, Sydney 13 October at 12:00 – 16 October at 11:00pm
13th – Thursday ~ Harinama in the City (580 George St) @ 6 :30pm
Feat. The Mayapuris!!!
14th – Friday ~ Beach Kirtan on Manly Beach 6pm Feat. The Mayapuris!!!
(Group will take bus at 5pm from Temple, Prasadam Incl.)
15th – Saturday ~ Day activities ::TBA:: / 12pm lunch Prasadam @ Temple
5pm Dinner Prasadam at Govindas, followed by Kuli Kirtan
Night in the “Govindas Lotus Room”… Feat. Janardan (Bris)
16th – Sunday ~ 12hr Kirtan @ the Temple Feat. Mayapuris, Sri Prahlada,
Janardan + many more great souls
…it will be “NECTAR!!!” …This event is open to youth so get involved!!!
*More info to still come, so stay tunned here:
Where: ISKCON North Syndey Temple
180 Falcon Street
» View map
13th - Thursday ~ Harinama in the City (580 George St) @ 6 :30pm
Feat. The Mayapuris!!!
14th - Friday ~ Beach Kirtan on Manly Beach 6pm Feat. The Mayapuris!!!
(Group will take bus at 5pm from Temple, Prasadam Incl.)
15th - Saturday ~ Day activities ::TBA:: / 12pm lunch Prasadam @ Temple
5pm Dinner Prasadam at Govindas, followed by Kuli Kirtan
Night in the "Govindas Lotus Room"... Feat. Janardan (Bris)
16th - Sunday ~ 12hr Kirtan @ the Temple Feat. Mayapuris, Sri Prahlada,
Janardan + many more great souls will be "NECTAR!!!" ...This event is open to youth so get involved!!!
*More info to still come, so stay tunned
... See full description

H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Corrected: Sunday 2 October 2011--Krishna's Mercy Comes to Viljandi, Estonia--and--How to Atone for Offending a Devotee?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Sunday 2 October 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: Today's Thought: Krishna's Mercy Comes to Viljandi, Estonia Uploaded from Tallinn, Estonia On Friday 30 September we traveled in Estonia from Tartu to Viljandi for another ecstatic evening of sharing the supreme nectar of Krishna consciousness with those whose who were most fortunate to receive it. We had ecstatic kirtan, and then I explained to the audience the significance of the Hare Krishna mantra and the Bhagavad-gita. Even though the audience was small, I was amazed to see how receptive they were because most of them purchased Bhagavad-gitas at the end of the program. In fact, we sold every single Bhagavad-gita that we had in stock! There is nothing more satisfying than to see people going home with a Bhagavad-gita after hearing about Krishna. This means that the effect of what they heard will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Explaining the Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita 30 September--Viljandi, Estonia Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Atone for Offending a Devotee? I would like to know what is the atonement or prayascitta that is to be done for criticizing, making fun of, or any sin committed in any form to a devotee. Arvind Answer: Bow Down and Beg for Forgiveness When one commits an offense at the feet of a Vaisnava, one must immediately offer obeisances falling down flat on the ground at his feet and apologize begging to be forgiven for your offense. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Thought for the Day on Facebook: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:

ISKCON Desire Tree: Vaishnava Calender - Durga Puja
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Australian News: Breaking News: Ujjain-The Solar Powered Temple!
The extraordinary Ujjain temple where compassion is always in the air in
all aspects from giving back to the community through feeding 20,000 school
children everyday or taking care of every devotee that goes to this temple.
Everyone who has ever been there knows exactly what I am talking about.
Don’t you? Maharaj’s compassionate and caring nature reflects in his Ujjain
temple. Now Ujjain temple has taken the next step in working with the
environment by giving us Krishna’s ray of light through a Solar Powered
One of our god brother’s Ajoydtha Pati prabhu (74 years old) who is
originally from Mauritius and stays in Ujjain most of the time these days
acquired all the Solar Power materials from the supplier. The current
equipment we have at the temple provides the entire electricity needs of
the temple 24 hours a day except the AC and some high voltage stuff.
Everything runs on this system from lights, fans, audio system and all
basic stuff. It was installed on the auspicious day of Janmashtami. The
weather was very cloudy so in the beginning we didn’t get the full charge
because of monsoon season but now the entire power is supplied by the solar
units! The solar panels are currently located on the temple roof.
The head of finance for our temple- His Grace Mukunda Prabhu says “The
Solar Power Plant will save us on our finances”. The electric unit charge
is increasing everyday so it will be considerable help to the temple. If it
works well in the long run and reduces our consumption on electricity, we
will do it to all our buildings. One of the added feature of these solar
panels is that if there is not enough sunlight, it will get power from the
electric grid. So there will be no power failure in the temple with the
electricity running seamlessly without breakdowns. The entire cost of this
project is 13 lakhs which His Grace Ajoydtha Pati prabhu donated. If any
other ISKCON community or temple wants to get this Solar Power Plant then
we will be happy to give further details.
Gurudeva is very enthusiastic about this project. We are saving Laxmi -
when it is connected to the grid, solar energy can overtake the highest
cost electricity at peak demand and can also reduce grid loading, apart
from getting rid of the need for local battery power in darkness. By having
this solar plant we are not only being environment conscious but also are
using a pollution free energy source. It requires less man power as plant
requires little maintenance or help after setup. Therefore, seeing all
these radiant advantages of the Solar Power plant Gurudev is very happy
about this project. Its great to see that with an exceptional devotee like
His Grace Ajoydtha Pati prabhu’s donation, the Ujjain temple is able to
make a small difference to the community by saving energy, keeping the
environment pollution free and ultimately reducing our temple costs. We are
probably the only ISKCON temple with Solar Power Plant.
In service,
Photos taken by Mukunda Das
Article written by Rasalila Dasi
Received on PAMHO
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David Haslam, UK: Apple, can’t hack it in an open market
There are things that in my mind don’t make logical sense simply because they seem weird or I scratch my head wondering how else can it be done.
Following Apple’s patent battle against samsung I am scratching my head wondering why, what are you thinking are you really that scared, insecure and unable to actually compete in an open free market?
It reminds me of a school bully who beats the little guy up because he’s wearing the same designer clothes and bag, you can’t look like me your not cool enough; and kick them until they give it up.
As I grow up technology has changed in a way as a child no one would imagine, but simply there is a basic in design you cannot move away from and most electronic products come in a basic shape, rectangular box like, walk around your house or an electronics shop; printers, TV, DVD players, MP3 players, free view box, dongles, smartphones, mobiles, radio’s, washing machines, driers, camera’s, video recorders/players, PC, laptops, netbooks they all have a very basic shape and design.
But Apple protests because someone makes a tablet that well looks like a tablet; waving a piece of patent paper no one can make a tablet that looks like well a tablet. So I scratch my head what are you thinking off? How else can you make a tablet apart from a flat rectangular box with a touch screen.
You see we talk about an open market and as new technology comes along we have see time and time again the other manufacturers respond with there own take, it’s only recently that we have see patent law suits for intellectual rights and ownership stopping what has always happened in a free and open market; it’s called competition without it your operating a monopoly which appears to be what Apple wants.
But consumers will buy for many reasons, price, usability, build quality, reliability, company reputation, innovation or additions (remember Nokia taking the original mobile phone market with the changeable covers).
I wonder why we didn’t see the manufacturer of the first flat screen TV take out law suits against the others because they brought out a flat screen TV which is well flat and rectangle. Or DVD player, or first ever Radio?
Although the law makers have to deal with the legal aspects I wonder what the judges really think of such legal actions? Look you freaks of well paid lawyers take a walk around the high street see the basic’s of design and go get a life and not waste my time because someone’s use a rectangular shape everyone uses it. Your all a bunch of over paid idiots trying to justify your job.
After all when the first windows os came out it looked like well and apple os in use at the time, but the basic codex was the same as apple had bought it from windows because they couldn’t work it any other way; and basically all PC at that time had a very basic design; but to keep market share there had to be constant innovation.
It is however easy for me to ridicule Apple for there law suit that will block innovation and competition and has a potential of harming the open market concept. It also make’s me wonder if they have so little faith in there product that it couldn’t hold it’s own with any competition. but I have never had one bright innovation idea in my life.
But I have had clients that have for personal reasons copied me in one way or another; and I am reminded that this at times is very flattering, some times annoying but doesn’t mean I become a bully or take legal action because I would simply look silly in the eyes of my peers.
And Apple sorry your legal patent suit just makes you look silly and petty in the general eyes of the public.

Gouranga TV: Kirtan Mela 2011: HG Madhava prabhu
Kirtan Mela 2011: HG Madhava prabhu

Mayapuris, USA
Mayapuris Spring Break Retreat: Punta Cana, Domincan Republic (0)

Mayapuris, USA: Mayapuris Spring Kirtan Retreat: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Join The Mayapuris on their first Spring Kirtan Retreat to the exotic land of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Famous for its tropical beaches and jungles, the Dominican Republic has much to offer in natural beauty and healthy environment. Combine the location with The Mayapuris and Yogi Charu and the Spring Kirtan Retreat guarantees the perfect rejuvenation for body, mind and spirit.
Yogi Charu, world renowned Yoga instructor to Hollywood celebrities, will lead us in daily yoga classes. Taking his students deep into understanding the philosophy of Yoga, breath-work, and physical Asana exercise, Yogi Charu taps into the teachings of ancient teachers and personal experience to give a well-rounded understanding of the Yogic traditions.
And what spiritual journey is complete without Kirtan?! Give voice to your inner self by learning how to express your spirit through kirtan. The Mayapuris, life-long practitioners of Bhakti, will conduct workshops on all aspects of Kirtan, from leading kirtan, instrument playing and dancing, to the deeper meaning of the sacred Mantras.
Having studied and performed with the greatest kirtaniyas of the world, The Mayapuris will share with you from the depth of their knowledge and experience with personal hands-on-training. Here’s what you can expect to learn on the Spring Kirtan Retreat:
-3 chants (bhajans) including the words, pronunciation, and the philosophy within the chant.
-3 raagas (melodies) sung vocally and your choice of harmonium or flute. Includes booklet with instructions and practices.
-A basic understanding of 3 taalas (rhythms) on mridanga drum, kartals, and clapping too.
-There will also be workshops on dance. Participants can expect to learn 5 mudras with meanings, 5 foundational steps of classical dance, and 5 exciting kirtan dance steps!
The Spring Kirtan Retreat will include accommodations, pure veg meals, adventurous excursions, and a healthy consciousness. Take a Spring Break and enjoy true peace and serenity.
We look forward to sharing this journey with you.
More details coming soon…

Jaya Kesava Das, USA: PUNISHMENT

Japa Group: The Art Of Chanting Hare Krsna
A very amazing and revealing lecture about the art of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra by Sacinandana Swami.

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