1972 November 25: "If you preach sincerely, anyone will listen and become convinced. The potency of Krishna Consciousness movement does not come from some outward show, no - it is the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krishna Mantra, Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, and Srimad Bhagavatam."
1966 November 25: "All the commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita in English now available in the market are by the non devotee mental speculators. Therefore such commentaries are not authorized. Nobody has any access in the Bhagavad-gita without being pure devotee of the Lord."
1974 November 25: "Last night your mother came to the temple and talked with me. Sometimes you can send her some newsof your health, but not very much correspondence. Lord Caitanya used to also please His mother by sending prasada with news."
1972 November 25: "We are not interested to attract millions of men to see some show. Better we attract one sincere soul to join us in ecstatic chanting and hearing, that will be of real value. And distribute my books, as many as possible."
1969 November 25: "If anyone can remain a brahmacari all the time, without being disturbed by sex urge, there is no need for him to marry. One who is thoroughly engaged in Krishna's service, however, this sex urge does not have much disturbance."
1972 November 25: "We shall base our preaching work on Lord Caitanya's formula: sankirtana. If we simply stick to this program as I have done it from the beginning, namely, kirtana, preaching, kirtana, distribution of prasadam - if you do like this only - that will be sufficient."
1973 November 25: "I have always served my Guru Maharaja and followed His teachings and even now I am never separated from Him. Sometimes Maya may come and try to interfere but we must not falter, we must always follow the chalked out path laid down by the great Acharya's and in the end you will see."
1974 November 25: "It is a good thing that you have distributed books to the son and daughter of the President. Now my books are in the President's house. When entering the house and seeing the father, the daughter will say, 'See what I have purchased today.'"
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.4.26 - Vyasadeva's despondency was caused by not directly glorifying Krsna.
BY THE STAR ONLINE KUALA LUMPUR - It was a Deepavali celebration with a difference for 70 teachers and around 1,200 pupils at SJK (T) Vivekananda, Petaling Jaya recently on 20/11/2011.Not only were they treated to a sumptuous vegetarian meal, they also received free books under the Sastra Dana and Anna Dana Programme, jointly organised by Bhaktivedanta Books Trading Malaysia Sdn Bhd, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Malaysia and Food For Life Society Malaysia.
Two separate programmes were held for pupils in the morning and afternoon sessions.The morning session started off with ripa Sindhu prabhu guiding the schoolchildren in singing the Hare Krishna Maha Manthra.
Pupils tucking into their meals during the event. ISKCON Malaysia president HH Bhakti Vrajendranandana Swami then presented the school with a set of books including Bhagavad-Gita As It Is.Pupils and teachers at the school also received books. A total of 70 Krishna Story books and 1,300 titles were distributed on the day. The pupils and teachers were then treated to local delights such as nasi lemak, fried noodles, corn jelly and side dishes by members and volunteers of Food For Life Malaysia.The school’s teachers and pupils thanked the company and societies for organising the event. “The objective of this event was to create awareness especially among schoolchildren on the importance of sacred literature and to live based on its teaching, which guides us to lead a decent life,” said Food For Life Society Malaysia representative A. Vimala.
For Lynn
Toronto, Ontario
My peering out the window this early morning before sunrise revealed a wet street and a dripping sky. This told me to put on some rain gear and to walk to a sheltered area where I could pace back and forth. At Yonge and Summerhill there is this century old handsome piece of architecture, a former passenger Canadian Pacific Railway Station and now a high end liquor store. It is one of the few places near by the temple ashram where I can go for solitude to chant and pace.
I noticed a sign on the door, "Public Notice". It went on to read the the administration has removed liquor merchandise from the premises, a certain Woody's brand, that was found to have glass pieces in its contents. That's scary. Imagine getting your stomach sliced open in millions of spots. From the perspective of a swami, one who avoids intoxicants altogether, it raises questions as to which is worse, the fluid or the glass chips? With a peak through the window I was impressed with the neatly aligned filled bottles on shelves, brands of bottles with Christmas ornamentation. The shop is pristine inside and a worker was checking inventory very meticulously. Hmmm! "The quality of cleanliness is what a temple ought to always be," I thought. When you move around into different areas of a city or country, there's always something there to inspire you. You just open your eyes and it's there.
I received a call today (hours later) from Lynn, whom I met in Nova Scotia while on my walk this last September. She kept my number and wanted to talk. Apparently life has been rough for her. Her grandmom of 103 years of age, just passed away and Lynn herself is suffering physically from an accident from when she was in her teens. She was looking to be cheered up from what I could gather.
"You can get inspiration from just about anywhere you look." I thought of the liquor store and how I was able to see beyond the nasty beverage, beyond the chips of glass, beyond all the money that's made from preying on human weakness and beyond the rain.
My message to her was, "Let's swing to the positive. Write down what's positive like I do every day and start healing. And the most positive thing of all is your spirituality." I vowed to send her a Christmas gift - a book about Krishna.
7 KM
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, UK, May 2011) Initiation Lecture
 What the spiritual master really wants is that his disciples mature and not just wait for the spiritual master to bring the water, but that they learn to go to the well themselves! That’s what he wants. Naturally, it is the same for the parent – okay when the child is very small, then you bring them everything, but at one point you want the child to grow up and get to the point of starting to bring it in by themselves. So spiritual life is exactly the same. It is exactly like that! 
In the beginning, yes the spiritual master will nourish the disciple, like a bird who is taking care of its young, and you can see these birds flying up and down……and bringing more……..and the little birds just sits there with their mouths open…and that’s it. It is said that, one type of spiritual master is taking care of his disciples, like the bird taking care of its young. Another type of spiritual master is taking care of his disciples like a fish is taking care of its young. The fish is swimming in the water and is not really feeding its young in the same way as the bird. But the fish is keeping an eye (the fish has big eyes)…..so the fish is keeping an eye on the young and if there is any danger then suddenly that big fish will be there. So that is another level, not that we spoon feed the disciple, but there is supervision. Finally, there is the third model, which is the model of the tortoise. The tortoise is laying its eggs in the sand. When the season is warm, the heat of the sun, heats up that sand and the eggs will come to the point where they break and the young little turtles come out in that way. So the turtle is just taking care of its young by meditation. So sometimes the spiritual master will take care of his disciples by meditation. Sometimes the disciples will say: “Oh, I haven’t seen my spiritual master for such a long time. He didn’t send me any emails, and he didn’t even reply to my last three emails. Oh, I don’t think I have much of a relationship!” No…no, the meditation is always there…his prayer is always there. He is always our well wisher, but how many emails can any human being answer? Even with a thousand arms, one could still not answer all the emails that one receives! These days it is impossible! So in this way, we understand that the spiritual master is our ever well wisher! He is always with us, because his prayer is with us!
Happy Thanksgiving from all the folks at Sesame Street. 
4:29 A.M. Poem for November 24 After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained the difference between an ordinary living being and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the people said, “No one considers You an ordinary human being. You are like Krishna in every respect, in both bodily features and characteristics.” Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then bestowed His causeless [...] Poem for November 24 is a post from: EVERY DAY
From Reading Reform: Srila Prabhupada’s Plan for the Daily Reading of His Books “‘Our advancement in Krishna consciousness is made possible in two ways, by knowledge and renunciation, jnana and tyaga, or tapasya. The more we become renounced from this material world, the more we advance in Krishna consciousness. But we are only able to [...] Selected Writings is a post from: EVERY DAY
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, UK, May 2011) Initiation Lecture

Srila Prabhupada tirelessly travelled around the world. In eleven years, he went fourteen times around the world! At one point Srila Prabhupada was in New York, and he had a cold whilst being there. And one can hear it in the lectures! One can hear that Prabhupada has a real cold and the devotees were saying: “Oh Srila Prabhupada, just stay here for a few days”. And Prabhupada said: “No I have to go to London, in England.” They said: “Don’t go, just stay here!” And Prabhupada said: “No, I have to go”. “Srila Prabhupada, It’s not important, just stay here!” Prabhupada said: “Oh, it is not important. If I don’t go, then who will maintain these devotees in their spiritual life? If I don’t travel around the world, then who will maintain all these devotees in their spiritual life?” So Srila Prabhupada indeed was travelling tirelessly in his old age to keep his devotees inspired! So the spiritual master is certainly having that purpose in mind, to somehow or other inspire his disciples…………..So the spiritual master (as Prabhupada did) is travelling around the world to support his disciples and inspire them!
By Sutapa Das for sutapamonk.blogspot.com on 24 Nov 2011  | I’ve just returned from a two week tour of Bangladesh. Crowned the happiest nation in the world by social researchers at LSE, one can sense the contentment that comes from simple living and high thinking. However, on a second-class overnight train from Chittagong to Dhaka I was confronted with the flip side of the story.
By Michelle Bosmier for Natural News on 24 Nov 2011  | Pain is something we cannot avoid, no matter how healthy our diets and lifestyles are. But that doesn't mean that pain should be lived with - research shows that there are some everyday foods that work like a charm to ease pain and replenish our systems.
Sales of our album Chakram are very healthy and the reviews have started to come in. The Vaishnavas seem to like it. Here’s a sample from ISKCON News in the USA: http://news.iskcon.com/node/4031 And here is a rather amusing review from Sitapati Das in Australia: In 2000 I was washing dishes in a kitchen in Wellington, New Zealand, listening to one of my favorite kirtan tapes. A visiting devotee from the UK said to me: “Who is that you’re listening to?“, so I told him: “Dude, that is like Krpamoya“, because in New Zealand we speak like we’re in Los Angeles. He gave me a puzzled look. “Why are you listening to him?” Now it was my turn to give him a puzzled look: “Because he’s like, awesome“. Now his look turned pensive. “Hmm, I never thought people around the world would listen to his kirtan on tape. To us he’s just this guy who leads kirtan at the Manor.“ In millenial New Zealand Krpamoya was the name of a guy who lead an awesome Janmastami kirtan on a highly sought-after tape that was copied and passed around kirtan afficianado circles. The energy of the kirtan was palpable – it was massive, with a powerful bottom end provided by a lot of mrdangas, and Krpamoya effortlessly moved between melodies with a fluid grace and a voice that was liquid gold. It was awesome. Now fast-forward to 2011, and Krpamoya has released a studio album “Chakram”. All I can say is: “What happened?“ No, I’m kidding. But while I’m kidding around… there’s a famous scene in the mockumentary This is Spinal Tap where the band are being presented with historical reviews of their albums and asked for their reaction to them. The reviews become increasing brusque until they reach the point of a single, dimissive sentence. Here’s my Spinal Tap review of Chakram: “Can’t wait for the movie to come out, can’t listen to the album without it“. The album opens epic. It’s not a stretch to imagine the opening track as the extended mix of the opening credits to a BBC program. The dramatic drums and the sound of swords being drawn evokes the ITV series “Robin of Sherwood”, and Clannad’s album Legend, the sound track of the same. Now I have a confession to make: Legend was the first record I ever bought, and I wore that thing out listening to it. There are no sleeve notes for Chakram, no credits or musician listings. For some reason I imagine Krpamoya and Jayadeva (was he involved?) locked in a studio somewhere, and discovering a movie sound effects library, and just going nuts. I couldn’t find the right context to listen to the album. But driving back from Sydney overnight (a 900km drive), I discovered the missing piece – a quest epic enough to warrant the soundtrack of Chakram. Chakram, like Gaura Vani’s music, and like Akhanda Nam, is an interpretation of kirtan. Where Gaura Vani draws from a diverse base of traditional Indian and contemporary Western musical forms to create a familiar yet fresh pop experience, and Akhanda Nam draws on the esoteric with the idea that the more alien it is the more authentic it must be (or is that “the more authentic it is, the more alien it must be”?), Chakram draws on a different cultural base to find its unique take – the Indian movie soundtrack. This is a kirtan album produced by the spirit of AR Rahman. In the correct space to process the whole thing, as I drove through the Celtic Country of Northern New South Wales on an epic quest, I was able to fully savour the flavours of Chakram. The opening track has all the hallmarks of an epic movie soundtrack, and a contemporary one at that, with the right kind of processing applied to the female vocal (Krpamoya’s daughter Tulasi?). That track is begging for a techno / dubstep remix. I’m serious. Listen to it. Although there are no liner notes, I know that Chakrini provides vocals on the album, because Krpamoya was giving me a guided tour of the Manor when we ran into her, and she talked about it. The second track on the album is a version of Narottama das Thakura’s Sri Rupa Manjari Pada flawlessly executed by Krpamoya and Chakrini as a harmonised duet. Each of their voices are gold, and together they are priceless. Harmony (disparagingly referred to as “Horror-mony”) is frowned upon by purists. However, Western music is based on harmony, and Western ears and minds are developed to appreciate, and even require it; and western ears will find much to be pleased with here. The song is carefully scripted and has a pretty standard arrangement. Many times interpretations of traditional songs founder on the fact that the structure is plain. It’s the same thing repeated several times. If you don’t speak Sanskrit, then it all sounds like gibberish, so the only thing you have to appreciate is the melody. And if that is just repeating, well then it’s boring. The titles of the songs on the album are all in English, but the songs are all in non-English languages. However, a careful listening reveals several very interesting and emotionally provoking tweaks in this version of Sri Rupa Manjari Pada. There are points where the harmonies diverge in an interesting fashion, creating and resolving tension in interesting ways. You may not understand the words, but you can feel the rasa. One of the verses has a 6/8 phrasing that gives it a staccato feel that sets it apart from the rest. Small tweaks like this combine to create a very subtle yet powerful effect. It’s slick in its sound, and slick in its production. Krpamoya has an interesting interpretation of the song “Ajna Tal” following this, which he titles “Dancing in the Streets“. The opening to this song uses space and reverb, with a woman’s voice, to paint an aural picture with a palette of raga. Moving through the Northern New South Wales countryside at sunrise, it makes a perfect sound track. Krpamoya has eschewed the traditional instruments associated with the musical tradition that he is reinterpreting for a contemporary audience – for example the mrdanga drums, and instead uses the sound effects that he found in the movie sound track library. I’m kidding again. The Song “Ajnal Tal” (Dancing in the Streets) is traditionally performed with a 6/8 feel. This is hinted at by a drum – is a darbuka or similar goblet drum, or a bodhran, or both? Here’s where liner notes would provide a clue. Whatever the drum being used, it is skillfully woven into the background, and doesn’t at all sound out of place while driving through Celtic Country. Nor does it produce the “wtf?” experience that western audiences, conditioned to 4/4 pop music or 3/4 ballads, typically have when a hardcore head-wobbling Indian 6/8 rhythm kicks in. It remains true to its roots while remaining subtle and non-confrontational. Another track that deserves a special mention here is “Let the Bee of My Mind Fly to the Eternal Lotus”, traditionally known as “Krishna Deva Bhavantam Vande“. This track begins with another soundscape painted with a female vocal (this time I believe Krpamoya’s daughter Jahnavi), and an innovative use of space, reverb, and ambient effects. Whoever produced this has some serious mad skills and sensibilities. The colours of the raga are intriguing also. The meaning of the mantras is obscure (liner notes!), but the music conveys the emotional message without the necessity of rationality. When Krpamoya begins to sing the song, it is the perfect resolution for the tension created by the opening scene. The next track – “Father, what is Spirit?” – is the only English track on the album and is a spoken word piece where Krpamoya gets a little preachy, but in a delightfully English way. It’s kind of “Hinduism as presented by C.S. Lewis”. And I think Krpamoya, aside from his musical contribution, is kind of like the C.S. Lewis of ISKCON. Maybe the movie that goes with this album is kind of like a Narnia movie, but I digress. The album, once I got past the epicness of the opening track and found the right space to experience it in, was a very rewarding experience. The guest vocalists are superb. The production is impeccable and the arrangements are reinterpretations into contemporary western musical vocabularies that remain faithful to the originals. Verdict: Get the album, go on an epic quest and play it as your personal sound track. Alternatively, add it to your existing collection of movie sound tracks and C.S. Lewis spoken-word records. Disclaimer: In the interim between hearing the Janmastami kirtan and listening to Chakram, I visited the UK and met Krpamoya, staying with him and his family at their home in a quiet cul-de-sac in the English countryside. They all have red hair, and one of them is Jahnavi, the violinist in As Kindred Spirits. Musical ability runs in the family as much as devotion does. Update: Apparently the CD comes with a 16-page booklet. I should have downloaded the *other* torrent. (Actually, I got a complementary copy, which didn’t include the liner notes.) You can check out the musicians, the producer, the engineering, and all the technical specs here.
By Kiva Bottero for Natural News on 24 Nov 2011  | To some it's known as clarified butter, to others it's the golden elixir of healing - ghee is a staple ingredient in Indian cooking and Ayurvedic healing known for its versatility, great taste, and many health benefits.
More exceptional recipes and food photography from Finnish pure vegetarian food blogger Lakshmi. 
This sweet, braided bread looks delicious. I feel inclined to bake some this weekend, especially since Sydney weather at the moment is miserable, cold and rainy. The inviting, cinnamon- and cardamom-laced aromas of baking will surely cheer the spirits!
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 24 Nov 2011  | Two beautiful new bronze bas relief panels depicting the life, works and mission of ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada were revealed on October 29th, the day before his Disappearance Day, in his Samadhi, or mausoleum, in Vrindavana, India.
By Contributor for www.bhaktivedantamanor.co.uk on 24 Nov 2011  | “It was an event of Biblical proportions,” explained London`s Food for All Director Parasuram das. “We had 2 hours to distribute 5000 plates of prasad at Trafalgar Square, London. It seemed impossible but about 40 volunteers turned up to help serve and the day before we had 30 at Bhaktivedanta Manor to chop vegetables.
This is my mantra when I broadcast the Japa Room but it's easier said than done...generally during our Japa we are listening to the ramblings of the mind and occasionally we hear the mantra, then back to the all-pervasive mind.
This is a big test for most chanters, we have that choice for each bead, each mantra....the choice to listen to Krsna in His Holy names, or listen to what we have to by at the shop, or something that happened yesterday or something that is coming up next week.
When we feel ourselves listening to all these mental thoughts, then like a switch....we need to switch back to the sound of the mantra and keep doing this time and again until the mind gives up. At this point we will start to feel something from the chanting....we will feel the Lord's spiritual energy enter our hearts and our minds. This is all the Lord's mercy on us....when we make this effort to focus on Krsna through the sound, then the Lord sees our attempts and bestows upon us this eternal spiritual energy.
Let us all try, for each and every bead....to bring our mind back to the sound of our chanting, and become absorbed in the Lord's nectarian blissful energy.
THE FOLLOWING LECTURE ON SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM, CANTO 3, CHAPTER 25, THE GLORIES OF DEVOTIONAL SERVICE, TEXT 19, WAS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CARU SWAMI IN ISKCON UJJAIN, INDIA ON 12th OCTOBER 2010. Transcription : Her Grace Ranga Radhika Dasi Editing : Her Grace Hemavati Devi Dasi Audio reference: click here Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om [...]
The first business of a devotee or a transcendentalist is to keep his mind always focused on Krishna.
One must always think of Krishna and not forget Him, even for a moment.
Constant full concentration of the mind on the Supreme Lord is called samadhi, or trance.
In order to concentrate the mind on Krsna, one should always avoid bad association and disturbance by material sense objects.
One should be very careful to accept what is favorable and reject what is unfavorable for his spiritual realization.
And one should always chant the holy name and thus focus on Krishna in the form of the transcendental sound.
Some people say that the Vedas were written by man and therefore why should we follow them.
Yes, they are written by a man. But he's not a man like us. He's a liberated soul.
There are different kinds of men. So don't think all men are like you.
There are two kinds of men: conditioned and liberated.
The Vedas were written by a liberated soul - Srila Vyasadeva.
We who are here present thank the Great Spirit that we are here to praise Him. We thank Him that He has created men and women, and ordered that these beings shall always be living to multiply the earth. We thank Him for making the earth and giving these beings its products to live on. We thank Him for the water that comes out of the earth and runs for our lands. We thank Him for all the animals on the earth. We thank Him for certain timbers that grow and have fluids coming from them for us all. We thank Him for the branches of the trees that grow shadows for our shelter. We thank Him for the beings that come from the west, the thunder and lightning that water the earth. We thank Him for the light which we call our oldest brother, the sun that works for our good. We thank Him for all the fruits that grow on the trees and vines. We thank Him for his goodness in making the forests, and thank all its trees. We thank Him for the darkness that gives us rest, and for the kind Being of the darkness that gives us light, the moon. We thank Him for the bright spots in the skies that give us signs, the stars. We give Him thanks for our supporters, who had charge of our harvests. We give thanks that the voice of the Great Spirit can still be heard through the words of Ga-ne-o-di-o. We thank the Great Spirit that we have the privilege of this pleasant occasion. We give thanks for the persons who can sing the Great Spirit’s music, and hope they will be privileged to continue in his faith. We thank the Great Spirit for all the persons who perform the ceremonies on this occasion.
HH Sivarama Swami Podcast The difference between false ego and self confidence 4th March 2011
Question: What’s the difference between false ego and self confidence? Obviously it’s quite subtle.
HH Sivarama Swami: It’s not that fine but that close. False ego means ahankara, means its self based whereas self confidence is like “I have confidencethat Krsna will protect me”, “I have confidence that if I follow the principles of spiritual life I’ll become purified”, “I have confidence that my needs, that my material spiritual needs will be provided for by Krsna”, so thats self confidence. Self confidence at least from the spiritual sense, that if I follow the process of Krsna consciousness in a proper way I can be assured of success.
But not self confidence “that I’m the doer“. Self confidence that “I’m the das” then I get all the benefits of being a das that I can be assured of I can haveconfidence in that. Question: So high self esteem is ahankara?
HH Sivarama Swami: No. If I have high confidence, if my faith is very high in Krsna and in the concept of Krsna’s the master and I’m the servant, so you can call that high self confidence but as long as it’s based on being a servant and not because I’m the doer; and I’m doing something, I’m getting the result or even because I’m such a great devotee.
But if it’s always tempered with trnad api sunicena; then that type of confidence in the results of devotional activities results of being a devotee, in fact there’s one Sanskrit quote that I don’t remember where its from but it talks about the pride of the disciple pride of the devotee. In other words he has pride and confidence in Krsna, he has pride in his spiritual lineage but nothing self based. Everything is Krsna and Guru based.
As soon as it becomes “I’m the centre aham” then it’s false because the result isn’t coming from me. But if the result is coming from Guru, and Krsna and parampara being the basis then that type of self confidence is fine.
Question: Low self esteem is ahankara also?
HH Sivarama Swami: yes, think that “I’m useless” “I’m never going to make spiritual advancement” or sometimes its turned on others that “lets face it, no one’s a pure devotee” and so on “ Prabhupada’s the only pure devotee and everyone else is...” . So that’s also false, because then you don’t have faith in Krsna. Why? Prabhupada couldn’t make any pure devotee. But if you follow the process why should I think I’ll never become anything? There may be a certain mood when they have that mood Jagai and Madhai had that I’m lower than the worm in the stool.
That’s the general mood, but at the same time he’s aware that he’s a manjari in the spiritual world and as his deep philosophical realisations in Krsna Consciousness ... described by Krsna Das Kaviraja Goswami. So they’re going on side by side.
But just to demean oneself it means a lack of faith. So yeah we should have faith that we can do anything and that’s what Prabhupada wanted us to do anything. On our own we can’t do anything, its real self esteem.
And just a final word on that self confidence; because actually we need to have a really great self confidence in the fact that we’re going back home back to Godhead. That takes more than climbing mountains conquering universes, or doing such other things. That’s the biggest thing we can try to achieve in this world. So how will you achieve it if you don’t have confidence you can do it. You can do it by the mercy of Guru and Krsna but we must have confidence we can do it so that we can actually attain it.

Smaller Gaura Nitais. Click here for a slideshow of more pictures. 
[The Won-Durr Boiz diary series is based on four ex-gurukuli brothers (surname: Durr) coming together for the first time to share Krsna consciousness with the outside world. Madhavendra Puri (the author and middle elder) has been waiting in Radhadesh (Belgium) for his brothers to arrive. Nitai Canda (the eldest) and Rupa Gosvami (the youngest) arrive first, and Bhisma Deva (the middle younger) is scheduled to come half way through. Their adventure takes them through Belgium, Germany and Poland, for rathayatras, festival tours and kirtana events. These diaries aim to bring inspiration and joy to the readers, and hopefully encourage others to entangle themselves in Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtana movement – whether for the spiritual benefits or simply for the fun.] 
[Lighting it up in the light house town.] Diary for the 14th – 15th Poland (24) . Poland (25) Read original post: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com] Subscribe: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/subscribe] 

Vicaru das Bhaktivedanta Manor UK. His divine grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada , revealed the face of god amongst the human society through his powerful writing. He made the original vedic scriptures compiled by Srila Vyasadeva. so marketly available that each sankirtan devotee [a book distributor] in the history of ISKCON; it became practically their rigid Sadhana to distribute to general mass of people around the world. 
This is only the remedy to untie the hard knot of material lust , greed, anger, envy, illusion. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his close devotees such as Six Goswamis are so merciful to the fallen souls of this yuga, that they made this great literature which only could be read and discussed amongst the Lords dear and pure devotees knowingly available to those fallen souls who even never can dream about these books . The merciful rain cloud of Lord Caitanya rains down the mercy equally to every one whether you are qualified or not qualified to receive. When the rain pours down. it goes on hard soil, it goes on soft soil, it rains in the sea, on the mountain and rains on the land; the rain does not discriminate in the same way as Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtan mercy in the form of books. Books which are beening distributed everywhere, in the jail ,dangerous towns, communist and capitalist countries, International flight centres, huge complex cities, countries were preaching is banned, hot climate countries, cold climate countries, Middle Eastern countries and Asian countries including countries were carnivores happily reside. 
The only purpose to close down this materialistic business and divert our attention towards eternal spiritual business; so these Lord Chaitanya,s Sankitan warriors who dedicate their life to take the position of front line soldiers are the most dearest to Sri Mahaprabhu [na ca tasman manusyesu, kascin me priya krttamah bhavita na ca me tasmad ,anyah- priya - taro bhuvi,], there is no servant in this world more dear to me than he, no will there ever be one more dear. And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worship me with by his intelligence. This devotional service is guaranteed.., that at the end he will come back to me [krsna to arjuna] in Bhagavad Gita Personal experience whilst distributing Srila Prabhupadas book. I stopped a young boy who never wanted to hear the name of god or anything to do with god, than later something went wrong in his life looking for answers he began to study theology on Christianity. Asking him “Are you interested in history, philosophy or physiology?”noting how he looked very thoughtful and intelligent I then said “why don’t you try to read this book? Here you go I gave him a veda and chant and be happy” Replying he said “I don’t need them I’ve got my own study stuff” in reply I pointed out to him how this is very powerful book written by a world renowned great ancient vedic scholar; telling him how in 1965 he went to America from India and he met many scholars, scientists, professors and great spiritual leaders, and now so many thousands of people around the world are reading his book and transforming their life. and this book will really help you in your theology studies. Becoming convinced he gave me a good donation took the books and went away returning some 15 minutes later he handed me another five pounds donation and went away.. Oh,thanks I thought may be I praised him that you look very intelligent. 
Yours Humbly that in some way by your reading this you may also be inspired to distribute Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu mercy in the form of Srila Prabhupada’s books during this Decembers Book Marathon Month.
Dwaipayana at Govindas’ Lotus Room – the Friday Night Series – December 9th 
Kirtan concert with Dwaipayana Das & his kirtan band Friday December 9th
Eight months after being involved in a serious motor cycle accident, Dwaipayana returns to the kirtan stage at the Lotus Room with his special upbeat musical style. Here’s how the whole thing will play out. 7:15 – 8:00 – Dinner in Govindas restaurant upstairs 8:00-9:30pm – kirtan concert in the Lotus Room, downstairs Price: $19 (includes dinner) Click here to see more from Govindas Lotus room Click here for more from Brihadmrdanga com
By Adi-purusha das
Whatever you do for Krsna, even insignificant, you can experience Krsna's protection and reciprocation. He is in everybody's heart. He reciprocates not only with the big devotees, but also with insignificant devotees. That is His nature and this is what He wants to be known - that He is bhrtya-vasyata, subordinate to His servants
Parasuram das: In this episode of Noddy our hero gets to hear the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and actually takes to the process of Krishna Consciousness. Finally they are making some quality devotional entertainment
THE struggle to slow global warming will be won or lost in cities, which emit 80 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases. So “greening” the city is all the rage now. But if policy makers end up focusing only on those who can afford the low-carbon technologies associated with the new environmental conscientiousness, the movement for sustainability may end up exacerbating climate change rather than ameliorating it.
While cities like Portland, Seattle and San Francisco are lauded for sustainability, the challenges faced by Phoenix, a poster child of Sunbelt sprawl, are more typical and more revealing. In 2009, Mayor Phil Gordon announced plans to make Phoenix the “greenest city” in the United States. Eyebrows were raised, and rightly so. According to the state’s leading climatologist, central Arizona is in the “bull’s eye” of climate change, warming up and drying out faster than any other region in the Northern Hemisphere. The Southwest has been on a drought watch 12 years and counting, despite outsized runoff last winter to the upper Colorado River, a major water supply for the subdivisions of the Valley of the Sun.
Across that valley lies 1,000 square miles of low-density tract housing, where few signs of greening are evident. That’s no surprise, given the economic free fall of a region that had been wholly dependent on the homebuilding industry. Property values in parts of metro Phoenix have dropped by 80 percent, and some neighborhoods are close to being declared “beyond recovery.”
In the Arizona Legislature, talk of global warming is verboten and Republican lawmakers can be heard arguing for the positive qualities of greenhouse gases. Most politicians are still praying for another housing boom on the urban fringe; they have no Plan B, least of all a low-carbon one. Mr. Gordon, a Democrat who took office in 2004, has risen to the challenge. But the vast inequalities of the metro area could blunt the impact of his sustainability plans.
Those looking for ecotopia can find pockets of it in the prosperous upland enclaves of Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and North Phoenix. Hybrid vehicles, LEED-certified custom homes with solar roofs and xeriscaped yards, which do not require irrigation, are popular here, and voter support for the preservation of open space runs high. By contrast, South Phoenix is home to 40 percent of the city’s hazardous industrial emissions and America’s dirtiest ZIP code, while the inner-ring Phoenix suburbs, as a legacy of cold-war era industries, suffer from some of the worst groundwater contamination in the nation.
Whereas uptown populations are increasingly sequestered in green showpiece zones, residents in low-lying areas who cannot afford the low-carbon lifestyle are struggling to breathe fresh air or are even trapped in cancer clusters. You can find this pattern in many American cities. The problem is that the carbon savings to be gotten out of this upscale demographic — which represents one in five American adults and is known as Lohas, an acronym for “lifestyles of health and sustainability” — can’t outweigh the commercial neglect of the other 80 percent. If we are to moderate climate change, the green wave has to lift all vessels.
Solar chargers and energy-efficient appliances are fine, but unless technological fixes take into account the needs of low-income residents, they will end up as lifestyle add-ons for the affluent. Phoenix’s fledgling light-rail system should be expanded to serve more diverse neighborhoods, and green jobs should be created in the central city, not the sprawling suburbs. Arizona has some of the best solar exposure in the world, but it allows monopolistic utilities to impose a regressive surcharge on all customers to subsidize roof-panel installation by the well-heeled ones. Instead of green modifications to master-planned communities at the urban fringe, there should be concerted “infill” investment in central city areas now dotted with vacant lots.
In a desert metropolis, the choice between hoarding and sharing has consequences for all residents. Their predecessors — the Hohokam people, irrigation farmers who subsisted for over a thousand years around a vast canal network in the Phoenix Basin — faced a similar test, and ultimately failed. The remnants of Hohokam canals and pit houses are a potent reminder of ecological collapse; no other American city sits atop such an eloquent allegory.
Andrew Ross is a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University and author of “Bird on Fire: Lessons From the World’s Least Sustainable City.”

A New Vrindaban devotee’s efforts at organic gardening have inspired the general public, educational institutions, and leaders in the local town of Wheeling, West Virginia to support sustainability, eat local produce and consider spiritual motives for it.
Raised on a farm in Northern Michigan, Tapahpunja Dasa was attracted to ISKCON’s “simple-living, high-thinking” message and joined in 1974 in New Vrindaban, where he began growing organic produce. After some side projects over the years, such as missionary work overseas and starting North America’s first Food For Life program in 1982, he restarted his organic growing in 1996, and has been “focused on creating a connection between spirituality and sustainability” for the past thirteen years.
“I believe that if we want the rural, Krishna conscious lifestyle that Srila Prabhupada desired for New Vrindaban—not just generic cow protection or hobby gardening—it must be a centrally located, highly visible part of our outreach,” he says. “When I presented these thoughts to the New Vrindaban management, they kindly granted me a piece of property right in the center of the community, directly across from the temple, to turn my ambition into reality.” To make the project more accessible to the general public and to secular organizations, Tapahpunja created his own 501 C3 charity organization called The Small Farm Training Center, which names New Vrindaban as its “host community.”
Over the past six years, he has developed a vibrant apprentice farming program, which draws between eight and fourteen college students every season (from March till November), enthusiastic about getting their hands dirty and learning sustainability. They go through three levels of training: backyard gardening, market gardening—learning how to trade, barter and sell one’s produce at a farmer’s market—and mini-farming, which is performed on a six-and-a-half acre site called The Garden of Seven Gates. “Rather than just grunt work, I want to give them a rich, well-rounded experience,” Tapahpunja says. “I’d like them to leave with a very solid foundation of why we should be sustainable, so that they can be articulate spokespersons on the issue.”
In return for their work, the students receive room and board, staying at the project’s Small Farm Guesthouse and eating prasadam. Many comment that they feel comfortable and cared for.
There is no pressure to go any further than learning the ABCs of organic gardening, but Tapahpunja does explain to the students that his Training Center’s host is a spiritual community with a beautiful temple, delicious vegetarian meals, philosophical classes, and the renowned tourist attraction Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, which they are welcome to check out. Those who are more spiritually-inclined do, and, like Tapahpunja in the 1970s, they are astounded at the rich culture and philosophy integrated with the natural lifestyle.
“We have a lot to offer to the worldwide dialogue on sustainability,” Tapahpunja says. “At the heart of it all is the fact that there is really no such thing as sustainability in this world—everything is subject to devastating time. The only true sustainability is our relationship with God. And it’s important to understand that as we attempt to live a simple lifestyle.”
Tapahpunja shows himself to be aligned with this understanding by growing a garden that is specific to the needs of New Vrindaban’s presiding Deities Sri-Sri Radha-Vrindabanchandra, and to the needs of Their devotees.
Providing for the community is a challenge, however. “Right now only about ten per cent of the produce used by the temple is grown in our own garden,” he says. “It’s difficult because New Vrindaban is a major pilgrimage destination, with 600 to 800 people visiting on festival weekends, making it hard to match field production with consumption patterns. On top of that, most of the devotees here are from urban backgrounds, and they want seasonal vegetables all year around, which is impossible. So a big part of my job is convincing the temple management that to support a farm culture we have to get used to eating seasonally.”
Still, Tapahpunja tries to grow a wide variety of vegetables. He’s helped by grant money from West Virginia State University, which is offered in return for data on his yield.
There’s even surplus, which he began delivering to Wheeling soup kitchens as a charitable donation five years ago. Today, he has developed a good relationship with cooks, administration and clientele, and delivers to six different kitchens over thirty times a year—unheard of by any other farmer or agrarian-based community.
“They don’t have a lot of funding, and most of the food they serve people are corporate donations of sugary foods and heavy starches—cheap calories that are going bad in large scale grocery stores and get donated for a tax write-off by large corporations,” Tapahpunja says. “So they are very grateful for our freshly-grown donations. They especially love Swiss Chard, a kind of large beet green, which I grow a quarter acre of each year, and lettuce, which I’ve developed a technique for growing even in the hot weather.”
The soup kitchens, as well as the city of Wheeling, are very appreciative because they can see that this effort is not a cynical photo-op, but a genuine concern for the quality of peoples’ diets.
This charitable work and networking is not only excellent public relations for ISKCON New Vrindaban, but it has yielded yet another exciting project.
“It got me in touch with some local Wheeling gardeners, and about a year ago we decided to team up and share resources, creating the ‘Green Wheeling Initiative,’” Tapahpunja says. “Our byline is ‘A Green Bridge Over Troubled Waters,’ and we regularly meet at the local community college to discuss how to increase our charitable distribution of produce, as well as new gardening initiatives.”
The most exciting of these is an urban renewal project in which members of the GWI install gardens in vacant lots and former industrial deadzones throughout the city. They have installed seven so far, including one on the front lawn of the West Virginia Northern Community College, the biggest community college in the State.
“Working with their culinary arts department, we made a nice garden for them with lots of vegatables and culinary herbs, so that the students could get acquainted with growing their own produce, and realize how much better it makes food taste,” says Tapahpunja.
In return, the Community College arranged for Tapahpunja to meet with representatives of the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation and the Hess Family Foundation, who were impressed with the GWI’s vision to turn Wheeling’s vacant lots into economic and health opportunities for its people.
“They also liked our mood of collaboration and inclusiveness, and our goal of empowering people to become food independent and build community at the same time,” Tapahpunja says. “As a result, they suggested that I write two grants, which I did. They then funded both of them—the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation gave $55,000, while the Hess Family Foundation gave $15,000.”
Tapahpunja says that the GWI’s work is making the citizens of Wheeling more aware of both the health and sociological reasons for becoming food independent. This naturally ties in with cow protection, since cow dung is essential to fertile soil for growing food; and with spiritual communities, where people support each other in a lifestyle closer to the land and the one who sustains us all: God.
In the future, Tapahpunja hopes to continue networking and reaching out to organizations such as PETA and Farm Sanctuary, and people such as young Indian couples, who, despite working in the technological field, are often not far removed from their village roots. He also hopes to launch a new initiative, VARA, which means “best” in Sanskrit and is an acronym for Vedic Academy for Rural Arts. Its mission will be to train brahminically-inclined devotees who can articulate a message of sustainability based on the Krishna conscious perspective.
“Once, while walking with his disciples on the outskirts of Atlanta, Srila Prabhupada took his cane and traced the outline of all the downtown skyscrapers,” Tapahpunja says. “Then he said, ‘Do you see this city? This city and all like it will be finished very soon. Do you know why?’ The devotees were at a loss, groping for all kinds of metaphysical answers. Finally Tamal Krishna Maharaja said, ‘Because they can’t grow their own food?’ ‘Yes,’ Srila Prabhupada replied. ‘Because they can’t grow their own food.’”
“Therefore,” Tapahpunja concludes, “I see food independence as one of our ISKCON movement’s most important missions.
My dear Gurudev, I am so happy that we are celebrating your appearance day celebration in Sri Jagannatha Mandir, Kuala Lumpur. It has been my desire for so many years. I don’t know why but I have always been put into anxiety simply to be connected to you. It was the same thing for my initiation, or joining the yatra or attending convention or attending courses. There have always been obstacles and impediments in my life. I always worry thinking you might just leave me here in this material world and I will never be able to go back to the spiritual world. I was getting more worried as the day got closer to your tithi date and I was in a dilemma whether to have this vyasa puja at home or in the temple. Then it happened! I had a dream. You met me at the GBC Strategic Planning meeting and I presented some things to you. You told me you would like to keep in touch with me and you gave me an email address. It was arrange.radhanath@.... So I was thinking about this dream and wondered what it meant. Then I realized it was a sign to say “Please arrange my vyasa puja @ the temple. So here it is, and I hope you will be pleased that so many devotees here are able to get your mercy through this vyasa puja. Gurudev, you such an amazing person, sometimes I don’t know if you are really human or a saktya avatar, someone who has descended from the spiritual world to save us. You have done so much for the world, ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada. Every atom in your body simply wants to serve tirelessly. You have given your life and soul to your guru. I feel so small when I think about it. I am like an insignificant ant trying to do some small seva yet failing so many times to please you and the devotees.
Your initiatives are so encouraging. You have simply empowered so many devotees to take up your idea and make a big success of it. You have addressed two most pressing problems of India i.e. Hunger and Education. The Mid Day Meal Project which feeds thousands of school children everyday of their school day has earned you national level awards. Under the ISKCON FOOD RELIEF FOUNDATION, you have liberated the underprivileged from this vicious cycle by feeding the poor with sanctified and nutritious food. 
You have reached out to the orphans to cater to underprivileged children from the entire state of Maharashtra by providing them with a 50 acre farm with roomy and airy dormitories, large playgrounds and a garden. For the urban children in Mumbai, you have build a school, Gopal’s Garden School and Gopal’s High School to build proper character in a loving environment suited where children are nourished with devotion and become devotees of the Lord. You have also inspired set up the Vrindavan hospice center to offer terminally ill patients comfort and highest possible quality of life in a holy place. You reached out to the Vrjabasis in Barsana and the surrounding 20 villages to provide annual free cataract surgery camps under the Bhaktivedanta Hospital. Now there is even a permanent Vision Center at Barsana treating 3800 patients annually. So many Vrjabasis bless you and smile so lovingly to you. Seeing the difficulty that villages in India lack basic amenities, you have started a rural development which aims at sustainable development and self sufficiency via traditional wisdom in rural via the Venu Madhuri project. Your heart reaches out to every single soul. You have stated that “Our true nature only can be realized when our desires and actions are in harmony with our nature….” And you have started all these initiatives just as what Srila Prabhupada did during time. By doing this, so many people are aware of ISKCON and Krishna Consciousness and people simply donate naturally towards all this projects.
Your love for for you god brother, HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami made you fulfill a promise you made at his deathbed – to write a book on your experiences in your spiritual journey. And what an amazing book you have written. It is full of adventure, mysticism and love. Once you start reading this book, one can hardly put in down. It took you from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of Himalayas, through near death experiences, apprenticeships with advanced yogis as you transform from a young seeker to a renowned spiritual guide. This book has made you so famous worldwide, and along with it ISKCON’s name is glorified. Your name is now well known in the Universities like the Princeton University and the University of Massachusetts, HSBC bankers, Royal Oak Music Theatre, members of the Parliament in the UK House of Commons and even with the President of United States of America via your wonderful talks on Interfaith Communities.
For your disciples you have yearly association in holy dhamas where the number of devotees doing the parikrama increases yearly. You have inspired and empowered so many disciples to simply serve selflessly, tirelessly all the devotees and Krishna. Amazing and unbelievable talent and skills can be seen through these disciples in every area – in deity dressing, in cooking, in devotional care, in palliative care, in decoration, in running websites etc . You are so witty and you give the most perfect answer to every unimaginable question we ask you. You listen so patiently and you have such a wonderful humour. In the early days when you joined Srila Prabhupada, you wrote one letter to your father and you signed off the letter by writing-" Your Servant". Your father replied in the next letter," I arranged so much of good education for you & after all this you have become a servant, it's not appropriate." Then you replied back to your father saying, “Actually, I have not become a servant but I have become a servant of the servant" During Mayapur yatra 2009, in the evening you were walking with Pankajanghri prabhu and Jananivas Prabhu inside Mayapur temple premises.... and all the devotees who were passing by got down from their bicycles and paying obeisances seeing all three of you. You said to Pankajanghri prabhu, “They are paying obeisances to you, please give your blessings.” Pankajanghri prabhu said, “They are not giving to me .. its for you ..please give your blessings to them...”
And swiftly you said, “One who pays obeisances to Pankajanghri prabhu by getting down from the cycle will be freed from the cycle of birth and death.” My dear Gurudev, I am so proud of you and I am so happy to have found you as my spiritual master. With whatever pious credits I may have, I pray you will always be blessed with good health, long life and continue serving Srila Prabhupada and spreading Krishna Consciousness throughout the world. I would like to recite a poem for you: Simply by hearing his words
He captivates thousands of hearts Even the very dull is awakened by his call His smile is so enchanting It mesmerizes the hearts of millions Even a little child is not spared His sweet voice is so melodious It brings tears to one’s eyes Even the Lords descend to hear him sing His dance is ever so graceful So gentle are his movements Even the peacock will accept defeat His lectures are out of this world, you don’t realize the time passing The details are so real You wonder if you are in the spiritual world He’s such a diplomat, So immaculate is his speech, You reveal your anarthas and he finds no faults He’s quick, sharp and witty in his thoughts and answers
Making even the worst criticism seem so humorous It’s amazing how he creates Temples and communities These are jewels in the bay of sorrows The effulgence around him is so magnetic It pulls you so close to him Even the moon bows down in shame Who is this personality?
Is he from the spiritual world, sent by the Lord to save us? Is he an associate of the Lord Or is he Mahaprabhu himself? The only reason I visit the Bharat Land Is to be purified by this amazing personality Otherwise even the Holy dham will have no effect on me This soul is weeping for his mercy Without which life has no meaning When will it come, I don’t know But Jai Sita Rani devi dasi will always be waiting
A message of gratitude over gluttony on Thanksgiving Day
Festival of the Holy Name – Indradyumna Swami – Lecture Dallas on May 2011
1968 November 24: "Your description of progress in kirtana is encouraging. As we sincerely try to improve our chanting for the pleasure of Krishna, Krishna reciprocates and we feel our greatest pleasure. So continue, this method is very nice and approved by me."
1974 November 24: "It is said a husking machine will husk the rice whether in heaven or in hell. So wherever Krishna desires, we will preach this movement. We are Krishna's servants, this is Krishna's desire, and our only business is to satisfy Him."
1970 November 24: "We can use everything - television, radio, movies, or whatever it may be - to tell about Krishna. Outside of devotional service all these modern paraphernalia is just so much rubbish."
1970 November 24: "We are fighting impersonalism and voidism with pure devotional service. Therefore we are printing our KRSNA book so people may know the absolute truth is a person. So go on with your distribution of my books and Krishna will certainly be pleased upon you."
1971 November 24: "We can challenge any nonsense philosophy. Now it is your task to find them out and expose them. Kindly assist me in this great work, and know it for certain, that you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead."
1974 November 24: "Keep the old system strong, keep it always gorgeously alive, but do not change the principle. The principle should go on as usual. Don't change from this to that. You always want to change everything, that is your American disease."
]]]]]]] A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Thursday 24 November 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: Krishna's Most Amazing Mystical Presence uploaded from London, United Kingdom It's 23 November 2011 at 3:41am London time. We are currently on a British Airways flight from Mumbai to London. As I write these words I am listening through headphones to Srila Prabhupada singing with great devotion the prayers to six Goswamis of Vrindavan. I am reflecting on the most amazing month of chanting and hearing that I have just experienced in India. There are no words to fully describe how wonderful is Krishna or Krishna consciousness or how merciful is Srila Prabhupada for making Krishna and Krishna consciousness so easily available to us. But we must dutifully try our best to describe the indescribable. Such descriptions are a good starting point for awakening transcendental understanding. But the most amazing thing is that Krishna is fully mystically present in His descriptions which are strictly in accordance with the teachings of the six Goswamis. In other words you, the reader, are fully getting Krishna right now in these our humble words which are delivered to you in strict accordance with the six Goswamis. How much you will realize Krishna's divine presence in these words simply depends on how deeply you will take these words into your soul. Sankarshan Das Adhikari The Six Goswamis of Vrindavan http://www.backtohome.com/images/Six_Goswamis.jpg Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Always Be Enthusiastic Gurudeva, can tell me how to keep up my enthusiasm? Sometimes I feel enthusiastic while engaged in devotional service to Lord Krishna, but most of the time I am not able keep up my enthusiasm. What should I do to always be enthusiastic? Your insignificant servant Kush (India) Answer: Fully Surrender to Your Guru's Order Simply on the order of your spiritual master you must always remain enthusiastic to serve Krishna in all varieties of circumstances, pleasing or non-pleasing. In this way, if you will dutifully surrender to the order of your Guru Maharaja, you will be greatly blessed by Lord Sri Krishna and will thus experience at every moment the most relishable happiness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address
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