Here are the latest updates for you - H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Full Swing Harinam-Sankirtan Preaching South-Africa
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Breaking News: Russian court delay decision on Bhagavad Gita until December 28th
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS COACHING?
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: LOVE AND TRUST
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE LATEST NEWS FROM LONDON
- Spiritual Scientist: The Bhagavad-gita is open-minded, not empty-minded
- One ISKCON.com: A Response to “Vaisnava Moral Theology and Homosexuality” – Part Four
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: Surcharging the world with happiness
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: Joan of Arc in the Bhagavatam?
- 16 Rounds to Samadhi Magazine, LA, USA: The Lightbulb Conspiracy
- H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami: LOVE, PEACE and the RASCAL
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - HG Vijaya Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Book Distribution Marathon 2011 - Vijay Prabhu
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, December 18th, 2011
- Japa Group: Showing Krishna That We Are Valuing Our Session
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Fast-Food Outlet Stirs Concerns In A Mecca Of Healthy Living
- Dandavats.com: MPs ask govt to intervene as Russian court considers ban on Bhagavad Gita - videos
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, December 17th, 2011
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: The power of collective protest
- ISKCON News.com: Parliament Ruckus Over Bhagvad Gita facing Ban in Russia
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Bhagavad-Gita Facing Ban in Russia - Please Sign Our Petition!
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: When showing kindness to others – as devotees must – we must also know where to draw the line so as not to compromise the fundamental principle:
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Facebook Email Verification
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, December 14th, 2011
- ISKCON Desire Tree: 21 Dec 2011 - Sri Devananda Pandit Disappearance
- ISKCON Desire Tree: 21 Dec 2011 - Saphala Ekadasi
- Mucukunda das, AU/NZ: Mind over matter, spirit over mind!
- New Vrindavan, USA: Bhagavad-gita facing ban in Russia
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: TODAY is the LIVE Apartments Draw (Iskcon Ujjain) by His Holiness Indradyumna Maharaja
- 16 Rounds to Samadhi Magazine, LA, USA: Minimize It
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Article Sent By His Grace Ramkinkara Dasa (Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada) Hare Krishna Dear Vaishnvas PAOHO AGT SP Some sweet nectar from HH Mahavishnu Swami’s last Harinam on the beachfront. For all those that missed [...]
As protest and outrage around the world mounts, news has just come in that the court has delayed matters until December 28th which means there is more time to support ISKCON in Russia including devotees, the community, Srila Prabhupada's books and ultimately Krishna and the words He spoke over 5,000 years ago.
If you have not already signed the petition, please do so by clicking [here]. Please be sure to confirm your submission by clicking on the confirmation link they send you by email. Also, Please forward this petition to family, friends and colleagues.
As of posting time, over 34,000 people have signed the petition.
 Russian Court suspends Bhagavad Gita verdict till December 28 20 DEC, 2011, 02.21AM IST
MOSCOW: A Russian court on Monday suspended its verdict till December 28 on the demand for banning Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, which a group linked to the Christian Orthodox Church has described as 'extremist'. "The ruling has been postponed till December 28, as the lawyer of the local chapter of ISKCON requested the court to seek opinion of Russian ombudsman and experts from Moscow and St. Petersburg - the main centres of Indology in Russia", Sadhu Priya Das of ISKCON told PTI after the court in the Siberian city of Tomsk suspended its verdict.
Earlier, Russian ombudsman Vladimir Lukin in his statement had declared that "Bhagavad Gita As It Is" written by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a globally respected book, and it was unacceptable to seek a ban on it in Russia.
Meanwhile, at their emergency meeting last night here Hindus from India, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Nepal and other countries residing in Russia set up theHindu Council of Russia to defend their interests. Das has been elected its chairman.
There are many definitions of coaching and as you develop with us as a coach you will no doubt work out your own best way of explaining to others what coaching is.
At the heart of coaching is the idea that it is a form of personal intervention that is future focused, goal orientated, and concerned with enabling others to move forward with their lives or businesses more effectively than if they were doing this alone.
As a coach you will be offering unconditional support and working with clients using a proven methodology.
The number one essential background qualification to becoming a coach is a love of people. If you gain personal and professional satisfaction from helping others to reach their goals, then coaching is for you.
The issues clients raise are as diverse as the clients themselves. Your very first client could bring anything from financial worries to family or health concerns to the table.
If you choose to work as a corporate coach, your client may have issues around change management, team building or leadership within the organisation.
As you gain confidence and experience you may start to specialise in one specific type of coaching, or you may decide to only coach one particular type of client.
The personal challenge of coaching clients through a huge variety of issues is frequently cited by our graduates as a major motivation.
Coaching is an enormously rewarding and fulfilling career.
Coaches help people.
Now all my disciples must work combinedly and with cooperation to spread this sankirtana movement. If you cannot work together then my work is stopped up. Our Society is like one big family and our relationships should be based on love and trust. We must give up the fighting spirit and use our intelligence to push ahead. You should accept help from your Godbrothers.
Our movement is based on love and trust, so if we do not cooperate, then how is that love and trust?
Our ISKCON should be taken as being a family based upon love and trust, so as the father becomes unhappy when one of his children wishes to break family connections I also become unhappy when there is difficulties within our ISKCON family. So please do not consider leaving as you are spiritual children of mine.
There were no factions of devotees finding fault with him, as in the past, and he especially has gained the confidence of Dayananda and they are working together in love and trust. This was very encouraging to me.
- Srila Prabhupada
Team building workshop for the East London Pandava Sena youth group in Ilford, East London.
Talk on Self Care at ISKCON London, Central London.
Talk on Taking Responsibility And Initiative at ISKCON London, Central London.
Individual coaching sessions with various devotees in London.
(A reflection on the brainlessness of labelling the Bhagavad-gita as "extremist") The Bhagavad-gita presents an open-minded worldview that integrates all people, no matter how diverse their values, goals and paths. According to their level of spiritual evolution, the Gita assigns them an appropriate position on a universal continuum that extends downwards to total spiritual ignorance and upwards to complete spiritual realization. The Gita also offers them versions of spirituality customized to their levels so as to inspire and facilitate them to rise higher on the spiritual continuum. The Gita is broad-minded, but not empty-minded; it does not imagine vacuously that all levels on the spiritual continuum are the same. That’s why the Gita (16.7-20) disapproves unequivocally mindsets and lifestyles that violate one’s spiritual integrity and propel one downwards on the spiritual continuum. Thus, the Gita reveals a vision of a broad-minded God comparable to a compassionate doctor who is so extending as to open his clinic to all patients, no matter how sick, and to offer them treatment tailormade to their inclinations, no matter how reluctant they may be. At the same time, the Gita’s doctor doesn’t equate a mortally sick person’s condition with that of a vibrantly healthy person. Such equalization would condemn the sick person to perpetual sickness in the name of open-mindedness and would be a vintage example of empty-minded brainlessness.

The most striking fact against the notion that Srila Prabhupada taught a lesser but acceptable standard for religious (legal) sex is that, on inquiry, he frequently enough presented the “ideal version” even to people who were not likely to become devotees. This includes people who were journalists, Christian priests, and health care professionals among others. 
1968 December 19 : "All of the nonsense Bhagavad-gitas that deny Krishna are simply bluffs. If one is intelligent he is sure to get some inkling of the authorized nature of our Krishna Conscious philosophy. "
1970 December 19 : "If our books are printed to this standard, that will be very, very good. I do not aspire to any more efficiency in printing, but simply the printing must go on regularly."
1970 December 19 : "This printing must go on. The plan to print 10,000 copies of the new, enlarged edition of Bhagavad-gita is approved by me. Please do it. Offer my blessings to all the workers of ISKCON Press because that is my life."
1972 December 19 : "If there is shortage, we must recruit some first-class men to help us. If this is attempted sincerely, Krishna will provide men, you may know it for certain."
1972 December 19 : "Krishna does not like to see His sincere devotee suffer. He has got some plan for you, always think in that way, and very soon Krishna will provide everything to your heart's desire."
1972 December 19 : "It is not the result of the work we want. Never mind big, big programmes, just one person, if we sincerely preach to such one person in a day, that is sufficient."
1972 December 19 : "Simply give me a place to lay down, a little prasadam, whatever little service you have got, please give me, that's all. This is advancement in Krishna consciousness."
1972 December 19 : "If you can finish the work by Janmastami next, that will be a very great credit for you, and I shall come there from any part of the world just to install the deity."
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2

The appearance of Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda had surcharged the world with happiness! As the sun and moon drives away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything. These two brothers had dissipated the darkness of ignorance – covering the living beings and enlightening them with the absolute truth…………………By the grace of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, this darkness is removed and the truth is brought to light! The absolute truth is Sri Krishna, and loving devotion to Sri Krishna exhibited in pure love is achieved through congregational chanting of the holy name which is essence of all bliss. The sun and moon dissipates the darkness of the external world and thus reveals external material objects, like pots and plates. But these two brothers, Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda had dissipated the darkness of the inner core of the heart and thus they help one meet the two kinds of bhagavatas (person or things in relationship with the Lord). In the Mangalacarana, the line: ‘hṛdaya-kandare sphuratu vaḥ śacī-nandanaḥ’ (C.c.Adi1.4). ‘Hṛdaya-kandare’ - means deep caves or cavities in the heart, or the inner most chambers…….. One of the bhagavatas is the great scripture – Srimad Bhagavatam and the other is the pure devotee absorbed in mellows of loving devotion. In these actions of the two bhagavatas, the Lord instils the mellows of the transcendental loving service in the heart of the living being, and thus the Lord (in the heart of His devotees) comes under control of the devotee’s love. The first one is that both brothers appear simultaneously, and other is that they illuminate the inner most dance of the heart!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2
 Once during a lecture in America, a question was raised: “You know Joan of Arc? Was she in the Srimad Bhagavatam?” Prabhupada replied: “Eh!” I have listened to this lecture so many times on the tape……….But Srila Prabhupada was thinking in a liberal mood and says: “Yes! She is a devotee, and yes she is also in the Bhagavatam, because the life of the devotee is the Bhagavatam”. So in one sense, we see how important this connection is with the devotee and with the devotees ……..and then there is another reference where Srila Prabhupada was shown a drawing of Krishna and Prabhupada said: “It is not Krishna, because there is no one in the drawing apart from Krishna. This is not Krishna, because Krishna is never alone! There is always a devotee with Krishna!” So in the Bhagavatam, when we speak about Krishna, then we are speaking about Krishna in a relationship with his devotees. Or we are speaking about his devotees in a relationship with the Lord !
Great documentary giving us inside info on capitalism’s consumerism model and it’s exploitation tactics since 1950′s.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa) Srimad Bhagavatam When we come to the spiritual platform, we think it’s only love and only peace, that there’s only one feeling, one emotion… LOVE and PEACE. But no, no, no… true spiritual emotions are not only ‘lovey dovey’, it is also YOU RASCAL! We know one of Prabhupada’s favourite words was rascal. In fact, I didn’t even know the word before I started reading Prabhupada’s books. I learnt the word from Prabhupada. It may even be an out-dated word but in Iskcon it’s a bit of an endearing word. When people were doing all kinds of things, Prabhupada was ready to call them rascals! The whole world is engaging in all kinds of abominable activities and in a modern way of thinking, we start to think of them more and more like victims… a victim of the circumstance. But Prabhupada would say rascal! Because it would make people responsible… because you know what you are doing… and you know what you supposed to do… you know it’s wrong…and still doing it… rascal! So the paramahamsa platform means to take responsibility to rearrange one’s life. But ohhh, so much work (one may say), then lazy rascal… too lazy to rearrange your life! Well, it’s so difficult, it takes so much energy. I mean I’m trying… No, trying is not good enough, you must do it. Trying basically means that you are not doing it… that means RASCAL! Like that Prabhupada has this refreshing spirit of being rebellious and had a fighting spirit. Not just being defeated… ohhh, it’s so difficult. And we make it more difficult than it already is so that we don’t have to do anything about it and everybody will say: Well, that’s very reasonable. You have presented so many points there and we understand. Because everyone, in the back of their mind, is thinking that tomorrow it may be my turn. This is a pact that the rascals have with each other!
Reading and discussion of Markine Bhagavata-dharma, the poem written by Srila Prabhupada upon arriving in Boston Harbour, America- gaining inspiration for book distribution from Prabhupada's mood.
"We pray to be an instrument in the hands of Krishna". How to approach people when distributing books, why we are distributing books, what are we giving when distributing books. HG Vijaya Prabhu shares from his vast experience of service. Prabhupadas' room at Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir, Sunday December 18, 2011.
You Tube link is http://youtu.be/aTQ_Q6CNt-M
Light Bright
Burnaby, British Columbia
Okay! So you have six powerful young men around you who are armed each with lightweight mrdanga drums the shape of cement mixers that you see on construction sites. It's there hollowness that makes for the booming sound once those young men start pounding away. The men were poised. The ritual began. The beat began as well.
The ritual is actually kirtan which was the same pleasant ordeal that we came back with from Robson Street in downtown Vancouver. Now an even greater resounding occurred in the temple off Marine Drive, challenging the world of maya once the mantra began. "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare." I led the chant by God's grace.
The energy was explosive. All of us in the room were swaying, some even swooning. It's what happens every Sunday night, only perhaps tonight, everything was more ecstatic. Kids are off from school and people have their holidays. The atmosphere is light and bright because of the sound. You can't help but move and be moved by the power that relieves.
Someone showed me a quote recently from a 17th century English dramatist, William Congreve, who said, "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast." People turn to sound for its power to soothe, but here in the kirtan it does more so due to its transcending nature. What a relief it must be for those who go through a grueling week. That's what makes the Sunday crowd here so elated. And then to complete the event is prasadam, delicious sanctified food. The whole thing gives a buzz that lasts the week.
This program, the Sunday feast, with a diving sound, philosophy and great people to meet is a world wide happening. Everyone is welcome! Come during the holiday!
We Vishnu a Hare Krishna and a Hari New Year!
10 Km
When the mind conjures up ‘important’ proposals, we can patiently tell the mind to listen to the mahamantra and also reassure him that after the japa session you shall certainly address the issue.
Before we sit to chant, we can resolve to chant a certain fixed number of rounds in that sitting. Say for example you resolve to chant six rounds without a break. Till the six rounds are done you should then refuse to look at the watch or put things on the planner. Whenever the mind protests, just reassure him that after the six rounds are done you shall certainly work on the concerns expressed by the mind. This way we are showing Krishna that we are valuing our session with him and are not looking to end the meeting.
Radhanatha Swami
Monica Almeida/The New York Times Ellsworth Wareham, 97, in Loma Linda, Calif. Mr. Wareham was a heart surgeon who stopped working only two years ago. He is a vegan, but says choice is part of the “great American system.”
When researchers descended on this affluent city east of Los Angeles several years ago to determine why, the theories piled up: Perhaps it was the vegetarian diet kept by many Adventists? Maybe it was their close communal ties? Or the frequent use of sprawling trails in the parks here?
But one thing seemed certain to researchers: residents were not living into the next century by eating fast food.
So last week, when the City Council approved Loma Linda’s first McDonald’s restaurant, many residents bemoaned the decision, worrying that the officials were jeopardizing the city’s reputation as a paragon of healthy lifestyles.
Wayne Dysinger, a physician and public health professor in the preventive medicine department at Loma Linda University’s School of Medicine, grew up in the city and remembers a time when there were no such restaurants. A generation ago, it was nearly impossible to even find meat within city limits. Now, he worries about his children.
“We know from research that if a school is near a fast-food restaurant, the kids there are more likely to be obese,” he said. “We will never eliminate unhealthy choices, and pretty much everyone has an unhealthy treat once in a while. I am going to drive by that intersection every day and it’s fairly likely that they will say ‘Oh Daddy, can we stop there’ more often. Why do we need to encourage that?”
The new McDonald’s restaurant would hardly be the first fast-food joint around — there are already a handful of places offering assembly-line burgers and fries within the eight square miles of the city.
And the area has deep roots to the icon that so many residents detest: the site of the original McDonald’s restaurant is less than five miles away, in San Bernardino.
Still, in one sign of Loma Linda’s historical distaste for fast food, restaurants are required to go through a special approval process for drive-through windows. Once, when business proved slightly sluggish, a local chain crafted a special vegetarian menu dubbed “Loma Linda specials.”
A generation ago, nearly 80 percent of the city was Seventh-day Adventist; by most estimates, Adventists now make up about half of the city’s population of 23,000. But the influence of the religion on the town remains clear. Many businesses shut down early on Friday, in observance of Saturday as the Sabbath. One of the largest supermarkets in town is owned by the church-run university, and there are no meat products to be found. (Canned soy alternatives are available in abundance, including some under a Loma Linda brand.) Only large businesses and restaurants are authorized to sell alcohol, and there is a total ban on smoking.
“You have to realize how easy it is to be healthy there, you don’t even have to think about it and it’s the default choice,” said Dan Buettner, an author and healthy living advocate who identified Loma Linda as one of four places in the world with a high concentration of people living healthy lives past the age of 100. “Your social network is all concerned about the same thing. They are really trying to preserve the culture that has been established for a really long time.”
It is not just Mr. Buettner’s book that feeds the sense of civic pride in health here. Nearly every resident has a connection with the sprawling Loma Linda University Medical Center, which serves as both the physical and cultural center of town.
About 10 years ago, when the city denied plans for another fast-food restaurant, the developer responded with a lawsuit and the city eventually capitulated, said Mayor Rhodes Rigsby, who is also the assistant dean of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
“I don’t think we should be getting into the business of legislating vegetarianism,” Dr. Rigsby said, adding that he would support having a citywide vote on whether fast-food outlets should be banned entirely from the city. “If this is something that people are really opposed to, that’s how we should deal with it.”
What would happen during such a vote is anyone’s guess. Ellsworth Wareham, who stopped working as a heart surgeon only two years ago, at 95, is often used as an example of someone with more energy than someone half his age. Dr. Wareham attributes his health at least partly to the fact that he has been a vegan for the last 30 or 40 years (he does not remember precisely).
Eating at home, he said, is the best way to ensure that one is eating healthy food. He is certainly not about to let the impending arrival of McDonald’s raise his blood pressure.
“I don’t subscribe to the menu that these dear people put out, but let’s face it, the average eating place serves food that is, let us say, a little bit of a higher quality, but the end result is the same — it’s unhealthy,” he said.
“They can put it right next to the church as far as I am concerned,” Dr. Wareham added. “If they choose to eat that way, I’m not going to stop them. That’s the great American system.”
By NDTV CorrespondentAngry MPs are urging the government to protect the rights of Hindus in Russia, where a court is considering a ban on the Bhagvad Gita. The Lok Sabha was adjourned twice over the issue. "What happened in Moscow, it is a very strong plot against the Gita. All Lord Krishna's devotees are insulted today...we criticize it on behalf of the whole Parliament. We cannot tolerate all this," said former Railways Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav
Raincouver, British Columbia
Russia Going Bad
I was conducting a 9 Devotions workshop at a gathering at the condo of Miguel and Raman Reti when Miguel was telling his story of how he met her.
"I had attended one of those Landmark Forums wherre you go to this transformational experience. I had then met Raman, who I call Christelle, and it was love at first sight. We talked and got to know each other. I told her I wanted to kiss her but she said, 'I don't want to be kissed by a meat eater.' So I decided to give up eating animals which was difficult at first. Then I said I wanted to marry her and she said, 'If you want to marry me then you have to follow Krishna'. I asked her, 'What do I have to do for that?' And then she explained that in addition to not eating meat, I should not take intoxicants, not gamble, and have no connections with other women. I told her I don't do these things anyways. So that's how Krishna became part of my life."
Thanks, Miguel, for your endearing story.
In the afternoon, a small group of Krishna devotees held a chanting party on Commercial Drive when I spotted Jason Crummy, a fellow from Newfoundland, whom I met on my 2003 trek across Canada. He was hitchiking near Montreal River in Northern Ontario when we met. He chummed with me for a couple of days, and even camped out at night with me. What a pleasure it was to see a walking partner from before.
The evening program held in Langley, a suburb, was hosted by Robert and Banke Bihari. We reflected on the verse 12.17 of the Gita where Krishna states, "One who neither rejoices nor grieves, who neither laments nor desires, and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious things - such a devotee is very dear to Me."
Additional reflection for me today constituted as sadness over the likely banning of the most sacred Bhagavad Gita in Russia. Apparently the Orthodox Church, being influential there, is driving the ban, declaring the Gita as a text that promotes violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you look at the history of the world, India never attacked anyone. Rather, aggresive empires from outside declared war and seized much of India. It is a pacifistic culture by nature, being nurtured by the Gita's philosophy. As I walked to Marine Drive for a stretch, I found it rather annoying that such legislation by the Russian government would be even considered.
8 Km
If you'd like to help support this cause you can go to the link below and sign this petition, and please feel free to share this link.
Once you sign the petition - you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your vote. This is very important - otherwise it will be cancelled.
I would like to use this site to acknowledge all the efforts that contributed to today’s storm in the Indian parliament, the Lok Sabha. The furore was caused by the attempted ban of the Bhagavad-gita as an ‘extremist’ literature in the town of Tomsk, Siberia. 
Yesterday I raised the issue during a reading of the entire Bhagavad-gita with 400 participants and 150 online. I asked them to sign the petition of protest. Simultaneous protests were taking part in India and in other parts of the world. The attempt to ban the Gita in Russia – nationally – through the aegis of a local court is extremely misguided. I am very happy that Indian politicians have responded in outrage to the attempted censure of the holy book of the Hindu faith, to the point of the speaker of Parliament having to close proceedings. Report here: http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/12/19/uproar-at-call-in-russia-to-ban-gita-idINDEE7BI0D120111219
| Angry MPs forced the adjournment of the Lok Sabha till 2pm after Biju Janata Dal leader Bhartruhari Mahtab raised the issue in the house and asked the government to intervene immediately to ensure the religious freedom of Hindus in Russia.
In recent news, the Russian Government has deemed the Bhagavad-Gita As-It-Is, an ancient and revered text, "extremist literature" and is in the process of banning the book from the country.
Devotees in Russia are rushing to stop this banning and are urging devotees and well-wishers around the world to sign a petition found here.
Hi Mucukunda, To verify your @tumblr.com address, please follow this link (If clicking on the link doesn’t work, try copying and pasting it into your browser.) If you did not enter this address as your contact email, please disregard this message. Thanks, The Facebook Team
Winter Valley
Venables Valley, British Columbia
Wherever you go in the village of Saranagati, located near the town of Ashcroft in Venables Valley, your likely to roast. That is, inside any of the dozens of homes of its residents, the fire is lit; local wood of pine or fir, has been cut to fit and to power a stove.
I went through a toasty session, a drama workshop, inside Govardhan Academy, the small village school. It was a Krishna Conscious approach to theater for youngsters at age 6 - 15. Outside the quaint building which has everything that deyfies rustic, rural back in the woods Canada, including a phone, computers, toilets, a kitchen and everything modern, there is the raw winter.
After my session with the students, they went outside to experience the "win" out of winter. Unlike Vancouver, anywhere east of the town of Hope, the white and briskness of this season becomes the stark reality.
Nirguna and I craved for that winter flavour, feeling no intimidation whatsoever by the radical change of climate here. We had a purpose in trudging through snow that was falling profusely from the sky. Those wet flakes sent an itchiness to our noses. At the south end of the valley, we came upon a yurt, a circular domed home owned by Stanur, and Narayani and family. It is remotely situated and to drive there you require a good four-wheel-drive vehicle with either snow tires or tires with a snug chain wrapped around them in order to grip the snow.
Because we began to walk the trail at 9pm-after a group reading about saint Bhaktisiddhanta, we would have been groping around in darkness. A small flashlight and the pervasive snow with some moon effect, lit up the way for us.
Our final destination on this quiet trek was a visit to an aging cow, Gopi. Under a sheltered cowshed, with her only attendant being a sound recording of our guru, Srila Prabhupada, singing in solemnity, lay Gopi. She was practically non-responsive to our touch of farewell. It became apparent that the only thing that will be moving for her would be her soul. Our guesstimation was that it would be only hours, or minutes before she would take that journey.
Hare Krishna!
7 Km
Mind over matter, spirit over mind!

Bhagavad-gita As It Is, one of the most respected holy scriptures of the world today, is under the threat of being banned in Russia. The court proceedings will resume in Siberian city Tomsk, Russia, on Monday 19th. The prosecutors in Tomsk suggest that the widely distributed book translated and commented upon by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada should be included in the Justice Ministry's list of banned extremist literature. Bhagavad-gita As It Is is translated in more than 80 languages. Over 100 million copies of this book was distributed to date all over the world! Millions of people in the world today consider it as the main book in their life.  The prosecutors with great determination and vigor are pushing through this absurd case. During the first three court hearings, the testimony of the Tomsk experts upon which the prosecutors built their case for the court was recognized as «inadequate». However, the Prosecutor's Office ordered the new testimony. Noteworthy, that the testimony was requested not from the well-known experts of Hinduism from Moscow, but from some unknown experts from Kemerovo State University. This move clearly suggests that the court decision is already predestined. This practice brings to memory the Middle Age Inquisition, Witch hunting, burning of books and the persecution of the dissidents during Soviet period of Russian history. Tomsk Ombuds person, eminent scholars of Hinduism, the members of the Public Chamber of Russian Federation, representatives of Indian community in Russia, and people belonging to different religious denominations in Russia have already expressed their perplexity and outrage caused by the activities of Tomsk prosecutors. We demand to stop the court over the Holy Scripture! These initiatives of the Tomsk Prosecutor’s Office offend the religious sentiments of all the followers of Hinduism and bring disgrace to the country of Russia. Please sign the petition NOW. Visit http://www.petitions24.com/gita
Article By Her Grace Rasalila Dasi (Click on the pictures to discover the Treasure House Of India’s Spiritual Wisdom as presented by ISKCON Founder Acharya A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada) Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Gurudeva. ISKCON Ujjain temple is extremely excited to share with [...]

The Distilled Way of Living How more is less and less is more and where does spiritual life fit in. Discussion by Mahat at the Krishna Lounge.
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Monday 19 December 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. For Transcendental Association Connect With Other Members of this Course. Join this Conference: http://groups.google.com/group/sda_students Help Popularize Our Message By Liking Today's Thought on Facebook: Today's Thought: If You Think of Dog, You Become a Dog uploaded from Pretoria, South Africa Whatever you think of at the time of death will determine your next birth. If you think of your beloved dog, you will take birth in the womb of a dog mother in your next life. And if you think of God, you will go to God and become one of His eternal associates in His transcendental kingdom. Whatever you think of during your life as the most dear object of your affection is where your mind will spontaneously gravitate at the time of your death. Therefore those who are intelligent train themselves to always think of God offering all of their thoughts, words. and activities in His service. Such persons are sure to attain His kingdom at the time of death. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Most Auspicious Hare Krishna Farewell Kirtan Solerino, Mauritius--17 December 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Fall/Mauritius_Farewell.JPG Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Attain the Supreme Wisdom? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. I have the following questions: What is the supreme wisdom and how to attain it? What is the material nature? How to attain the mode of goodness? How to stay away from passion and ignorance ? Thanks Your disciple, Sanjay K. Answer: Fully Surrender at Krishna's Lotus Feet The supreme wisdom is that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is realized or attained by fully surrendering yourself at His lotus feet through the medium of the bona fide spiritual master. The material nature is Krishna's inferior energy, which acts like a prison for all those souls who are rebellious against the authority of the Lord. By surrendering to guru and Krishna you will automatically be situated in the mode of goodness beyond the modes of passion and ignorance. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: {contact_address More Recent Articles | |
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