AJA EKADASI - Padyavali Devi Dasi
Created by juancas en 25 Agosto 2012
May Lord Balarama, who is the master of Goloka, who is the supreme controller of all controllers, and whose fame is spotless, protect me. May Lord Balarama, who on His head holds the earth as if it were a single mustard seed, protect me in this world.
May Lord Balarama protect me when I am surrounded by many armies. May Lord Balarama, who holds a plow, always protect me in battle. May Lord Balarama, who holds a club, always protect me in many fortresses. May Lord Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect me in the forest.
May Lord Balarama, who wears blue garments and who stopped the Yamuna, always protect me in fire. May Lord Balarama protect me in the wind. May Lord Balarama protect me in the sky. May Lord Balarama, who is Lord Ananta Himself, always protect me in the great ocean.
May Lord Balarama, who is Vasudeva's son, protect me on mountains. May Lord Balarama, who has a thousand heads, protect me in great disputes. May Lord Balarama, who is Rohini's son, protect me from diseases. May Lord Balarama, who fulfills desires, protect me from catastrophes.
May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Dhenukasura, always protect me from lust. May Lord Balarama, who killed Dvivida, always protect me from anger. May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Balvala, always protect me from greed. May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Jarasandha, always protect me from illusion.
May Lord Balarama, who is the best of the Vrishnis, always protect me at sunrise. May Lord Balarama, who is the king of Mathura City, always protect me in the morning. May Lord Balarama, who is the friend of the gopas, always protect me at midday. May Lord Balarama, who is supremely independent, always protect me in the afternoon.
May Lord Balarama, who is the king of serpents, always protect me at sunset. May Lord Balarama, who is greater than the greatest, always protect me in the evening. May Lord Balarama, whose power is invincible, always protect me in the middle of the night. May Lord Balarama always protect me at every sunrise.
May Lord Balarama, who is the master of Revati, protect me from every direction. May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Pralamba, protect me from every direction. May Lord Balarama, who is the best of the Yadavas, protect me from below. May Lord Balarama always protect me from above. May Lord Balarama protect me from near and far. May Lord Balarama protect me everywhere.
May Lord Balarama, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, always protect me from within. May powerful Lord Balarama, who enjoys pastimes as the king of serpents, protect me from without. May Lord Balarama, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul residing in everyone's heart, always protect me.
Please know that this kavacha of Lord Balarama is the best of armors. It destroys the fears of the demigods and demons. It is a blazing fire that burns up the fuel of a host of sins. It is the death of a host of obstacles. It is the abode of spiritual perfection.
--taken from the Garga-samhita (this kavacam was originally given to the Gopis by Garga Muni and Sri Pradvipaka Muni recited it again to Duryodhana) --
Jagadananda Das
Serving the Divine Couple’s feet, always thinking of them, I will remain constantly absorbed in their love. Whatever I think of during the stage of sadhana, I will attain that with perfection. This is the means that is prescribed in the pat
h of raganuga bhakti.
That which I desire in the sadhana state is what I will get in the siddha deha. It is only a question of being ripe or unripe. When it is not mature one follows the ways of sadhana bhakti, when it is mature it is called prema-bhakti. This is the essence of understanding where the characteristics of bhakti are concerned.

Lord says that His appearance, birth, and activities, are all transcendental, and one who understands them factually becomes immediately eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world.
The Lord's appearance or birth is not like that of an ordinary man who is forced to accept a material body according to his past deeds.
He appears out of His own sweet pleasure.
When the time was mature for the appearance of the Lord, the constellations became very auspicious.
At the time of Krsna's birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious.
At that time, in all directions, east, west, south, north, everywhere, there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.
There were auspicious stars visible in the sky, and on the surface in all towns and villages or pasturing grounds and within the minds of everyone there were signs of good fortune.
The denizens of the Gandharva and Kinnara planets began to sing, and the denizens of Siddhaloka and the planets of the Caranas began to offer prayers in the service of the Personality of Godhead. In the heavenly planets, the angels along with their wives, accompanied by the Apsaras, began to dance.
The great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly.
The rivers were flowing full of waters, and lakes were beautifully decorated with lotus flowers.
The forests were full with beautiful birds and peacocks.
All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, and the peacocks began to dance along with their consorts.
The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing...

Lord says that His appearance, birth, and activities, are all transcendental, and one who understands them factually becomes immediately eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world.
The Lord's appearance or birth is not like that of an ordinary man who is forced to accept a material body according to his past deeds.
He appears out of His own sweet pleasure.
When the time was mature for the appearance of the Lord, the constellations became very auspicious.
At the time of Krsna's birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious.
At that time, in all directions, east, west, south, north, everywhere, there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.
There were auspicious stars visible in the sky, and on the surface in all towns and villages or pasturing grounds and within the minds of everyone there were signs of good fortune.
The denizens of the Gandharva and Kinnara planets began to sing, and the denizens of Siddhaloka and the planets of the Caranas began to offer prayers in the service of the Personality of Godhead. In the heavenly planets, the angels along with their wives, accompanied by the Apsaras, began to dance.
The great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly.
The rivers were flowing full of waters, and lakes were beautifully decorated with lotus flowers.
The forests were full with beautiful birds and peacocks.
All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, and the peacocks began to dance along with their consorts.
The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing..
Lord says that His appearance, birth, and activities, are all transcendental, and one who understands them factually becomes immediately eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world.
The Lord's appearance or birth is not like that of an ordinary man who is forced to accept a material body according to his past deeds.
He appears out of His own sweet pleasure.
When the time was mature for the appearance of the Lord, the constellations became very auspicious.
At the time of Krsna's birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious.
At that time, in all directions, east, west, south, north, everywhere, there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.
There were auspicious stars visible in the sky, and on the surface in all towns and villages or pasturing grounds and within the minds of everyone there were signs of good fortune.
The denizens of the Gandharva and Kinnara planets began to sing, and the denizens of Siddhaloka and the planets of the Caranas began to offer prayers in the service of the Personality of Godhead. In the heavenly planets, the angels along with their wives, accompanied by the Apsaras, began to dance.
The great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly.
The rivers were flowing full of waters, and lakes were beautifully decorated with lotus flowers.
The forests were full with beautiful birds and peacocks.
All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, and the peacocks began to dance along with their consorts.
The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing..

om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur-unmilitam yena tasmai sri-guruve namah
“I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master
opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto him”.
om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur-unmilitam yena tasmai sri-guruve namah
“I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master
opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto him”.

Annada Ekadasi also known as Aja Ekadasi is the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada-sukla also known as the month of Hrsikesa.
The Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, said to Yudhistira Maharaja in reference to this Ekadasi vrata, “Oh King, hear me attentively. The name of this sin-removing, sacred Ekadasi is Aja. Any person who fasts completely on this day and worships Hrsikesa, the master of the senses, becomes free of all reactions to his sins. Even one who simply hears about this Ekadasi is freed from his past sins. Oh King, there is no better day than this in all the earthly and heavenly worlds. This is true without a doubt.”
“There once lived a famous king named Harishchandra, who was the emperor of the world and a person of great truth and integrity. His wife’s name was Chandramati, and he had a son named Lohitashva. By the force of destiny, however, Harishchandra lost his great kingdom and sold his wife and son. The pious king himself became a menial servant of a dog-eater, who made him guard a crematorium. Yet even while doing such menial service, he did not forsake his truthfulness and good character, just as soma-rasa, even when mixed with some other liquid, does not lose its ability to bestow immortality.
The king passed many years in this condition. Then one day he sadly thought, ‘What shall I do? Where shall I go? How can I be delivered from this plight?’ In this way he drowned in an ocean of anxiety and sorrow.
One day a great sage happened by, and when the king saw him he happily thought, ‘Ah, Lord Brahma has created brahmins just to help others.’ Harishchandra paid his respectful obeisances to the sage, whose name was Gautama Muni. With joined palms the king stood before Gautama Muni and narrated his pitiful story. Gautama Muni was astonished to hear the king’s tale of woe. He thought, ‘How has this mighty king been reduced to collecting clothes from the dead?’ Gautama Muni became very much compassionate toward Harishchandra and instructed him on the process of fasting for purification.
Gautama Muni said, ‘Oh king, during the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada there occurs an especially meritorious Ekadasi named Aja (Annada), which removes all sins. Indeed, this Ekadasi is so auspicious that if you simply fast on that day and perform no other austerity, all your sins will be nullified. By your good fortune it is coming in just seven days. So I urge you to fast on this day and remain awake through the night. If you do so, all the reactions of your past sins will come to an end. Oh Harishchandra, I have come here because of your past pious deeds. Now, all good fortune to you in the future!’ So saying, the great sage Sri Gautama Muni immediately disappeared from their vision.”
“King Harishchandra followed Gautama Muni’s instructions concerning fasting on the sacred day of Aja (Annada) Ekadasi. Oh Maharaja Yudhisthira, because the king fasted on that day, the reactions to his previous sins were completely destroyed at once. Oh lion among kings, just see the influence of this Ekadasi fast! It immediately vanquishes whatever miseries one may be suffering as a result of past karmik sinful activities.
Thus all Harishchandra’s miseries were relieved. Just by the power of this wonderful Ekadasi, he was reunited with his wife and son, who had died but were now revived. In the heavenly regions the devas (demigods) began beating on their celestial kettledrums and showering down flowers upon Harishchandra, his queen, and their son. By the blessings of the Ekadasi fast, he regained his kingdom without difficulty. Moreover, when King Harishchandra left the planet, his relatives and all his subjects too, went with him to the spiritual world.”
Finally the Lord said, “Oh Pandava, whoever fasts on Aja (Annada) Ekadasi is surely freed from all his sins and ascends to the spiritual world. And whosoever hears and studies the glories of this Ekadasi achieves the merit gained by performing a horse sacrifice.”
***Thus ends the narration of the glories of Annada Bhadrapada-krishna Ekadasi, or Aja Ekadasi, from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.***
Annada Ekadasi también conocido como Aja Ekadasi es el Ekadasi que ocurre durante la oscura quincena del mes de Bhadrapada-sukla también conocido como el mes de Hrsikesa.
El Señor Supremo, Sri Krishna, dijo a Yudhistira Maharaja en referencia a este vrata Ekadasi, "Oh rey, oyeme atentamente. El nombre de este eliminador de pecado, el sagrado Ekadasi es Aja. Cualquier persona que ayune completamente en este día y adore a Hrsikesa, el maestro de los sentidos, se vuelve libre de todas las reacciones de sus pecados. Incluso uno que simplemente escucha acerca de este Ekadasi es liberado de sus pecados pasados. Oh rey, no hay ningún día mejor que este en todos los mundos terrenales y celestiales. Esto es cierto sin duda".
"Cierta vez vivía un famoso rey llamado Harischandra, que fue el emperador del mundo y una persona de gran verdad e integridad. El nombre de su esposa era Chandramati, y tuvo un hijo llamado Lohitashva. Por la fuerza del destino, sin embargo, Harischandra perdió su gran Reino y vendió a su esposa y a su hijo. El propio rey piadoso se convirtió en un siervo que servía a un comedor de perro, que hacia guardia en un crematorio. Aún incluso mientras hacía tal servicio, él no abandonaba su veracidad y su buen carácter, al igual que soma-rasa, incluso cuando se mezcla con algún otro líquido, no pierde su capacidad de otorgar la inmortalidad.
El rey pasó muchos años en esta condición. Entonces un día tristemente pensaba, ' ¿qué voy a hacer? ¿Dónde voy a ir? Cómo puedo yo ser sacado de esta difícil situación?' De esta manera murió ahogado en un océano de ansiedad y tristeza.
Un día un gran sabio pasó por allí, y cuando el rey lo vio pensó feliz, «Ah, Señor Brahma ha creado brahmanes sólo para ayudar a otros.» Harischandra ofreció sus respetuosas reverencias al sabio, cuyo nombre era Gautama Muni. Con las Palmas unida el rey se paró frente a Gautama Muni y narró su historia lamentable. Gautama Muni se asombró al escuchar el cuento del rey de la aflicción. Pensaba, '¿cómo este rey poderoso ha reducido a recoger la ropa de los muertos?' Gautama Muni se dirigió muy compasivamente hacia Harischandra y le instruyó en el proceso de ayuno para la purificación.
Gautama Muni dijo, ' Oh rey, durante la oscura quincena del mes de Bhadrapada allí ocurre un especial y meritorio Ekadasi llamado Aja (Annada), que quita todos los pecados. De hecho, este Ekadasi es tan auspicioso que si usted simplemente ayuna en ese día y no realizar ningún otro tipo de austeridad, erradicará todos vuestros pecados. Por su buena fortuna viene en sólo siete días. Así que le ruego que ayune en este día y permanece despierto toda la noche. Si lo haces, todas las reacciones de sus pecados pasados llegará a su fin. Oh Harischandra, he llegado aquí debido a sus pasados hechos piadosos. Ahora, todos buena suerte a usted en el futuro!' Así diciendo, el gran sabio Sri Gautama Muni desapareció inmediatamente de su visión."
"Rey Harischandra seguió las instrucciones de Gautama Muni sobre el ayuno en el sagrado día de Ekadasi Aja (Annada). Oh Maharaja Yudhisthira, porque el rey ayunó ese día, las reacciones de sus pecados anteriores fueron completamente destruidos a la vez. Oh León entre los Reyes, sólo ver la influencia de este ayuno Ekadasi! Inmediatamente vencerá cualquier miserias que uno puediera sufrir como resultado de anteriores actividades pecaminosas.
Así fueron aliviar miserias de todos los Harischandra. Sólo por el poder de este maravilloso Ekadasi, se reunió con su esposa y su hijo, que había muerto, pero ahora fueron revivido. En las regiones celestiales los devas (semidioses) comenzaron a tocar sus celestiales timbales y derramaron hacia abajo flores a Harischandra, a su esposa reina y a su hijo. Por las bendiciones del ayuno Ekadasi, recuperó su reino sin dificultad. Además, cuando el rey Harischandra a la izquierda del planeta, sus familiares y todos sus súbditos, fueron con él al mundo espiritual."
Finalmente el Señor dijo: Oh Pandava, quien ayuna en el Aja Ekadasi (Annada) es liberado con seguridad de todos sus pecados y asciende al mundo espiritual. Y quienquiera que escucha y estudie las glorias de este Ekadasi logra el mérito ganado por realizar un sacrificio de caballo.
Así termina la narración de las glorias de Ekadasi Annada Bhadrapada-krishna, o Aja Ekadasi, del Brahma vaivarta Purana.


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- Medicina Natural - Las Plantas Medicinales 1 (Teoría) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Plantas Medicinales 1 y 2 (Visión de las Plantas) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 1 - viernes 6 de enero de 2012
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 2 - sábado 7 de enero de 2012

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- SRILA PRABHUPADA II - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA III - martes 17 de abril de 2012
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- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012
La Bíblia

- El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011

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- Subuddhi Krishna dasa, Chicago, USA (feed)
- Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK (feed)
- Suvilasa dd, Brisbane, AU (feed)
- Syamesvari dd (feed)
- The Loft, Auckland (feed)
- Tirtharaj dasa (feed)
- Tracey, USA (feed)
- Tri-yuga das, AU (feed)
- Tulasi Priya dd, Alachua, USA (feed)
- Utah Krishnas (feed)
- Vasu Murti, USA (feed)
- Vidyapati dasa (feed)
- (feed)
- Visnu-maya devi dasi (feed)
- Vraja Dhama dasa (feed)
- Vrndavana Vinodini dd, Toronto, Canada (feed)
- Vyenkata Bhatta dasa (feed)
- Yogesvara das, USA (feed)

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