The Nectar on Instruction - Sastra Reading
Creado por juancas del 31 de Mayo del 2012

Sastra Reading
The Nectar on Instruction
Srila Narottama das Thakura has sung:
rūpa-raghunātha-pade ha-ibe ākuti
kabe hāma bujhaba se yugala-pīriti
"When I am eager to understand the literature given by the Gosvāmīs, then I shall be able to understand the transcendental loving affairs of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa." (preface)
A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
A thief may know perfectly well that he may be arrested for his stealing, and he may actually even see a thief arrested by the police, yet he continues to steal. Experience is gathered by hearing and seeing. One who is less intelligent gathers experience by seeing, and one who is more intelligent gathers experience by hearing. When an intelligent person hears from the lawbooks and śāstras, or scriptures, that stealing is not good and hears that a thief is punished when arrested, he refrains from theft. A less intelligent person may first have to be arrested and punished for stealing to learn to stop stealing. However, a rascal, a foolish man, may have the experience of both hearing and seeing and may even be punished, but still he continues to steal. Even if such a person atones and is punished by the government, he will again commit theft as soon as he comes out of jail.
As Prahlada Maharaja said: "For those who have decided to continue their existence in this material world for the gratification of their senses, there is no chance of becoming Kṛṣṇa conscious, not by personal endeavor, by instruction from others or by joint conferences. They are dragged by the unbridled senses into the darkest region of ignorance, and thus they madly engage in what is called 'chewing the chewed.'"
As Prahlada Maharaja said: "For those who have decided to continue their existence in this material world for the gratification of their senses, there is no chance of becoming Kṛṣṇa conscious, not by personal endeavor, by instruction from others or by joint conferences. They are dragged by the unbridled senses into the darkest region of ignorance, and thus they madly engage in what is called 'chewing the chewed.'"
(1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required;
(2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain;
(3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters;
(4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically;
(5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in Kṛṣṇa consciousness; and
(6) being greedy for mundane achievements.
— con Ohene Djan.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three primary energies, or potencies. The first is called antarańga-śakti, or the internal potency.
The second is called taṭastha-śakti, or the marginal potency.
The third is called bahirańga-śakti, or the external potency.
The living entities constitute the marginal potency, and they are situated between the internal and external Potencies. Being subordinate as eternal servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the jīvātmās, or atomic living entities, must remain under the control of either the internal or external potency.
When they are under the control of the internal potency, they display their natural, constitutional activity — namely, constant engagement in the devotional service of the Lord.
All living entities within this material world are under the control of mahāmāyā, whose business is to subject them to the influence of threefold miseries:
1. adhidaivika-kleśa (sufferings caused by the demigods, such as droughts, earthquakes and storms),
2. adhibhautika-kleśa(sufferi
3. adhyātmika-kleśa (sufferings caused by one's own body and mind, such as mental and physical infirmities)
Daiva-bhūtātma-hetavaḥ: the conditioned souls, subjected to these three miseries by the control of the external energy, suffer various difficulties.
— con Ohene Djan.
The word Mahatma refers to those who are broadminded, not cripple-minded. Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses, sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some "ism" like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism.
They may reject personal sense gratification for the sense gratification of others, like the members of their family, community or society — either national or international.
Actually all this is extended sense gratification, from personal to communal to social.
This may all be very good from the material point of view, but such activities have no spiritual value.
The basis of such activity is sense gratification, either personal or extended. Only when a person gratifies the senses of the Supreme Lord can he be called a mahātmā, or broadminded person.
— conRashid Pelpuo y Ohene Djan.
If a bag of rice is placed in a public place, birds will come to eat a few grains and go away. A human being, however, will take away the whole bag. He will eat all his stomach can hold and then try to keep the rest in storage. According to scriptures, this collecting of more than necessary (atyāhāra) is not recommended.
According to nature's arrangement, living entities lower on the evolutionary scale do not eat or collect more than necessary. Consequently in the animal kingdom there is generally no economic problem or scarcity of necessities.
--NOI (purport excerpt [text 2]--
According to nature's arrangement, living entities lower on the evolutionary scale do not eat or collect more than necessary. Consequently in the animal kingdom there is generally no economic problem or scarcity of necessities.
--NOI (purport excerpt [text 2]--
— con alhasan s. suhuyini y Rashid Pelpuo.
The higher intelligence of a human being should be trained to understand basic dharma. In human society there are various religious conceptions characterized as Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Buddhist and so on, for without religion, human society is no better than animal society.
As stated (dharmasya hy āpavargyasya nārtho 'rthāyopakalpate), religion is meant for attaining emancipation, not for getting bread. Sometimes human society manufactures a system of so-called religion aimed at material advancement, but that is far from the purpose of true dharma. Religion entails understanding the laws of God because the proper execution of these laws ultimately leads one out of material entanglement. That is the true purpose of religion.
--NOI (pur. 2)--
As stated (dharmasya hy āpavargyasya nārtho 'rthāyopakalpate), religion is meant for attaining emancipation, not for getting bread. Sometimes human society manufactures a system of so-called religion aimed at material advancement, but that is far from the purpose of true dharma. Religion entails understanding the laws of God because the proper execution of these laws ultimately leads one out of material entanglement. That is the true purpose of religion.
--NOI (pur. 2)--
"There are six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service:
(1) being enthusiastic,
(2) endeavoring with confidence,
(3) being patient,
(4) acting according to regulative principles
(5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas.
These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service.
--Nectar of Instruction (3)--
(1) being enthusiastic,
(2) endeavoring with confidence,
(3) being patient,
(4) acting according to regulative principles
(5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas.
These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service.
--Nectar of Instruction (3)--
— con Archana Bahuguna.
Devotional service is not a matter of sentimental speculation or imaginative ecstasy.
Bhakti is a sort of cultivation. As soon as we say "cultivation," we must refer to activity.
Bhakti is a sort of cultivation. As soon as we say "cultivation," we must refer to activity.
Cultivation of spirituality does not mean sitting down idly for meditation, as some pseudo-yogīs teach.
Meditation means stopping all nonsensical activities, at least for the time being.
Devotional service, however, not only puts an end to all nonsensical mundane activities, but also engages one in meaningful devotional activities.
--Nectar of Instruction (bhaktivedanta purport text 3)--
(Picture: Lord Sri Krsna playing His flute in the bank of the Yamuna River)
The nine processes of devotional service are as follows:
1. hearing the name and glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
2. chanting His glories
3. remembering the Lord
4. serving the Lord's feet
5. worshiping the Deity
6. offering obeisances unto the Lord
7. acting as the Lord's servant
8. making friends with the Lord
9. surrendering oneself fully to the Lord
--The Nectar of Instruction (purport excerpt text 3)--
1. hearing the name and glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
2. chanting His glories
3. remembering the Lord
4. serving the Lord's feet
5. worshiping the Deity
6. offering obeisances unto the Lord
7. acting as the Lord's servant
8. making friends with the Lord
9. surrendering oneself fully to the Lord
sravanam kīrtanaḿ viṣṇoḥ
smaraṇaḿ pāda-sevanam
arcanaḿ vandanaḿ dāsyaḿ
sakhyam ātma-nivedanam
--The Nectar of Instruction (purport excerpt text 3)--
— con Sreepad Biswas.
Devotional service means transcendental activities. On the transcendental platform there is no contamination by the three modes of material nature.
This is called viśuddha-sat-tva, the platform of pure goodness, or goodness free from contamination by the qualities of passion and ignorance.
Devotional service is so pure and perfect that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to ultimate success. Sometimes a person will give up his ordinary material engagements and out of sentiment take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord and thus begin the preliminary execution of devotional service.
Even if such an immature devotee falls down, there is no loss on his part. On the other hand, what is the gain of one who executes the prescribed duties according to his varṇa and āśrama but does not take to devotional service? Although a fallen devotee may take his next birth in a low family, his devotional service will nonetheless resume from where it left off.
Devotional service is ahaitukyapratihatā; it is not the effect of any mundane cause, nor can it be terminated by any mundane cause or permanently curtailed by any material interruption. Therefore a devotee should be confident about his engagement and should not be very interested in the activities of the karmīs, jñānīs and yogīs.
--Nectar of Instruction (purport excerpt)--
Picture: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna
"“Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasāda and offering prasāda are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another.”
--Nectar of Instruction (4)--
There are six kinds of activities:
(1) giving charity to the devotees,
(2) accepting from the devotees whatever they may offer in return,
(3) opening one's mind to the devotees,
(4) inquiring from them about the confidential service of the Lord,
(5) honoring prasāda, or spiritual food, given by the devotees, and
(6) feeding the devotees with prasāda. An experienced devotee explains, and an inexperienced devotee learns from him.
When a devotee distributes prasāda, remnants of food offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to maintain our spirit of devotional service we must accept this prasāda as the Lord's grace received through the pure devotees.
We should also invite pure devotees to our home, offer them prasāda and be prepared to please them in all respects.
Even in ordinary social activities, these six types of dealings between two loving friends are absolutely necessary. Thus whenever there is a dealing of prīti, or love in intimate dealings, these six activities are executed.
Picture: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, playing His flute
— con Jishnu Bhattacharya y Stefano Notarbartolo.


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