Sri Padyavali - Sastra Reading
Creado por juancas del 31 de Mayo del 2012

Sastra Reading
Sri Padyavali
Sri Padyavali (Anthology of Poetry) was written by devotees expert in the mellows of devotional service. This book contains many beautiful verses, which have been collected for the pleasure of the devotees. It illuminates the darkness of ignorance, and it is an ocean of transcendental bliss.
May Lord Hari’s eyes, which lovingly gaze on the devotees, which rival the splendor of blue lotuses, on which the yogis meditate to attain auspiciousness, which are two great oceans of handsomeness, and which fill Radha’s eyes with the nectar of love, quell for you the sufferings of material life. --Sri Saranga-- (text 3)
May Krishna’s arms, their golden ornaments and peacock feathers anointed with mud when He lifted Govardhana Hill, deep in Vrindavana forest the gopis’ two blue pillows, and anointed with Kuvalayapida’s fragrant ichor, always grant auspiciousness to you.
—Shubhanka-- (text 4)
May playful Gopala’s flute-music, which calls the faraway surabhi cows by name, which is the mystic mantra that charms the gopis’ hearts, and which delights and attracts the deer enjoying in Vrindavana, bless you all.
--Sri Hara-- (text 5)
"I offer my respectful obeisances to wonderful, playful, mischievous Krishna who, if He desires, can make an ocean dry land, dry land an ocean, a blade of grass a thunderbolt, a thunderbolt an insignificant blade of grass, fire cool, or snow a blazing fire."
—author unknown, from the Sri Padyavali (6)--
—author unknown, from the Sri Padyavali (6)--
"Because He is very affectionate, He promises to give fearlessness to His devotees, He removes His devotees’ sufferings, He is generous, He takes away His devotees’ sins, and He bestows limitless auspiciousness, and because Prahlada, Vibhishana, Gajendra, Draupadi, Ahalya, and Dhruva testify to these virtues, Lord Krishna, the husband of the goddess of fortune, should be served by all the worlds."
—author unknown from the Sri Padyavali (7)--
—author unknown from the Sri Padyavali (7)--
"O Madhusudana, if a wise person in his heart serves Your lotus feet, then any sins he may have done are all nullified. If he rejects Your service he gets all sinful reactions, even though he may not have done any sinful deed.
—author unknown SP (10)--
—author unknown SP (10)--
"Not by wearing saffron cloth, not by restricting food and other sense-activities, not by living in the forest, not by discussing philosophy, and not by observing a vow of silence, but only by even the slightest beginning of devotional service to the lotus feet of Lord Govinda, who enjoys pastimes on the Yamuna’s wide banks, is Kamadeva stopped."
--Sri Padyavali (11)--
--Sri Padyavali (11)--
"The words “Krishna!” “Krishna!” are sufficient to purify the people’s sins. If they have blissful service to Lord Mukunda, then the goddess of liberation bows before their lotus feet."
--Sri Sarvajna - Sri Padyavali (12)--
--Sri Sarvajna - Sri Padyavali (12)--
"Pure devotional service in Krishna consciousness cannot be had even by pious activity in hundreds and thousand of lives. It can be attained only by paying one price—that is, intense greed to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must purchase it without delay."
—Shri Ramananda Raya (Sri Padyavali (14)--
—Shri Ramananda Raya (Sri Padyavali (14)--
"As the rising sun immediately dissipates all the world’s darkness, which is deep like an ocean, so the holy name of the Lord, if chanted once without offenses, can dissipate all the reactions of a living being’s sinful life. All glories to that holy name of the Lord, which is auspicious for the entire world."
—Shri Lakshmidhara (Sri Padyavali (16)—
—Shri Lakshmidhara (Sri Padyavali (16)—
"Extracting the four syllables that are the heart of the four Vedas, Lord Hari makes the word Narayana. Day and night chanting this name, we become purified. We do not know any other better way to please Lord Hari."
--Sri Padyavali (17) (Authour Unknown)--
--Sri Padyavali (17) (Authour Unknown)--
— conSreepad Biswas.
"Let the twice-born enter the fearless kingdom of yoga, Vedic study, and solitary meditation in the forest. Let them become liberated in that way. As for us, we will spend hundreds of thousands of births chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna, whose splendid dark complexion and yellow garments are like a host of blue lotus flowers blooming in a grove of yellow-flower-bearing kadamba trees."
--Sri Padyavali (18) (author: Sri Isvara Puri)--
--Sri Padyavali (18) (author: Sri Isvara Puri)--
— con Jishnu Bhattacharya.


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