----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 9:18 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 52 new articles
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"Planet ISKCON" - 52 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 23 July 2011--Our Degrading Consumeristic Mentality--and--How Did Krishna Leave this Earth Planet?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PRINCIPLES
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS COACHING?
- Japa Group: Avoiding Distraction
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SPIRITUAL HERO QUESTIONS
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakta Prabhu
- Krishna Lounge, LA, USA: Krishna Culture Festival Tour 2011
- David Haslam, UK: Classes By HG Jananivas Das
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: sweet relation between the Lord and His devotees
- Kurma dasa, AU: Succulent Eggplant Pickles
- Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Get a job!
- Book Distribution News: Get a job!
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PERSONAL COACHING
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: The Battle of Blackberry Row
- ISKCON News.com: Use Your Diet To Turn Off Cancer
- ISKCON News.com: Sannyasa Initiation in Moscow
- New Vrndavan, USA: New Vrindavan 24 Hour Kirtan 2011 Audio Files Released!
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
- Japa Group: The 10 Offenses Pt. 2
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you see the picture in Articles, then you know what I mean by saying this podcast is about the sanctity of life in the womb
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Communication
- ISKCON News.com: Dubai Is the Future
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: The baby grabs the surgeons fingers
- ISKCON News.com: Experts To Catalog South Indian Temple Treasures
- Mukunda Charan das, SA: The Purusa-avataras
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Dandavats.com: The holy disapperance day of Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami
- Dandavats.com: We Are Not Ready for Varna-ashrama Dharma Yet
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: MY SERVICE
- Dandavats.com: 1st Ratha-Yatra @ ISKCON Ahmedabad
- Dandavats.com: Seeking contentment, pleasure through the many names of God
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa Sakti Mataji
- ISKCON News.com: Churches Divided On Hungary's New Religion Law
- ISKCON News.com: Vegetarian Hindus Can Sue Indian Restaurant Over Serving Meat
- Dandavats.com: HH Bhaktividya Purna Swami Maharaja’s Lectures in Budapest 13-19/07/2011
- Dandavats.com: Highly Recommended Reading
- Australian News: Veda – Secrets from the East
- Vraja Kishor, JP: Dog Poop in Space – Gita 13.33
- Mayapur Online: Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2011
- Vraja Kishor, JP: Everything you wanted to know about Raganuga, but couldn’t ask.
- Vraja Kishor, JP: Todo que usted quiso saber sobre Raganuga, que no pudo preguntar.
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 23 July 2011--Our Degrading Consumeristic Mentality--and--How Did Krishna Leave this Earth Planet?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course Saturday 23 July 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Our Degrading Consumeristic Mentality Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram, Austin, Texas USA Instead of living in harmony in a symbiotic loving relationship with Mother Earth, and our father, the Supreme Lord, we are not accepting our father's existence, disobeying His instructions, and mercilessly raping Mother Earth. Foolishly denying the law of karma, action and reaction, we continue as frenzied marauders plundering the earth's resources turning this planet into more and more of a hell every day. In spite of all environmental propaganda to the contrary, being impelled by an passionate consumeristic spirit, the human society forges foolishly forward into ever-increasing degradation. The difficulty is that we have forgotten that true happiness comes from giving, not from taking. We must now wake up and change our attitude before it's too late. If we can learn the art of perfectly serving all by serving the Supreme, there will the dawning of a new age of peace, happiness, and prosperity for all. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Selfish Consumerism is Dismantling Our Civilization http://www.backtohome.com/images/air pollution.bmp Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Did Krishna Leave this Earth Planet? Hare Krishna Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for your most kind service. Your "Thought for the Day is very inspiring. I was told that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu after concluding His divine pastimes on this earth planet left by entering into a Deity. Could you please let me know how Krishna left after concluding His pastimes? I was told that Krishna got shot by a hunter and died and His body was just lying in the ground. This doesn't seem to make sense to me because Krishna's body is spiritual and whenever He appears in the material world He appears in His spiritual body and not in a material body. So I cant understand why Krishna's body was lying in the ground after He supposedly got shot and left. Furthermore Lord Caitanya's disappearance from this world is so mystical and extraordinary, why then would Krishna leave this world in such a normal way. Krishna appeared in such a wondrous manner in the jail cell why then would He opt for such an ordinary way to leave? A lot of people foolishly believe and accept that Sai Baba is God. So these people could argue how is Krishna's leaving this planet by being shot by a hunter different than Said Baba leaving by dying in a hospital. Our argument would be that God doesn't die in a hospital from organ failure and their argument would be that God doesn't die by being shot. Please enlighten? Your servant Hare Krishna C.B Answer: He Departed in His Transcendental Body Krishna did not die by being shot in the foot with an arrow. In fact, according to the great Vaisnava acarya, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the hunter's arrow merely touched the Lord's lotus foot and did not pierce it since the Lord's limbs are composed of eternity, knowledge and bliss. Since Balarama had just departed for the spiritual world, Krishna took this pastime with the hunter as an opportune moment to wind up His earthly pastimes and return to His eternal abode in His transcendental spiritual body. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Sankarshan Das Adhikari on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SDASITE Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids."
(Brahma-samhita 5.30)
We worship Sri Sri Radha Krishna whose darsana never fails to capture our undivided attention; enchanting our mind and melting our heart, day after day, after day, after day...
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Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PRINCIPLES
“Knowledge shrinks as wisdom grows: for details are swallowed up in principles. The details of knowledge which are important will be picked up ad hoc in each avocation of life, but the habit of the active utilization of well-understood principles is the final possession of wisdom.”
Alfred North Whitehead• Email to a friend ••
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS COACHING?
(Click to enlarge.)
Coaching is a deliberate process utilizing focused conversations to create an environment for individual growth, purposeful action, and sustained improvement.
It is designed to help people focus on what they need to do more and less of to achieve their goals.
In addition, coaching is a one-to-one process and a relationship between an individual and a coach, usually via telephone, with specific objectives and goals focused on developing potential, improving relationships, and enhancing performance.
Coaching uses a formal yet personalized approach that integrates proven techniques for change with behavioral knowledge and hands-on practice.
Coaching breaks down barriers to help achieve greater levels of accomplishment.
It is a process of self-leadership that enables people to gain clarity about who they are, what they are doing, why they are doing it, and where they want to go.
coaching.com• Email to a friend ••
The more I learn from the scriptures and professional resources various ideas and tools to help devotees succeed, the more I am able to say the right thing in a coaching session that will help devotee who is in front of me to succeed.• Email to a friend ••
Japa Group: Avoiding Distraction
Hare Krsna dear devotees. Today on the Japa Room we talked about the the different manners of avoiding distraction, here follows the quote from Harinama Cintamani.
The devotee should make it a regular practice to spend a
little time alone in a quiet place and concentrate deeply on the
holy name. He should utter and hear the name distinctly. It is
impossible for the jiva to singlehandedly avoid and overcome the
illusion of distraction. By the mercy of the Lord, however, this
is accomplished with ease. Therefore it is essential to
prayerfully beg for the Lord's grace with great humility, for this
is the only means to salvation from this offense.Harinama Cintamani
your servant,
Aruna devi• Email to a friend ••
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SPIRITUAL HERO QUESTIONS
1. Will this choice propel me toward an inspiring Krishna conscious future or will it keep me stuck in the past?
2. Will this choice bring me long-term spiritual advancement or will it bring me short-term gratification?
3. Am I trying to please Krishna, or am I trying to please my false ego?
4. Am I looking for what’s right or for what’s wrong?
5. Will this choice add to my life force or will it rob me of energy?
6. Will I use this situation as a catalyst to grow and evolve, or will I use it to beat myself up or blame others?
7. Does this choice empower me or does it disempower me?
8. Is this an act of self-care or is it an act of self-sabotage?
9. Is this an act of faith in Krishna or is it an act of fear?
10. Am I choosing from my divine nature or am I choosing from my conditioned nature?• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakta Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.15-18 : It is most important to distribute the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavatam-the life breath of devotees.
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Krishna Lounge, LA, USA: Krishna Culture Festival Tour 2011
Friday, Aug 5th 2011
7—9 pm
Admission $10
Seaside Center for Spiritual Living
1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024Experience an evening of cultural entertainment based on on the Krishna culture of India, featuring:
Kirtan Music
The call-and-response devotional music of India. With traditional drums, cymbals, harmonium and mantras, the musicians weave a meditative blanket of sound to transport you into a sacred space beyond time.Classical Temple Dance
Wrapped in ornately flowing costumes, an ensemble of dancers perform Bharata Natyam, the classical south Indian temple dance. Hand gestures, movements and facial expressions help to portray stories of divine love, complemented by traditional rhythms and melodies.Drama: The Three Lives of Bharata
Maharaja Bharata was the first emperor of India. In his final years, he retired from public life to focus on spiritual pursuits. Using an international cast, elaborate costumes and life-size puppets, this classical drama explores the many adventures along Bharata’s colorful sojourn that led him to take his next birth as a deer, and then as a mendicant, before completing his quest. Based on an epic story from the Bhagavata Purana.The Krishna Culture Festival Tour is comprised of young students of Bhakti yoga who practice the joyful process of connecting with the Divine through acts of loving service, the main focus of the sacred text called the Bhagavad-gita. They are volunteering to travel and share their passion for an ancient culture with audiences in 15 cities across the USA and Canada this summer. Even though their visit to San Diego will be short and on a weekday evening, be sure to stop by and visit their performance if you’re interested in yoga, mantras, and eastern mysticism.
7:00 pm Welcome and Kirtan 7:30 pm Bharata-natyam dance by Vani and Ksamesvari, two very talented students of Anapayini’s Bhakti Dance academy in Alachua. 7:45 pm Drama: The Three Lives of Bharata. Presented by Bhaktimarga Swami and his theater troupe.• Email to a friend ••
David Haslam, UK: Classes By HG Jananivas Das
During my recent visit to Bhaktivaadanta Manor I was able to listen to two amazing classes bg HG Jananivas Das; this is the first time in 40 years he has left India were he has been serving relentlessly as head pujari. I’ve uploaded the two classes which I hope will inspire you as much as [...]
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: sweet relation between the Lord and His devotees
The devotees of the Lord are always in the heart of the Lord, and the Lord is always in the hearts of the devotees. That is the sweet relation between the Lord and His devotees. Due to unalloyed love and devotion for the Lord, the devotees always see Him within themselves, and the Lord also, although He has nothing to do and nothing to aspire to, is always busy in attending to the welfare of His devotees. For the ordinary living beings the law of nature is there for all actions and reactions, but He is always anxious to put His devotees on the right path. The devotees, therefore, are under the direct care of the Lord. And the Lord also voluntarily puts Himself under the care of His devotees only.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.9.47
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Kurma dasa, AU: Succulent Eggplant Pickles
Rebecca Kravitz from New York City wrote: "Hiya Kurma, do you have a recipe for something nice to do with eggplants? I have a whole box full and I am running out of ideas".
My reply: Here's one of my favourite eggplant recipes:
Hot & Sweet Eggplant Pickles
This tender and delicious pickle from Maharastra is simultaneously hot, salty, sweet and sour. Select firm, fresh eggplants for best results. You may wish to replace the cayenne with ground chilies of any variety, or with a chili paste such as sambal oelek, in which case the chili should be added towards the end alongside the sugar. Makes 3 cups.
450g eggplants, about 3 medium, ½ cup peanut oil, plus a drizzle more if needed, 2 or 3 teaspoons coarsely minced or chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon yellow asafetida powder, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice, 1 cup raw sugar, 2 teaspoons dry-roasted and ground cumin seeds.
Wash and dry the eggplants. Cut them into wedges, ensuring each wedge has some skin on it.
Heat the oil over moderate heat in a wok until fairly hot. Drop in the ginger and saute for 1 minute, or until aromatic. Sprinkle in the yellow asafetida powder, saute momentarily then add the eggplant, salt and cayenne. Stir-fry the eggplants constantly for about 10 minutes, or until the eggplants are soft enough to pierce with a knife.
Add the vinegar or lemon juice, and the sugar. Reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes, or until the eggplants are very tender. Sprinkle in the ground cumin seeds, and remove the pickle from the heat. Allow to cool then serve.
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Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Get a job!
Paramesvara Prabhu is a young Slovakian devotee who, despite his intense work schedule centered around his business, still occasionally finds time to go on sankirtan. Once a lady on the street rebuked him with a typical argument: "Why are you begging here? Get a job instead." He smiled at her and handed her his business card, saying, "My dear lady, in my factory I have 130 employees. I can hire you too if you want." Shocked, the women couldn't say a word.
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Book Distribution News: Get a job!
Paramesvara Prabhu is a young Slovakian devotee who, despite his intense work schedule centered around his business, still occasionally finds time to go on sankirtan. Once a lady on the street rebuked him with a typical argument: "Why are you begging here? Get a job instead." He smiled at her and handed her his business card, saying, "My dear lady, in my factory I have 130 employees. I can hire you too if you want." Shocked, the women couldn't say a word.
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Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PERSONAL COACHING
Personal coaching is focused one-on-one coaching tailored specifically on the clients most important goals, interests, challenges and needs. Coaching follows a standard process but is customized to each individual client. Because the coach is working one-on-one with the client, personal coaching sessions are much more focused and tailored for each client when compared to group coaching sessions with multiple clients.
Personal Coaching Process
The process begins by clarifying what the client is looking for from coaching. This may involve using assessments, asking questions and helping the client get in touch with what they really want and identify specific goals, objectives and priorities.
An important principle in coaching is that clients are ultimately responsible for their actions and doing the work to achieve the results they want. The coach serves as a facilitator, supporter, or guide, but doesn’t “do the work” for the client.
After helping the client get clear about what they want and what is most important to them, the coach helps the client develop strategies and action plans to achieve those goals.
Once a solid plan is in place, the coach supports, encourages and guides the client in taking the actions necessary to implement their plans and achieve their goals. Personal coaching can be particularly valuable in helping clients take action and overcome challenges.
Personal coaching provides the motivation, accountability, and support structures, to help clients execute and perform their best. This may include monitoring progress and having regular “check in” sessions to deal with obstacles and challenges that come up along the way.
Coaching can also help clients develop new skills, see from new perspectives and gain the knowledge and insights needed to empower and help them achieve their goals.
Overcoming Inner Obstacles Through Personal Coaching
Personal coaching can also help clients become aware of and overcome inner obstacles that may be holding them back. The coach serves as a “mirror” that allows clients to see their own behavior from a new perspective. A coach may help clients see counterproductive patterns, language and actions that need to change in order to achieve goals.
Once these counterproductive patterns are identified, coaching can help clients with the strategies and skills needed to overcome these challenges and develop more positive behaviors, attitudes and mindsets.
Personal Coaching Focus Areas
Depending on the client’s interests, goals and needs, personal coaching can focus on one or more of these areas:
Career coaching – Focused on helping clients advance in their career and/or transition to a new/better career
Professional & executive coaching – Focused on helping clients perform and execute better at work
Health and wellness coaching – Focused on developing healthy lifestyle habits and taking better care of themselves
Relationships coaching – Focused on improving communication, conflict and other important relationship skills
Work/life balance – Focused on establishing healthy boundaries between work and personal life and making time for all important life areas
Business coaching – Focused on helping small business owners grow their business by attracting customers, making more sales and increasing profits
Success coaching – Focused on helping clients develop the skills, mindsets and strategies they need to succeed and achieve their goals
Working one-on-one with a personal coach can be a very rewarding and valuable experience.
www.lifecoachinghq.com• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 July 22: "It is the Grace of Lord Krishna that He has put me in contact with so many rare souls who are taking Krishna Consciousness in all seriousness. Now I am going to India; and even if I cannot come back, I will work so all you transcendental children can be strong enough to preach this cult for the benefit of all human society."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 July 22: "After finishing your M.A. exams I wish that you become fixed up and come for some time to Vrindaban in my personal touch. When I come back, I shall install Radha-Krishna Murti in the temple, and I hope it will be a great center for the society."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 July 22: "Regarding Lalita Prasad Thakura, unless he keeps his promise than we are not interested to publish any of Bhaktivinode Thakura's books. That animosity against Guru Maharaja is going on, so we shall have nothing to do with it."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 July 22: "The reading of Krsna Book and chanting at his bedside must go on. I am offering prayers to Krsna that He may protect Jaya Gopala, who is such sincere devotee. Now you godbrothers and godsisters also continue to offer prayers and chant always the Hare Krsna Mantra for him."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 July 22: "You have done a nice job with the French edition of Back to Godhead, and I am especially looking forward to the next issue which will be color 32 pages. You should more and more improve this magazine until it becomes superior to all other magazines in the French language."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 July 22: "The books are coming at no cost to you, you simply sell them and utilize the entire money for building. That will be the real task ahead, to sell many, many books all over India and use all the money for building. Why do you see any difficulty?"
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 July 22: "Avoid publishing my writings in hodge-podge journals. These so-called Hindus are generally impersonalists, and we do not want to have anything to do with them. Better we stick to our own standard, and eventually they will all come to us for learning what is God."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 July 22: "The translating of my books is of the utmost importance and I am very thankful that you are seriously taking on this practical work for spreading Krsna Consciousness in your zone."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973• Email to a friend ••
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: The Battle of Blackberry Row
The blackberries have been coming in heavy. We have been eating our fill, trading some and freezing a lot. Today we are expecting guests and Vidya has made some blackberry pie.
Of course, nothing in the material world comes easily. There is a price for everything.
My first clue everything wasn’t going to go smoothly came as I was thinning the primocanes from the sides of the bed and cutting back the remaining ones to a.) increase production next year, and b.) make picking the berries easier this year.
Learn about primocanes, floricanes and apical dominance here.
As I was pruning the local mockingbird was watching me with great focus, landing nearby and some minor scolding from which I deduced there must be a nest in the blackberries.
The real drama unfolded once we started doing serious picking, getting a gallon or more of blackberries in a day. This involved actually putting hands into the interior of the berries.
Vidya came in and said the mockingbird had attacked her several times. It didn’t really register but the next day when I went out to pick, I also got dive bombed the rush of air and the striking of my back by its wing gave me realization of what Vidya was telling me.
The bird was serious.
Naturally my first instinct was wouldn’t it be great to get a picture of him attacking. So we sent Tulasi out to pick while I sat nearby in the shade in a chair. I tried to be inconspicuous and not move, but although he would come and land nearby, and even made some half-hearted sorties he never went closer then several feet (1 m).
I left the garden and went and sat on the kitchen steps. I could see as Tulasi went down the row, the female mocking bird hopped out of the other side and flew away so I was sure the male was defending his family.
Sure enough, now he attacked. I kept taking pictures and tried to time it as he would take off, the camera on action setting, but I was unable to catch him in the frame.
I was able to get him sitting on a post from the unfinished kiwi trellis getting ready to attack but futility reigned in getting an action shot.
Tulasi soon tired of being a human target so I had to pack it in.
What we did learn from this is that if two people were picking at the same time on the same side of the row, he wouldn’t attack. Though he did seem to learn who his perceived enemies were and Vidya reported that he even attacked her outside the garden while hanging clothes on the clothesline!
We eventually saw the nest, saw that the chicks were there, though they must be gone now because yesterday while picking the male didn’t even sit nearby and scold us as he usually continued to do.
Today we might even be so brave and bold as to go pick berries without backup. :-)
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ISKCON News.com: Use Your Diet To Turn Off Cancer
Orthodox medicine wants you to believe that 95% of cancer is in the genes you inherit. But how your genes react to environmental and dietary influences is far more important. That area of research is called epigenetics. Certain genes that help prevent cancer are turned off with certain foods while other foods turn on genes to fight cancer.
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ISKCON News.com: Sannyasa Initiation in Moscow
A well-known ISKCON preacher from Moscow Carudesna Das has been initiated to highest spiritual rank in hinduism, the renounced sannyasa order. The new Russian sannyasi Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Swami (nee Enver Izmailov) was born in Grozny (Chechnya), July 1, 1967 into the family of Soviet intelligentsia. He is the third sannyasi among the Russian Hare Krishna followers.
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New Vrndavan, USA: New Vrindavan 24 Hour Kirtan 2011 Audio Files Released!
The summer 24 Hour Kirtan in June was a great success. Visit Mantralogy for free download of all the MP3 files!
In his closing speech, first-time attendee HH Bhakti Charu Swami declared that the festival was “a new dimension of kirtan” and promised to attend next year. Download the kirtans and judge for yourself!
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H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
To Even Warmer Breezes
South USA
It’s nice to be remembered.
The travelling road show, The Festival of India, is manned and operated by 15 young men under supervisor, an American devotee, Madhua, by name. On route and westbound towards the Prairies, the festival operation made a major stop at Serpent River, where they met an Ojibwa chief, who recalled seeing me walking on that same highway (Trans Canada) years ago.
Serpent River happens to be a First Nations reserve and the park where the festival boys stopped for a relaxer, was the site of a Native powwow. The boys were ready to jump into the cooling waters of this meandering river when they were halted by the chief and elders. “Wait until we’re finished our ritual” the chief commanded. When all was done, introductions began. The chief put two and two together and the friendly man revealed that he recalled talking to a peach robed monk, who was living off of the natural vegetation along the road. That was me.
I recall him as well. I just can’t recollect the jovial person’s name. There were too many syllables to his name. You know, upon hearing the exchange, it does tell me that people who saw that ghost, or phantom of a fellow (me) and that it was a decent exchange, confirms for me the validity of the mad monk marathon.
I was so glad to hear from my friend on the road and I offered my respects from afar to my eagle feathered friend. I considered him a warm friend during that pilgrimage.
And speaking of warm currents, three flights from Thunder Bay, and four airports brought me to the South, the Gainesville area and the Alachua community. The sun was shying away behind horizons when I was driven down to the Bhaktivedanta Institute house. Moving along the bumps of sand dirt, that felt like wheels over someone’s rib cage. “I will walk this trail in the morning”, I anticipated. It will be early. It will be a trail that I’ve tread before. And as for this day, a bashful swami admits – no kilometres on my radar today.• Email to a friend ••
Japa Group: The 10 Offenses Pt. 2
To consider the names of Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be on an equal level with the holy name of Lord Visnu.
The demigods are subordinate to and dependent on Krishna. Whatever powers the demigods have and whatever benedictions they can offer are only possible because Krishna empowers them and gives them His sanction. A devotee must know that the name of Krishna is absolute and non-different from Krishna Himself, whereas the names of the demigods are relative and different from them.How to counter-act the offence: Study the scriptural statements regarding the nature of the holy name and Krishna; take shelter of the holy name and beg forgiveness• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you see the picture in Articles, then you know what I mean by saying this podcast is about the sanctity of life in the womb
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Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Communication
Communication…sounds simple right? As I am getting older, I am starting to realize it’s not that easy after all? When I was young, I used to think…well…if I have a problem or something…good to say…I simply speak my mind. Be straightforward without duplicity and people will get it. No strings attached…right? Boy…was I wrong. Growing up…as a result of this mentality, I ended up making more people angry and frustrated with me than the other way round. I couldn’t really put my finger to it and isolate the problem. In fact, I lost a career because of such open and straightforward approach. People (mostly the grownups) do not like to be told anything…that is something I have learnt the hard way and in reality still learning. I am the opposite, I like people to tell me what to do but of course I expect the person telling me to be more qualified than I…anyways that can open its own can of worms.
Communication is so very essential that merely articulate word sentences do not convey the message. For me to communicate well, one thing I found is essential - people listening to you should either be attracted to you as an individual or be attracted to the message being delivered. If you are going to say something that will ruffle up some feathers, then, you are not a very popular person followed by which my communication will start to fail to the point where it stops completely.
Therefore, I have learnt over the years that I have to be careful in speaking the “truth” and say it in such a way that it does not hurt the ego of the person. This is the crux in good communication. How to speak without hurting the ego of a person? I am not suggesting flattery…no…actually it is quite the opposite. I am speaking of truth delivered in a compassionate tone of “I am hearing your voice but I think this is much more beneficial for you”. If through my words we communicate that what I am saying will be actually more beneficial to you (materially or spiritually), if the counterpart gets this, then I think they will open their ears to listen to what we have to say.
Therefore it is our prime duty to convince them that we are not here to threaten their boundaries or disparage them in anyway, but we are here to enhance and help them live a better life be it material or spiritual. To do all this (that is efficient communication) requires compassion, tolerance, respect for the other and a high sense of integrity for the self. Articulation of speech is not a very significant criterion for communication. Of course…even after all the communication…there are hard headed individuals who will have their way as the “way”…as far as we are concerned we move on.
Hare Krishna• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON News.com: Dubai Is the Future
There is something distinctly different about Dubai. The mixture of Middle Eastern, American, and immigrant cultures in a swirl of infrastructure on a once-deserted desert gives Dubai an otherworldly feel.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: The baby grabs the surgeons fingers
An article sent me by Kesava Bharati Maharaja
Read before looking!
Please read before viewing the picture – it’s worth it. A picture began circulating in November. It should be ‘The Picture of the Year,’ or perhaps, ‘Picture of the Decade.’ . The picture is that of a 21-week-old Unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner.
The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would Not survive if removed from his mother’s womb.
Little Samuel’s mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta
She knew of Dr Bruner’s remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr in Nashville , he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon’s finger.
Dr Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile.
The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity The editors titled the picture, ‘Hand of Hope.’ The text explaining the picture begins, ‘The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother’s uterus to grasp the finger of Dr Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life.’
Little Samuel’s mother said they ‘wept for days’ when they saw the picture. She said, ‘The photo reminds us pregnancy isn’t about disability or an illness, it’s about a little person.’Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful.
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ISKCON News.com: Experts To Catalog South Indian Temple Treasures
A trove of gold and silver treasures found in a 16th century Hindu temple will be unearthed and cataloged by antiquities experts under tight security, with the media and public barred from the site in southern India, the Supreme Court said Thursday.
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Mukunda Charan das, SA: The Purusa-avataras
Here are some points about the Purusa-avataras. To understand these different forms of God helps us to gain a better understanding of Vishnu tattva and our Vaishnava Siddhanta as presented by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
1. Karanadakasayi Visnu (Maha Visnu). He rests on the Causal Ocean (karana means ‘causal’). All the universes emanate from Him when He throws His glance on the material sky. He is the Supersoul of the collective universes. The universes manifest through the pores on His skin.
2. Garbhodakasayi Visnu (Hiranyagarbha Visnu). He is the Supersoul of the aggregate of living entities (the “Universal Supersoul”).
3. Ksirodakasayi Visnu. He is the Supersoul of each individual living being.
Filed under: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Realizations, Spiritual Life, Srimad Bhagavatam, Yoga Tagged: catur vyuha, different forms of God, postaweek2011, purusa-avataras, purusha avataras, vaishnava siddhanta, vishnu tattva![]()
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H.H. Sivarama Swami
The distribution of our literatures is such an important task, for as more people read these books, more and more the whole world will become auspicious and the degrading influence of this age of Kali will become
minimized.- Srila Prabhupada
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Dandavats.com: The holy disapperance day of Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami
Payonidhi das: Vrindavan is the place of Radha Krsnas pastimes and in Vrindavan ,Gopala Bhatta Goswami revealed to Srinivasa Acaryas ekadasa to him as Mani Manjari
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Dandavats.com: We Are Not Ready for Varna-ashrama Dharma Yet
By Kesava Krsna Dasa
We are mostly theory driven when attempting to implement ancient social systems into a kali-yuga world. Now, any notion of “caste” divisions and keeping women confined to homes, will be seen as further adding to the repression of vulnerable sections of society. Is society ready for such “extreme” social engineering? In terms of preaching, a definite practical stance is required
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Akrura das, Gita Coaching: MY SERVICE
My service is helping devotees succeed by highlighting their worth and potential so clearly that they can start to discover new possibilities and opportunities for achieving their worthy goals.
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Dandavats.com: 1st Ratha-Yatra @ ISKCON Ahmedabad
By Damodara Dhananjaya Dasa
This year it was for the first time in the South zone of New-Ahmedabad that ISKCON arranged a Ratha-Yatra on the Ratha-Yatra day (we have two more yatras during Sri Raamanavami). The area which was selected is a rich and high locality area with decent and educated people
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Dandavats.com: Seeking contentment, pleasure through the many names of God
By Gadi das
Here is a nice piece.. all positive... last Sundays Tullahoma news..
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa Sakti Mataji
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.14 - Inquiry to the spiritual master bears fruit only if it is combined with submission & service (tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya...).
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ISKCON News.com: Churches Divided On Hungary's New Religion Law
Christian leaders in Hungary are divided over a restrictive new law on religion, with larger denominations welcoming its curbs on church activities and smaller groups voicing fears for their future.
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ISKCON News.com: Vegetarian Hindus Can Sue Indian Restaurant Over Serving Meat
An appeals court has cleared the way for a group of vegetarian Hindus to sue an Indian restaurant in New Jersey after it mistakenly served them meat.
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Dandavats.com: HH Bhaktividya Purna Swami Maharaja’s Lectures in Budapest 13-19/07/2011
Bh. Tibor: The Teacher and gurukula world famous Director of the Vedic authoritarian school in Mayapur - HH Bhaktividya Purna Swami Maharaja spent four days in our country. In four days, Thursday through Sunday performances, lessons and training at the Hare Krishna Centre in Budapest
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Dandavats.com: Highly Recommended Reading
Kavicandra Swami: After ten years we have the RADHA DAMODARA VILASA part 2. I have just rad 130 pages, that wait was surely worth it. Vaiyasiak Prabhu has an amazing talent for putting the reader exactly into the action that he is describing
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Australian News: Veda – Secrets from the East
This is a nice new book. Looks really good. A collection of lectures and talks by Srila Prabhupada. Great introduction by Kripamoya Dasa.“From a review by ISKCON News: “The first introductory book to Krishna consciousness for some time, it features a compilation of writings by ISKCON Founder Srila Prabhupada and his disciples on the most crucial questions of our existence.”“What lies beyond death, and what would you do if you had only a few days left to live? Despite an abundance of comforts and conveniences, why do many still feel dissatisfied, empty, and lacking in purpose? Are day-to-day occurrences predestined, or is life an interplay of fate and free will?”“Over 500 pages punctuated by 16 color plates, VEDA answers these questions and more, covering topics such as the soul, karma, reincarnation, and meditation. Intended for mass distribution, the BBT hopes it will awaken within readers the spiritual insights great teachers have spoken of for thousands of years.”
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Vraja Kishor, JP: Dog Poop in Space – Gita 13.33
In the Thirteenth Chapter of Gita, Kṛṣṇa has been talking about realized vision of the relationship between spirit and matter (text 27). It is a vision that the soul and Supersoul are everywhere (28). This vision causes one to never act in a self-degrading manner (29).
After mentioning action, Kṛṣṇa goes on to say how this realized vision sees action: S/he sees that actions and reactions occur only in the material field (30), and that the actual self is distinct from the transformations of the field (31). “Distinct” means that the transformations in the field of matter do not cause the soul to transform. (32)
How Kṛṣṇa gives two analogies to illustrate these topics. 13.33 is the first analogy.
It is an analogy involving the “sky” – which actually means “space.” (aakaasha). Space is everywhere. Everything exists in space. But space doesn’t become contaminated or changed by the things that exist within it.
Space, by definition, is the area in which all other things exist. Air exists in space, fire exists in space, water, earth too. Space, however, remains space – it doesn’t change into earth, water, fire or air. Flowers exist in space, dog shit also exists in space, but space is just space, it doesn’t get changed into something else by having a fragrant flower or a smelly pile of dog doo in it. Space holds all things, but space is unchanged by the things it holds.
This analogy clarifies the relationship between the soul and matter!
All of the transformations of matter take place because of the soul. Although the soul causes matter to transform, the soul itself is never transformed by any transformation it causes – Just as space is never transformed into the object that it holds within it.
Maybe then we can visit my old friends in porno shops and conventions and check out the “transformations of matter?” It will not affect us… right? I mean, spiritually…. Right?
That is partially true. It will affect our senses with hunger, it will affect our minds with desires, it will affect our intelligence with plans of how to fulfill the desires to appease the new sensual hunger that has appeared / transformed into our senses. And it will affect our sense of identity (false-ego), causing us to conceive of ourselves as one who requires a particular flavor of sense gratification.
True, it does not affect the soul. But it does affects every avenue the soul possesses to express and realize itself.
Therefore the transformations of matter do indirectly affect the soul. Similarly a pile of dog shit, does indirectly affect space. It makes the space/area smelly and we run away from it. Although the actual physical substratum of space has not been contaminated – for all practical purposes the usable space surrounding a pile of dog shit is ruined until that poop is scooped and the area cleaned.
A person situated in Brahman does not interact with material desires. There is no question therefore of how such a person would react to an environment of sense gratification. The question could arise, however, for a person just attaining Brahman. Such a person realizes that the residual transformations occurring in the material field have nothing to do with himself. His false-ego, intelligence, mind and senses are like a dry coconut husk that is detached from the inner meat of the coconut, the soul. However this person does not go to the porno shop to shake his coconut (hahaha) and hear how nicely it rattles. The person en route to Brahman has residual karmic transformations occurring in the gross and subtle body – but she or he does not pursue them or initiate any new ones.
The rest of us are just still into sense gratification. The recurrence of sensual activities that we initiate every day is undeniable proof that we are nowhere near the realized spiritual platform.
We need to get cured of that.
The pill is nama-sankirtana, coupled with Vaishnava-seva – and augmented by constant hearing and discussing of Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes, his qualities/philosophy, and his beauty.
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Mayapur Online: Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2011
We are happy to invite devotees from around the world to perform the most auspicious Sri Kshetra Parikrama. This year the parikrama day falls on 15th November. On this day, devotees will circumambulate the entire Sri Kshetra dhama, a distance of around 19 Km. This parikrama has been performed since the time Vidyapati visited Sri Kshetra.
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Vraja Kishor, JP: Everything you wanted to know about Raganuga, but couldn’t ask.
What is Raganuga?
It is not a perfected stage of devotional realization – it is a type of practice (sadhana).
There are two types of practice of devotion, one is motivated by knowing that loving God is the right thing to do – this is “vaidhi sadhana.” The second is motivated by an emotional desire for a specific flavor of divine love – this is “raganuga sadhana.”
BRS (Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu) 1.2.270
virAjantIm abhivyaktAM vraja-vAsI janAdiSu |
rAgAtmikAm anusritA yA sA rAgAnugocyate || 270 ||“RAgAnugA” is that which runs after the intense attachment powerfully manifest in the residents of Vrindaban, etc.
Raganuga sadhana is the practice that is running after a specific flavor of emotional attachment to Krsna in divine love.
What’s the Qualification to do it?
The qualification for vaidhi-sadhana is to have strong understanding of the scriptures, and thus firm conviction that loving God really is the right thing to do. The qualification for raganuga-sadhana, is that you strongly desire a specific type of love of God – not because it is right or wrong, not for any reason at all, you just want it. Not just once or twice wanting it, but really, always wanting it, and wanting more than you want other things… If you have this emotional greed for a specific type of divine love, you have what it takes to successfully practice Raganuga-Sadhana.
BRS 1.2.291
rAgAtmikAika-niSThA ye vraja-vAsI-janAdayaH |
teSAM bhAvAptaye lubdho bhaved atrAdhikAravAn || 291 ||A person eligible for this RAgAnugA has singular and steady greed to obtain the sentiments of a RAgAtmikA like the residents of Vraja.
How do you get this emotional attachment for a specific flavor of divine love of Krsna – a flavor exemplified in a perfect “ragatmika” devotee of Krsna??? You hear and hear and hear and hear about Krsna. As you hear and hear about Krsna’s pastimes of divine love, naturally you will start to experience that some of these pastimes attract your heart and mind more than others. Continuing to constantly hear and hear and hear this becomes more and more obvious – and greed for divine love similar to what is expressed in those favorite pastimes is sparked to life – and one can take to raganuga-sadhana.
The sign of qualification for raganuga beginning to develop is that one starts to have emotional attachment to hearing about specific types of Krsna’s loving pastimes.
BRS 1.2.292
tat-tad-bhAvAdi-mAdhurye shrute dhIryAd apekSate |
nAtra shAstraM na yuktiM ca tal-lobhotpatti-lakSaNaM || 292 ||Hearing about the sweet sentiments of a RAgAtmikA that is impelled by one’s own disposition and desire, not by scriptural injunction or logic, is the sign that such greed is beginning to develop
Getting a specific greed for Krsna’s love as a result of diving into hearing about his pastimes of love does not happen to everyone. It is a great fortune. Only a special soul attracts and absorbes the special mercy of Krsna and Krsna’s devotees and thus attains greed for a specific flavor of divine love.
BRS 1.2.309
kriSNa-tad-bhakta-kAruNya-mAtra-lAbhaika-hetukA |
The mercy of Krishna and his bhakta is the one thing that causes greed.
While hearing and hearing and to cultivate a sense of taste for Krsna’s divine love, we must cry out for the special blessing of Krsna, the devotees in Krsna’s loving pastimes, and the devotees we interact with in our lives. While doing all this we must rely on Vaidhi sadhana – and therefore endeavor to scrupulously understand the scriptures and the reasons why God exists, why the world exists, why we exist, what our relationship to God and the world is, and the unparalleled value of existing within the world of love of God.
BRS 1.2.293
vaidha-bhakty adhikArI tu bhAvAvirbhavanAvadhi |
atra shAstraM tathA tarkam anukUlam apekSate || 293 ||One is eligible for Vaidhi Bhakti, and thus relies on scriptural injunctions and favorable arguments, until the point that the inclination for a particular sentiment appears in one’s heart.
This implies that prior to getting a specific emotional greed for divine love one should rely on Vaidhi. The above supports that Vaidhi can lead to Raganuga, but does not automatically lead to it. One must purposely endeavor to develop an emotional attraction to Krsna’s divine love, while doing Vaidhi bhakti. Without this purposful endeavor, vaidhi-bhakti does not lead to raganuga sadhana and onward.
How do you do Raganuga?
BRS 1.2.294
kriSNaM smaran janaM cAsya preSThaM nija-samihitam |
tat-tat-kathA-ratash cAsau kuryAd vAsaM vraje sadA || 294 ||In RAgAnugA SAdhana, one should contemplate the specific form of Krishna one holds most dear, and the specific devotee whose sentiments one most desires, and one should discuss the affection they have for each other; by doing these two things, one will always reside in Vraja.
The main thing about the internal life of a vaidhi sadhaka is that he or she is motivated by a sense of “this is the right thing to do, I will do it.” The raganuga sadhaka’s internal world is different, it is along the lines of “I must attain that love of Krsna, so I will do these things!”
The sadhaka in raganuga desires a specific type of love of Krsna… so the internal day is spend thinking about the love of Krsna one desires. For example, one desiring to get parental love of Krsna would spend the internal day thinking of Yashoda Mayi or Nanda Baba, and little baby Gopal Krsna.
This internal thought overflows into ones words – one passes all the idle moments of the day discussing Mother Yashoda and Gopal, for example – sings songs focusing on names like yashomati-nandana or damodara-lila, etc. etc. etc.
BRS 1.2.295
sevA Sadhaka-rUpeNa siddha-rUpeNa cAtra hi |
tad-bhAva-lipsunA kAryA vraja-lokAnusArataH || 295 ||In RAgAnugA SAdhana one emulates the residents of Vraja whose sentiments one desires to attain. One should emulate the services they carry out in their form as a practitioner and in their form as a perfected soul.
Essentially, in raganuga sadhana, one has a hero(ine) from among Krsna’s perfect lovers in Vrindavana – a person who inspires one to love Krsna in the same specific mood they do. One has to live their external and internal lives in emulation of that hero(ine).
Internally one meditates on actually serving that personality directly, and externally one meditates on behaving as they would as a sadhaka. Often they also have sadhaka rupa in Gaura Lila who have set clear expamples we can follow in this regard.
One practical example of this is doing Kirtana. That is the external activity following gaura lila. Internally while doing kirtana, a Raganuga sadhaka aspiring to love Krsna in the mood of Radharani’s friends may be doing Kirtana in the meditation of helping her friends call out to Radha and Krsna who have just dissappeared from the wonderful circle of the Rasa-dance, searching for the divine couple through the divine forests. This is one humble example among many possibilities of how this verse is practically implemented in the daily life of a sadhaka in raganuga.
BRS 1.2.296
shravaNot-kIrtanAdIni vaidha-bhakty uditAni tu |
yAny angAni ca tany atra vijñeyAni manISibhiH || 296 ||I previously mentioned many practices, in the section on Vaidhi Bhakti, like “hearing about,” “glorifying,” etc. These practices are parts of that Vaidhi Bhakti, but the wise should know that they are also parts of this RAgAnugA SAdhana.
In addition to the practices of specialized SmaraNa and KIrtana described in text 294, and the practice of emulating the services of the RAgAtmikA described in text 295, the practitioner of RAgAnugA SAdhana should also execute the activities outlined in the list of 64 practices of Vaidhi SAdhana. The practitioner of RAgAnugA SAdhana, however, will execute these practices with a slightly different internal approach than the practitioner of Vaidhi SAdhana, for he or she should infuse the practices with the particular sentiment of passionate attachment to pleasing Krishna that he or she aspires for.
Vishvanath Chakravarti identifies five ways of infusing these 64 practices with one’s desired sentiments:
“BhAva-maya” – Making a practice saturated with one’s desired sentiments. “BhAva-sambandhI” – Performing a practice in a way that helps one establish and attain one’s desired sentiments. For example, taking shelter of a guru who can help one develop one’s desired sentiments, chanting of a mantra that can help one develop one’s desired sentiments, etc. “BhAva-anukUla” – Performing a practice in a way that is favorable to attaining one’s desired sentiments. For example, respecting the Myrobalan tree, worshipping TulasI, performance of vows like EkAdashi and KArttika, all with a desire to attain one’s desired sentiments. “BhAva-aviruddha” – Performing a practice in a way that nullifies any sentiments potentially counterproductive to one’s own desired sentiment. For example, wearing Tiloka and offering obeisances in a mood that is not in discord with one’s desired sentiments. “BhAva-pratikUla” – If one cannot perform a practice in one of the above ways, it is antagonistic to one’s desired sentiments and one should avoid it. Example of such practices may include certain aspects of arcana like elaborate purification rituals and stylized hand movements (mudra). Other practices might sometimes also fall into this category, like hearing about lIla that embodies sentiments incompatible with one’s own desired sentiments.There is no fault on the practitioner’s part for avoiding the practices that are antagonistic to one’s desired sentiments, but the practitioner of RAgAnugA SAdhana should be very diligent not to neglect the practices that are not antagonistic.
Raganuga and Vaidhi, to a very large extent, appear identicial to the onlooker. Raganuga Sadhana looks just like Vaidhi-Sadhana… the raganuga sadhaka is doing nama-sankirtan throughout the entire day, just as the vaidhi-sadhaka should be. The raganuga sadhaka is watering tulasi, just as the vaidhi-sadhaka does, etc. etc.
The activities are nearly the same in both practices – but the inner, hidden, mentality within those actions is radically different. The eye which has not seen raganuga within itself, cannot distinguish vaidhi from raganuga in what it sees.
To obtain love of Sweet Vrindavana Krsna we must practice Raganuga Sadhana. There is no other way.
BRS 1.4.14
mahima-jïäna-yuktaù syäd vidhi-märgänusäriëäm |
rägänugäçrtiänän tu präyaçaù kevalo bhavet || 14 ||Prema alloyed with knowledge of God’s majesty may be attained by those who follow the path of Vaidhi Sädhana, but if one takes shelter of Rägänugä Sädhana one usually attains unalloyed Prema.
Vaidhi sadhana leads to prema for Narayana, or for “Krsna in the city” – either the city of Mathura, or Dvaraka – where he is more official and not unlimitedly intimate and sweet as he is in Vrndavana. Only Raganuga Sadhana leads to prema for Vrindavana Krsna – “unalloyed prema.”
Anyone who want to attain Vrindavana must practice Raganuga Sadhana, there is no other way. We who are not yet qualified to directly do it must make ourselves qualified ASAP, by hearing and hearing and hearing about Krsna’s pastimes, and praying constantly for the mercy of Krsna that comes through his love-soaked devotees.
Vraja Kishor, JP: Todo que usted quiso saber sobre Raganuga, que no pudo preguntar.
¿Qué es Raganuga? No es una etapa de perfección en la realización piadosa - es un tipo de práctica (sadhana).
Hay dos tipos de práctica devocionales, una es motivada por el hecho de amar a Dios es lo más correcto - éste es “sadhana del vaidhi.” La segunda es motivada por un deseo emocional para saborear un específico del amor divino - éste es “raganuga sadhana.”
BRS (Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu) 1.2.270
virAjantIm abhivyaktAM vraja-vAsI janAdiSu |
rAgAtmikAm anusritA yA sA rAgAnugocyate || 270 ||“RAgAnugA” es aquello que corre trás el intenso apego poderosamente manifestado en los residentes de Vrindaban, etc.
Raganuga sadhana es la práctica que sigue después de un específico gusto por el apego emocional a Krsna en amor divino.
¿Cuál es la calificación para hacerlo?
La cualificación para el vaidhi-sadhana es tener una fuerte comprensión de las escrituras, y así lograr la convicción firme de que amar a Dios es hacer la cosa realmente correcta. La cualificación para el raganuga-sadhana, es que usted desea fuertemente un tipo específico de amor de Dios - no porque sea correcto o sea incorrecto, ni por otra razón en absoluto, sino porque usted la quiere. Tampoco por desearla una sola vez o por dos veces, sino realmente, que siempre la quiere, y cada vez más y más, la vas queriendo, sin querer otras cosas.. Si usted tiene esta ansía emocional por un tipo específico de amor a Dios, usted tiene que llevar la practica de Raganuga-Sadhana.
BRS 1.2.291
rAgAtmikAika-niSThA ye vraja-vAsI-janAdayaH |
teSAM bhAvAptaye lubdho bhaved atrAdhikAravAn || 291 ||Una persona elegible para este RAgAnugA tiene un ansía singular y constante de obtener los sentimientos de un RAgAtmikA como los residentes de Vraja.
¿Cómo se consigue este apego emocional por un sabor específico de amor divino por Krsna - un sabor ejemplificado en un devoto perfecto del “ragatmika” de Krsna? Usted oye y oye y oye y oye hablar Krsna. Como usted oye y oye hablar los pasatiempos del amor divino de Krsna, usted comenzará naturalmente a experimentar que algunos de estos pasatiempos atraen su corazón e importan más que los otros pasatiempos. La continuación de oír y oír y oír constantemente esto llega a ser cada vez más obvio - y el ansía por el amor divino es similar al qué se expresa en esos pasatiempos preferidos que chispea a la vida - y uno puede llevar al raganuga-sadhana.
La muestra de la cualificación para que el principio del raganuga se convierta es que uno comienza a tener el sentimiento emocional de oír hablar esos tipos específicos pasatiempos de amor a Krsna.
BRS 1.2.292
tat-tad-bhAvAdi-mAdhurye shrute dhIryAd apekSate |
nAtra shAstraM na yuktiM ca tal-lobhotpatti-lakSaNaM || 292 ||La audiencia sobre los dulces sentimientos de un RAgAtmikA que sea impulsado por su disposición y deseo, no por la prescripción o la lógica de la escritura, es la muestra que tal ansía está comenzando a desarrollarse
Conseguir un ansía específica por el amor a Krsna como resultado de zambullirse en el oír hablar de sus pasatiempos del amor no sucede a todos el mundo. Es una gran fortuna. Solamente un alma especial lo atrae y los absorbes la misericordia especial de los devotos de Krsna y de mismo Krsna y logra así el ansía para un sabor específico del amor de Dios.
BRS 1.2.309
kriSNa-tad-bhakta-kAruNya-mAtra-lAbhaika-hetukA |
La misericordia de Krishna y de su bhakta es la única causa que crea el ansía.
Mientras que oyen y oyen y cultivan un sentido del gusto por el amor divino de Krsna, debemos gritar por la bendición especial de Krsna, los devotos en los pasatiempos amorosos de Krsna, y los devotos obramos recíprocamente como en nuestras vidas. Mientras que hacen todo esto debemos confiar en el Vaidhi sadhana - y por tanto esfuerzo para entender escrupulosamente las escrituras y las razones por las que existe Dios, porqué existe el mundo, porqué existimos, por qué nuestra relación con Dios y con el mundo, y el valor sin igual de la existencia dentro del mundo del amor de Dios.
BRS 1.2.293
vaidha-bhakty adhikArI tu bhAvAvirbhavanAvadhi |
atra shAstraM tathA tarkam anukUlam apekSate || 293 ||Uno es elegible para Vaidhi Bhakti, y confía así en las prescripciones de las escrituras y los argumentos favorables, hasta el punto que la inclinación para un sentimiento particular aparece en su corazón.
Esto implica que antes de conseguir un sentimiento emocional específico por el amor de Dios uno debe confiar en el Vaidhi. Las ayudas antedichas de que del Vaidhi se puede llevar a Raganuga, pero no se llega automáticamente a él. Uno debe esforzarse muy y mucho para desarrollar una atracción emocional hacia el amor a Krsna, mientras que hace el Vaidhi-bhakti. Sin este esfuerzo completo, el vaidhi-bhakti no lleva al raganuga sadhana y más allá.
¿Cómo usted hace Raganuga?
BRS 1.2.294
kriSNaM smaran janaM cAsya preSThaM nija-samihitam |
tat-tat-kathA-ratash cAsau kuryAd vAsaM vraje sadA || 294 ||En RAgAnugA SAdhana, uno debe comtemplar la forma específica de Krishna uno tiene que verlo como lo más estimado, y de las cualidades especificas de los devoto cuyos sentimientos uno desea más, y uno debe hablar sobre el afecto que tienen por Él; haciendo estas dos cosas, una residirá siempre en Vraja.
El elemento principal sobre la vida interna de un vaidhi sadhaka es que a él o a ella es motivado por un sentimiento de que “esto es la motivación correcta para hacerla, y la hará.”
El mundo interno de los raganuga sadhaka es diferente, se encuentra en una sola linea de que “yo debo lograr ese amor a Krsna, y así que haré estas cosas!”
El raganuga sadhaka desea un tipo específico de amor de Krsna… así que el día íntimo se pasa pensando en el amor de Krsna que uno desea. Por ejemplo, uno desea conseguir el amor paterno de Krsna, pues se pasaría el día entero pensando en Yashoda Mayi o Nanda Baba, y en el pequeño bebé Gopal Krsna.
Este pensamiento íntimo confluyen, en unas palabras - uno pasa todos los momentos ociosos del día en hablar a la madre Yashoda y a Gopal, por ejemplo - y canta las canciones que se centran en los nombres como son yashomati-nandana o el damodara-lila, etc. etc. etc.
BRS 1.2.295
sevA Sadhaka-rUpeNa siddha-rUpeNa cAtra hi |
tad-bhAva-lipsunA kAryA vraja-lokAnusArataH || 295 ||En RAgAnugA SAdhana uno emula a los residentes de Vraja cuyos sentimientos uno desee lograr. Uno debe emular los servicios que realizan en su forma como practicantes y en su forma como alma perfeccionada.
Esencialmente, en raganuga sadhana, uno tiene un héroe (ine) entre los amantes perfectos de Vrindavana - persona de Krsna que le inspire a uno que ame Krsna con el mismo humor específico que lo hacen, su héroe (ine). Uno tiene que vivir su vida externa e interna emulando a ese héroe (ine).
Internamente uno medita realmente en el servicio de esa personalidad directamente, y externamente uno medita en el comportamiento como un sadhaka. También tienen a menudo sadhaka rupa en Gaura Lila que han fijado ejemplos claros que podemos seguir a este respecto.
Un ejemplo práctico de esto es hacer Kirtana. Ésa es la actividad externa después del Gaura Lila. Internamente mientras que se hace kirtana, un Raganuga sadhaka que aspira a amar a Krsna en el humor de los amigos de Radharani puede hacer Kirtana en la meditación de ayudar a sus amigos dice en voz alta a Radha y Krsna que acaba de desaparecer del círculo maravilloso del Rasa-lila (baile con las gopis), buscando a la Divina Pareja a través de los bosques divinos. Éste es un humilde ejemplo entre muchas posibilidades de cómo este verso se ejecuta prácticamente en la vida de cada día de un raganuga sadhaka.
BRS 1.2.296
shravaNot-kIrtanAdIni vaidha-bhakty uditAni tu |
yAny angAni ca tany atra vijñeyAni manISibhiH || 296 ||Mencioné previamente muchas prácticas, en la sección del Vaidhi Bhakti, como la “charlas,” “glorificación,” etc. Estas prácticas son parte de ese Vaidhi Bhakti, pero el sabio debe saber que él es también partes de este RAgAnugA SAdhana. Además de las prácticas de SmaraNa especializado y de KIrtana descritos en el texto 294, y de la práctica de emular los servicios del RAgAtmikA descrito en el texto 295, el practicante de RAgAnugA SAdhana debe también ejecutar las actividades explicadas en la lista de 64 prácticas del Vaidhi SAdhana. El practicante de RAgAnugA SAdhana, sin embargo, ejecutará estas prácticas con un acercamiento interno levemente diverso que el practicante de Vaidhi SAdhana, porque él o ella debe infundir las prácticas con el sentimiento particular del sentimiento apasionado a satisfacer a Krishna para el cual él o ella aspire.
Vishvanath Chakravarti identifica cinco maneras de infundir estas 64 prácticas con sus sentimientos deseados:
“BhAva-maya” - haciendo una práctica saturada con sus sentimientos deseados.
“BhAva-sambandhI” - realizando una práctica de una manera que ayuda a uno para establecer y para lograr sus sentimientos deseados. Por ejemplo, tomando el abrigo de un gurú que puede ayudarlo a uno para desarrollar sus sentimientos deseados, el cantar de un mantra que puede ayudar a uno para desarrollar sus sentimientos deseados, el etc.
“BhAva-anukUla” - realizando una práctica de una manera que es favorable para lograr sus sentimientos deseados. Por ejemplo, respetando el árbol del Myrobalan, el TulasI que adora, realizando votos como EkAdashi y KArttika, todo con un deseo de lograr sus sentimientos deseados.
“BhAva-aviruddha” - realizando una práctica de una manera que anule cualquier sentimiento potencialmente contraproducente a su sentimiento deseado. Por ejemplo, Tiloka que usa y el ofrecimiento de obediencia, en un humor que no está en discordia con sus sentimientos deseados.
“BhAva-pratikUla” - si uno no puede realizar una práctica en una de las maneras antedichas, es antagónico a sus sentimientos deseados y uno debe evitarlo. El ejemplo de tales prácticas puede incluir ciertos aspectos de arcana como los rituales elaborados y los movimientos estilizados de la mano (mudra) de purificación. Otras prácticas pudieron a veces también entrar en esta categoría, como oír hablar lIla que incorpora los sentimientos incompatibles con lo su sentimientos deseados. No hay error por la pieza del practicante para evitar las prácticas que son antagónicas a sus sentimientos deseados, pero el practicante de RAgAnugA SAdhana debe ser muy diligente no descuidar las prácticas que no son antagónicas.
Raganuga y Vaidhi, aparecen en gran medida idénticas al espectador. Raganuga Sadhana parece como el Vaidhi-Sadhana… el raganuga sadhaka hacen nama-sankirtan durante el día entero, así pues el vaidhi-sadhaka lo hará. El raganuga sadhaka está regando el tulasi, así el vaidhi-sadhaka, también, etc. etc.
Las actividades son casi iguales en ambas prácticas - pero la intimidad, lo que no vemos y permanece oculto, la mentalidad dentro de esas acciones es radicalmente diferente. Los ojos que no han visto el raganuga dentro de sí mismo, no puede distinguir la diferencia entre el vaidhi del raganuga.
Para obtener el dulce amor de Krsna en Vrindavana debemos practicar Raganuga Sadhana. No hay otra manera.
BRS 1.4.14
mahima-jïäna-yuktaù syäd vidhi-märgänusäriëäm |
rägänugäçrtiänän tu präyaçaù kevalo bhavet || 14 ||El Prema aleó con el conocimiento de la majestad de Dios se puede lograr por los que siguen la trayectoria del Vaidhi Sädhana, pero si uno toma el abrigo de Rägänugä Sädhana uno logra generalmente Prema no aleado. El Vaidhi sadhana lleva al prema por Narayana, o por “la ciudad de Krsna” - la ciudad de Mathura, o Dvaraka - donde Él está más funcionario y sin ilimitada intimidad dulce ya pues Él está en Vrndavana. Solamente Raganuga Sadhana lleva al prema por Vrindavana de Krsna - “prema no aleado.” Cualquier persona que quiera lograr Vrindavana debe practicar Raganuga Sadhana, allí no hay ninguna otra manera. Que todavía no estemos cualificado directamente pues debemos conseguir estar calificados CUANTO ANTES, oyendo y oyendo y oyendo hablar de los pasatiempos de Krsna, y rogando constantemente por la misericordia de Krsna que venga a través de sus devotos empapados de amor.
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Gouranga TV: Harinama in Madrid with Sacinandana Swami and Madhava Prabhu – Kirtan Fiesta 2010
Harinama in Madrid with Sacinandana Swami and Madhava Prabhu – Kirtan Fiesta 2010
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
"Lord Jagannath is an ocean of mercy and as beautiful as a row of blackish rain clouds.
He is the storehouse of bliss for Laksmi and Sarasvati, and His face resembles a spotless fullblown lotus. The best of demigods and sages worship Him, and the Upanisads sing His glories. May that Jagannath Swami be the object of my vision."
Lord Jagannath grants us His darsana during His 5-seconds sun bath today!
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